Урок 74 Права подростков.9 класс (УМК Биболетовой М.З.)

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Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

Иконка файла материала Урок 74 Права подростков.docx


Дата проведения

9 класс

Урок 74. Права подростков

Цели: совершенствование навыков монологической речи; развитие навыков письменной речи (аргументы «за» и «против»); активизация материала по теме «Словообразование».

Ход урока

I.  Организационный момент

-      Today we shall have a talk about tolerance and the importance of some human rights for the younger generation.

II.  Фонетическая зарядка

-      Let's practise the English sounds. I shall show you the symbols of the English sounds and the task for you is to pronounce this sound and name the English word with it. You can see the words on the blackboard. Are you ready to start?

 [h] - human, inhuman, however.

[t] - tolerant, protection, important.

[r] - religious, protection, different.

[1] - declaration, tolerant, religious.

[d] - different, declaration, independence.

[n] - tolerant, human, education.

[s] - absolutely, speak, respect. Etc.

III.   Речевая разминка

-      As I know, you like to play very much. Today we shall play the game "Guess the word". One pupil will think of the adjective and other pupils will try to guess it.

Игра «Угадай слово»

Один из учащихся выходит к доске и загадывает одно слово из списка слов, которые выставлены на наборном полотне. Уче­ники пытаются отгадать загаданное слово. Ведущий может дать подсказку остальным ученикам, например: "It is а noun ".

Примерный ход игры:

Pupil 1. Is it "declaration"?

Ведущий. No, it is not.

Pupil 2. Is it "protection"?

Ведущий. No, it is not.

Pupil 3. Is it "independence"?

Ведущий. Yes, it is.

IV. Закрепление навыков чтения и монологической речи

-       It's time to read the letter of the boy and help him understand what tolerance means. You can see the letter in your Workbooks, page 58, exercise 7. Let's read the letter in a chain. The next task for you is to write down the phrases that help Tim understand what he should do to be tolerant. Will you share your ideas? Can you prove your opinion?

РТ - упр. 7, стр. 58.

V. Физкультминутка

VI.  Активизация материала по теме «Словообразование»

-      Let's read and translate the sentences from exercise 113, page 13 7 in your textbooks. We shall remember the ways of word-building. Kate will read the first sentence. Dick, now it's your turn to read and translate the sentence.

упр. 113, стр. 137 из учебника и повторить способы словообразования английского языка. Задание для учащихся - прочитать и перевести предложения из упр. 113, стр. 137. В конце данного этапа урока ученики выполняют допол­нительное задание на карточках в устной или письменной форме (на усмотрение учителя).

Use the suitable word in the following sentences.

1.  Can you say that Jack is a (tolerant, tolerance) person?

2.  Do you (agree, agreement) with Robert?

3.  My friend is not interested in the (inhuman, humanities).

4.  We should act (tolerable, tolerantly) toward animals.

5.  Does American English (differ, indifferent) from British English?

6.  My aunt thinks it is not interesting to discuss (humans, human) rights.

7.  People must be (tolerant, tolerated) of their relatives and friends.

Keys'. 1. tolerant. 2. agree. 3. humanities. 4. tolerantly. 5. differ. 6. human. 7. tolerant.

VII. Развитие навыков устной и письменной речи по теме «Права подростков»

- I'd like you to divide into groups of four. Will you read the task of exercise 114, page 137 in your textbooks? You will discuss one of the human rights in your group. The conversational formulas from the box will help you. Shall we translate them? Is everything clear? Don't forget to write down the arguments. Who is ready to tell us how the right to get an education is important for teenagers? Anybody feels like speaking? I'd like to have your opinion about the right to speak freely. What makes you think so? The next task for you is to write about any of the rights essential for teenagers.

Для выполнения упр. 114, стр. 137 ученики делятся на груп­пы по 4 человека. После обсуждения первой и второй части задания из данного упражнения ученики начинают работу в группах, на которую отводится 6-7 минут. Затем выполнение в письменной форме третьей части задания из упр. 114, стр. 137 из учебника.

VIII. Подведение итогов урока

Домашнее задание

Рабочая тетрадь: упр. 8, стр. 59.






















9 form

Use the suitable word in the following sentences.

1.  Can you say that Jack is a (tolerant, tolerance) person?

2.  Do you (agree, agreement) with Robert?

3.  My friend is not interested in the (inhuman, humanities).

4.  We should act (tolerable, tolerantly) toward animals.

5.  Does American English (differ, indifferent) from British English?

6.  My aunt thinks it is not interesting to discuss (humans, human) rights.

7.  People must be (tolerant, tolerated) of their relatives and friends.


9 form

Use the suitable word in the following sentences.

1.  Can you say that Jack is a (tolerant, tolerance) person?

2.  Do you (agree, agreement) with Robert?

3.  My friend is not interested in the (inhuman, humanities).

4.  We should act (tolerable, tolerantly) toward animals.

5.  Does American English (differ, indifferent) from British English?

6.  My aunt thinks it is not interesting to discuss (humans, human) rights.

7.  People must be (tolerant, tolerated) of their relatives and friends.


9 form

Use the suitable word in the following sentences.

1.  Can you say that Jack is a (tolerant, tolerance) person?

2.  Do you (agree, agreement) with Robert?

3.  My friend is not interested in the (inhuman, humanities).

4.  We should act (tolerable, tolerantly) toward animals.

5.  Does American English (differ, indifferent) from British English?

6.  My aunt thinks it is not interesting to discuss (humans, human) rights.

7.  People must be (tolerant, tolerated) of their relatives and friends.


9 form

Use the suitable word in the following sentences.

1.  Can you say that Jack is a (tolerant, tolerance) person?

2.  Do you (agree, agreement) with Robert?

3.  My friend is not interested in the (inhuman, humanities).

4.  We should act (tolerable, tolerantly) toward animals.

5.  Does American English (differ, indifferent) from British English?

6.  My aunt thinks it is not interesting to discuss (humans, human) rights.

7.  People must be (tolerant, tolerated) of their relatives and friends.


9 form

Use the suitable word in the following sentences.

1.  Can you say that Jack is a (tolerant, tolerance) person?

2.  Do you (agree, agreement) with Robert?

3.  My friend is not interested in the (inhuman, humanities).

4.  We should act (tolerable, tolerantly) toward animals.

5.  Does American English (differ, indifferent) from British English?

6.  My aunt thinks it is not interesting to discuss (humans, human) rights.

7.  People must be (tolerant, tolerated) of their relatives and friends.



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