Диагностические работы к учебнику Rainbow English (6 класс)
Оценка 5

Диагностические работы к учебнику Rainbow English (6 класс)

Оценка 5
Диагностические работы к учебнику Rainbow English (6 класс)
6 класс диагностические.pdf

О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, Е. А. Колесникова



к учебнику О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой, К. М. Барановой

О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, Е. А. Колесникова



к учебнику О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой, К. М. Барановой

2-е издание, стереотипное



4 Брофа


удк 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2Англ-922


Афанасьева, О. В.

А94 Английский язык : Диагностические работы. 6 кл. : учебнометодическое пособие к учебнику О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой, К. М. Барановой / О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, Е. А. Колесникова. — 2-е изд., стереотип. — М. : Дрофа, 2016. — 78, [2] с. : ил. — (Rainbow English).

ISBN 9786-358-16291-4

Диагностические работы являются составной частью УМК по английскому языку для б класса авторов О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой, К. М. Барановой серии «Rainbow English».

Диагностические материалы разработаны в соответствии с современными подходами к оценке учебных достижений школьников при изучении иностранного языка и обеспечивают подготовку к сдаче централизованных тестирований по окончании выпускных классов.

ИК 373.167.1:811.111

ББК 81.2Англ-922

              ISBN 978-5-358-16291-4                                                000 «ДРОФА», 2015

Дорогие учителя, школьники и родители!

Появление компонента УМК для 6 класса по английскому языку серии ”Rainbow English” — Диагностических работ связано с необходимостью системной и последовательной подготовки к новым формам оце- з нивания учебных достижений, столь масштабно внедряемых в школьную действительность.

По окончании 9 класса учащимся предстоит проходить итоговую аттестацию по английскому языку в форме основного государственного экзамена[1] . Это пособие знакомит школьников с тестовой формой контроля, которая используется в ОГЭ, а также позволяет определить:

1)  может ли учащийся применять знания, навыки и умения, приобретённые на уроках английского языка, при выполнении тестовых заданий;

2)  в какой степени учащийся готов к выполнению заданий в формате ОГЭ;

З) насколько качественно проработан шестиклассниками материал учебника.

Когда учителя, школьники и их родители познакомятся с диагностическими материалами, у них, вполне вероятно, могут возникнуть вопросы по использованию данного компонента УМК, так как в большинстве существующих зарубежных и отечественных учебно-методических комплексов диагностика, ориентированная на подготовку к государственной итоговой аттестации, как отдельный компонент отсутствует. Далее мы постараемся ответить на ряд вопросов, которые могут возникнуть у учителей, школьников и их родителей, использующих данное пособие.

4 Важным является понимание трёх аспектов, которые мы постараемся сформулировать в виде вопросов и ответов на них.

Прежде всего, что представляют собой тесты диагностики?

Это система заданий, разработанная в соответствии с современными подходами к оцениванию учебных достижений школьников при изучении иностранного языка. В качестве объектов контроля в них выступают все составляющие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции. В пособии также предлагаются тестовые задания для контроля личностных и метапредметных результатов обучения, достижение которых является требованием ФГОС.

Насколько важно использовать данный компонент УМК?

Авторам представляется, что это весьма важный компонент УМК как для учителей, так и для школьников и их родителей.

                 учителю пособие даёт возможность:

— регулярно проводить тестовый контроль языковых навыков, речевых умений, личностных и метапредметных достижений учащихся;

— выявлять, какой из аспектов (фонетика, лексика, грамматика, аудирование, чтение, письмо, говорение и т. д.) требует дополнительной отработки.

                 Учащемуся выполнение диагностических тестов позволит чувствовать себя уверенно при сдаче итоговых экзаменов с использованием механизмов независимой оценки, когда балл выставляется независимым экспертом или на основе обработки тестового бланка машиной. Также тесты помогают в развитии способности к самоанализу, самооценке.

                 Родителям пособие позволит определить, в какой 5 степени ребёнок овладел учебным материалом и есть ли у него проблемы в изучении иностранного языка.

