Урок формирование ГН по теме:
Оценка 5

Урок формирование ГН по теме:

Оценка 5
7 кл
Урок формирование ГН по теме:
Урок формирования грамматических навыков говорения.doc

Урок формирования грамматических навыков говорения   по теме: “We are never bored when we are together, aren’t we? «Special occasions» (Solutions Unit 4) (Present Continuous Tense)


Уровень: Elementary (teens)

Учебник:  Solutions (Elementary)

Цели урока:

·       Воспитательная: воспитывать чувство дружбы,  потребность в приобщении к совместной деятельности

·       Учебная: формировать грамматические навыки говорения по темеWe are never bored when we are together, aren’t we? «Special occasions» (Present Continuous Tense)

·       Развивающая: развивать способности к эмоционально-оценочной деятельности; развивать способности  осуществлять репродуктивные речевые действия

·       Познавательная: узнать  разницу  использования в речи настоящего   времени в русском и английском языках, познакомить с грамматическим явлением (Present Continuous Tense), отсутствующим в русском языке.


(учитель заранее задаёт подготовить постеры с фотографиями из альбома или презентации, на которых студенты, их родственники, друзья проводят праздники и  свой досуг)


We are never bored when we are together, aren’t we?


I.     Экспозиция

Ребята, я сейчас ехала на работу мимо парка. Представляете,  уже готовят ёлку к Новому году! А ведь скоро Новый год и Рождественские каникулы! Думаю, это замечательный шанс провести свободное время с друзьями и близкими. Согласны?

I think spending free-time and celebrating holidays with our friends is a very important part of our life, isn’t it?  I’m sure     everybody likes going out with friends. We are never bored when we are together, aren’t we? It’s an open secret that all students and teachers at Lingua are good friends too. We often spend our spare time together and celebrate different  holidays together. We are going to celebrate New Year. Do you remember the holidays we have celebrated together this year?

Look at the screen. It’s a surprise for you!

Актуализация ранее изученной лексики

We always have fun together, haven’t we? It’s great!

We go to parties.

We take part in different events.

We visit places of interest.

What else do we usually do together in our free-time?

Слабым студентам раздаётся список лексики по ранее изученной теме «Free-time activities»


We go skiing.

We go bowling.

We play computer games.

We go for a walk in the park.

We walk along the streets.

We go to the cinema.

We watch films at the cinema.

We go to the theatre.

We see a play at the theatre.

We dance at the disco.

We go to the cafes.

We visit art galleries.

We skate in the park.

We swim in the swimming-pool.

So, do you like spending free-time together? Are we bored? Right! We are never bored together. We are never bored with our friends!

II.           Формирование грамматических навыков говорения по теме We are never bored when we are together, aren’t we?

1. Презентация нового грамматического материала

.  Экспозиция нового грамматического материала

Well done! You can talk about events that happen always, usually, often or sometimes. You can tell about free-time activities that you usually do with your friends. But sometimes we need to tell about actions or describe actions that are happening just now, at the moment, at present. /на экране появляются маркеры Present Continuous Tense/   Look at the sсreen. I’ve brought some photos from our Lingua-collection.

2.  Показ функционирования грамматического явления

Восприятие нового грамматического явления

/презентация с картинками и фотографиями, под изображениями подписи с выделенными грамматическими конструкциям, преподаватель описывает происходящее на фотографиях, выделяя интонационно конструкцию Present Continuous Tense /

Look at the screen. I’m going to tell you what is happening in the pictures and photos now, at the moment, at present. Please, be very attentive. /голосом выделяю конструкцию Present Continuous/

Look! Now

I am telling the poem on the stage.

I am cooking in this photo for my friends.

He is playing football now.

She is playing the guitar in this picture.

He is swimming.

They are playing computer games.

We are standing for a photo at the party.

We are dancing at the party.

We are singing together.

We are skating.

We are sitting in the café.

We are walking in the park together.

Are we having good time in these photos? Did you pay attention to the way I described the photos?  Yes, right you are. Let’s form the rule together.

3. Подача правила-инструкции

So, if we want to talk about actions that are happening now, at the moment, at present, we should use the following construction: (the verb «to be» in one of its three present forms) am, is, are and the verb+ing.

/правила, схемы, образцы появляются в презентации на экране /




+       (             )                                                                    now/at the moment.

I am working.

He/she/it is working.

We/you/they are working.

