викторина 8 класс spotlight 8

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  • 08.01.2019
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

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Who wants to be a millionaire? English quiz
ENGLAND Idioms Family&F riends GRAMMAR ANIMALS • for чтобы the Abbey, Park, Garden, Complete: The Kensington.. Westminster England, Oxford, Nothern Ireland, Wales, The UK Scotland consist of… он THE CAPITAL OF GREAT BRITAIN IS … /on/ Make up /nerves/get the / idiom: someone’s/ 30 30 … In my Trafalgar… Finish mind sentence: • Crazy She drives In my • me… neck What is the Russian word “acquaintan Union John Happy What is the English name of Union Jack Jolly Roger English flag? Guess the idiom: optimistic Find – antonym patient – s: reliable – beautiful / Odd one ugly / monster / out: interesting Fill the gaps: e_e_ha_ 20 Square60 80 20 60 80 uncle/ 30 60 80 20niece/ hours/ has/ 80 20 20 80 Translate улыбнулся, разрядить sentence: обстановку Charity Translate begins at home, but the shouldn’t end proverb: there Put the /been/ for/ words in a the/ car/ he/ three/ fixing/ ce”? Drive Say 3 forms Sleep of irregular Choose verbs: I’ve got 8 legs and 60 60 8 eyes. Who am I? 30 30 t correct order to make a sentence Who is this: It hasn’t got ears and can’t walk. in:. Make up 3 Я пою sentences песню Pr. S., P. S., Odd one F. S. out: goat/ chicken/bea Odd one stepmother/ fellow / out: r /donkey ANIMALSOdd one out:goat/chicken/bear/donkeyENGLANDIdioms Family&FriendsGRAMMARMake up 3 sentences in:.Pr. S., P. S., F. S.Who is this:It hasn’t got ears andcan’t walk.I’ve got 8 legs and 8 eyes. Who am I?Fill the gaps:e_e_ha_tSay 3 forms of irregular verbs:What is the name of English flag?Guess the idiom:Find antonyms: Odd one out:THE CAPITAL OF GREAT BRITAIN IS …Make up the idiom:Odd one out:The UK consist of…Complete: The Kensington..Westminster…Trafalgar…Translate the sentence:Translate the proverb: Put the words in a correct order to make a sentenceFinish sentence:She drives me…What is the Russian word for “acquaintance”?Abbey, Park, Garden, Square6080England, Oxford, Nothern Ireland, Wales, Scotland30203020/been/ for/ the/ car/ he/ three/ fixing/ hours/ has/ 8060Union JohnHappy EnglishUnion JackJolly Roger2020niece/ stepmother/fellow /uncle/30608030806080306020optimistic – patient – reliable –•In my mind•Crazy •In my neck/on/ /nerves/get/someone’s/он улыбнулся, чтобы разрядить обстановкуCharity begins at home, but shouldn’t end thereDriveSleepChooseЯ пою песнюbeautiful / ugly / monster / interesting