Дата проведения
9 класс
Урок 30. Употребление артикля с географическими названиями
Цели: обобщение грамматического материала (употребление артикля с географическими названиями); совершенствование навыков поискового чтения; активизация лексических навыков.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Today we shall have a talk about English as a language of the world.
II. Речевая разминка
- First I want you to answer my questions. Be active and give the full answers.
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы по теме урока.
Примерные вопросы учителя:
1. What dangerous parts of the world can you name?
2. What countries do you want to visit? Why?
3. Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling, don't they?
4. What kinds of transport do you prefer?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by plane (by car, by bus, by ship)?
6. People travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, don't they?
7. Do you agree that travelling is the best way of learning the world? Give your arguments.
III. Активизация грамматических навыков (видовременные формы глагола Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Indefinite)
- It's time to remember Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous and Past Simple.
Use Past Simple, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous and open the brackets.
1. We (to buy) this house in 1994.
2. Where are you? I (to wait) you for an hour already.
3. He (not to build) the house yet.
4. Kate (to wash) the floor for twenty minutes and she (to clean) two rooms in her flat.
5. Where you (to meet) Mary and John the day before yesterday?
6. The children (to play) football since three o'clock but they are not tired.
7. Where is the money? -I (to put) it on the table.
8. Can you see my glasses? - I (to look) for them for ten minutes but I (not to find) them yet.
IV. Обобщение грамматического материала по теме «Артикль»
- I want you to look at the geographical names of exercise 14, page 64-65 in your textbooks. Who will read the task? Can you answer the questions? Listen and repeat the words after the speaker. Open your exercise-books and complete the sentences from exercise 15, page 65. Do you agree with these opinions?
Учитель привлекает внимание учащихся к таблице из упр. 14, стр. 64-65. Учащиеся читают за диктором географические названия из данной таблицы хором и индивидуально. Письменно в тетрадях выполняют упр. 15, стр. 65 из учебника.
V. Активизация лексических навыков по теме «Путешествие»
- The next task for you is exercise 17, page 65. You can see two boxes and the English words. Let's play with these words. You will make up as many word combinations as you can.
упр. 17, 18 стр. 65 из учебника. Ученики читают слова из рамочек про себя и составляют различные словосочетания.
VI. Физкультминутка
VII. Совершенствование навыков поискового чтения
- Are you interested in new facts on geography? Where can you find the information about different countries, strange places, etc.? Do you watch TV or read newspapers and magazines to learn new information? Let's read the information from exercise 19, page 66. It's from a teen magazine. You will read the article to yourself and answer the questions before the text. Your time is up. Who can answer the questions?
Учитель предлагает учащимся прочитать статью из журнала для подростков из упр. 19, стр. 66 из учебника и ответить на вопросы, которые приводятся перед текстом. После небольшой предварительной беседы ученики читают информацию в течение 3 минут, а затем ответы учащихся заслушиваются всем классом.
VIII. Закрепление лексических навыков
- Will you read the task of exercise 20, page 66? Let's divide into pairs. You can see different sentences and the verbs to complete them. Now work in groups of four and check your classmates' variants. Can you read and translate the sentences?
Ученики делятся на пары для выполнения упр. 20, стр. 66.
IX. Подведение итогов урока
- Домашнее задание
Рабочая тетрадь: упр. 5, 6, стр. 25-26.
9 form
Use Past Simple, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous and open the brackets.
1. We (to buy) this house in 1994.
2. Where are you? I (to wait) you for an hour already.
3. He (not to build) the house yet.
4. Kate (to wash) the floor for twenty minutes and she (to clean) two rooms in her flat.
5. Where you (to meet) Mary and John the day before yesterday?
6. The children (to play) football since three o'clock but they are not tired.
7. Where is the money? -I (to put) it on the table.
8. Can you see my glasses? - I (to look) for them for ten minutes but I (not to find) them yet.
9 form
Use Past Simple, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous and open the brackets.
1. We (to buy) this house in 1994.
2. Where are you? I (to wait) you for an hour already.
3. He (not to build) the house yet.
4. Kate (to wash) the floor for twenty minutes and she (to clean) two rooms in her flat.
5. Where you (to meet) Mary and John the day before yesterday?
6. The children (to play) football since three o'clock but they are not tired.
7. Where is the money? -I (to put) it on the table.
8. Can you see my glasses? - I (to look) for them for ten minutes but I (not to find) them yet.
9 form
Use Past Simple, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous and open the brackets.
1. We (to buy) this house in 1994.
2. Where are you? I (to wait) you for an hour already.
3. He (not to build) the house yet.
4. Kate (to wash) the floor for twenty minutes and she (to clean) two rooms in her flat.
5. Where you (to meet) Mary and John the day before yesterday?
6. The children (to play) football since three o'clock but they are not tired.
7. Where is the money? -I (to put) it on the table.
8. Can you see my glasses? - I (to look) for them for ten minutes but I (not to find) them yet.
9 form
Use Past Simple, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous and open the brackets.
1. We (to buy) this house in 1994.
2. Where are you? I (to wait) you for an hour already.
3. He (not to build) the house yet.
4. Kate (to wash) the floor for twenty minutes and she (to clean) two rooms in her flat.
5. Where you (to meet) Mary and John the day before yesterday?
6. The children (to play) football since three o'clock but they are not tired.
7. Where is the money? -I (to put) it on the table.
8. Can you see my glasses? - I (to look) for them for ten minutes but I (not to find) them yet.
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