Английский язык. Как писать письмо
Оценка 5

Английский язык. Как писать письмо

Оценка 5
Английский язык. Как писать письмо
Личное письмо.ppt

How to write a friendly letter

How to write a friendly letter

How to write a
friendly letter.

Письменная часть ЕГЭ по английскому языку состоит из:

Письменная часть ЕГЭ по английскому языку состоит из:

Письменная часть ЕГЭ
по английскому языку состоит из:

C 1 – письмо личного характера

С2 – эссе “выражение личного мнения” (opinion essay)

We write friendly letters to people we know well

We write friendly letters to people we know well

We write friendly letters to people we know well. We might write a friendly letter to our parents, grandparents, or our friends.

Структура письменной части С1 1

Структура письменной части С1 1

Структура письменной части С1


Адрес пишущего


В правом верхнем углу

Полный: Flat 21
15 Artyom Street
Russia 450100
Краткий: Sterlitamak




Под адресом
(пропустив строку)

4 June 2011
4th June 2011
June, 4
03/06/2011 (03.06.2011)



После обращения ставят запятую, (с новой строки, пропустив строку)

Dear Sally,


Начало письма

Благодарность за письмо.
Извинение, что не писал раньше (не обязательно)

Thank you for your letter. It was great to hear from you again.
I really should have written sooner.

Основная часть письма Main Body

Основная часть письма Main Body


Основная часть письма
Main Body

В ней должны быть раскрыты все аспекты, указанные в задании. Каждый параграф пишут с новой строки (пропустив строчку).

Дать развернутое сообщение (ответы на вопросы)
Задать три вопроса (строго по теме)


Конец письма

В конце письма автор упоминает о дальнейших контактах (с новой строки, пропустив строку)

I’ll write again soon.
Looking forward to seeing you.
Hope to hear from you soon.


Завершающая фраза письма

После этой фразы всегда ставится запятая
(с новой строки, пропустив строку)

Lots of love,
Much love,
Best wishes,
All the best, Yours….., Take care,


Подпись автора

Слева (имя русское, не вымышленное) (с новой строки)


Address Date Greeting Introduction ( § 1 -opening remarks)

Address Date Greeting Introduction ( § 1 -opening remarks)




Introduction (§ 1-opening remarks)

Main Body (§§ 2-3/4 - development of the subject)

Conclusion (§ 5 - closing remarks)

Ending (say goodbye and sign your name)

Personal Letter

Artyom Street Sterlitamak 450100

Artyom Street Sterlitamak 450100

150 Artyom Street
Sterlitamak 450100

August 20, 2011

Dear Sveta,

I was very happy to get your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written for so long because I’ve been busy at school studing for my exams.How are you keeping?
In your letter you asked about issues which are interesting for all teenagers. I think a lot about my future career. Furthermore, my parents help me to choose my future profession. So I’ve already decided on my career. I want to become a teacher of foreign languages. I do like to work with children. They make me feel happy.
I’m looking forward to seeing you soon. Keep in touch.


Your friend,


Artyom Street Sterlitamak Russia 450100

Artyom Street Sterlitamak Russia 450100


150 Artyom Street
Russia 450100

August 20, 2011

The first part of a friendly letter is called the heading. The heading includes the writer’s address and the date. The heading is written in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

Flat 121 Block2 150 Artoym Street

Flat 121 Block2 150 Artoym Street

Flat 121 Block2
150 Artoym Street
Russia 450100

Line 1: Number of the flat

Line 2: Number and Street name

Line 3:

Line 4:

Date British: 4 January 2010 4

Date British: 4 January 2010 4


British: 4 January 2010
4 Jan 2010
4th Jan 2010
4/1/1999; 04/01/ 2010
4-1-1999; 04.01. 2010
American: January 4, 2010
Jan 4, 2010 ;
Jan 4th 2010
1/4/ 2010 ; 01/04/ 2010 ; 1-4- 2010 ; 01-04- 2010 ; 01.04. 2010

Dear Sveta, The second part of the friendly letter is the greeting

Dear Sveta, The second part of the friendly letter is the greeting



Dear Sveta,

The second part of the friendly letter is the greeting. It is written under the heading at the left margin. It begins with a capital letter and ends with a comma.

