Уроки с использованием ИКТ к УМК Издательство Просвещение "Spotlight" 11
Шумовое загрязнение океана
Reading: a text on ocean noise pollution
Skills ― reading for specific information ― reading
for gist
Speaking: a two-minute talk on ocean noise
Уроки с использованием ИКТ к УМК Издательство Просвещение "Spotlight" 11
waves ― relaxed
a ship’s horn ―
a boat engine –
seagulls ― excited
a drill ― nervous
an explosion ―
1 a ship’s
2 a drill
3 an
4 waves
5 seagulls
6 a boat
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Killer whales, dolphins and Baby seals can no longer hear and
communicate with each other as well as in the past. This makes it
harder for them to find a mate and/or feeding grounds. They may
also become stranded. Sound blasts from military sonar cause
bleeding to the eyes, ears and organs in whales and dolphins
stranded I ['strændɪd] сидящий
на мели; выброшенный на
blast [blɑːst]взрыв
military sonar-гидролокационная станция
bleed [bliːd] кровоточить; истекать
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I1I I Many ocean creatures, such as whales, seals, sea
lions and dolphins, experience their whole world
through sound. Whales, for example, use low-frequency
sound waves to keep track of each other, tell others
where food is available, and find each other to breed.
Whales that are sometimes hundreds or even
thousands of kilometres away must listen very carefully
to hear the faint sounds of these 'whale songs'.
low-frequency низкочастотный keep track -быть в курсе дел?следить
faint [feɪnt] слабый
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I2I I Unfortunately, in the last one hundred years,
humans have begun flooding the oceans with noise,
from off-shore oil drilling and the use of explosives
for underwater mining, to shipping traffic and
military operations. In fact, the ocean is ten times
noisier than it was in 1960! As a result, sea creatures
can no longer hear and communicate with each
other. A blue whale born in 1940, for example, was
able to hear sounds from up to 1,000 miles away.
off-shore oil drilling -морского бурения(drilling) скважин
explosives for underwater mining взрывчатых веществ, при подводных горных работах -
military operations - военные учения
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Today, this 'hearing bubble' has been reduced to only 100 miles, making
it much harder for it to locate a mate. Evidence is also growing that
sound blasts from military sonar are so intense that they cause bleeding
of the eyes, ears and organs in whales and dolphins. Some also suspect
that noise, even if it is quieter than the engine of an average motorboat,
can cause whales and other mammals to swim miles away from
breeding or feeding grounds, or even to become stranded.
bleed [bliːd]
истекать кровью
military sonar-
stranded I ['strændɪd]
выбрасываться на
bubble ['bʌbl] пузырь
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I3I I So, can anything be done about
this? Well, environmentalists are
currently campaigning for ships and
oil companies to move away from
areas where there are a lot of sea
mammals. They also believe that
there should be laws or at least
international agreements to control
noise levels at sea. However, they
certainly haven't got an easy job!
Many people don't even believe, or
don't want to believe, that ocean
noise can have such a drastic effect
on animals.
currently campaigning- судебные кампании
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keep track of ― know where sth/sb is
faint ― weak
intense ― strong
stranded ― unable to leave a place
drastic ― extreme
marine: sea
breed: have babies
drilling: using a special tool to make
mate: male/female to have babies
blasts: loud, explosive noises
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Good afternoon and thank you for inviting me to talk to you about ocean
noise pollution and how to affects wildlife.You would probably be surprised to
hear just how badly wildlife is affected by noise. But,you see, ocean
mammals, such as whales, seals and dolphins need to be able to hear really
well. Whales, for example, communicate by using low-frequency sound
waves. This information is vital for them as it tells them where they can find
each other, where to get food and also helps with breeding! They often
communicate over hundreds or thousands of kilometers and, as the ocean is
now ten times noisier than it was fifty years ago, it has become impossible
for whales to hear each other if they are more than 100 miles away. And,
marine mammals are in danger of swimming far away from breeding grounds
and feeding grounds ― some mammals may find themselves stranded. But,
there are even more serious consequences of ocean noise pollution. For
example, sound blasts from military sonar can cause bleeding of the eyes,
ears and organs in whales and dolphins. You may wonder what your company
can do about all this. Well, one important thing we can do is to make sure
ships and oil companies stay away from areas where there are as lot of sea
mammals. You should also start onitoring the level of noise produced, so that
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Ответ №2
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen’s! I’m here to tell you about beautiful
and amazing creatures, which live in the sea.
You may don’t know this, but hearing is really important for ocean mammals.