Как лучше работать с диагностическими материалами (тестами)?

Их можно использовать в классе при проведении рубежного контроля по окончании изучения темы, а также самостоятельно в целях самопроверки, самоконтроля.

Желаем школьникам успехов в изучении английского языка и отличных результатов итоговых экзаменов! Надеемся, что данное пособие будет в большой мере этому способствовать!

Авторский коллектив


ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Послушайте разговор Трейси и Кевина. Определите, какие из приведённых ниже утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True), а какие не соответствуют (False). Обведите выбранный вариант ответа. Вы услышите запись два раза, (1).

1. Tracy had her best holidays last month.

                     TRUE          FALSE

2. Tracy thinks Spanish beaches are wonderful.

                     TRUE          FALSE

З. In Spain Tracy's mother cooked Spanish food.

                     TRUE          FALSE

4.  Tracy's brother is older than she is.

                     TRUE          FALSE

5.  Tracy stayed in Spain for more than a week.

       TRUE          FALSE

6.  Tracy took part in a dancing competition in Spain.

       TRUE          FALSE

qre•ane                                                          (MaKCVlMaJ1bHblÿ1 6ann — 6)               7

3AAAHb'1E 2. np0HHTaÿ1Te TeKCT VI 3aKOHHV•1Te npeanoxe- I-MR nocne Hero. 06BeAVITe 6YKBY (a, b, c), COOTBeTCTBWO- Bb16PaHHOMY Barvlb•l BapnaHTY OTBeTa.

The company Hong Kong Housing is building a new suburb in Shanghai, a city with a population of more than 15 million people. But this suburb is not like other parts of Shanghai. It is a little piece of England. The name of the new area is English Town. The manager of Hong Kong Housing says many people in this part of China want to buy an English house and live like the English do.

This town is like any other English town, for example Bristol or Chester. There is a square in the centre. In this square there are pigeons that you can feed. Some years ago you could do that in Trafalgar Square in London.

English Town is also very proud of its long and busy shopping street. There are several shops in this street where you can buy traditional English food like fish and chips or Christmas pudding. Not far from it there are four English-style pubs and you can buy different English drinks there.

There are no cricket fields in this new English Town. Nobody in Shanghai can play this game. But there is 8 a football stadium like those in England because people love football. English Town even has its own football  team. Also, there is a canal in the town where you can go boating like in Cambridge. However, not many  people do that.

The rich Shanghai businessmen can do some gardening too. Every house in English Town has an English lawn. There are also long gardens with lakes where people can walk and relax.

But there is one problem. The houses in English Town cost a minimum of £400,000!

1. English Town is in the suburb of

a)   Shanghai        b) London c) Hong Kong

2. Many people in Shanghai

a)   want to move to England

b)  want to have an English lifestyle

c)   have nowhere to live

3. In the centre of English Town there is

a)   a square b) a lake    c) a garden

4. In the pubs in English Town you can buy English

a)   food      b) drinks   c) souvenirs

5. A lot of people in Shanghai enjoy

a)   playing cricket

b)  going boating

c)   playing football

6. You can buy a house in English Town only if you are

       a) rich             b) a businessman         c) British

9 3AAAHb'1E 3. 3aKOHHV•1Te npeanoxeHv•1fi nonxoaqu-4L,1ML.'1 no CMblCJIY CTIOBaMV1. 06Beav•1Te rlPaBVIJ1bHblÿ1 OTBeT (a, b, C).

1. When the architects  this old school, it will look like a modern sports centre.

a)  build         b) rebuild  c) building

2. Kings and queens usually live in big

a)  cathedrals b) monuments    c) palaces

3. My friend is asas my elder brother. He is not short at all.

a)  high b) tall         c) big

4. It's not easy tohuge stone castles.

a)  appear       b) turn into         c) defend

5. 1 live in the city where I was born.

a)  still  b) by and by       c) fairly

6. My dad oftento the news.

a)  watches   b) hears   c) listens

rpararaanu«a                                                                     (MaKCV•1MaJ1bHblÿ1 6ann

3AAAH¼E 4. Ilp0HVITaÿ1Te ,qaHHble I-IV-IXe npeanoxeHb1B. npe06pa3yVITe cnoBa B CK06KaX TaK, HT06bl OHM rpaMMaCOOTBeTCTBOBaJIV1 COAeP)KaHV110 TeKCTa. 3anor1Hv•1Te nOnyqeHHblMV1 CTIOBaMV1.

