8 Form "My Day Without Gadgets" text&exercise
Оценка 4.6

8 Form "My Day Without Gadgets" text&exercise

Оценка 4.6
8 Form "My Day Without Gadgets" text&exercise
My Day Without Gadgets.docx


My Day Without Gadgets

 My alarm clock wakes me up, not my mobile

phone. I leave my mobile phone at home

switched off. I feel lost without it! I have

breakfast in the kitchen and instead of

watching TV, I read the newspaper. I don’t

check my emails because I am not using the

Internet today at all. I go to school and don’t

listen to any music on the school bus ― I have

left my MP3 player at home. After school, I do

my homework but I don’t type it up ― I write it

by hand. In the evening, I read a book instead

of watching a DVD. I don’t text my friends ― I

speak to my family instead.

These changes would make me feel a little bit

isolated from my friends and the world. I

would feel a bit lost and lonely

My alarm clock wake/wakes me ..., not my mobile

phone. I leave my mobile phone at/in home

switched off/on. I feel lost with/without  it/him/ her! I have breakfast ...the kitchen and instead of watching TV, I read the newspaper. I don’t

check my emails because I am not using the

Internet today at all. I go ...school and don’t

listen to any music ... the school bus ― I have

left my MP3 player at/in home. After school, I do

my homework but I don’t type it up ― I write it... hand.    ... the evening, I read a book instead

of watching a DVD. I don’t text my friends ― I

speak to my family instead.

These changes would make (заставили) me feel a little bit isolated from my friends and the world. I would feel ( я чувствовал) a bit lost and lonely.




My Day Without Gadgets My alarm clock wakes me up, not my mobile phone

My Day Without Gadgets My alarm clock wakes me up, not my mobile phone

My alarm clock wake/wakes me

My alarm clock wake/wakes me

8 Form "My Day Without Gadgets" text&exercise

8 Form "My Day Without Gadgets" text&exercise
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