There are the following Types of Questions in English:
General question
Special question to the SUBJECT
Special questions to other parts of sentences
Alternative question
Tag-question (Disjunctive question)
General question
It begins with a VERB !
forms of TO BE AUXILIARY verbs
am, is, are; was, were; do,does:did; will;
can, must, should; have,has,had, etc.
have got
General question
ARE you sure? – No, we ARE not.
DID he find…? – Yes, he DID.
HAS she been…? – No, she HAS not.
WILL he go…? – Yes, he WILL.
The verb which is the FIRST in a question - must be in an answer
Special question to the SUBJECT
Begins with WHO / WHAT
It is VERY easy to form!
BEN was there. – WHO was there?
THEY wrote the letter. – WHO wrote the letter?
I WILL meet her. - WHO will meet her?
THE PICTURE is on the wall. WHAT is on the wall?
Special question to the SUBJECT
WHO was there? – Ben was.
WHO wrote the letter? – They did.
WHO will meet her? – I will.
What was on the wall? – The picture was.
Special questions to other parts of sentences
Long questions, long answers
She seldom writes letters to her friends.
How often DOES she write letters to her friends? – She seldom writes letters to her friends.
Who DOES she seldom write letters to? –She seldom writes letters to her friends.
OR: Whom DOES she seldom write letters?
Alternative question
Long questions, long answers
DOES she OR he seldom write letters to the friends? – She seldom writes letters to her friends.
NB! We can ask an alternative question to ANY word of the sentence!
Tag-question (Disjunctive question)
Tom likes to play, doesn’t he? – Yes, he does.
Lena and Mary don’t play, do they? –No, they don’t.
We saw a film, didn’t we? – Yes, we did.
Pete has got a pet, hasn’t he? – No, he hasn’t (got).
Mum won’t do it, will she? – Yes, she will.
Nobody knew him, did they? – Yes, they did.
Nick can read, can’t he? – No, he can’t.
Tag-question (Disjunctive question)
General rules
………+……….., ……-………?
………-…………, ……+………?
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