Открытый урок по английскому языку
Класс:5 Б
Тема: Хобби.
- введение новой лексики по теме «Хобби»
- расширение лексического запаса учащихся по теме «Хобби»
- закрепление ранее изученного грамматического материала по теме «Местоимения too, иeither»
- развитие умения читать с извлечением нужной информации
- развитие умения говорить(монологическая и диалогическаяречь)
- развитие умения аудировать
- развитие навыков письма как графической системы
- воспитание любознательности, интереса кпредмету
Литература: учебник «HappyEnglish.ru 6 класс» К. И Кауфман, М.Ю.Кауфман.
Оборудование:компьютер, иллюстрации по теме «Хобби», карточки с письмами.
Ход урока:
1. Организация начала урока.
2. Речеваязарядка.
- I want to go hiking
- I’ll go with you too.
- I like to go shopping
- I want to do this too.
- I don’t like eating onion
- I don’t like onion either.
-I don’t want going out
- He either doesn’t want!
3. Контрольдомашнегозадания.
1) Find the pronouns you have studied at the previous lesson.
(ищут изученные местоимения, объясняют их употребление).
Fill in the gaps with the pronouns:
- I want to go hiking
- I’ll go with you …
- I like to go shopping
- I want to do this …
- I don’t like eating onion
- I don’t like onion …
-I don’t want going out
- He … doesn’t want!
2) Find the names of the hobbies you’ve studied.
Match the pictures and the hobbies.
Today we are going to learn some more new names of hobbies. So, the topic of our lesson is “Hobby”.
4.Работа над новым лексическим материалом.
1) Введение лексики.
Horse riding
Doing sports
Watching TV
Collecting things
Playing games
Here is the list of hobbies. Listen to me and repeat after me the new words. (Хоровая отработка слов). Let’s try to guess their meanings.
I’ll show you the pictures and you should find the names of the hobbies.(Картинки, походу узнавания, закрепляются на против соответствующих слов).
2) Закрепление.
1. Andnow, let’s play. You can see 10 “words” on the board – 5 for each team. There will be two teams. Your task is to orange the letters in the right order to get the names of hobbies. The quickest team wins.
The 1st team the 2nd team
Horse ridingoigdnrptsos
Watching TVinocokg
Playing gameslitalnvegr
hersorginid doing sports
gcwahitn VT cooking
ndargeing collecting things
ylainpgamsge travelling
eislegpn gardening
5. Аудирование.
-You have the cards with the letters from the 11th forms. The pupils describe their hobbies. There is one extra sentence in each letter. Translate the letters and underline theextra sentences.
1) Hello! My name isVika. Look! There are my stamps. I like to eat fish.I have got a lot of stamps in my album. What is my hobby?
2) Hi! MynameisAnn. There are detective stories, historical novels and many other interesting books. I have a very good fishing rod. But my favorite one is “Harry Potter”.What is my hobby?
3) Hello! MynameisSergey. I am watching “The News” now, but I like sport programs best of all, I would like to watch sport channel all the time.I like to sit near the lake. What is my hobby?
4) Hi! MynameisZhenya. I don’t like sitting at home. I like to visit different towns and cities. My dream is to visit London one day. I like to watch the water and fish. What is my hobby?
-And now, listen to the messages:
1) Hello! My name isVika. Look! There are my stamps. I have got a lot of stamps in my album. What is my hobby?
2) Hi! MynameisAnn. There are detective stories, historical novels and many other interesting books. But my favorite one is “Harry Potter”.What is my hobby?
3) Hello! MynameisSergey. I am watching “The News” now/ but I like sport programs best of all, I would like to watch sport channel all the time.What is my hobby?
4) Hi! MynameisZhenya. I don’t like sitting at home. I like to visit different towns and cities. My dream is to visit London one day.What is my hobby?
- Collect theextra sentences in one message. What hobby is it?
6. Практикаречевыхвысказываний.
And now, let’s speak about your hobbies. Chose a hobby, use the plan and tell some words about your hobby.
The plan:
My hobby is…
I like to…
I do this very often/ every day/ every week.
7. Домашнее задание.
С.126 учить слова; с 129 А, В.
Резерв времени.
Игра «Театр пантомимы».
Учащиеся без помощи слов изображают задуманное хобби. Угадавший – заменяет ведущего.
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