Дата проведения
9 класс
Урок 75. Военные конфликты XX века
Цели: введение новой страноведческой информации по теме «Военные конфликты XX века»; совершенствование навыков чтения; развитие умений проектной деятельности.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Good morning, boys and girls!
- We shall have a talk about some war conflicts of the 20th century.
II. Фонетическая зарядка
- Look at the map, please. You can see different continents and countries there. The speaker will help us learn to pronounce the names of the countries. Listen to the tape and repeat the proper names after the speaker. Read the words in pairs, please.
Ученики читают название стран из упр. 115, стр. 138 за диктором хором, в парах и индивидуально.
III. Речевая разминка. Активизация страноведческих знаний
- It's time to find out if you know history well. Have you ever read the books or watched the films about World War II? Open your textbooks, page 138, exercise 116. Your task is to answer the following questions. Who wants to go to the blackboard and show us the countries that suffered in World War II?
упр. 116, стр. 138 из учебника - ответить на вопросы данного упражнения.
IV. Введение новой страноведческой информации по теме «Военные конфликты XX века». Совершенствование навыков чтения
- We are going to do a project "War and Conflict in Modern History". You will write a page about war in one country. Let's read some facts about the war conflicts of the 20th century. You can see the text in your textbooks, page 138. We shall read it aloud. What do you know about World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War? Read the text to yourself and say what information was new for you.
текст из учебника на стр. 138. - текст читается вслух, а затем ученики отвечают на вопросы учителя по содержанию текста.
Тексты читаются учениками про себя. Разделить класс на три группы. В этом случае группы получают по одному рассказу для чтения и перевода, а в конце данного этапа урока представители от каждой группы сообщают новую и интересную информацию из своего рассказа.
Дополнительные тексты для чтения
World War I
War broke out (when the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire was assassinated) between Germany, Austro-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey on the one hand and Britain, France, Russia and Serbia on the other hand. The latter countries were later joined by Italy and Greece. Russia left the war after the outbreak of its revolution. A combination of new weapons and old tactics resulted in war on a huge scale and a vast death toll. Governments concealed the extent of the slaughter by publishing false statistics. It was the first war to use whole populations - men were forced to join the armed forces and women were forced to work in arms factories and on farms. Poison gas was first used in war by the Germans. Germany surrendered at 11 a.m. on the 11th of November, 1918. On every anniversary of this day of the war dead are remembered in religious services throughout the world.
World War II
Militaristic and nationalistic governments rose to power in Germany, Italy and Japan as a result of the depression in the 1930s and the Versailles Treaty at the end of World War I, which was seen by Germany as unfair. Global war broke out with Germany's invasion of Poland. The leaders of the 'Allied' powers were Russia, Britain and the USA; the leaders of the opposing 'Axis' powers were Germany, Italy and Japan. The war saw the first use of large-scale bombing raids against civilians by both sides.
The Vietnam War
Vietnam was a French colony. The Vietnamese began fighting against the French in 1949 With help from the new Chinese republic. In 1954, after the Vietnamese defeated the French in a decisive battle (Dien Bien Phu), the country was divided into the Communist North and the US-backed South. In 1963, the South Vietnamese President was assassinated in a coup, which prompted increased US military intervention. The US began bombing the North in 1965. In 1968, US troops killed hundreds of unarmed Vietnamese villagers in My Lai. In 1970, the US secretly began bombing Cambodia, which they believed was helping the Communists. The last US troops left Vietnam in 1973. North and South Vietnam were reunited in 1976.
V. Физкультминутка
- It's time to have a rest. I can see you are tired. Will you stand up to do the exercises?
VI. Тренировка навыков устной речи. Развитие навыков проектной деятельности
- You can see three questions for your classmates in exercise 118, page 138 in your textbooks. Who can read the questions? You will interview any three students in your class and write down their answers in the chart in your Workbooks. The chart is in exercise 9, page 59.
упр. 118, стр. 138 из учебника. После прочтения и перевода всех вопросов каждый ученик задает вопросы трем одноклассникам, а затем рассказывает о результатах сбора информации всем остальным ребятам (задание из упр. 119, стр. 138). Результаты вопросно-ответной работы заносятся в таблицу в упр. 9, стр. 59 в рабочей тетради.
VII. Работа над проектом по теме «Военные конфликты XX века»
- It's time to decide which country you are going to write about. Let's choose different countries. You will use the questions from exercise 121, page 139 as a plan to for your story. Who wants to read and translate the questions aloud? Follow in your books while Ann is reading. Is everything clear? Is everybody ready to start?
упр. 120, 121, стр. 138-139 из учебника. Сначала всем классом обсуждается тематика отдельных мини-проектов учащихся, и каждый ученик выбирает страну, которую он будет описывать, - упр. 120, стр. 138. Выполнение упр. 121, стр. 139 организуется в письменной форме. Перед началом самостоятельной работы целесообразно прочитать и при необходимости перевести все вопросы из данного упражнения. На уроке ученикам предлагается написать черновой вариант мини-проекта, а дома учащиеся завершают проектную работу и готовят чистовой вариант.
VIII. Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Завершить работу над мини-проектом.
World War I
War broke out (when the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire was assassinated) between Germany, Austro-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey on the one hand and Britain, France, Russia and Serbia on the other hand. The latter countries were later joined by Italy and Greece. Russia left the war after the outbreak of its revolution. A combination of new weapons and old tactics resulted in war on a huge scale and a vast death toll. Governments concealed the extent of the slaughter by publishing false statistics. It was the first war to use whole populations - men were forced to join the armed forces and women were forced to work in arms factories and on farms. Poison gas was first used in war by the Germans. Germany surrendered at 11 a.m. on the 11th of November, 1918. On every anniversary of this day of the war dead are remembered in religious services throughout the world.
World War II
Militaristic and nationalistic governments rose to power in Germany, Italy and Japan as a result of the depression in the 1930s and the Versailles Treaty at the end of World War I, which was seen by Germany as unfair. Global war broke out with Germany's invasion of Poland. The leaders of the 'Allied' powers were Russia, Britain and the USA; the leaders of the opposing 'Axis' powers were Germany, Italy and Japan. The war saw the first use of large-scale bombing raids against civilians by both sides.
The Vietnam War
Vietnam was a French colony. The Vietnamese began fighting against the French in 1949 With help from the new Chinese republic. In 1954, after the Vietnamese defeated the French in a decisive battle (Dien Bien Phu), the country was divided into the Communist North and the US-backed South. In 1963, the South Vietnamese President was assassinated in a coup, which prompted increased US military intervention. The US began bombing the North in 1965. In 1968, US troops killed hundreds of unarmed Vietnamese villagers in My Lai. In 1970, the US secretly began bombing Cambodia, which they believed was helping the Communists. The last US troops left Vietnam in 1973. North and South Vietnam were reunited in 1976.
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