If we want to talk about actions that are not happening now, at the moment, at present, we should use the following construction: (the verb «to be» in one of its three present forms) am, is, are,  not and the verb+ing.



Пятиугольник: to be(am/is/are Шеврон:       V/ ing

-            not                    not                      now/at the moment.


I am  not writing.

He/she is not writing.

We/you/they are not writing.

Could you please write down the rule?

/ребята записывают правила в тетради/

4. Использование речевых образцов c интонационной обработкой

All small children have  good imagination. When I was a little girl I liked playing different games. Sometimes I stood before the mirror, did different actions and commented them.

a) Учитель приводит примеры предложений в Present Continuous с интонацией. Презентация со схемой постоянно на экране перед студентами. Учитель проговаривает предложения и проделывает движения.  Можно подготовить различные предметы для демонстрации  речевых образцов, например – мяч, игрушечную гитару и т. д.

Look at me! I’m going to play that game.

Now I am singing.

I am dancing now.

I am playing the guitar.

I am skiing.

 I am playing football.

I am painting.

I am reading.

I am writing.

Am I a good actress?

(ключевые фразы вынесены на доску. Учитель по мере произнесения фразы показывает её на доске и выделяет её)

2. Автоматизация.

Имитационное упражнение №1

By the way, do you like going to the theatre in your free-time? Great! As for me, I love theatre very much! Theatre is a wonderful thing, you know! Would you like to take part in a play? You’ve got a good chance. Our school is opening a new club – Drama-club. Our  teacher Mrs Olesya is going to teach students and teachers to play drama.  It’s so exciting, isn’t it? In America Drama-clubs are very popular among teenagers. In Drama-clubs they often do different Drama-exercises. Would you like to try? Just imagine – you all are actors and I’m your director. Please look at me, dramatize the same actions and comment them. Are you good actors and actresses? Let’s play!

Teacher (director):

Now I’m dancing. I’m not singing.


I’m dancing too. I’m not singing.


Look! I’m playing the guitar. I’m not playing the piano.


I’m playing the guitar. I’m not playing the piano.


I’m skating now. I’m not skiing.


I’m skating now too. I’m not skiing.


I’m playing football. I’m not playing basketball.


I’m playing football. I’m not playing basketball.


I’m doing karate. I’m not doing gymnastics.


I’m doing karate too. I’m not doing gymnastics.


I am fishing now. I’m not playing cricket.


I am fishing now. I’m not playing cricket.


I’m painting. I’m not playing computer games.


I’m painting too. I’m not playing computer games.


I’m riding a bike. I’m not riding a horse.


I’m riding a bike. I’m not riding a horse.


I’m driving. I’m not watching TV.


I’m driving. I’m not watching TV.


I’m surfing the internet. I’m not reading.


I’m surfing the internet. I’m not reading.

Well done! You are good actors! I think we can play together in our Drama-club. It’s great!



Имитационное упражнение №2

I’m sure that you often go out together with your friends. Am I right? You know, teens in different countries like going out with friends too.  Let’s read and listen to the phone conversation of two young people and we’ll learn where Jane is and where Alan is?

Say if it true. For example:

Teacher: Kate is dancing at the party with friends.

Student: Kate is dancing at the party with friends. True!

Teacher: Jane is not sitting in the kitchen. True!

Jane is sitting in the living room. True!

Jane is listening to music. False!

Jane is watching TV. True!

Jane is leaving the house now. True!

Jane is singing at home. False!

Alan is sitting at home. False!

Alan is playing computer games. False!

Alan is surfing the internet. False!

Alan is having good time. True!

Well done! I think teens all over the world like spending time with their friends and like doing the same things.



Имитационное упражнение №3

 A lot of students  have got pen-friends from America. They often write about their favourite free-time activities and sports. They send photos and pictures .  Sometimes I can’t guess what they are doing in the photos, what kind of sport they are doing. Could you please help me and agree with me if I’m right. Look at the screen.

Teacher: They are playing rugby in this photo.

Students: They are playing rugby in this photo. Right!

They are diving in this picture.

They are playing American football.

They are driving.

They are rollerblading.

They are dancing in the disco.

They are horse-riding.

They are playing basketball.

They are going bowling.



Подстановочное упражнение №1

There are about 7 milliards people all over the world. Just imagine! At this moment all people are doing different things. What are they doing now? Try to guess what your relatives, friends and other people are doing at the moment. Please, first say your suggestions and then write down the sentences.

