Оценка 4.6


Оценка 4.6
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An … is someone who starts or founds or establishes their own company. 



====  manager



====  wholesaler


A ......... is the person who directs, supervises and operates a business or a section of a business. This person is in a management position but is not always the owner of the company.



==== worker

====  rich man       

==== accountant  ++++ Business activity owned by individuals, rather than a state is a ….           


#free enterprise

==== trade union   


business department         


public enterprise  


Part of a country where business is encouraged because there are fewer laws, fewer taxes, etc.   


#enterprise zone


WI-FI zone 

==== economic zone        

==== free zone        ++++

It carries passengers and goods. It is not  military.


#commercial airline 

==== commercial land 

==== commercial pilot 


commercial airport          ++++

Unpaid workers are…. 



==== students         




part-time workers  ++++

A group of engineers who work together to provide consultancy and design services. There no outside shareholders. 




public  enterprise 

==== corporation 


sole proprietorship ++++

Companies are realizing that their … work better with a rest in the afternoon.



==== company



==== interns


Other employers want their employees to take  responsibility …. their own success by letting them set their personal work … . 


#for\ objectives

==== with\ ideas

==== to\ criteria 


in\ jobs


What functions of money do you know?


#a medium of exchange, a standard of value, a store of value

==== gambling games      


measuring the revenue

==== well-being 


I had terrible problem with a new laptop I bought recently. When I got it home it couldn't start.  I tried everything but had to call ...    

#customer support

==== call centre 

==== call office       




Marketing focuses … companies resources on … most promising marketing opportunities and keeping …customers satisfied. 


#the\ the\the


the \a\the

==== a\the\a

==== the\the\a


…marketing mix is known as … 4Ps.




The\ a


A\ the


A \a 



The 4 Ps are product, price, promotion and ….





==== people

==== path  ++++

He worked there for ten years before he… made redundant in a takeover of the company.





====  had been

==== were  ++++

At the moment he …. a book about his experience and achievements.


#is writing

==== has been writing

==== have written 


is being written ++++

Professor  Mc Lear's experience in Asia … a turning- point in his life.


#was ==== haven’t ==== were 





Every year in the USA over $150 billion is spent online, but this is only 5 % of ….

retail sales in the country.





==== whole ====



Most people using the Internet for shopping don't actually make a ….. online.  





==== shop 

==== demand ++++

30% of all online purchases …., which means that there are a lot of disappointed

….out there. 


#fail\ customers

==== work\buyers

==== succeed\ order

==== bought\consume ++++

Although online retailers have …. down prices, they are still ….. it difficult to turn visitors into paying customers. 


#brought \ finding

====  bring\ making 

==== bought\ saying

==== bringing\ seeing


A customer logs on to the Internet and looks up a … on a search engine.



==== thing

==== material

==== engine ++++

She clicks on a ...to a seller’s site and then she …  the site and identifies the product which interests her. ====

line\ goes

==== word\ stroll

==== button\ push


#link\ browses


Then the customer …  similar products on other sites before selecting the best offer she can find. 



====  ask      



==== browses


I ….   him to order 1,000 pieces initially.



==== write

==== suppose

====  mean  ++++

 I don't care what you wear if you work … .



==== in the  morning.


at the office

==== well-being


 I …... recommend doing that.



==== want

==== try ====

should ++++

I…. a job yesterday working for Apple. 


#was offered

==== offered

==== was to offer 

==== had been offered ++++

They …. a great company to work for.  



==== had been

==== are being

==== shall be


They...in many interesting countries – last month a new office ..... in Ecuador .


#operate\ was opened

==== operated\ open

==== operate\ open


was operated\was opened ++++

The interview ... really difficult. I …. lots of challenging questions.


#was really\ was asked


were really\ were asked


is really\shall ask


was really\ had been asked ++++

I… very much looking forward to… for them.


#am\ working

==== was\ work


shall be\ work

==== shall be\ working


He has …… a heavy work load that it is difficult for him to travel.



==== too ==== so ==== like


  The committee asked me some delicate …  about the company finances. 