150 Artyom Street
Russia 450100

August 20, 2011

Dear Sveta, I was very happy to get your letter

Dear Sveta, I was very happy to get your letter



Dear Sveta,

I was very happy to get your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written for so long because I’ve been busy at school studing for my exams.How are you keeping?
In your letter you asked about issues which are interesting for all teenagers. I think a lot about my future career. Furthermore, my parents help me to choose my future profession. So I’ve already decided on my career. I want to become a teacher of foreign languages. I do like to work with children. They make me feel happy.
I’m looking forward to seeing you soon. Keep in touch.


150 Artyom Street
Sterlitamak 450100

August 20, 2011

Main Body Divide your letter into paragraphs and include 2-3 points in each paragraph

Main Body Divide your letter into paragraphs and include 2-3 points in each paragraph

Main Body

Divide your letter into paragraphs and include 2-3 points in each paragraph

What do you want to say to the person you are writing to?

What do you want to say to the person you are writing to?

What do you want to say to the person you are writing to? We put what we want to say in the body of the letter. The body of the letter is in paragraph form.
Normally in a friendly letter, the beginning of paragraphs is indented. If not indented, be sure skip a space between paragraphs.

I was very happy to get your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written for so long because I’ve been busy at school studing for my exams.How are you keeping?

Introduction (§ 1-opening remarks)

Introduction (§ 1-opening remarks)

Introduction (§ 1-opening remarks)

We write reasons for writing, an apology for a delay in writing, a thank to the person for his last letter, questions / wishes about recent events.

Thanks for…,
Many thanks for…,
How nice of you …,
I was so glad to get your letter…,
I was really pleased to hear that...,
I must apologise for not writing…,
I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long, but...,
I really should have written sooner.

THE BODY The body of the letter contains your thoughts and ideas

THE BODY The body of the letter contains your thoughts and ideas


The body of the letter contains your thoughts and ideas.

As for my school...
I am also keen...
Well, I can say that...
As you are interested in...
You asked me about...
Guess what?
Wish me luck!
I’d like...

Conclusion (closing remarks)

Conclusion (closing remarks)

Conclusion (closing remarks)

You can sum up your main idea in this paragraph, thank the recipient for their time, wish the recipient well, and/or ask any questions.

I’m looking forward to seeing you soon. Keep in touch.
Looking forward to see you/hear from you...
Well that’s all for now. Do write back soon.
Give my love/regards to...
I’d like to know what you think about...
I can’t wait to see you again.

The closing and signature are the last parts on the friendly letter

The closing and signature are the last parts on the friendly letter

The closing and signature are the last parts on the friendly letter. Your closing might be:

I love you so much,
Your friend,
Lots of love,
Much love,
Best wishes,
All the best,

The closing is lined up directly under greating. It begins with a capital letter and ends with a comma.
The signature is your name written directly under the closing.

(say goodbye and sign your name)

Dear Sveta, I was very happy to get your letter

Dear Sveta, I was very happy to get your letter



Dear Sveta,

I was very happy to get your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written for so long because I’ve been busy at school studing for my exams.How are you keeping?

In your letter you asked about issues which are interesting for all teenagers. I think a lot about my future career. Furthermore, my parents help me to choose my future profession. So I’ve already decided on my career. I want to become a teacher of foreign languages. I do like to work with children. They make me feel happy.

I’m looking forward to seeing you soon. Keep in touch.


Your friend,



150 Artyom Street
Sterlitamak 450100

August 20, 2011

Список использованной литературы и интернет-ресурсов 1

Список использованной литературы и интернет-ресурсов 1

Список использованной литературы и интернет-ресурсов

1. Демонстрационный вариант контрольных измерительных материалов единого государственного экзамена 2012 года по английскому языку.: Федеральный институт педагогических измерений,2011. – 28с. Режим доступа: http://www.fipi.ru/
2. Кодификатор элементов содержания по английскому языку для составления контрольно-измерительных материалов единого государственного экзамена 2012 г, 2011. – 13с. Режим доступа: http://www.fipi.ru/
3. Соловова, Е.Н. ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Тематические тестовые задания. Человек и его окружение/ Е.Н. Соловова, John Parsons. - М.: Центр изучения английского языка Елены Солововой, 2011, - 144с.
4. Спецификация экзаменационной работы по иностранным языкам для выпускников ХI(XII) классов общеобразовательных учреждений 2012 г, 2011. – 9с. Режим доступа: http://www.fipi.ru/

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