Шеврон:       V/ingПятиугольник: am/is/are+       (             )                                   .     .  

/на экране опора/

I think /I’m sure/ Maybe



some men




my mother




Orlando Bloom


listening to music


my classmates




some teenagers


watching TV

At the moment

my neighbors




my sister


playing football


my cat




my teacher


going bowling

At present

my brother


playing chess


our president




our director


surfing the internet


my friend


sitting at home






my father


doing karate


Russian sportsmen


playing the guitar



my brother




Could you please read your suggestions? Well done! Maybe your friends and relatives are really doing these very things at the moment.

Подстановочное упражнение №2

Шеврон:                 /ing+       (             )                                   .     .  


I think a lot of people are listening to music or singing at the moment. By the way, do you like singing karaoke with your friends?  We often go to the karaoke bar and sing one of my favourite songs.  Try to guess what song it is. Let’s listen to it through. Do you like the song? Yes! It’s Suzanne Vega's  song. Please, listen to the song again and fill in the gaps. Use the following constructions: am looking, am waiting, is kissing, are shaking, is turning, am sitting, is pretending, is straightening, are thinking, is getting, am feeling, are listening, is trying,  is hitching up.




In the morning
At the diner
On the corner


At the counter
For the man
To pour the coffee

And he fills it
Only halfway
And before
I even argue


Out the window
At somebody
Coming in

"It is always
Nice to see you"
Says the man
Behind the counter

To the woman
Who has come in

Her umbrella

And I look
The other way
As they
Their hellos


Not to see them
And instead
I pour the milk

I open
Up the paper
There's a story
Of an actor

Who had died
While he was drinking
He was no one
I had heard of

And I

To the horoscope
And looking
For the funnies

When I

Someone watching me
And so
I raise my head

There's a woman
On the outside
Looking inside
Does she see me?

No she does not
Really see me
'Cause she sees
Her own reflection

And I

Not to notice
That she

Up her skirt

And while she

 her stockings
Her hair

Oh, this rain
It will continue
Through the morning
As I

To the bells
Of the cathedral

Of your voice...

And of the midnight picnic
Once upon a time
Before the rain began...

I finish up my coffee
It's time to catch the train



Well done! Now you know the words of the song and can sing it with your friends at parties.



Подстановочное упражнение №3

I’ve got a lot of friends not only in Russia but in other countries.  My American friends sent new photos for my photo gallery. What captions should I make for them?  Could you help me and write what they are doing in the pictures:

is snorkeling,    is swimming,    is knitting,    is sleeping,       are     sleighing,     are dancing,      is snowboarding, is painting,     is eating,     is watching,    are drinking,                is helping,       is listening,      are playing


 Шеврон:                 /ing+      (             )                                   .     .  

http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2012/oct/small_girls_playing_with_blocks.jpg Lucy and Jane are playing with their toys at the moment.


http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2012/oct/Z9B_snorkeling4.jpg Matthew … .


http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2012/oct/52D_swimming_dog_bgiu.jpg Peter’s dog Fluffy …  in the river.


http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2012/oct/D2B_Pink_knitting_in_front_of_pink_sweatshirt.JPG Ann’s  grandma …  a scarf for me.


http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2012/oct/B2C_sleepattempt1.jpg Peter’s dog Snowball … on the sofa.


http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2012/oct/E8F_116566-004-9FDD316B.jpg Ann’s kids … down the hill.


http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2012/oct/885_2qx2ukn.jpg Mia and Tom …  .


http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2012/oct/Best_Snowboard_Desktop_Sport_Airborne.jpg Lucas  … .


http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2012/oct/child_painting.JPG Polly  …a picture.


http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2012/oct/B41_eating.jpg Robert  … his lunch.


http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2012/oct/Z9B_Fatty_watching_himself_on_TV.jpg Polly’s cat  …TV.


http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2012/oct/963_elephants-drinking-at-waterhole-in-Addo-Park-Eastern-Cape-South-Africa-WL.jpg These elephants  … from a puddle of water.


http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2012/oct/412_homeworkhelp.jpg Mark's mother  … him with his homework.


http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2012/oct/7BC_listeningtomusic.jpg My little friend Billy  … to music.


http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2012/oct/Maggie_playing_soccer.jpg Brian and his dog Bella  … football.

Thank you! Well done. Now my photo gallery is great!