==== question

==== problems

==== problem ++++ " I  … you any more today as there…  a joint press conference at 4pm today.


# won’t tell \ is 


can tell\ is going to be


am telling \ was 


won't tell\ will not be


We… this product to be very successful and that annual profits …  by over 10%. 


#expect\ will rise


are expecting\ would rise


expect\ would be risen

==== expected\will rise


"I've had a really bad day. First of all I had to apologize ..…  my boss 

… being late. "


#to\ for


for\ in

==== about\ for

==== to\  about


We had to celebrate Navruz  and didn’t get any more work done until…  lunch. 



==== before

==== as soon as



++++ …… the afternoon I had to wait hours  ... John to come back. 


#In\ for


On\ for


In\ to


At\ to ++++

I'm really looking forward … the weekend.



==== for ====

in ==== over  


I had ...convince John ... help me … my project.


#to\ to\ with


in\ to\ on


to\ for\ at


to\ for\ to


He insisted ... checking… Julie first to see if it was OK.



==== in\to ====

into\ for

==== on\to


 We had to find a lot of quick solutions … some serious problems.



==== for ==== out ==== with


I hope they …… this road by the time we come back next summer.


#will have repaired

==== would repair

==== will repair

==== would have repaired ++++

She had succeeded …  selling her idea …  GBH Holdings.


#in\ to

==== by\at


for\ at

==== on\ for


Jim suggested that I …… a car.


#should buy

==== buying. ==== would buy

==== have bought 


Both the manager and her assistant were ill.  … , there wasn't anybody to take any decisions. 


#as a result

==== in order

==== though

==== although ++++

She is extremely hardworking. …  she has deserved being promoted.



==== in addition

==== because

==== in order to


He didn't pass his exams ... the help I had given him. 




as a result

==== though


so that


He insisted that everything would be all right. ….. ,  I couldn't help feeling anxious. 



==== then ==== therefore

==== on the contrary


… …  , I would like to once again thank the court for giving me this opportunity to speak. 


#To conclude

==== Now


At the beginning


In addition


……  understand how the human body works, you need to have some knowledge of chemistry.


#In order to






On the contrary


The hotel itself can accommodate 80 guests. ….. , there are also ten self-catering apartments. 


#In addition


To conclude 


On the contrary


Consequently ++++

If you don't know the exact answer, just … .



==== find ==== keep silence 

==== cry


The friendly match between the two national teams attracted more than 40,000 .... .



==== coaches ==== extra players

==== participants


Many of the competitors were invited to ..…  in TV talk shows.







==== demonstrate  ++++

She works for an international corporation, so she regularly goes ... on business. 



==== home 

==== to the sea

==== to home ++++

The last …  to Nuremberg leaves Heathrow at 9 p.m.




fly ==== float 

==== flying


We have booked a …  through the Mediterranean Sea.



==== trip

==== travelling




He parked the rental car in the underground …… .


#car parking

==== traffic jam

==== metro station

==== customer park ++++

That problem was hard; its ... took several hours. 



==== decision

==== solving

==== considering ++++

He has the …  to solve complex technical problems. 



==== right ==== capable




I’ll …  you $ 5 till Friday. But only if you promise to pay it back. 



==== borrow

==== take ==== give


The government is providing an ..… $ 25 million in order to expand this service. 



==== additionally

==== in addition

==== adding ++++

In …..., fifty ambulances will be on duty until midnight.



==== additional

==== additionally

==== adding


A copy of my CV is ……. to this letter.



==== fixed

==== added 

==== moved


You should never believe anything he tries to tell you - He is the greatest …  on earth. 





==== lyer ==== liyer


She'll get angry if you …...  her while she's working. 



==== mix ==== interrupt

==== confuse ++++

It is all right to borrow money occasionally, but you shouldn't let it become a ….. . 



==== tradition customer parking

==== addiction ++++

No clever person would …  to accept such an attractive offer. 



==== give up

==== take off

==== turn on 


When she …  about her food, the waiter promised to bring her something else immediately. 



==== complain

==== refused




Several prisoners ..  an escape, but they failed. 



