Дата проведения
9 класс
Урок 58. Причины конфликтов
Цели: развитие навыков аудирования с основным пониманием прослушанной информации; закрепление грамматических навыков по теме «Косвенная речь»; формирование навыков поискового ч тения и чтения с пониманием основного содержания.
Ход урока
I Организационный момент
- Today we shall have a talk about different reasons which can cause conflicts.
II. Тренировка орфографического навыка по теме «Конфликт»
- Look at the blackboard, please. Put the letters in the following words in the correct order and read the words on the topic "Conflict".
Задание для учащихся: поставить буквы в словах в правильном порядке и прочитать слова по теме «Конфликт
Примерное задание на доске или на карточке:
Put the letters in the following words in the correct order and read (translate) the words.
CAPEES (Escape.)
CTFLICON (Conflict.)
TACONCT (Contact.)
CHAEXNGE (Exchange.)
UNIREON (Reunion.)
SERTICONVAVE (Conservative.)
RACMILE (Miracle)
GERFIN (Finger.)
HOILDCHOD (Childhood.)
GAMANEZI (Magazine.)
III. Развитие навыков аудирования по теме «Конфликт»
- We have read and listened to the story about Carrie and the rose pin. It's time to listen to the last part of the story. Open your textbooks, please. You will answer the question from exercise 23, page 109 in your textbook. Who can read and translate the question?
упр. 23, стр. 109 из учебника. Перед прослушиванием - беседа по содержанию предыдущих частей рассказа.
Примерные вопросы: « Who gave a rose pin to Carrie's mother? Why did her family escape from Germany during the war? Why did the great-grandmother go to the capital of France? Why did Angela tell Carrie the story of a rose pin?». После прослушивания аудиозаписи - ответить на вопрос из задания упр. 23, стр. 109.
IV. Активизация грамматических навыков
- We have read the story "The Rose Pin". One of the main characters of the story is Carrie. Read what she wrote in her diary a year later. You will work in pairs: the first pupil will read the first sentence and his partner will repeat it using the Reported Speech. The second pupil will read the next sentence and his partner will rephrase it in the Reported Speech. Is everything clear?
упр. 24, стр. 109 - перефразировать, используя косвенную речь. Учащиеся работают в парах в течение 3 минут.
Примерное задание на карточке:
1. Michelle Gayle. Ann had her own dressing room.
2. T h e girls. We are looking for the boyfriends.
3. D i с k. My father doesn't want me to go to the disco.
4. N i с k's s i s t e r. I like to read books.
5. The journalist. Caroline has got three tapes for the Walkman.
6. M у cousin. All the boys try to look really cool driving up and down in their dads' cars.
1. Michelle Gayle said that Ann had had her own dressing room.
2. The girls said that they were looking for the boyfriends.
3. Dick said that his father didn't want him to go to the disco.
4. Nick's sister said that she liked to read books.
5. The journalist said that Caroline had got three tapes for the Walkman.
6. My cousin said that all the boys tried to look really cool driving up and down in their dads' cars.
V. Тренировка навыков устной речи
- It is important to know the reasons which can cause conflicts. What can cause a conflict? You can see some reasons in exercise 9, page 45 in your Workbooks. Complete three sentences using the following phrases. The next task for you is exercise 25, page 109 in the textbooks.
РТ упр. 9, стр. 45-46
упр. 25,стр. 109 из учебника.
VI. Физкультминутка
VII. Совершенствование лексических навыков (словообразование)
- We have learnt different ways of word building. What ways can you name? Who can read the task of exercise 26, page 110 in your textbooks? You will listen to the lists of words and write down the missing nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
стр. 110, упр. 26. - заполнить таблицу.
VIII.Формирование навыков чтения
- As you see, conflicts can be caused with different reasons. It's time to read a talk show host's speech and answer the questions from exercise 27, page 110 in your textbooks. Is everything clear? Start then. Have you read the text? Who is ready to answer the questions? Why do you think so? How can you prove it?
упр. 27, стр. 110 из учебника. Информация данного упражнения читается учащимися про себя с целью ответа на вопросы, которые приводятся в начале упражнения. Время самостоятельного чтения - 3-4 минуты.
упр. 28,29, стр. 111 из учебника.
IX. Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Рабочая тетрадь: упр. 10, 11, стр. 46.
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