1.Отгадайте значение слов с "интернациональными " корнями.
Student, exam, group, maths, music, seminar, discuss, geodesy, lecture, rector, practical , academic, physics, material, chemistry, person.
2 . Подберите русские соответствия английским словам к выражения
Academic year, term, test, to elect, responsible, different, somehow, to read up for, to take notes, to amuse oneself, to go to the pictures, spare time, to try, during, hard. |
Упорно, различный, ходить в кино, во время, учебный год, как-то, свободное время, делать записи, зачет, развлекаться, ответственный, семестр, пытаться, выбирать, готовиться.
3. Выучите новые слова и выражения по теме.
1.Day-time department - дневное отделение.
2. Here are some words - вот несколько слов.
3. Twice a year- два раза в год.
4 As a rule - как правило.
5. A monitor- староста.
6. To be responsible — нести ответственность.
7 To attend - посещать.
8. Tutorials-занятия под руководством преподавателя.
9. Different-различный.
10. To read up for- готовиться к чему-либо.
11. Spare time -свободное время..
12. To try to amuse oneself - пытаться развлечься.
13. Humanities - предметы гуманитарного цикла.
14. Foreign Languages - иностранные языки.
4.Переведите предложения с новыми словами.
Students have little spare time
When we have spare time we try to amuse ourselves somehow.
We study at the day-time department.
Students attend lectures and tutorials.
Here are some words about our students' life.
Twice a year students have vacations. Students attend lectures on different subjects. Students read up for seminars at the library or at home.
There are 25 students in each group as a rule.
Every group elects (выбирает) a monitor.
A monitor is responsible for the group.
5 . Выполните задания по образцу.
Образец: 1 student: «The year is divided into twelve months. And what about the month?» (four weeks)
2 student: «The month is divided into four weeks.»
1 .The year is divided into twelve months. And what about the academic year? (two terms) 2. Pupils are divided into classes. And what about students? (academic groups) 3.Roads in the country are divided into five technical classes. And what about motorcars? (four categories) 4. Students are divided into full-time students (дневного отделения) and into part-time students (вечернего отделения). And what about teachers? (lecturers and assistants)
6. Обсудите, что делают студенты в указанное время.
Образец; 1 Student: «Students study in November. And in April?» 2 student: «They study in April, too.
1. Students attend (посещают) lectures on Monday. And on Thursday? 2.Students spend much time (проводят много времени) at the Institute on Friday. And on Tuesday? 3. Students try to amuse themselves somehow (стараются как-то развлечься) on Saturday. And on Sunday? 4. Students have vacations in February. And in July? 5. Students take exams in June. And in January?
7. Обсудите, кто за кого или за что несет ответственность .
Образец: 1 student. The President is responsible for the country. And what about the principal (директор школы)? 2 student. The principal is responsible for the school.
1.The dean (декан) is responsible for the faculty. And what about the monitor? (the group) 2. The rector is responsible for the Institute. And what about the lecturer? (several groups) 3. The doctor is responsible for his patients. And what about the teacher? (pupils)
8. Закончите предложения соответствующим образом.
The monitr The lecturer The dean The rector The president Every group Every Institute Every faculty |
is responsible for elects |
the faculty the University the group several groups the country a rector a dean a monitor
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