==== had attempt

==== attempt

==== have attempted ++++

According to the latest forecast wet weather is likely to …  for a few more days. 



==== to be continued

==== continuing

==== continues


Jane hasn't come home yet - I really hope nothing has ……  to her. 


==== done

==== occur 

==== been  ++++

Fortunately, her friends and relatives …. her during this severe crisis.



==== departed

==== looked for

==== lied


There are many ……  between the inhabitants of Europe and North America. 



==== problems



==== difference ++++

In the US, the Secretary of State is …  for foreign affairs. 





==== valuable

==== questionable


I have had no ……  to give him your message, simply because I haven't met him yet. 





==== incident time


Each of the speakers suggested a different  …...  to the problem.



==== way ==== decision

==== road


This report is based on  ..… research and data. 




scientist ==== science

==== science's


Unfortunately, he had just a superficial knowledge of economics, so he was ... to answer their questions. 



==== able ==== perfect

==== well-being


Due to the drought there is an …..  need for food and water in the whole area. 



==== temporal

==== permanent

==== slow


……  growth is expected to slow down this year.







Economics ++++

It is more … to wash a full load of laundry than several small ones. 



==== economical

==== economically

==== economy


German scientists were able to develop the most …...  telescope in the world. 



==== complicated

==== different

==== new


It is a …  fact that George Washington was the first President of the United States .





==== history




Lying, cheating, and stealing are … .



==== honest

==== smart




…… people believe in their own abilities, power or judgement  










The plane will be landing in …..  20 minutes. 



==== fortunately

==== immediately

==== eventually ++++

Don't ...  your exams. 

- I am sure you will be able to pass them. 


#worry about

==== worry on

==== trouble on

==== think about


The bank now lends over a billion dollars to more than two million …. .  , 96% of them women, and involving more than half of the villages in Bangladesh. 



==== borrower

==== lenders

==== tenants ++++

What is pricing?


#This refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including discounts


Refers to how the product gets to customer, for example, retailing


A process involving certain functions and work activities that managers must perform to achieve an enterprise’s goals.


This refers to the tiring work ++++

Why a marketer will use the Four Ps? 


#To craft a marketing plan.


To service to market.


For a marketing plan to be successful.


To influence the development of marketing.  ++++

What are the methods of marketing?


#Analyzing, defining; capturing the attention of the intended buyers keeping an accurate record of the accounts


Purchasing, subscribing, recognizing

==== personal ads 


_......._sewage into oceans and rivers is serious form of pollution.




Having dumped


Being dumped




Since ancient times, iron …… to human beings. 


#has been known

==== is known

==== is being known

==== has been knowing


The President worked so hard that his …… away from his desk was rare.



==== has been



==== to be 


You'd better ……. from work tomorrow.


#not be absent

==== not to absent

==== not to be absent

==== not absenting


Last year floods in Europe destroyed …… 2,000 building.


#as many as

==== many 

==== the same as


just as


Who …… in the office when I …..  you?


#were you talking to, phoned

==== did you talk to, phoned


were you talking, phoned

==== talked to, was phoning


You'll never jump three metres ……. hard you try.



==== whoever

==== whenever

==== wherever ++++

He bought me …… expensive ring he could find.


#the least


at last 


at least


the latest


I'll put on an overcoat in case it ….._.



==== is raining

==== rain ====

will rain


I'm used …… my own shirts. I have to look after myself.


#to ironing

==== ironing

==== iron 


to iron


We can't offer you a sandwich because we've run …… bread. 


#out of

==== away from

==== off with

==== out from


They want …… for an interview next week.


#her to come

==== she will come

==== her coming ====

that she comes


She carried on dancing in …… of the pain.





==== split 

==== despite


We ….._wear that we liked at school when we were young.


#weren't allowed to

==== can ==== are allowed to

==== weren't allowed


I wish we ….._a few more days? I'd like to see more sights.

==== #had

==== had had

==== have  


'll have


There was not enough …. for four in the flat.



==== place

==== area ==== measurement ++++

I double if she_......_you. You've really changed.