Подстановочное упражнение №4

 I think we are never bored when we are together. You know, I often spend time with my friends. They are not only adults, but small children. To communicate with people of different ages is very important. Do you agree? Children from our primary school asked to help them to comment the pictures that they drew for the kids’ magazine. Let’ help together. I’m sure you can do it very well.


Шеврон:                 /ing+       (             )                                   .     .  



1.     is eating / is cooking / is buying

1.http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/gallery/e/eat.jpg     I  a sandwich now. 


2. is driving / is washing / is selling

3. is cooking / is eating / is selling

4. are reading/ are drawing/ are  studing

5. is digging / is finding / is showing

6. is sipping / is drinking / is offering

7. are clapping / are washing / are putting  up

8. are swimming / are playing / are singing

9. is writing / is reading / is sending

10. is running / is watching / is eating

2.http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/gallery/c/car.jpg      Mum  a car now.

3.http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/gallery/c/cook.jpg       Dad  a delicious meal. 

4.http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/gallery/e/exam.jpg       We  because we have a test tomorrow. 

5.http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/gallery/p/pirate.jpg        The pirate  a hole in the sand to find a treasure.

6.http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/gallery/c/coffee.jpg       Grandpa  his coffee.

7.http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/gallery/c/clap.jpg      The people  their hands with joy. 

8.http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/gallery/s/swimming%20pool.jpg      The kids  in the pool. are

9.http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/gallery/e/e-mail.jpg      Sammy  an e-mail to his friend Joe. 

10.http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/gallery/c/cat.jpg      The cat  after the mouse.

Well done! I think our small students will appreciate your help. I hope you’ll be good friends.


Подстановочное упражнение №6

A lot of people have got pets at home. We like our pets very much. They are our friends. Have you got any pets? Do you like playing with your pets? They are so funny! Now you are sitting at the lesson. And what about your cats and dogs? What do you think they are doing now?

                 Probably my cat is … or…, or…

              I think my dog is … or…, or…

                 I’m sure my pet is … or…,  or…

Шеврон:                /ing+                                              .             



Probably it is sleeping, or eating.


Probably it  is…, or…


Probably it  is…, or…


Probably it  is…, or…

Great! Now we know what your pets do when you are out.  I think they are bored all alone without their friends.


Трансформационное упражнение №1

We can’t call our pets and ask them how they are, but we can call our friends and ask about things they are doing at the moment. Look! Ann is at home. She is calling Jane. Jane is at the party.


-Hi, Ann! Are you OK?

-Yes, I’m fine.

-Great! Are you having good time?

-Yes, Ann. I’m.

-What are you doing?

- I’m dancing.

-And Tim? What is he doing?
-He is chattering with Ben.

-Well, see you at10.

-OK, see you!

What questions is Ann asking? Right!

So, sometimes we need to ask about actions that are happening now. In this case the following constructions will help us:


                                            (                            )               ?


Is                         he                                                 playing football?


Are                                         you                        listening to me?


Овал:      ?

                                                       (                         )             ?


What        are                       you                             doing?


(If you want to ask people about actions they are doing now then use the following form:…)

Трансформационное упражнение №2

Jane often spends time with friends. Here’s her diary.  Let’s ask if it really so.


go to the cafe



cook dinner with Ben

2-3 pm


play computer with Mike

4-5 pm


go for a walk with Ben and Mike

5-6 pm


go to the cinema

7-9 pm


take photos with friends

1-3 pm


go bowling

3-5 pm


It’s 6 o’clock on Monday.

Is Jane going to the café?

Yes, Jane is really going to the café at 6 o’clock on Monday.


Трансформационное упражнение№3

I think you all like going to parties with your friends and you are never bored together. Am I right? Do you play any games at parties? Let’s play a game “What are you doing?” Choose an activity and mime it. Answer your classmates’ questions.  Ask questions to find out what classmate is doing.

play football    ride a bike    dance at the party    swim in the pool    surf the internet

sing at the party            play tennis         fish          play the piano      play the guitar

do a judo exercise            ride a horse                 read  a book                 feed a dog

Well done! You can play this game with your friends and have fun!

Трансформационное упражнение№4

Do you like cartoons? My friend Lena is fond of animation. She sent me some pieces of her new work. Let’s fill in the gaps and we’ll learn what the characters are doing in a new cartoon.

            http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2009/ago/Present_C_4.jpg                                      http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2009/ago/Present_C_2.jpg                                         http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2009/ago/Present_C_1.jpg

Mary  her hands.     They  over the toy.      Sarah  on her coat.

