Урок 67 Причины и способы решения семейных конфликтов.9 класс (УМК Биболетовой М.З.)

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  • 20.12.2022
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

Иконка файла материала Урок 67 Причины и способы решения семейных конфликтов.docx


Дата проведения

9 класс

Урок 67. Причины и способы решения семейных конфликтов

Цели: развитие навыков аудирования с полным пониманием прослушанного материала; активизация грамматических навыков по теме «Косвенная речь»; совершенствование навыков диалоги­ческой речи.

Ход урока

I.  Организационный момент

-      We shall continue to learn the topic "Conflict" and we'll have a talk how to resolve family conflicts. Is everything clear? OK, let's start our lesson.

II.  Активизация грамматических навыков по теме «Косвенная речь»

Учитель предлагает детям выполнить задание на карточках по вариантам (вариант 1 - нечетные предложения, вариант 2 - четные предложения). Для проверки задания на карточках ученики обмениваются тетрадями и организуется взаимопроверка. Примерное задание на карточке: Use the reported speech.

Mike (asked Jane). Do you think you have a good chance of preventing a conflict?

The teacher (wanted to know). Who is on duty today?

Helen (asked). Don't smoke, please.

The doctor (wondered). Do you have any work experience?

H e (asked). You also have to be careful.

They (said to me). Come to see us again.

She (wanted to know). Does your friend want you to phone him, Polly?

Jack (was interested). Has he ever organized trips to various places?

The teacher (told the pupils). Work in pairs, please.

Mary (said to Jill). I had an interview for a holiday job at a summer camp.

Tom (said to his mother). Can you help me?

Kate (asked). I have just met my friend's mother.

Jimmy (said to Kevin). Mother is sleeping now.

They (said). We are going to Ireland.

III.  Активизация навыков устной речи и лексических навыков

-      Now I want you to open your books, page 124, exercise 73. Work in pairs and look through the causes of family conflicts. Choose the most common variants and share your ideas how to prevent conflicts in a family.

Работа в парах упр. 73, стр. 124. Для работы в парах ученики получают 3 минуты. Также на данном этапе урока уче­никами в устной форме выполняется упр. 74, стр. 125 из учебника.

IV. Развитие навыков аудирования

-      Now we shall listen to the conversations. Listen to them carefully and match them with the pictures of exercise 75, page 125. Who can name the numbers of the conversations and the letters of the pictures? Now you will listen to the dialogues again and answer the questions from exercise 76, page 125 in your textbooks. Who is ready to read the first question and answer it?

упр. 75, стр. 125 из учебни­ка. Задание для учащихся - прослушать диалоги и соотнести их с картинками. Затем ученики прослушивают аудиозапись во второй раз и отвечают на вопросы из упр. 76, стр. 125. Перед повторным прослушиванием необходимо дать ученикам время (2 минуты) для прочтения вопросов, некоторые вопросы могут быть переведены всем классом.

V.  Физкультминутка

VI.  Тренировка навыков устной речи на основе прослушанного материала

-      It's time to listen to each dialogue and have a talk on family conflicts. Will you read the task of exercise 77, page 126? Listen to the first dialogue, please. Can you say what caused the conflict?

задание из упр. 77, стр. 126 из учебника.

VII.  Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи

-      Let's divide into pairs. You will choose one of the dialogues. One of you will be a member of a family and his/her partner will give advice on how to resolve the conflict. You will have five minutes to make up the dialogue. Then we shall listen to you. Your time is up. Who will be the first?

Ученики делятся на пары для составления диалога между чле­ном семьи и знакомым или другом этой семьи. Время выполнения задания - 5 минут.

VIII.   Подведение итогов урока

Домашнее задание

Рабочая тетрадь: упр. 8, стр. 53; выучить свою роль в диалоге по теме «Семейные конфликты».

























9 form

Use the reported speech.

1.    Mike (asked Jane). Do you think you have a good chance of preventing a conflict?

2.    The teacher (wanted to know). Who is on duty today?

3.      Helen (asked). Don't smoke, please.

4.    The doctor (wondered). Do you have any work experience?

5.    H e (asked). You also have to be careful.

6.    They (said to me). Come to see us again.

7.    She (wanted to know). Does your friend want you to phone him, Polly?

8.    Jack (was interested). Has he ever organized trips to various places?

9.    The teacher (told the pupils). Work in pairs, please.

10. Mary (said to Jill). I had an interview for a holiday job at a summer camp.

11. Tom (said to his mother). Can you help me?

12. Kate (asked). I have just met my friend's mother.

13. Jimmy (said to Kevin). Mother is sleeping now.

14. They (said). We are going to Ireland.


9 form

Use the reported speech.

1.    Mike (asked Jane). Do you think you have a good chance of preventing a conflict?

2.    The teacher (wanted to know). Who is on duty today?

3.      Helen (asked). Don't smoke, please.

4.    The doctor (wondered). Do you have any work experience?

5.    H e (asked). You also have to be careful.

6.    They (said to me). Come to see us again.

7.    She (wanted to know). Does your friend want you to phone him, Polly?

8.    Jack (was interested). Has he ever organized trips to various places?

9.    The teacher (told the pupils). Work in pairs, please.

10. Mary (said to Jill). I had an interview for a holiday job at a summer camp.

11. Tom (said to his mother). Can you help me?

12. Kate (asked). I have just met my friend's mother.

13. Jimmy (said to Kevin). Mother is sleeping now.

14. They (said). We are going to Ireland.


9 form

Use the reported speech.

1.    Mike (asked Jane). Do you think you have a good chance of preventing a conflict?

2.    The teacher (wanted to know). Who is on duty today?

3.      Helen (asked). Don't smoke, please.

4.    The doctor (wondered). Do you have any work experience?

5.    H e (asked). You also have to be careful.

6.    They (said to me). Come to see us again.

7.    She (wanted to know). Does your friend want you to phone him, Polly?

8.    Jack (was interested). Has he ever organized trips to various places?

9.    The teacher (told the pupils). Work in pairs, please.

10. Mary (said to Jill). I had an interview for a holiday job at a summer camp.

11. Tom (said to his mother). Can you help me?

12. Kate (asked). I have just met my friend's mother.

13. Jimmy (said to Kevin). Mother is sleeping now.

14. They (said). We are going to Ireland.



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