# 'll recognize

==== recognized ==== had recognized

==== has recognized ++++

The train_...... have arrived or I would have seen her.



==== mustn't

==== should

==== should not


I can't imagine …… a computer at work now.


#not having

==== having 

==== have to 

==== have


The arrested man was suspected_..... robbing a bank.



==== for ==== in ==== against ++++

When we_......._at the city centre, I'll get off the train.



==== will arrive

==== have arrived 

==== have to


This month the cost of living …… by three percent. ====

#has risen



==== rose 


is raised


Use your time ……. . Don't waste it.



==== sensible

==== sense 

==== sensibility


He would like_....._pepper in salad.


#a little

==== a few 



==== many 


When I ……._home my brother …….. to school.


#came, had gone

==== come, went

==== came, went 


'll come, had gone


You must carry your ID …….  you go.



==== whatever

==== whenever

==== whoever ++++

Have you heard ……_news?


#the latest


at last 


at least


the least


You should_......._yourself every morning.



==== weight

==== weights

==== weighed ++++

I used_......_meat, but now I'm a vegetarian.


#to eat

==== to eating

==== eat ==== eating ++++

Don't panic! We've got_....._time.


#plenty of

==== many 


lots ==== several ++++

I love jazz and so ____ she.



==== do  ====

did ==== has gone ++++

If you ____me she was a vegetarian I would not have cooked this meal.


#had told

==== have told




did tell


The police ____identify the body yet. 


#have not been able to

==== will be able to

==== can ==== could  ++++

I wish we _____more time. I really wanted to stay.


#had had

==== had ==== have ====

'll have


Our teacher is ____our slow progress.


#concerned about

==== concerning

==== concerned with

==== concern ++++

I will return the book to you as soon as I ______it.


#have read

==== read ==== reading

==== am reading ++++

It's really not worth waiting. They _____have been here hours ago.





==== ought

==== can't  ++++

They accused me _____driving too fast.



==== for ====


==== against +++++

I congratulated my mother _____her birthday.



==== with 

==== for ====



According to current perception, the accountancy profession ….  .


#seems less boring than before


contains more attractive members


is better paid than in the past


has too many job applicants


The difference between forensic accountants and most other accountancy professionals is that their work always ….. .


#relates to information used in legal proceedings


involves attendance at major crime scenes


requires greater technical knowledge


ensures that financial criminals get convicted


In the furniture, forensic accountants will …….  .


#show how terrorist crimes get funding


change attitudes to white-collar crime


replace fingerprint experts on crime teams


reduce levels of support for terrorism


I'm afraid I've had ___ work in the past two weeks that I haven't had time to read your report.


#so much

==== too much

==== very much

==== much  ++++

Julia isn't very happy in her new job. She spends ___ time away from home.


#too much

==== too many

==== many

==== a lot


We introduced a "new ideas" scheme last year, but it wasn't very successful. Only _________ .


#a few

a little




few     ++++

We were quite optimistic when we launched the RTX4 this time last year. However? ___ of our customers were interested.


#very few


very little

==== very much

==== very many


Judy spent four months in Japan but she didn't get ___ opportunity to learn the language.




lots of

==== many 

==== few


If you give me ___ time, I'll check those order details for you.


#a little more

==== a few more

==== little more

==== any more


I'm afraid we'll have to put our  expansion plans on ice for the moment. ___ of the banks we've spoken to is willing to lend us the money we need.



==== no ====


some ++++

It's company policy to encourage creativity in employees. In fact, ___ our senior managers spend one or two hours a day working on their own projects.


#most of

==== none of

==== few of

==== much of


We need to pay ___ attention to after sales service if we are going to expand our market share.


#much more

==== many more

==== lot more

==== any more ++++

Can I get you ___ coffee while you're waiting, Mrs Westman?


#a little more

==== many more

==== much more

==== a lot more


Thank you for your letter of March 24, I'm ___ hear that our new product has been successful in your market.


#pleased to

==== please to

==== pleased for

==== pleasure in ++++

What are the four Ps?

#Price, promotion, product, placement


Price, productivity, placement, product


Promotion, price, production, purpose


Placement, purchase, productivity, price


What are the four Cs? 