        (to wash)                                 (to fight)                                       (to put)


        http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2009/ago/Present_C_3.jpg                         http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2009/ago/Present_C_5.jpg                             http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2009/ago/Present_C_12.jpg

The student  his hand.  The girl  the table          Tom  his drawing.

                   (to raise)                               (to set)                                    (to show)

  http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2009/ago/FA5_Verb-Wait.gif He  for the bus. (to wait)


   http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2009/ago/DFE_Verbs-dance.jpgThe girls . (to dance)


     http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2009/ago/7F9_Verb-Drink.gif He  water. (to drink)


      http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2009/ago/B71_Verb-Slide.gif  She . (to slide)


     http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2009/ago/F2E_Verb-Clean.gif He  the house. (to clean)


     http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2009/ago/457_Verb-Climb.jpg The boy  the tree. (to climb)


     http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2009/ago/C5B_Verb-Cook.gif He  dinner. (to cook)


     http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2009/ago/93Z_Verb-Swim.gif The man  in the ocean. (to swim)





Трансформационное упражнение №5

I’m a teacher.  I have got a lot of students and I like all of them.  I know a lot about my students. We are all friends. Here is a list of actions my students usually do.  Imagine we see them now doing these actions. Rewrite the sentences.

She always walks with her dog.  Look! She is walking with her dog now.

Peter goes to school every day.

Olga often sings songs.

Gabriel plays football every evening.

Gena watches TV every day.

Sometimes Irina plays the guitar.

Usually Marina surf the internet.

Kostya and Ann often go to the cinema.

Ilya and Kolya listen to music every day.

Mila often plays computer games.

Трансформационное упражнение №6

All students  studies hard, but sometimes they make mistakes.  Mistakes are OK, everybody makes them. Yesterday my students wrote an essay. Here is the list of wrong sentences with mistakes. Please help me to correct the sentences.

He bakes a cake at the moment.

My Mum washes the floors at present.

He bakes cakes now.

      My brother washes the floors at the moment.

      Ann paints now.

Tim drives his car at the moment.

Irina   plays the piano now.

Marina works hard in his yard.

My sister teaches from Monday to Friday.

       It’s 5 o’clock. I babysits his son’s dog.

He exercises at the moment.


Репродуктивное упражнение  №1 (1вариант)

I know that you have made posters and presentations with photos where you and your friends are doing your favourite activities. So have I. Let’s have a look at them. I’m going to tell you what I am doing in the photos.    Please, tell me what you are doing in your photos. I think we’ll have fun together.  Look, in this photo I’m cooking. In this photo I’m fishing.  In this photo my parents are playing with their grandson and granddaughter. In this photo my nephew is playing football.

Student : In this photo I’m swimming.

Student : And I’m playing football.

Student: I and my friends are dancing.

Student: My parents and I are singing.

Student: My mother is …

Student: I’m playing computer games.

Student: I’m …

Student: My brother is …

Student: We are walking.

You have got so many friends! And you are never bored when you are together, aren’t you? It’s great!



Репродуктивное упражнение №1(2 вариант)

I know you like standing for a photo with your friends. Today you have prepared posters with your best photos. Can you  

show the presentations and tell us where you are and what you and  your friends are doing in the photos.

In the first photo ...

In the second photo…

In this photo

Репродуктивное упражнение №2

I’m sure people can’t live without hobbies. Our life without favourite activities is boring. Do you agree?  What are your hobbies? As for me I like painting in my free time. Now I’m painting pictures for one of my favourite books “Three men in the bout except the dog”. Would do like to have a look at them? Can you describe the pictures? Describe the things the characters are doing.

Репродуктивное упражнение №2

Now, let’s find the most outstanding photos in the internet and make reportage about  free-time activities, holidays and  special occasions. Describe the actions the people are doing in the photos.

Упражнение № 1 на комбинирование

 I think everybody likes travelling on holidays. Where do you usually go on your holidays? Do you travel with your family or with your friends? My friend Olga now is in Italy with her family. I’m sure they are having a good time together. Let’s read an e-mail from Olga, fill in the gaps and we’ll get know if it really so.


 http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2011/jan/CBF_family.gif                     From Italy with love!




Dear Irina:

I  ________(write) to you from our hotel.  I am on vacation with my family and we_________(have) a great time.

The weather is great and the sun __________(shine).  I___________(look) outside my window and people _________(go) towards the beach.  There are some people who ___________(swim) and others _______(sail).  I______(see) children who________(play) near the edge of the beach and who __________(build) sandcastles.

