Урок 65 Пять шагов для решения конфликтов.9 класс (УМК Биболетовой М.З.)

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Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

Иконка файла материала Урок 65 Пять шагов для решения конфликтов.docx


Дата проведения

9 класс

Урок 65. Пять шагов для решения конфликта

Цели: введение нового грамматического материала по теме «Косвенная речь: просьбы и приказания»; активизация граммати­ческих навыков по теме «Сложное дополнение» и навыков диало­гической речи; развитие лексических навыков (новый фразовый глагол to get) и навыков аудирования.

Ход урока

I.  Организационный момент

II.  Фонетическая зарядка

-      Look at the blackboard, please. You can see a short poem there. Will you read it aloud, Kate? Can you translate it, Nick? Let's read the poem all together. Work in pairs and read the poem to each other. Will you read the poem as quickly as you can? If you want to be polite, follow this instruction.

Стихотворение на доске:

Let us try to be polite In everything you do. Remember always to say "please" And don't forget "thank you".

III. Речевая разминка. Закрепление грамматических навыков

- It's time to find out what your parents and teachers expect or don't want you to do.

Примерные словосочетания на карточках:

to live in peace

to resolve conflicts peacefully

to share things

to get on well

to tell lies

to spend more time together

to read a lot

to smoke cigarettes

to help other people

to come home at time

to be honest and hard-working

to respect the rights of other people

to listen to the teachers

to have better relations with people

to prevent quarrels

Примерные вопросы учителя:

1. Do teachers want their pupils to live in peace?

2.  Do parents want their children to resolve conflicts peacefully?

3.  Do parents want their children to share things?

4.  Do teachers expect their pupils to get on well?

5.  Do teachers expect pupils to tell lies? Etc.

IV. Введение нового фразового глагола to get и его первичное закрепление

-      Now I'd like you to learn the new phrasal verb. You can see it in exercise 58, page 120. Who can read the first word combination? Can you guess it? How to read and translate the second word combination? Read the words after me, please. Work in pairs. Now read the words one by one.

словосочетания из упр. 58, стр. 120 и знакомство учащихся с новым фразовым гла­голом. В устной форме выполняется упр. 59, стр. 121 из учебника и в письменной форме упр. 60, стр. 121.

V. Физкультминутка

VI.  Развитие навыков аудирования

-      We have read the beginning of the story about the Russian mountain climbers. Have you got any suggestions what happened when climbers arrived in the Himalayas? Now we shall listen to the whole story and find out if you were right. Listen to the text carefully, please.

упр. 61, стр. 121 из учебника. Сначала ученики высказывают свои мнения о вариантах окончания истории про альпинистов из упр. 60, стр. 121, а затем прослуши­вают весь рассказ с целью проверки своих догадок.

VII.  Развитие грамматических навыков по теме «Просьбы и приказания в косвенной речи»

-      Let's learn how to express orders and requests in the Reported Speech. If we want to be understood, we must follow the rules. When we report a request or command, we often use the pattern ask/tell/order someone + infinitive, for example: the teacher asked the pupil to open the window. When the request or command is negative, we use the pattern ask/tell/order someone not + infinitive: the teacher told the pupils not to open their books. You can see the examples of the reported sentences in your textbook, page 121, exercise 62, "Grammar Focus". Let's read different variants of polite requests and orders.

Знакомство учащихся с новым грамматическим мате­риалом по теме «Косвенная речь». Использовать примеры из упр. 62, стр. 121 из учебника. Учащиеся зачитывают вслух информацию из рамочки и примеры предложе­ний в учебнике на стр. 121.

VIII.  Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи

-      Let's help Ann Smith remember the five steps people should take to resolve a conflict. They are in exercise 63, page 122 in your textbooks. Who is ready to start? Divide into groups of four, please. You will act out the discussion. The conversational formulas from "Dialogue Vocabulary" on page 122 will help you. Also you'll read the questions and the answers in exercise 64, page 122.

Вспомнить пять шагов для ре­шения конфликта. Начала предложений даны в упр. 63, стр. 122 из учебника. Задание для учащихся - устно закончить данные предложения.

Работа в  группах по 4-5 человек для выполнения задания из упр. 64, стр. 122 из учебника. Речевые клише для обсужде­ния проблемы, которые приведены в разделе «Dialogue Vocabulary» на стр. 122.

IX.  Подведение итогов урока

Домашнее задание

Рабочая тетрадь: упр. 3-5, стр. 51.




















to live in peace

to resolve conflicts peacefully

to share things

to get on well

to tell lies

to spend more time together

to read a lot

to smoke cigarettes

to help other people

to come home at time

to be honest and hard-working

to respect the rights of other people

to listen to the teachers

to have better relations with people

to prevent quarrels


to live in peace

to resolve conflicts peacefully

to share things

to get on well

to tell lies

to spend more time together

to read a lot

to smoke cigarettes

to help other people

to come home at time

to be honest and hard-working

to respect the rights of other people

to listen to the teachers

to have better relations with people

to prevent quarrels



to live in peace

to resolve conflicts peacefully

to share things

to get on well

to tell lies

to spend more time together

to read a lot

to smoke cigarettes

to help other people

to come home at time

to be honest and hard-working

to respect the rights of other people

to listen to the teachers

to have better relations with people

to prevent quarrels


to live in peace

to resolve conflicts peacefully

to share things

to get on well

to tell lies

to spend more time together

to read a lot

to smoke cigarettes

to help other people

to come home at time

to be honest and hard-working

to respect the rights of other people

to listen to the teachers

to have better relations with people

to prevent quarrels


to live in peace

to resolve conflicts peacefully

to share things

to get on well

to tell lies

to spend more time together

to read a lot

to smoke cigarettes

to help other people

to come home at time

to be honest and hard-working

to respect the rights of other people

to listen to the teachers

to have better relations with people

to prevent quarrels



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