Answer the questions:
? Write formula of Ampere force and identify all the signs in it.
?? How to determine the direction of the magnetic induction vector at a given point?
Learning objective:
explain the principle of operation of electrical measuring instruments, electric motors
Assessment criteria:
knows the formula F = BI l sinα ;
Applies the Ampere force formula to solve problems.
Problem solving
- writes ”Given";
- expresses the values of quantities in SI;
- writes down the formula for the power of Ampere;
- expresses the required value from the formula;
- calculates the desired value.
Reflection «Self assessment»
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7* | 8** | 9** |
On the second row put:
, if you solved the problem individually;
, if the problem was solved with a hint;
, if you got detailed description
Analyze the table of self-assessment, note which problems were solved easily, when solving what problems arose, look for ways to solve them.
- §10.2;
solve any two problems from the proposed resource:
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