Just to left of our hotel ________(be) is a big restaurant.  There are some people who ___________(sit) and _________(drink) some kind of drink that looks delicious.  The waiter_________(go) towards them and I am sure that they _________(be) ready to order.  They look very hungry.  At the moment my brother________(watch) television and my husband_____________(tell) him to get ready because we__________(go) to do some sightseeing.  My son___________(wait) for us downstairs, so I will write to you again later in the week.  Have to go now.   Love Olga.


2.     Home task:

Репродуктивное упражнение №3

And what about you? What do you usually do on holidays? Next time, please, bring the most interesting photos and comment them. Tell us what is happening in the photos.

III. Рефлексия

Are you feeling well fit?

Can you draw your emotions on the blackboard?

What is the most important thing you have done today at the lesson?

Did we have a good time together?

Well done! Thank you for your work.











Урок формирования грамматических навыков говорения по теме : “

Урок формирования грамматических навыков говорения по теме : “

I. Экспозиция

I. Экспозиция

We go bowling. We play computer games

We go bowling. We play computer games

Экспозиция нового грамматического материала

Экспозиция нового грамматического материала

They are playing computer games

They are playing computer games

I am working. He/she/it is working

I am working. He/she/it is working

All small children have good imagination

All small children have good imagination

Имитационное упражнение №1

Имитационное упражнение №1

I ’m skating now too. I ’m not skiing

I ’m skating now too. I ’m not skiing

I ’m painting too. I ’m not playing computer games

I ’m painting too. I ’m not playing computer games

Имитационное упражнение №2

Имитационное упражнение №2

Well done! I think teens all over the world like spending time with their friends and like doing the same things

Well done! I think teens all over the world like spending time with their friends and like doing the same things

Подстановочное упражнение №1

Подстановочное упражнение №1

I driving my father doing karate

I driving my father doing karate

On the corner I At the counter

On the corner I At the counter

I Not to see them And instead

I Not to see them And instead

Cause she sees Her own reflection

Cause she sees Her own reflection

Подстановочное упражнение №3

Подстановочное упражнение №3

Matthew … . Peter’s dog

Matthew … . Peter’s dog

Ann’s grandma … a scarf for me

Ann’s grandma … a scarf for me

Ann’s kids … down the hill.

Ann’s kids … down the hill.

Lucas … . Polly …a picture

Lucas … . Polly …a picture

Robert … his lunch.

Robert … his lunch.

Polly’s cat …TV. These elephants … from a puddle of water

Polly’s cat …TV. These elephants … from a puddle of water

Mark's mother … him with his homework

Mark's mother … him with his homework

Brian and his dog Bella … football

Brian and his dog Bella … football

I a sandwich now. 2. is driving / is washing / is selling 3

I a sandwich now. 2. is driving / is washing / is selling 3

Mum a car now. 3.

Mum a car now. 3.

We because we have a test tomorrow

We because we have a test tomorrow

Grandpa his coffee. 7.

Grandpa his coffee. 7.

The kids in the pool. are 9

The kids in the pool. are 9

The cat after the mouse.

The cat after the mouse.

Teacher: Probably it is sleeping, or eating

Teacher: Probably it is sleeping, or eating

Great! Are you having good time? -Yes,

Great! Are you having good time? -Yes,

What are you doing? (If you want to ask people about actions they are doing now then use the following form:…)

What are you doing? (If you want to ask people about actions they are doing now then use the following form:…)

It’s 6 o’clock on Monday. Is

It’s 6 o’clock on Monday. Is

Mary her hands. They over the toy

Mary her hands. They over the toy

He water. (to drink)

He water. (to drink)

The man in the ocean. (to swim)

The man in the ocean. (to swim)

Ilya and Kolya listen to music every day

Ilya and Kolya listen to music every day

Student: I and my friends are dancing

Student: I and my friends are dancing

I’m sure people can’t live without hobbies

I’m sure people can’t live without hobbies

From Italy with love!

From Italy with love!

They look very hungry. At the moment my brother__ ______(watch) television and my husband____ _________(tell) him to get ready because we_____ _____(go) to do some…

They look very hungry. At the moment my brother__ ______(watch) television and my husband____ _________(tell) him to get ready because we_____ _____(go) to do some…

Урок формирование ГН по теме:

Урок формирование ГН по теме:
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