Это внеклассное мероприятие, посвященное празднованию годовщины Победы, можно проводить на неделе английского языка в школе. В нем задействованы учащиеся 8-11 классов, которые рассказывают об основных вехах ВОВ, а также читают стихи, инсценируют события военных лет и поют на английском языке. Кроме того, используется краеведческий материал из школьного музея.
УЧИТЕЛЬ ИНОСТРАННОГО ЯЗЫКАЦели мероприятия: прививать чувство гордости за свою страну, воспитывать
патриотизм на подлинных примерах своих соотечественников, показать вклад в Победу
героев – инзенцев (по материалам школьного музея), расширить лексико –
грамматические навыки по теме.
В данном внеклассном мероприятии задействованы учащиеся 10 8 классов. Ведущими
являются ребята старших классов, небольшие сообщения делают учащиеся среднего
звена. Кроме того, все выступления сопровождаются видео или аудиоматериалами.
Звучит пеня «ДЕНЬ ПОБЕДЫ», выходят ведущие.
Speaker 1. This Victory Day
is scented with gunpowder,
this is a holiday
with grey hair on the temples.
This is happiness
with tears in your eyes.
Victory Day.
Victory Day.
Victory Day.
Speaker 2.The 9th of May is a special day for all Russian people. This is Victory Day. This
is the day when the Great Patriotic War was finished.
Speaker 1.Victory Day is a national holiday in Russia. Public offices, schools and most
businesses are closed for the celebrations. There may be changes in public transport routes
due to parades and street performances. (СЛАЙД 1 – яркая картинка праздника)
Speaker 2.On June 24, 1945 the first Parade of the Victory took place. Parade was accepted
by Marshal Zhukov. Konstantin Rokossovskiy ordered parade. (СЛАЙД 2 маршал
Жуков и Рокоссовский)
Speaker 1.Victory Day marks Germany’s surrender to the Soviet Union in 1945. It became
the end of the Great Patriotic War for the USSR which lost about 25 million citizens in the
four years of fighting.
Speaker 2.Interestingly, until its 20th anniversary (May 9, 1965), Victory Day was not a
major holiday, unlike, for instance, May Day, and was considered a work day. Apart from
the anniversaries in 1965 and 1985, Victory Day celebrations in the Soviet Union did not
feature a military parade. This tradition started in 1995. (СЛАЙД 3 – парад на красной
Speaker 1.For the Soviet Union, the war started on the 22nd of June 1941. A day before, on
the 21st of June, in all schools of the country there was a party the last school ball. Girlsand boys had just finished school. They were dancing, dreaming of the future and did not
know that the following day, they would go to war and never come home again.
Разыгрывается сценка выпускного бала. Звучит музыка вальса, учащиеся танцуют.
Затем раздаются звуки сирены, голос Левитана о начале войны. Девушки и юноши
слушают, мальчики уходят (переодеваются в солдатскую форму). Звучит марш
“Прощание славянки”, под который девушки “провожают” мальчиков – солдат.
It was the last night of our peaceful life. It was the first day of the war.
Звучит музыка «Вставай, страна…». Выходят ведущие. На проекторе видеопрезентация
хроники военных лет.
Speaker 1.The war lasted for 4 years. It was a very hard time for everyone. In many cities
and villages there was starvation. Millions of Soviet soldiers died in this war. But they
won and became heroes to every Russian person.
Speaker 2.Thousands of soldiers and ordinary people were awarded the title Hero of the
Soviet Union, the highest distinction in the Soviet Union. 11,635 Heroes of the Soviet
Union, 101 twice Heroes, 3 thrice Heroes, and 2 fourtime Heroes were awarded personally
or collectively for heroic feats in service, some of them posthumous. Of cause much more
thаn 11,635 people fought heroic for their Motherland but remain unknown for us. Not only
men fought for the freedom, but also women showed themselves courageous with strong will
and character, there are 87 heroes of the Soviet Union among women.
Speaker 1. During the Great Patriotic War pupils of our school became soldiers too. Our
school waited them as their mother.
Учащиеся среднего звена рассказывают о ветеранах ВОВ – учениках школы.
Рассказы сопровождаются слайдами.
I want to tell you about Vologodskaya Elizaveta – the hero of two countries: Russia
and Poland. She was a scout of the Second Ukraine front. She and her friends saved
the city Krakow from the great destruction. She was a pen friend of our school. We
have a lot of letters from her and a book written by Vologodskaya Elizaveta. This
book tells us about her struggle against fascists.
Fyodorov Nicolai was born in 1923. When he was 17, the war started. He got the rank
of corporal. During the war Nicolai Kuzmich was in the division of general Vlasov
who turned traitor. But Nicolai and his 18 friends broke out of encirclement and
reached Berlin at the end of the war.
In 1940 Gavrilin Gennadiy was a student of artillery military school in Baku. When
the war started he was a commander of the artillery troop of the tank brigade. Then he
was injured and got a burn of the second class. So Gennadiy Grigorevich was
transferred to the reserve.
Rastorguev Nicolai was born in 1926. He was a section leader of anti tank brigade.
He took Berlin by storm. There was a signature on the walls of Reichstag. At the endof the war Nicolai Vasilevich was a participant of victory parade in Moscow. After the
war he worked as a teacher.