1.  Michael Lomonosov (found)  Moscow University.

2.  When I came home, I (understand) that it was very late and my parents were already sleeping.

3.  Nobody (know)  anything about the exam now. It's too early.


4.  My parents (build)  our country house five years ago.

            5. When the head teacher entered the hall, all children (stand)up.

6. I (write)  a letter to my friend from France soon. Now I just don't have time for it.

                       Il"CbM0                                               (MaKCVIMaJ1bHblV1 6ann

3AAAHVIE 5.  paccKa3 0 Meae, B KOTOPOM Bbl XVIBëTe. Ann 3Toro Barvl HYXHO aaTb nom-Ibie OTBeTbl Ha BOnpocbl, rlPVIBeAëHHble HVIXe. Y Bac AOJ1>KeH nonyqvm,cq norVIHHblÿ1 pac«a3, COCTOBU-ÅV<L¥I V13 He MeHee qeM 6 4)pa3.

1. Where do you live?

2. Is the place where you live big or small?

3. Do you like the place where you live?

4. What do you like about the place where you live?

5. Are there any things you dislike about the place where you live?

6. What do you dislike about the place where you live?


3AAAHVIE 6. COCTaBbTe M0Honorv1qecKoe BblCKa3blBaHLae Ha npeanoxeHHW0 TeMY. Baw MOHOJIOr AOJ1)KeH coaepxaTb He MeHee 8 Cþpa3.

 Speak about a Russian city you like. This plan will help you.

     Introduction (BcTY11J1eHHe — 1 npeAJ10yceHHe)

     Main body (OCHOBHafl T.lacrrb MOHOJIOra)

— What Russian city do you like? Why/Why not?

— Where in Russia is this city?

— What is this city famous for?

Would you like to live in this city all your life? Why/Why not?

• Conclusion (3aKJ1roqer-1He — I rrpeAJIŒKeHHe)

Социокультурные знания (максимальный балл

ЗАДАНИЕ 7. Соотнесите города и их достопримечательности. Впишите номера названий достопримечательностей

12                 (1—8) в соответствующие строчки.


             St Petersburg

1. The Pushkin Museum

5. Dvortsovaya Square

2. The Summer Garden

6. kazan Cathedral

З. Nevsky Prospekt

7. Spasskaya Tower

4. St Basil's Cathedral

8. The Bolshoi Theatre


Ваш итоговый балл



Перевод баллов в отметки

4 34








Таблица для самооценивания

Какие из разделов теста оказались самыми сложными?

Как вы думаете, почему?

В каких грамматических явлениях вы допустили ошибки?

Какая лексика требует дальнейшей отработки?

Что могло бы помочь вам лучше справиться с заданиями по говорению и письму?

Насколько вы довольны вашими результатами?



Unit 2

Visiting Britain

14           (максимальный балл — 40)

                  Аудирование                         (максимальный балл

ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Послушайте разговор Фионы и Тома. Определите, какие из приведённых ниже утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True), а какие не соответствуют (False). Обведите выбранный вариант ответа. Вы услышите запись два раза, (ф (2).

1. Yesterday Fiona bought а lot of nice things.

                   TRUE          FALSE

2. Fiona is not tired after shopping.

                   TRUE          FALSE

З. Fiona knows а lot about Hyde Park.

                   TRUE          FALSE

4.   There is а lake in Hyde Park.

                   TRUE          FALSE

5.   People can go horse riding in Hyde Park.

      TRUE          FALSE

6.   Hyde Park has a well-known statue.

      TRUE          FALSE

qree•ue                                                          (MaKCVIMaJ1bHblVl 6ann — 6)             15

3AAAHL4E 2. np0HL,1Taÿ1Te Tel<CT VI 3aKOH'-lVITe npeanoxeHL,1R nocne Hero. 06BeAVITe 6YKBY (a, b, c), COOTBeTCTBWOLLIYK) Bb16PaHHOMY Barv1V1 Bapv•1aHTY OTBeTa.

