Этот файл содержит рабочую программу и планирование в 5 классе. В рабочей программе вы найдёте объяснение в том,почему выбран именно данный учебник Биболетовой ,прочитаете об особенностях построения данного учебно- методического пособия. В календарно-тематическом пособии указано конкретно употребление каких именно лексических и грамматических материалов.Указан контроль знаний:
в какие сроки и в какой форме .
A game—lesson «Jungle Call»
Цели: обобщение материала по теме «Животные в нашей жизни»; тренировка лексико
грамматических навыков.
2. Развитие памяти,внимания,монологической устной речи,фонематического слуха.
3. Воспитание любви к изучаемому языку.
Оборудование: картинки животных,большой рисунок поросёнка, карточки с
Ход мероприятия:
Good afternoon, boys and girls. Good afternoon, guests. Today we have a special lesson.
It is a gamelesson»Jungle Call»
Today you will speak about animals, solve riddles and play games. I want your teams come
here . The first team is «The Beasts of Prey» and the second «The Beasts of Grass»
Well,teams , you have some time to present yourselves and captains.
2.Проведение конкурсов.
. Визитка.
Tell us about yourselves, please.(Капитаны рассказывают о командах,а игроки—о себе)
За лучшую визитку команды получают по банану или по кости).
Look at these pictures. You can see many animals. Solve riddles:
1 It is a small animal. It likes milk and fish.(a cat)
2. It is orange.It is not big.It can run.It is very cunning.(a fox)
3. This animal lives at home or in the street.It is a man;s friend.(a dog)
4 This animal can jump, climb the trees.It likes to eat bananas.(a monkey).
5 This animal lives in the forest.It is cruel.It likes to eat meat.( a wolf)
6 This animal can run very quickly.It likes to eat grass, carrots, cabbage.It lives in the cage( a
7 This animal lives in the forest.It is brown. It is called the master of the forest.It likes to eat
honey.(a bear).
8 This animal lives near the water. It is green.It can jump and swim.But it can neither climb nor
run.( a frog).
9 This animal is very big.It is grey.It has a very long nose. It lives in India and in Africa.
It likes to eat grass and leaves.( an elephant).
10 Gena is not a boy.He is big,long and green.He is very clever. It can swim.He has a friend
Cheburashka.( a crocodile).
Назовите противоположные по значению слова:
Black, white,yes, no, hello,goodbye,small,big,good,bad
,new, old,low , high,long, shot,ugly, nice.Конкурс4.Sentences.
Mak e up sentences.
You receive a bone or a banana for the right sentence.
I have just watched the interesting film.
He has already played a ball.
Children, I know you like animals.Y ou can show any animal you like by your acting.
You will show us the animal using your body.
(Ученики из команды соперницы должны изобразить животное,его повадки,походку или
движения. Задача другой команды узнать животное.
За каждого угаданного героя команда получает кость или банан.
Fish, a dog, a cat, a crocodile, a fox, a hare, a wolf, an elephant,a frog, a sheep,a boy, a girl.
It’s a competition for our captains.Here you the cards.Your task is to put missing words.
1 My dear…
Sleeps in the hat.
The hat is tall,
The cat is….(cat, small)
2 Little mouse,little mouse
Left her flat for bigger…
There are ten rooms in it.
…can the mouse sit?(house,where)
Конкурс8.(Songs and poems.)
Every team recites poems and sings a song.
1 Do you know the funny dog,
The funny dog,
The funny dog?
Do you know the funny dog
Who likes to sing with me?
I know the funny dog,
The funny dog,
The funny dog
Do you know the funny dog?
Who likes to sing with me.
I saw, I saw, I saw
A lion at the zoo.
I saw, I saw, I saw,
A baby elephant too.I saw, I saw, I saw,
A big grey kangaroo
I saw, I saw,I saw,
I saw them at the zoo.
Animals are we
We are all animals now,
We are animals now,
Hi ho the derry –o!
We are all animals now.
Little mouse, little mouse,
Left her flat for bigger house,
There ten rooms in it,
Where can the mouse live?
My dear
Sleeps in the hat,
The hat is tall
The cat is small.
This is a cat, a cat, a cat,
It sits on the mat, on the mat.
These are cats, cats, cats,
They sit on the mats, on the mats.
This is a bear, a bear, a bear,