Дата проведения
9 класс
Урок 72. Наша планета без войн
Цели: развитие навыков аудирования на материале диалога (интервью); совершенствование лексических навыков (синонимы); формирование навыков поискового чтения.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Sit down, please. Today we will find out how to prevent wars.
II. Активизация лексики по теме «Декларация прав человека»
- The first task for you is to complete the following sentences to make them true. You will have 3 minutes to complete the statements. Your time is up. It's time to share your ideas and agree or disagree with these sentences.
Задание на карточках:
1. Every person has the... to speak freely.
2. The list of human rights includes protection against... punishment.
3. It is important to know that according to the... every person has the right to get an education.
4. Every person should have the right to decide whom to...
5. Violence on television should be...
6. People still practise racism and... against others.
7. The Universal Declaration of... Rights is not a very important document.
Пример выполненного задания:
1. Every person has the right to speak freely.
2. The list of human rights includes protection against cruel punishment.
3. It is important to know that according to the Declaration every person has the right to get an education.
4. Every person should have the right to decide whom to marry.
5. Violence on television should be prohibited.
6. People still practise racism and discriminate against others.
7. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is not a very important document.
III. Активизация навыков устной речи
- Now I'd like you to open your textbooks, page 133, exercise 100. Who is ready to read the task of this exercise? Work in groups of three and ask your partners the following questions.
Учащиеся делятся на группы по 3 человека для выполнения упр. 100, стр. 133 из учебника. Задание для учащихся - задать вопросы из данного упражнения членам своей группы. Время работы в группах - 4 минуты.
IV. Развитие навыков аудирования на материале диалога - интервью
- Will you read the task of exercise 101, page 133 in your textbooks? We shall listen to the interview and find out what questions the reporter asks and who is being interviewed. The next task for you is exercise 102, page 133. What do you think about preventing wars? Is it possible to prevent wars? What can people do to prevent wars? Should people be taught to be tolerant of each other? You'll have to listen to this dialogue again and answer the question: "What does 'to be tolerant' mean?".
упр. 101, стр. 133 из учебника и прослушивание данного диалога. Задание для учащихся: прослушать диалог и ответить на вопросы из задания. После первичного прослушивания ученики озвучивают вопросы из интервью. Затем задание детям - расставить по степени важности и актуальности высказанные в диалоге идеи (задание из упр. 102, стр. 133) и выразить свое отношение к затронутым проблемам. В конце данного этапа урока диалог прослушивается во второй раз и ученики отвечают на вопрос: « What does "to be tolerant" mean?».
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Совершенствование лексических навыков (синонимы)
- It's time to learn the words that have similar meaning. They are called synonyms. You can see the examples of such words in the box in exercise 103, page 134 in your textbooks. Can you give your own examples? (Little, tiny.) I am sure, you will be able to match the synonyms from the two columns. They are in exercise 104, page 134. Who will read the first pair of synonyms?
примеры из рамочки в упр. 103, стр.134 из учебника. В конце данного этапа урока ученики выполняют упр. 104, стр. 134 из учебника.
VII. Формирование навыков поискового чтения
- Let's read the text from exercise 105, page 134 and find out what the most important thing to prevent war is. Are you ready to answer the question? What should we do to build peace?
прочитать про себя текст из упр. 105, стр. 134 и ответить на вопрос из задания. Время самостоятельного чтения текста — 3 минуты. Во время проверки задания ученики могут зачитывать предложения из текста для подтверждения своего ответа. Затем учениками в устной форме выполняется упр. 106, стр. 134 из учебника.
VIII. Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Рабочая тетрадь: упр. 3, 4, стр. 57.
9 form
Complete the statements
1. Every person has the... to speak freely.
2. The list of human rights includes protection against... punishment.
3. It is important to know that according to the... every person has the right to get an education.
4. Every person should have the right to decide whom to...
5. Violence on television should be...
6. People still practise racism and... against others.
7. The Universal Declaration of... Rights is not a very important document.
9 form
Complete the statements
1. Every person has the... to speak freely.
2. The list of human rights includes protection against... punishment.
3. It is important to know that according to the... every person has the right to get an education.
4. Every person should have the right to decide whom to...
5. Violence on television should be...
6. People still practise racism and... against others.
7. The Universal Declaration of... Rights is not a very important document.
9 form
Complete the statements
1. Every person has the... to speak freely.
2. The list of human rights includes protection against... punishment.
3. It is important to know that according to the... every person has the right to get an education.
4. Every person should have the right to decide whom to...
5. Violence on television should be...
6. People still practise racism and... against others.
7. The Universal Declaration of... Rights is not a very important document.
9 form
Complete the statements
1. Every person has the... to speak freely.
2. The list of human rights includes protection against... punishment.
3. It is important to know that according to the... every person has the right to get an education.
4. Every person should have the right to decide whom to...
5. Violence on television should be...
6. People still practise racism and... against others.
7. The Universal Declaration of... Rights is not a very important document.
9 form
Complete the statements
1. Every person has the... to speak freely.
2. The list of human rights includes protection against... punishment.
3. It is important to know that according to the... every person has the right to get an education.
4. Every person should have the right to decide whom to...
5. Violence on television should be...
6. People still practise racism and... against others.
7. The Universal Declaration of... Rights is not a very important document.
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