I'm Sally and I'm 12 years old. For me summer is the best season of the year. I have a lot of good friends at school. So, when summer starts I get lots of free time to spend with my friends. We go to the park, ride our bikes and always eat a lot of ice cream.

My parents love to travel abroad while they are on holiday. So we always go to some foreign country in summer. As for me, I also like seeing new places and meeting new people.

Last summer was full of good things. In June my parents and I went to Italy for a week. The weather was warm and sunny. And the nature in this country is beautiful. We swam a lot in the sea, we sunbathed, then we went on some excursions to see the historic places around the country.

I met a nice girl from France there. We became friends. Now we write letters to each other. I hope she will visit me here in Moscow next summer.

When I came back from Italy, I went to visit my grandparents. They live in a village which is not very far 16 from Moscow. The air there is always fresh and clean. At my grandparents' I have some good old friends, so  I wasn't bored there. I spent a lot of time outdoors. We  played basketball, hide-and-seek, and even went to pick mushrooms once.

I should say that summer was great and the weather was always wonderful! It's a pity, that my favourite season ended so quickly.

1. In summer Sally prefers to spend time

a)  at school

b)  with her friends

c)  with her grandparents

2. When on holiday Sally's parents

a)  like to go to the park

b)  prefer to live in another country

c)  enjoy travelling

3. In Italy Sally didn't

a)   swim in the sea

b)  go to see the sights

c)   learn Italian

4. Sally and her friend from France

a)  are pen friends

b)  will go to Italy together

c)  spent some time in Moscow

5. Sally wasn't bored at her grandparents' because

a)  she played with her friends there

b)  her grandparents played with her

c)  she met new friends there

6. Sally thinks that last summer

      a) was strange           b) wasn't long c) was too hot


3AAAHb1E 3. 3aKOHHVITe npeanoxeHL'1B rlOAXOAR1.Ub•1ML.'1 no CMblCJIY CJ10BaMV1. 06BeAVITe rlPaBV•1J1bHblV1 OTBeT (a, b, C).

1. There are a lot ofbeaches in Spain.

a)  sand b) sandy   c) resort

2.  our English lessons we read a lot of interesting texts.

a)  On    b) With      c) During

3. Children enjoysandcastles on the beach.

a)  to make     b) making  c) doing

4. Moscow and St Petersburg are bigcentres.

a)  culture     b) cultured       c) cultural

5. About 8people live in London.

a)  million      b) millions c) millions of

6. I have friends from Moscow and I  have a pen friend from France.

a)  also  b) as well as        c) too

3AAAHL4E 4. np0HL.1TaVITe aaHHbte I-IVIXe npeanoxeHL,1B. npe06pa3yÿ1Te cnoBa B CK06KaX TaK, HT06bl OHM rpaMMaTV•1qeCKV1 COOTBeTCTBOBanv•1  Tecra. 3an0JIHL.1Te nOnyqeHHblMV•1 CJIOBaMV1.

1. When I came to school, my friend (wait) for me at the entrance.

2. Last summer my parents and I (travel) to Europe two times.

18 3. What (be)  the teachers like when you went to the school?

4. "I don't know what the word government (mean) , " the student said to the teacher.

5.  First Jeremy (lie) on the sand, then he sat and started reading his favourite book.

6.  When my friends went to the Tower of London, they (take)a lot of pictures of ravens.

                        nwcbM0                                               (MaKCVIMaJ1bHblÿ1 6ann

3AAAHL•'1E 5. I-Ianuu-lL-4Te paccKa3 0 CBOëM nyTeLLleCTBV•1V1. Anq 3Toro Barvl HYXHO aaTb nonHble OTBeTbl Ha Bonpocbl, rlPVIBeAëHHble HVIXe. Y Bac AOJIXeH nonyqL,1Tbcq nor-w-lHblV1 paccKa3, COCTORLAVIVI V13 He MeHee qeM 6 cþpa3.