For instance, whales thanks to low-frequency sounds can keep track of each
other, also tell their congeners where they can take food, and, finally, find
each other to breed. What is more surprising, is that whales hear this
‘whales songs’ from hundreds or even thousands kilometers away, but they
have to listen carefully, because sounds are faint. That is why due to
increasing noise mammals cannot communicate with each other in the long
distance anymore. Moreover, there is some evidence that sounds blasts from
military are so intensive that they cause bleeding of the eyes, ears and
organs in whales and dolphins. Besides, noise forces animals to swim miles
away from breeding or feeding grounds.
Many people would ask what we can do about this. First of all, you should
move away from places where there are a lot of sea mammals. Secondly, we
should create laws which will control noise levels at sea in the future. And,
thirdly, every of you can add his own solution to this problem.
Thank you for listening.
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Ответ №3
Today I would like to tell you about ocean noise pollution and its influence on
animals’ life.
You'd be surprised, but life of the oceanic animals depends on sounds.
Whales and dolphins use sounds for their communication. Scientists believe
that using these sounds whales find their way and can keep track of each
other (the whales travel in groups or herds) when swimming in the ocean.
Whales can see with their little eyes and hear very well.
They often communicate over hundreds or thousands of kilometers and, as
the ocean is now ten times noisier than it was fifty years ago, the noise
pollution is the worst thing for oceanic animals. Some of them can die
swimming to far from breeding and feeding grounds. Also, sound blasts can
cause terrible consequences for animals in the ocean. All animals will die in
terrible agony.
It’s necessary to care about not only ecology but also about the purity of the
sound of the ocean. Then the animals will be OK.
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Это, кажется, закон, что вы не
можете иметь глубокую симпатию
и к человеку и к природе
A: As for me, I don’t agree with this statement. I believe that nature and
people can coexist without any problems, but, of course, it takes a lot of
patience, kindness, sensibility and hard work. And, to my mind, people are
the products of nature, so we are the same thing. (Что касается меня, то я
не соглашусь с этим утверждением. Я верю, что природа и люди могут
сосуществовать без каких-либо проблем, но, конечно, это требует много
терпения, доброты, благоразумности и усердной работы. И, по моему
мнению, люди являются продуктом природы, поэтому мы – часть одной
и той же вещи)
B: Unfortunately, I can’t agree with you. I think that man is too selfish to love
both nature and him at the same time. Most often we do not think about
consequences of our actions directed to the nature, so we think only about
own needs. (К сожалению, я не могу согласиться с тобой. Я думаю, что
человек слишком корыстен для того, чтобы одновременно любить и
природу, и себя в одно и то же время. Чаще всего мы не думаем о
последствиях наших действий, направленных на природу, получается,
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Ответ №2
A: I think this expression is true. People and the nature can’t coexist
together. People meet their needs destroying nature very often. We
need to lower our requirements. Every day it becomes less and less
forests and more and more consumer products
B: People create the zoos. Thus they destroy the natural habitat of
many animals. Environment’s pollution is the result of nature’s death.
Also hunting leads to the disappearance of rare species of animals
A: Я думаю, что это выражение истинная правда. Люди и природа не
могут сосуществовать вместе. Люди удовлетворяют свои потребности,
очень часто уничтожая природу. Мы должны снизить наши
требования. Каждый день становится все меньше и меньше лесов и
больше и больше продуктов потребления.
В: Люди создают зоопарки. Таким образом, они разрушают
естественную среду обитания многих животных. Загрязнение
окружающей среды является результатом смерти природы. Также
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Ответ №3
S1: I think it is often the case that man's needs are in conflict with what is
best for the environment, especially with all the energy demands that new
technologies are bringing today.
S2: I think it is possible to expand our technology and needs without
harming nature but it requires a lot of coordination and regulation by
governments and companies.
S3: We need to be more educated and less selfish about the quickest and
easiest way to get what we want and also be sympathetic to what is going
on around us. I think we can meet out demands and be understanding of
nature at the same time,
S1: Я думаю, что часто случается, что нужды человек находятся в противоречии
с тем, что лучше для окружающей среды, особенно со всеми энергетическими
потребностями, которые новые технологии приносят сегодня.
S2: Я думаю, что возможно расширить наши технологии и потребности без
ущерба для природы, но это требует много координации и регулирования со
стороны правительств и компаний.
S3: Мы должны быть более образованными и менее эгоистичными по отношению
к быстрому и простому способу получить то, что мы хотим, а также в симпатиях
к тому, что происходит вокруг нас. Я думаю, что мы можем удовлетворить
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