#Customer solution, cost, convenience, communication


Cost, cash, catalogues, convenience


Communication, cost, catalogues, cash ====

Customer, cash, cost, communication


Viral marketing ……


#marketing that spreads from consumer to consumer, often online


putting products or references to products in media like films or video games


using electronic media like email or SMS to promote products


marketing in which customers do not realize they are being marketed to


Undercover marketing …... .


#marketing in which customers do not realize they are being marketed to


promoting products to target customers (through addressed mail)


marketing that spreads from consumer to consumer, often online


using electronic media like email or SMS to promote products


Direct marketing …. .


#promoting products to target customers (through addressed mail)


marketing in which customers do not realize they are being marketed to


using electronic media like email or SMS to promote products marketing 


that spreads from consumer to consumer, often online


A legally _______contract is one which can be ________by the legal system.



==== holding/obliged

==== sticking/inflicted

==== holding/inflicted ++++

Many contracts include a _______clause which ________if deadlines are not met.




punishment/ concerns



==== bonus/applies


A company which fails to respect its commitments can be ______for _______of contract.



==== charged/breaking



==== sued/violation


In some cases the two _______can avoid the expense of litigation by agreeing an out-of-court________.








participant/contract ++++

If the case ______to court, the loser may be ordered to pay millions in_______ .





==== moves/payments

==== goes/expenses ++++

We won't discuss the matter until headmaster ______.



==== arrive

==== won't arrive

==== will arrive


This time last week he _____ part in sport events.


#was taking

==== took ==== has taken

==== takes  ++++

That woman is very honest. She never _____ a lie.



==== has told

==== tell


is telling


He is one ____ players in the team.


#of the best

==== best ==== the best

==== good  ++++

____ longer he waited ____ more impatient he became.


#the, the


the, a


a, the


a, a


It's careless of you ____ the same mistake again and again.


#to make

==== make

==== making

==== having made ++++

I'm ____ busy to talk to you now.



==== enough

==== well ==== so


My grandfather _____ in a small village all his life.


#has lived

==== lives 

==== live ====

is living


He doesn't speak ____ English. Only ____ words.


#much, a few

==== much, fewer


little, a few


a little, few


After having a shower he dried ____ with a towel.





==== oneself




____ is for exceptionally young and physically strong.



==== a gymnastic

==== the gymnastic

==== the gymnastics


"Does it often rain here?" "No, it's years it ____ here."



==== is snowing

==== snows

==== has snowed ++++

He ____ but now he smokes 10 cigarettes a day.


#didn't use to smoke

==== used to smoke

==== not used to smoke

==== didn't use to smoking ++++

I wish I ____ to the party last week. It was boring.


#hadn't gone

==== had gone ==== went ==== have gone


My younger sister goes to ____ school, so my mother went to ____ school to meet her teacher.


#-, the


-, -

==== the, -


the, the


The meeting ____ because of illness of the chairman.


#had to be postponed

==== postponed

==== had postponed 

==== had to postponed ++++

A state of emergency is reported ____ in Turkey last night.


#to have been declared

==== to have declared

==== be declared

==== declared


"I'd get married if I were in your position." "____."


#So would I


So I had


So had I


So have I


I'd rather you ____ phone me at work.



==== don't

==== will ==== won't


It’s very simple to open bank …. in Britain.



==== accountant

==== open


fill in ++++

Just go to your local ..., fill in a few forms, and that’s it. 



==== overdraft

==== account

==== formalities ++++

"Just go to your local branch, ….  a few forms, and that’s it. "


#fill in

==== account

==== collect

==== open


" You will probably only have to pay….  if there is no money in your account or if you borrow money from the bank, in other words if you have an overdraft."


#bank charges

==== account

==== formalities ==== documents


" You will probably only have to pay bank charges if there is no money in your account or if you borrow money from the bank, in other words if

you have a(an) ….  ."



==== branch

==== formalities

==== open


For regular everyday use most people prefer a …. account.



==== free ==== withdraw

==== cheque


"This normally earns no ... but you are given a cheque book, which makes shopping and paying bills very easy."