1. When and where did you go?

2. Who did you go with?

3. How long was your trip?

4. Where did you stay?

5. What did you do during the trip?

6. Would you like to come back to this place again? Why/Why not?


3AAAHVIE 6. COCTaBbTe M0HonornqecKoe BblCKa3blBaHV1e Ha npeanoxeHHY}0 Terv1Y. Baw MOHOJIOr AOJ1)KeH conepxaTb He MeHee 8 cþpa3.

Speak about your summer holidays. These questions will help you.


     Main body

— What were your holidays like?

— Where did you go and what did you do there?

— What did you like most about your summer holidays?

Were you happy to get back to school? Why/Why not?


Социокультурные знания (максимальный балл

ЗАДАНИЕ 7. Определите, являются ли эти высказывания верными (True) или нет (False). Обведите правильный от-

20              вет.

            1. The oldest part of London is the City.

                   TRUE          FALSE

        2. The Tower of London is а cathedral.

                   TRUE          FALSE

З. St Paul's Cathedral is famous for its dome.

                   TRUE          FALSE

4. The Clock Tower is called Big Веп.

                   TRUE          FALSE

Ваш итоговый балл


Перевод баллов в отметки

4 — 34








Таблица для самооценивания

Какие из разделов теста оказались самыми сложными? Как вы думаете, почему?

В каких грамматических явлениях вы допустили ошибки?

Какая лексика требует дальнейшей отработки?

Что могло бы помочь вам лучше справиться с заданиями по говорению и письму?

Насколько вы довольны вашими результатами?


                   Аудирование                         (максимальный балл

ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Послушайте разговор Сюзан и Пола. Определите, какие из приведённых ниже утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True), а какие не соответствуют (False). Обведите выбранный вариант ответа. Вы услышите запись два раза, (З).

1. The party will be in Susan's house.

                  TRUE          FALSE

2. Susan will serve pizza at the party.

                  TRUE          FALSE

З. Susan is trying to lose some weight.

                  TRUE          FALSE

4.  Susan's neighbour won't perform at the party.

                  TRUE          FALSE

5.  Paul wants to have dance music at the party.

       TRUE          FALSE

6.  Susan hates collecting stamps.

       TRUE          FALSE


3AAAHb•1E 2. npoqv•1Taÿ1Te -reKCT VI 3aKOHHV4Te npeanoxeHv•1fi nocne Hero. 06BeAV4Te 6YKBY (a, b, c), Bb16PaHHOMY Barv1V1 BapL,1aHTY OTBeTa.

There are a lot of holidays and festivals around the world. As for British children their most favourite holidays are: New Year's Eve, Easter, Guy Fawkes' Night. New Year's Eve is on the 31st of December. In Britain people often go to parties. At midnight, they hold hands and sing the Scottish song called "Auld Lang Syne "l . Then they usually go into the street and wish their family, friends and neighbours a "Happy New Year". Some people let off fireworks to celebrate.

Another holiday that the British love a lot is Easter. It is always in spring, usually in April. There are three

1 Auld Lang Syne

important days at Easter. The name of the first day is Good Friday. On this day, many people don't eat meat, only fish. The second important day is Easter Sunday. Some people go to church and children get chocolate Easter eggs. Usually families get together and have 24 a big meal of roast meat on this day. The third important day Easter Monday, is a public holiday when  schools and companies do not work. Some people send Easter cards. The shops are full of chocolate eggs. Many  Easter decorations are yellow and we can see pictures of baby rabbits, lambs, chicks and daffodils.

Another holiday the British love a lot is Guy Fawkes' Night, or Bonfire Night which is always on the 5th of November. The traditional celebration was the following. Children made a large figure of a man with old clothes and then put newspapers inside. This was a guy. They sat outside shops with the guy and collected money to buy fireworks. They said 'Penny for the guy'. Then they went to a field or park and made a big fire called a bonfire. They put the guy on the fire. In the evening families often ate baked potatoes or sausages and had a party. At night they went to watch the fireworks display. Many people didn't like Bonfire Night because they thought it was not safe. Sometimes children burnt themselves on the fireworks.

