Урок 22 Экскурсия для иностранных гостей.9 класс (УМК Биболетовой М.З.)

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Публикация в СМИ для учителей

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9 класс

Урок 22. Экскурсия для иностранных гостей

Цели: совершенствование навыков монологической речи (пре­зентация достопримечательностей); тренировка грамматических навыков по теме «Пассивный залог»; активизация лексических навыков.

Ход урока

I.  Организационный момент

-      Today we shall prepare an excursion about the places of interest for our foreign guests and learn to use the sentences in the Passive Voice.

II.  Фонетическая зарядка

-      Let's remember three forms of irregular verbs. I have the cards with the first form. You will take them one by one and name the forms of these verbs. Who is ready to start?

Вспомнить вторую и третью форму неправильных глаголов.

III.  Речевая разминка

1.  The new school was built in 2005.

2.  The book was read yesterday.

3.  Dinner is being cooked at the moment.

4.  The film is watched every evening.

5.  The floors were being washed when the boy came home.

6.  The room will be cleaned tomorrow.

7.  The toy was made last week.

8.  The homework is done every day.

9.     The house will be repaired in two months.

10.  10. The pencils will be bought next Friday.

IV. Тренировка грамматических навыков по теме «Пассивный залог»

Вариант 1

- Will you look at the blackboard? You have to change the sentences to use passive structures.

Ученики по очереди зачитывают предложения в актив­ном залоге и изменяют их, используя пассивный залог. Примерные предложения на доске:

1. They must visit Mr Grey in the morning.

2.  He will speak to his cousin tomorrow.

3.  They often give her fruits from their garden.

4.  They built a new hospital last year.

5.  She is reading a book at the moment.

6.  When Jack came his sister was preparing supper.

7.1 have done my homework. Now I can go for a walk.

8. He will look after his brother next week.

9. Pupils didn't visit the boy last week.

10. We don't translate poems at home.


1.  Mr Grey must be visited in the morning.

2.  His cousin will be spoken tomorrow.

3.  She is often given fruits from their garden.

4.  A new hospital was built last year.

5.  A book is being read at the moment.

6.  Supper was being prepared when Jack came.

7.  My homework has been done.

8.  His brother will be looked after next week.

9.      The boy was not visited last week.

10.  10. Poems are not translated at home.

Вариант 2

- Now it's time to ask and answer the questions. Do you remember tag-questions? Read the sentences on the cards, make up tag- questions and let your classmates answer them. Для выполнения следующего задания учащиеся получают кар­точки с предложениями. Задание для учеников: прочитать пред­ложение и составить разделительный вопрос, на который будут отвечать одноклассники.

Примерное задание на карточке:

1.  America was discovered in 1492, ...?

2.  All dictionaries are always made in two languages, ...?

3.  The English language is taught in all schools of Russia, ...?

4.  Two apples are given to you every day, ...?

5.  Kate is being asked now, ...?

6.  Grapes are not grown in the North, ...?

7.  Your homework must be done every day, ...?

8.  People in hospitals should be visited, ...?

9.     English idioms are not easily memorized, ...?

10.  10. Jazz was not created in the United States, ...?


1.  America was discovered in 1492, wasn't it? (Yes, it was. America was discovered in 1492.)

2.  All dictionaries are always made in two languages, aren't they? (No, they are not. The dictionaries are not always made in two languages.)

3.   The English language is taught in all schools of Russia, isn't it? (No, it is not. The English language is not taught in all schools of Russia.)

4.   Two apples are given to you every day, aren't they? (Yes, they are not. Two apples are given to me every day.)

5.  Kate is being asked now, isn't she? (No, she is not. Kate is not being asked now.)

6.  Oranges are not grown in the North, are they? (No, they are. They are not grown in the North.)

7.  Your homework must be done every day, mustn't it? (Yes, it must. My homework must be done every day.)

8.  People in hospitals should be visited, shouldn't they? (Yes, they should. People in hospitals should be visited.)

9.  English idioms are not easily memorized, are they? (Yes, they are. English idioms are not easily memorized.)

10. Jazz was not created in the United States, was it? (Yes, it was. Jazz was created in the United States.)

V. Активизация материала текста по теме «Достопримечательности Москвы»

-      Will you open your textbooks, please? It's exercise 109, page 49. Look through the text and answer the question of exercise 110, page 50. Who is ready to read the questions and the best answers? Who will read the second question?