==== deposit



==== dollar


"This normally earns no interest but you are given a …. book, which makes shopping and paying bills very easy."



==== notice

==== note ==== withdraw ++++ "A(an) ….  account earns interest but it’s not so easy to withdraw your money. "





==== current

==== finance ++++

" A deposit account earns interest but it’s not so easy to …. your money. "



==== pay ==== invest

==== cheque ++++

"You sometimes have to give a week’s …. ."



==== current

==== work

==== money

"At regular intervals, perhaps monthly, you will receive a …. from the bank, giving details of each deposit (money you put in) and withdrawal (money you take out)."



==== balance

==== deposit

==== standing order


"At regular intervals, perhaps monthly, you will receive a statement from the bank, giving details of each …. (money you put in) and withdrawal (money you take out)." ====


==== balance ==== standing order

==== statement


"At regular intervals, perhaps monthly, you will receive a statement from the bank, giving details of each deposit (money you put in) and …. (money you take out)."



==== deposit

==== standing order 

==== statement


"If you’re not sure how much money you have in your account, you can just go to your bank and ask what your …. is. "



==== deposit

==== standing order

==== statement


" If you have to make a regular payment, like rent, you can ask the bank to pay this amount for you automatically. This arrangement is called a ......"


#standing order

==== balance

==== deposit

==== statement


"Some people spend more money than they receive. In other words, their …. is greater than their income, If you take more money out of the bank than you have in your account, you are overdrawn."



==== income

==== cash ====

record ++++

"To keep an underdrawn of your spending, it’s a good idea when you write a cheque to fill in the …., which stays in the book. "



==== underdrawn ==== overdrawn

==== crossed ++++

"Most cheques are …. cheques, which means that no one else can cash them. They must be paid into someone’s account" 



==== counterfoil 

==== underdrawn

==== overdrawn ++++

"Most cheques are crossed cheques, which means that no one else can …… them. They must be paid into someone’s account"



==== expenditure

==== income

==== overdraw


"The first thing I had to do in Belfast was to find somewhere to live, if possible a small, one-bed roomed …… "



==== apartment

==== block

==== hotel


"I didn’t want to share a kitchen or toilet; I wanted to be independent in my own self- …. place."



==== rent ==== fee ==== accommodation


I decided I could pay a ____ of £50 a week.



==== borrow

==== lend ==== get


" I couldn’t find what I wanted in the newspaper  …. so I went to an accommodation agency. "



==== references

==== pictures

==== headlines


" I couldn’t find what I wanted in the newspaper advertisements so I went to a(an)…

. "


#accommodation agency

==== newspaper agency

==== police officer

==== state agency


"Accommodation agency offered me a nice place. It was in a modern  ... on the third floor. " ====


==== land ====


==== room ++++

" I had to pay the agency a…., and the landlord wanted a big deposit  and references from my employer and bank manager."



==== reference

==== rent ==== deposit


" I had to pay the agency a fee, and the ... wanted a big deposit  and

references from my employer and bank manager."



==== ownership



==== deposit ++++

" I had to pay the agency a fee, and the landlord wanted a big …. and

references from my employer and bank manager."



==== advertisement

==== reference

==== flat


" I had to pay the agency a fee, and the landlord wanted a big deposit and

…. from my employer and bank manager."



==== advertisements



==== accommodations


"Tony and Sheila’s first home was a(an) …. .. house, one of a line of houses all connected. "



==== detached

==== semi-detached

==== cramped


But several years later when they had a small child, they found it rather …. for three people. "



==== detached

==== semi-detached

==== terraced



An … is someone who starts or founds or establishes their own company

An … is someone who starts or founds or establishes their own company

Unpaid workers are…. ==== #volenteers ==== students ==== interns ==== part-time workers ++++

Unpaid workers are…. ==== #volenteers ==== students ==== interns ==== part-time workers ++++

What functions of money do you know? ==== #a medium of exchange, a standard of value, a store of value ==== gambling games ==== measuring…

What functions of money do you know? ==== #a medium of exchange, a standard of value, a store of value ==== gambling games ==== measuring…