1. On New Year's Eve British people

a)  play games b) go outside      c) eat chocolate eggs

2. The first important day of Easter celebrations is

a)  Monday      b) Friday   c) Sunday

3. On Easter Sunday British children get

a)  chocolate eggs b) postcards c) baby rabbits

4.  On Easter Monday British people

a)   decorate their houses

b)  wear yellow clothes

c)   don't go to school and work

5.  Children don't use this to make a guy

a)   old clothes       b) newspapers c) fireworks 25

6.  Some people think Bonfire Night is

a)   dangerous      b) boring c) important

3AAAHb'1E 3. 3aKOHt-1VITe npeanoxeHnq nOAXOABU.4VIMV1 no CMblCJIY CJ10BaMV1. 06BeAVITe npaBVIJ1bHblV1 OTBeT (a, b, C).

1.   It's very bad when parents often shouttheir children.

a)  at    b) on c) of

2.   When people hear wonderful news, they say

a)  Ouch        b) wow       c) Oops

3.   Peopletheir houses at Christmas.

a)  wish         b) treat       c) decorate

4.   My grandparents like alife in the village.

a)  quiet      b) quite    c) quit

5.   My favouritefood is cakes.

a)  celebration       b) greeting c) party

6.   "It sounds unreal. I can't  it is true!" Simon said.

a)  trust         b) believe  c) decide

3AAAH14E 4. np0HL.1TaÿlTe aaHHble HVIXe npeanoxeHL,1R. npe06pa3yVITe cnoBa B CK06KaX TaK, YT06bl OHM rpaMMaTh i-lecKV1 COOTBeTCTBOBaJIV1 coaepxaHV1}0 Tecra. 3ar10Jlt-tv•1Te nponyc-KL'1 nonyqel-lHblrv1þ1 CJ10BaMV1.

26            1. The book which I (read)now is very interesting.

 2. These (be)  the books which I want to read.

3.   When the clock (strike)  ten, I stopped drawing. I felt tired.

4.   My mother often asks me (buy) some bread on the way home from school.

5.   When I came home, I hung my coat in the hall and (go)to the kitchen.

6.   Sometimes money (bring)  people happiness.

                    nnCbMO                                              (MaKCVIMaJ1bHblÿ1 6ann

3AAAHb•1E 5. Hanm.uvn-e paccKa3 0 npa3AH0BaHnv•1 H0Boro roaa B Poccnv•l. Anq 3Toro Barsa HYXHO aaTb nom-Ibie OTBeTbl Ha Bonpocbl, rlPVIBeAëHHble HV•1Xe. Y Bac AOJ1>KeH nonyqv•1Tbcq nornqHblÿ1 paccKa3, COCTOBLUV•1ÿ1 913 He Mel-lee qeM 6 cþpa3.

1. When do people celebrate New Year's Eve?

2. Who do people usually celebrate New Year's Eve with?

3. What food do people cook on New Year's Eve?

4. What do people give their friends and family?

5. What do people wish their friends and family?

6. Do you like New Year? Why/Why not?


rosope•wqe                                                   (MaKCVIMaJ1bHblÿ1 6ann

3AAAHL4E 6. COCTaBbTe M0HonornqecKoe BblClG3blBaHV1e Ha rlPeAJIOXeHHWO Tetv1Y. Baw MOHOJIOr AOJ1)KeH COAepxaTb He MeHee 8 cÞpa3.

Speak about your birthday. The questions will help you.


     Main body

— When is your birthday?

— Where and how do you celebrate your birthday?

— Who do you invite to your birthday party?

— What is your favourite birthday food?

— What presents do you usually get for your birthday?


Социокультурные знания

ЗАДАНИЕ 7. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы об анГЛИЙСКИХ праздниках.

