Дата проведения
9 класс
Урок 85. Планы на будущее
Цели: формирование навыков просмотрового чтения; развитие навыков диалогической речи; совершенствование лексических навыков (фразовые глаголы to get и to keep).
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Sit down, please. We shall have a talk about your plans for the future. Is everything clear? OK, let's start our lesson.
II. Активизация грамматических навыков (модальные глаголы)
- Now it's time to remember the modal verbs. Will you look at the blackboard, please? Read the sentences to yourself, choose the suitable modal verbs and if you are ready, put up your hand.
Примерное задание на карточках:
Complete the sentences using the most suitable modal verb: must, mustn't, can, can't, may.
1. You ... not play here. A street is not a playground.
2. - May I put it here? - Yes, you ....
3. They have fish hooks (крючки), so they ... fish.
4. You ... not enter the club without the card.
5. ... I take your textbooks?
6. Jane has got two books and she ... read any of them.
7. If you are travelling by air, you ... carry anything in your luggage that could be used as a weapon (оружие).
8. I can read Spanish but I ... speak it.
9. Where is Helen? - She ... do shopping.
10. You haven't eaten since morning. You ... be hungry.
Keys: 1. mustn't. 2. may. 3. can. 4. can. 5. may. 6. can. 7. mustn't. 8. can't. 9. may. 10. must.
III. Активизация прилагательных в устной речи
- Now, children, let's play and remember the adjectives to describe yourself.
Игра «Угадай»
- As I know, you like to play. I shall think of the word, and you will guess it. What adjectives to describe the person do you remember? (Responsible, sociable, reliable, practical, energetic, creative, etc.) What question will you ask? (Is it... ?)
Например: This quality is necessary for the teacher.
- Is it the word "sociable"?
- No, it is not.
- Is it the word "creative"?
- No, it is not.
- Is it the word "reliable"?
- Yes, it is.
IV. Введение новых фразовых глаголов to keep и to get и их первичное закрепление
- Let's learn the new phrasal verbs to put and to get. You can see them in exercise 11, page 157. Who can read the first (second, etc.) word combination? Can you guess it? Read the word combinations after me, please. Work in pairs. Now read the words one by one.
упр. 11, стр. 157 - to keep и to get. Ученики читают и переводят данные слова. Понимание новых фразовых глаголов достигается с помощью языковой догадки и перевода. Затем учащимися в устной форме выполняется упр. 12, стр. 157 из учебника.
VI.Развитие навыков диалогической речи
- Yesterday we read the dialogue about the opportunities of British boys and girls after secondary school. Let's divide into pairs, please. It's your turn to make up a dialogue about your options when you graduate from school. Use the phrases in your textbooks, exercise 13, page 158. Who wants to act out the dialogue?
Cоставить в парах диалог, используя фразы и словосочетания из упр. 13, стр. 158 из учебника. Учащиеся работают в парах в течение 5-6 минут, а затем зачитывают свои диалоги перед классом.
VIIФормирование навыков просмотрового чтения
- I am sure you are interested in reading some adverts for the British students. You'll have to read the adverts from exercise 14, page 158 and match them with the questions before the texts. Before reading we'll read and translate some word combinations. The Linguistic and Cultural Guide, page 198 will help you.
прочитать объявления из упр. 14, стр. 158. Перед началом выполнения задания ученики обсуждают и разбирают всем классом словосочетания в начале упражнения с помощью справочника на стр. 198. Ученики самостоятельно читают тексты в течение 2—3 минут, а затем соотносят вопросы и объявления.
VIII.Подведение итогов урока
- I want you to write down your homework. That's all we have time for.
Mind the clock And keep the rule: Try to come In time to school.
- Our lesson is over. Good-bye, boys and girls!
- Домашнее задание
Рабочая тетрадь: упр. 5, 6, стр. 68.
Complete the sentences using the most suitable modal verb:
must, mustn't, can, can't, may.
1. You ... not play here. A street is not a playground.
2. - May I put it here? - Yes, you ....
3. They have fish hooks (крючки), so they ... fish.
4. You ... not enter the club without the card.
5. ... I take your textbooks?
6. Jane has got two books and she ... read any of them.
7. If you are travelling by air, you ... carry anything in your luggage that could be used as a weapon (оружие).
8. I can read Spanish but I ... speak it.
9. Where is Helen? - She ... do shopping.
10. You haven't eaten since morning. You ... be hungry.
Complete the sentences using the most suitable modal verb:
must, mustn't, can, can't, may.
1. You ... not play here. A street is not a playground.
2. - May I put it here? - Yes, you ....
3. They have fish hooks (крючки), so they ... fish.
4. You ... not enter the club without the card.
5. ... I take your textbooks?
6. Jane has got two books and she ... read any of them.
7. If you are travelling by air, you ... carry anything in your luggage that could be used as a weapon (оружие).
8. I can read Spanish but I ... speak it.
9. Where is Helen? - She ... do shopping.
10. You haven't eaten since morning. You ... be hungry.
Complete the sentences using the most suitable modal verb:
must, mustn't, can, can't, may.
1. You ... not play here. A street is not a playground.
2. - May I put it here? - Yes, you ....
3. They have fish hooks (крючки), so they ... fish.
4. You ... not enter the club without the card.
5. ... I take your textbooks?
6. Jane has got two books and she ... read any of them.
7. If you are travelling by air, you ... carry anything in your luggage that could be used as a weapon (оружие).
8. I can read Spanish but I ... speak it.
9. Where is Helen? - She ... do shopping.
10. You haven't eaten since morning. You ... be hungry.
Complete the sentences using the most suitable modal verb:
must, mustn't, can, can't, may.
1. You ... not play here. A street is not a playground.
2. - May I put it here? - Yes, you ....
3. They have fish hooks (крючки), so they ... fish.
4. You ... not enter the club without the card.
5. ... I take your textbooks?
6. Jane has got two books and she ... read any of them.
7. If you are travelling by air, you ... carry anything in your luggage that could be used as a weapon (оружие).
8. I can read Spanish but I ... speak it.
9. Where is Helen? - She ... do shopping.
10. You haven't eaten since morning. You ... be hungry.
11. Скачано с www.znanio.ru
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