Lieutenant Victor Orlov was a navigator of aircraft. In 1941 in Chelyabinsk he
graduated from military flying school as a bomber pilot. Victor was kind and careful
that’s why all people loved him. He died a hero’s death in 1944.
Now you can see a portrait of Sergei Matveevich Konchev. He was a founder of our
school museum in 1990. I n addition to this, he was a pupil, a teacher and a heard of
the school. Sergei Matveevich was a veteran of the GW and an honorary citizen of our
Razumovskiy Vasiliy – the former director of our school. He was killed in 1941
defending Moscow.
Zaytsev Alexander – he was a teacher of our school before the war. On April 1945 he
was wounded and died game.
Kuleshov Nicolai – the hero of the concentration camp. He was shot for attempt to
escape. And many, many others… We keep memory of them as memory of the
hundred thousands soldiers of that Great War. The victory was won by Soviet soldiers
in the name of peace and life on the Earth. all we should do everything possible to
preserve peace.
Speaker 2.The victory in the Great Patriotic War was achieved through endless heroism of
our countrymen which brought glory to our people. 25 million of civilians and soldiers died
during the war, according to official statistics.
Speaker 1.Many people attend a local military parade and watch the fireworks at night on
Victory Day. The biggest parade is in Moscow’s Red Square. Most veterans wear their
medals as they are at the head of the parade.
Выходят ученики, рассказывающие о символах победы (слайд с 3 символами).
Common symbols of Victory Day in Russia are:
St. George ribbon – people wear this blackandyellow ribbon on their clothes or tie it
to car antennas as a sign of respect and remembrance.
Red carnations – blood red is the color of the Soviet flag under which the veterans had
fought. Laying an even number of red carnations at war memorial sites signifies
mourning and remembrance.
Red Star medal – a military distinction for bravery.
The St George ribbon, red carnations and the Red Star medal are seen on Victory Day
Speaker 1.Another tradition is to give flowers, usually red carnations, to veterans in the
street and to lay wreaths at the war memorial sites. The Victory Day is a spring, so a sea of
flowers! Neighborhood schools may host a program prepared by the students, featuring
wartime songs and poetry.
Учащиеся читают стихи под музыку и видеоклип.
ЧТЕЦ 1I’m a stone and dark…
Every day ` s death, and death go on,
When you say: “My life, goodbye!”
War of the world is long, so long.
Death is the most force word.
Life and death – all is in the one,
I don’t know when it be gone
Fire flickers in wood burning stove
Drops of tar look like somebody cries
The accordion sings song of love,
It’s about your smile and your eyes.
In the fields under Moscow, the grass
Whispered calling your name in my ear
I would like you to hear for once
How my voice sounds and longs for you here..
I see a photo on the pages
Of paper I was looking through
With soldiers looking like teenagers,
The heroes of World War II.
In fact, nobody knew them, really,
There is no book on them, no song.
There’s here someone’s dearie,
a student or the only son.
Their lives had only just begun
They fell in battlefield as one.
The background was a lovely scene:
The sky was blue, the grass was green.
Speaker 1.Since then 70 years have passed. But Russian people do not forget their heroes. In
every city concerts are held in honour of the Great Patriotic War. In Moscow in the Red
Square you can see a big parade. Grandchildren and greatgrandchildren thank veterans for
Speaker 2.At home, families gather around a festive table to honor surviving witnesses of
World War II and remember those who passed away. They may also watch a favorite Soviet
film based on the events of World War II, which is also known as the Great Patriotic War.
These films are repeated each year but the audience never gets tired of them.Демонстрация видеоролика, смонтированного учащимися 10 класса. Известные
сцены из военных фильмов.
Speaker 1.There are many songs which are dedicated to this war. “Katyusha” is the best
known one.
Звучит песня «Катюша» на английском языке (исполняет ученица 9 класса). На
заднем плане танцуют девушки в военной форме (учащиеся 9 класса).
Speaker 1.In Russia and other countries Victory Day, or 9th May, is one of the great holidays
of the year.
Speaker 2.It is a holiday of all people.
Speaker 1.Nobody is forgotten!
Speaker 2.Nothing is forgotten!
Speaker 1. A minute of silence. (минута молчания под звуки метронома и видео
памятника “Разлука” в нашем городе).
Заключительное стихотворение (читает ученица 10 класса под музыку).
by Robert Rozhdestvensky
Through the ages, through years,
do remember!
About those,
who won't come ever,
Don't burst into tears!
In your throat
keep up your groans,
bitter hard groans.
Be worthy
of memory
of the fallen soldiers!
be worthy!
With bread and with songs,
with dreams and with poems,
with life, vast and broad,
with everysecond,
with every
be worthy!
While your hearts
What was the price
for happiness,
do remember!
When you send
your song
to fly in sky,
About those,
who won't sing either,
Tell your children
about them
that to be learned!
Tell the children of children
about them,
for they would
also learn!
And in all the times
of the eternal Earth
Launching to the stars
the spaceships your's,
Meet the quiverig spring,
all people of Earth.
Kill the War,
Damn it,
people of Earth!
Carry your dream through the yearsand feel it with life!..
But remember
about those,
who never will come,
I spell you,
Музыка «День Победы», на экране кадры праздничного салюта.