Упражнения на закрепление времен английского языка
Оценка 4.6

Упражнения на закрепление времен английского языка

Оценка 4.6
Интерактивная доска +2
английский язык
3 кл—4 кл
Упражнения на закрепление времен английского языка
Тренажер времен английского языка
!4 повторение времен_.docx

Повторение материала за  4 класс.


What tense is it:


1. I often swim in summer.

2. My friends went yesterday.

3. They will play football next week.

4. Mum cooked dinner last Monday.

5. I sometimes read books in the evening.

6. She likes tea, not coffee.

7. We don't go to school. We are four.

8. You won't come late.

9. Do your friends go shopping together?

10. Will you help me?

11. Mark didn't go on rides last Saturday.

12. Lola doesn't clean her room every day.

13. Does he run well?

14. Did you like this film?

15. When will she go to Asia?

16. Liz won't go boating tomorrow.

17. I want to have the best car.

18. He brings a lot of gifts every summer.

19. They travelled a lot.

20. You swam well.

21. She'll wash the dishes soon.

22. Where did he walk?

23. Why won't she sing songs?

24. How do you feel?

25. Has he got a family?

26. I am the shortest in my class.

27. Max and I were fine.

28. I shall go to Moscow.

29. You shan't be the worst player.

30. What is your name?

31. I can clean the cages.

32. They helped parents.

33. I have just eaten my breakfast.

34. They are cleaning the room now.

35. We haven't come home yet.

36. Mary is running at the moment.

37. Look! She is swimming.

38. Mr. Black's already watered the flowers.

39. My room is tydy. I've just cleaned it.



                              I.            Put the verbs in the right tense.

       1. We usually (to read) books in the evening.

       2. They often (to clean) the house twice a week.

       3. You sometimes (to eat) breakfast in the restaurant.

        4. My friends (to run) in the park every morning.

        5. I (to like) tea, I always (to drink) it

        6. He seldom (to watch) TV in the evening.

        7. My sisters seldom (to break) the window.

        8. You (to be) always a good pupils.

        9.  He  (to be) usually a famous boy.


               II. Put the verbs in the right tense.


    1. I (to sing) songs yesterday.

    2. Mark (to buy) gifts yesterday.

    3. They (to go) to Moscow last week.

    4. Mary (to swim) a lot a month ago.

    5. You ( to cook) dinner last Monday.

    6. Max ( to become) a famous poet a year ago.

    7. They ( to break ) the vase yesterday.

    8. School ( to begin) a month ago.

    9. I (to eat) yesterday.


               III. Put the verbs in the right tense.


1. We (to fly) to the South soon.

2. My parents (to wash) the dishes in some minutes.

3. I (to go) to the cinema next Sunday

4. My friend (to read) this book soon.

5. They (to come) home tomorrow.

6. She (to buy) presents next week.

7. I (to drink) tea in a minute.

8. They (to be)  famous writers next week.

9. My brother (to come) tomorrow.


                IV. Put the verbs in the right tense.


1.   We already (to have) breakfast.

2.   You just (to read) this book.

3.   My friends (to clean) the house yet.

4.   Mike (to wash) the dishes. They are clean now.

5.   I alredy (to buy) a new cap.

6.   Nick and Laura (to redecorate) the room. It is nice.

7.   Jack just (to get) a five. He is verry happy.

8.   Vicky (to bring) a computer. She can play games now.

9.   They (to choose) a new house yet.


                 V. Put the verbs in the right tense.


1.   You (to come) home now.

2.   Natasha (to have) lunch at the moment.

3.   I (to do) my test now.

4.   We (to clean) the car at the moment.

5.   Look! He (to swim) in the river.

6.   listen! Somebody (to sing).

7.   Look! These children (to play) football.

8.   Linda (to cook) now.

9.   My sisters (to paint) at the moment.

     Correct the mistakes:

1.   Whales are larger animals in the world.

2.   Tigers are fastest than cats.

3.   Ostriches are taller birds.

4.   Mice are small than dogs.

5.   Mike is gooder than Peter.

6.   Lulu is clever than Bob.

7.   Your bike is badder than his.

8.   This book is the interestesting.

9.   These girls are beautifuller than those.

10.         Her bag is more red than mine.

11.         Crocodiles are danderouser than horses.

12.         Cows are not more clever than rabbits.

13.         Paul is fatter than Nick.

14.         They is shortest than we.



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Повторение материала за 4 класс

Повторение материала за 4 класс

You shan't be the worst player

You shan't be the worst player

They (to go) to Moscow last week

They (to go) to Moscow last week

V. Put the verbs in the right tense

V. Put the verbs in the right tense
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