выполнение упр. 110, стр. 50 из учебника. Ученики просматривают текст из упр. 109, стр. 49 и соотносят вопросы и подходящие варианты ответов из упр. 110, стр. 50. Сна­чала ученикам дается 3-4 минуты на самостоятельное выполнение упражнения, а затем организуется устная проверка задания.

VI.  Физкультминутка

VII. Активизация лексических навыков и навыков устной речи

-      And now it's time to practise today's vocabulary. You will complete the sentences from exercise 111, page 50. At first you will read the sentences to yourself and complete them, then you will read your variants aloud one by one. Be attentive, please. You must not mix the tenses.

упр. 111, стр. 50 из учебника. Ученики сначала самостоятельно просматривают предложения и дополняют их, а затем зачитывают свои варианты предложений из данного упражнения вслух по очереди. Также на данном этапе урока учащимися в парах или индивидуально выполняется упр. 112, стр. 50 из учебника.

VIII.  Совершенствование навыков монологической речи

-      Now it's time to prepare the story for an excursion about the places of interest. Look at the pictures on the blackboard. You can see the famous places of our town. Divide into groups of four and make up a story for the foreign guests. Your time is up. Who will be the first?

упр. 113, стр. 51 .Ученики делятся на группы по 4 человека. Учащиеся готовят рассказ-презентацию по теме «Достопримечательности родного города» в течение 4-5 минут, а затем группы по очереди представляют свои рассказы, используя картинки.

IX.  Подведение итогов урока

Домашнее задание

Рабочая тетрадь: упр. 3, 4, стр. 19.

1.  America was discovered in 1492, ...?

2.  All dictionaries are always made in two languages, ...?

3.  The English language is taught in all schools of Russia, ...?

4.  Two apples are given to you every day, ...?

5.  Kate is being asked now, ...?

6.  Grapes are not grown in the North, ...?

7.  Your homework must be done every day, ...?

8.  People in hospitals should be visited, ...?

9.     English idioms are not easily memorized, ...?

10.  10. Jazz was not created in the United States, ...?


1.  America was discovered in 1492, ...?

2.  All dictionaries are always made in two languages, ...?

3.  The English language is taught in all schools of Russia, ...?

4.  Two apples are given to you every day, ...?

5.  Kate is being asked now, ...?

6.  Grapes are not grown in the North, ...?

7.  Your homework must be done every day, ...?

8.  People in hospitals should be visited, ...?

9.     English idioms are not easily memorized, ...?

10.  10. Jazz was not created in the United States, ...?


1.  America was discovered in 1492, ...?

2.  All dictionaries are always made in two languages, ...?

3.  The English language is taught in all schools of Russia, ...?

4.  Two apples are given to you every day, ...?

5.  Kate is being asked now, ...?

6.  Grapes are not grown in the North, ...?

7.  Your homework must be done every day, ...?

8.  People in hospitals should be visited, ...?

9.     English idioms are not easily memorized, ...?

10.  10. Jazz was not created in the United States, ...?


1.  America was discovered in 1492, ...?

2.  All dictionaries are always made in two languages, ...?

3.  The English language is taught in all schools of Russia, ...?

4.  Two apples are given to you every day, ...?

5.  Kate is being asked now, ...?

6.  Grapes are not grown in the North, ...?

7.  Your homework must be done every day, ...?

8.  People in hospitals should be visited, ...?

9.     English idioms are not easily memorized, ...?

10.  10. Jazz was not created in the United States, ...?


1.  America was discovered in 1492, ...?

2.  All dictionaries are always made in two languages, ...?

3.  The English language is taught in all schools of Russia, ...?

4.  Two apples are given to you every day, ...?

5.  Kate is being asked now, ...?

6.  Grapes are not grown in the North, ...?

7.  Your homework must be done every day, ...?

8.  People in hospitals should be visited, ...?

9.     English idioms are not easily memorized, ...?

10.  10. Jazz was not created in the United States, ...?



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