He worked there for ten years before he… made redundant in a takeover of the company

He worked there for ten years before he… made redundant in a takeover of the company

Most people using the Internet for shopping don't actually make a …

Most people using the Internet for shopping don't actually make a …

Then the customer … similar products on other sites before selecting the best offer she can find

Then the customer … similar products on other sites before selecting the best offer she can find

They …. a great company to work for

They …. a great company to work for

He has …… a heavy work load that it is difficult for him to travel

He has …… a heavy work load that it is difficult for him to travel

We had to celebrate Navruz and didn’t get any more work done until… lunch

We had to celebrate Navruz and didn’t get any more work done until… lunch

He insisted ... checking… Julie first to see if it was

He insisted ... checking… Julie first to see if it was

Both the manager and her assistant were ill

Both the manager and her assistant were ill

Now ==== At the beginning ====

Now ==== At the beginning ====

Many of the competitors were invited to

Many of the competitors were invited to

That problem was hard; its ... took several hours

That problem was hard; its ... took several hours

In …..., fifty ambulances will be on duty until midnight

In …..., fifty ambulances will be on duty until midnight

When she … about her food, the waiter promised to bring her something else immediately

When she … about her food, the waiter promised to bring her something else immediately

Fortunately, her friends and relatives …

Fortunately, her friends and relatives …

This report is based on ..… research and data

This report is based on ..… research and data

Economical ==== Economist ====

Economical ==== Economist ====

Honest ==== Self-evaluated ++++

Honest ==== Self-evaluated ++++

To service to market. ====

To service to market. ====

You'd better ……. from work tomorrow

You'd better ……. from work tomorrow

I'll put on an overcoat in case it …

I'll put on an overcoat in case it …

She carried on dancing in …… of the pain

She carried on dancing in …… of the pain

The train_...... have arrived or

The train_...... have arrived or

Use your time ……. . Don't waste it

Use your time ……. . Don't waste it

You should_......._yourself every morning

You should_......._yourself every morning

If you ____me she was a vegetarian

If you ____me she was a vegetarian

It's really not worth waiting.

It's really not worth waiting.

The difference between forensic accountants and most other accountancy professionals is that their work always …

The difference between forensic accountants and most other accountancy professionals is that their work always …

We introduced a "new ideas" scheme last year, but it wasn't very successful

We introduced a "new ideas" scheme last year, but it wasn't very successful

I'm afraid we'll have to put our expansion plans on ice for the moment

I'm afraid we'll have to put our expansion plans on ice for the moment

Thank you for your letter of March 24,

Thank you for your letter of March 24,

Price, promotion, product, placement ====

Price, promotion, product, placement ====

SMS to promote products marketing ==== that spreads from consumer to consumer, often online ++++

SMS to promote products marketing ==== that spreads from consumer to consumer, often online ++++

We won't discuss the matter until headmaster ______

We won't discuss the matter until headmaster ______

It's careless of you ____ the same mistake again and again

It's careless of you ____ the same mistake again and again

After having a shower he dried ____ with a towel

After having a shower he dried ____ with a towel

My younger sister goes to ____ school, so my mother went to ____ school to meet her teacher

My younger sister goes to ____ school, so my mother went to ____ school to meet her teacher

I'd rather you ____ phone me at work

I'd rather you ____ phone me at work

For regular everyday use most people prefer a …

For regular everyday use most people prefer a …

A deposit account earns interest but it’s not so easy to …

A deposit account earns interest but it’s not so easy to …

At regular intervals, perhaps monthly, you will receive a statement from the bank, giving details of each deposit (money you put in) and …

At regular intervals, perhaps monthly, you will receive a statement from the bank, giving details of each deposit (money you put in) and …

Most cheques are …. cheques, which means that no one else can cash them

Most cheques are …. cheques, which means that no one else can cash them

I couldn’t find what I wanted in the newspaper …

I couldn’t find what I wanted in the newspaper …

I had to pay the agency a fee, and the landlord wanted a big …

I had to pay the agency a fee, and the landlord wanted a big …
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