Дата проведения
9 класс
Урок 1. Летние каникулы
Цели: знакомство учащихся с учебником, его структурой и особенностями; формирование навыков чтения и аудирования; нвсдение новой страноведческой информации по теме «Достопримечательности».
Ход урока
I Организационный момент
- Good morning, dear friends! (Good morning, teacher!)
- I am glad to see you. (We are glad to see you too.)
- How are you today? (We are fine, thank you. How are you?)
- I am fine, thanks. Today we are going to look through your new textbook and find out why teenagers enjoy holidays so much.
II. Ознакомление учащихся с учебником
- This year you have got a new textbook. Let's study its structure. Look through the names of the units. You see that we shall speak about the role of family and friends in our life. We shall learn the information about English-speaking countries and compare them with the Russian Federation. We'll see if travelling is popular nowadays. You will understand how important it is to be tolerant and to live in peace. At the end of the book there are lists of personal and geographical names, a linguistic and cultural guide, grammar reference and a vocabulary. You may use them to find the necessary information. Every unit ends with preparation fortesting and the guide how to be a success in testing. So, ask your questions if you have any.
III. Фонетическая разминка
- Now you know a lot about your textbook. Let's pass over tc our today's topic "Holidays Are a Time for Adventures anc Discoveries".
- What sound is this? Pronounce it. Name the words with this sound. {Monkey, uncle, strong, sing, song, etc.) And we can fine it in the ending -ing Let's train to pronounce it in the correc way. The poem "Hobbies" can help you.
Примерная запись на доске:
Gardening, reading and writing stories,
These are the hobbies of aunt Tory.
Drawing, collecting, singing and others,
These are the hobbies of my brothers.
- Translate the poem, read it after me. Now read the poem in pairs Listen to each other and correct the mistakes if there are any. Read it in a natural manner. Who wants to be the first?
IV. Речевая разминка
- It's time to open your textbooks, page 8. Let's read the task о exercise 1. Can you make up the sentences using the following word combinations? Who is ready with the first sentence?
Учащиеся по цепочке (1 ученик - 1 фраза) зачитывают слово сочетания и переводят их. Задание – составить предложения.
V.Активизация навыков устной речи по теме «Каникулы»
Let's divide into pairs, please. You will ask and answer the question of exercise 2, page 8. We shall listen to your reports in 3 minutes.
Работа в парах проводится в течение 3-4 минут, а затем заслушаются рассказы 3-5 учеников. Образец рассказа в упр. 2, стр. 8 из учебника.
VI .Физкультминутка
VII. Введение страноведческой информации по теме «Достопримечательности»
When people are on holiday they visit different places of interest. We have found out that you were in museums and theatres, galleries and parks last summer. It's time to check up your geographical knowledge. You can see the pictures on page 8, exercise 3 in your textbooks. You will have a minute to match the pictures and their names. What countries are they in?
упр. 3, стр. 8 из учебника. При необходимости дети используют справочник в конце учебника. Время выполнения задания - 2 минуты.
VIll. Развитие навыков аудирования
The next task for you is to listen to the dialogue and choose the right statement in exercise 4. Let's listen to the dialogue again and find out if you are right.
упр. 4, стр. 9 из учебника. После первого прослушивания - ответы 3-4 детей заслушиваются всем классом. С целью проверки - повторное прослушивание аудиозаписи и работа с упр. 5, стр. 9.
IX Формирование навыков чтения и вопросно-ответной работы по тексту
Now we know how Jason spent his summer holidays. Let's answer the questions. They are in exercise 6, page 10 in your textbooks. Who will read the first question? Look through the dialogue. Can you add anything? What do you think about Jason (Julia)?
После повторного прослушивания диалога из упр. 5, стр. 9 учебника ответить на вопросы 11 упр. 6, стр. 10. В конце урока ученики повторяют за диктором фразы из упр. 7 (а), стр. 10 из учебника и читают диалог из упр. 5 стр. 9 в парах.
X. Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Учебник: упр. 5, стр. 9 (выразительное чтение), рабочая тетрадь: упр. 1, 2, стр. 4.
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