28       1. When is New Year's Eve? —

2. What holiday do the British celebrate оп the 31st 0ctober? —

З. When do British people celebrate Christmas?

4. Who do British children write letters to before

Christmas? —

Ваш итоговый балл


Перевод баллов в отметки






2 7 24




Таблица для самооценивания

Какие из разделов теста оказались самыми сложными? Как вы думаете, почему?

В каких грамматических явлениях вы допустили ошибки?

Какая лексика требует дальнейшей отработки?

Что могло бы помочь вам лучше справиться с заданиями по говорению и письму?

Насколько вы довольны вашими результатами?


3AAAHL4E 1. nocr1Y1.uaÿ1Te pa3roBop CaHAPbl VI MapTVIHa. OnpeaeJIL,1Te, KaKV1e V13 nPL,1BeAëHHblX HVIXe YTBepxaeHL,1V1 COOTBeTCTBY}OT COAePXaHVIK) TeKCTa (True), a KaKL.1e He COOTBeTCTBY}OT (False). 06Beav•1Te Bb16PaHHblÿ1 BapuaHT OTBeTa.

Bbl YCJ1blUJVITe 3anvtcb ABa pa3a,

1. Sandra is learning English in New York.

                 TRUE          FALSE

2. Sandra has already done a lot of sightseeing.

                 TRUE          FALSE

3. Sandra would like to see the Statue of Liberty.

                 TRUE          FALSE

4. Sandra doesn't want to walk the stairs to the top of Lady Liberty.

                 TRUE          FALSE

5. Sandra would like to have lunch in Fifth Avenue.

        TRUE          FALSE

6. On Saturdays Metropolitan Museum is open till

5:30 p.m.

        TRUE          FALSE


3AAAHVIE 2. npoqv1Taÿ1Te TeKCT VI 3aKOH'-lL,1Te npeanoxeHv•1R nocne Hero. 06BeAVITe 6YKBY (a, b, c), COOTBeTCTBYiOU4y.00 Bbl6paHH0MY BaMV1 BapnaHTY OTBeTa.

It was a beautiful sunny summer day in New York City. It was a perfect day for walking and John decided to take a walk across Brooklyn Bridge.

There were a lot of people on the bridge. They were walking, riding their bikes and eating ice cream. There were also a lot of tourists there. They were taking pictures. A woman asked John to take a picture of her and her son. He took their picture. They thanked him and John continued his walk.

A nice warm wind made John's walk pleasant. Soon he saw an old man who was sitting on a bench and drawing a picture. Next to the man there were about 30 drawings. There were drawings of bridges and buildings of New York. There were drawings of people's faces.

32 All of them were black and white. John thought they were beautiful. He couldn't believe the price. They  were only £10 each.

"These drawings are so beautiful, " John told the man.

"Thank you," the old man said. "I'm from Russia. My English is not very good. "

John said, "But your art is very good." "Sit down," the man said.

"Do you want to draw me?" John asked.

"Yes," the man answered.

Unfortunately John didn't have time for that so he just bought a beautiful picture of New York skyscrapers and waved goodbye to the old man.

He continued walking. Soon he stopped to look at the Statue of Liberty. It was far and looked so small. There were many ships and boats on the East River. Some boats were full of tourists. They were going to the Statue of Liberty.

John crossed the bridge and continued his walk in Brooklyn Bridge Park. There he decided to have lunch. There were a lot of street vendors in the park selling food and drinks and also T-shirts, postcards and CDs. John had a hotdog, a coke and an ice cream.

What a pleasant time he was having in New York! What a pleasant time all people around him were having!

1. John decided to take a walk because

a)   the weather was good

b)  he had some free time

c)   he loved bridges

2. On Brooklyn Bridge there were a lot of

     a) bicycles          b) tourists           c) pictures

3.  On the old man's drawings you could not see

a)   buildings b) bridges  c) many colours

4.  The old man wanted to     33

a)   talk to John

b)  draw John's portrait

c)   sell John a picture

5.  The boats took tourists to

a)   the Statue of Liberty

b)  the other bank of the East River

c)   Brooklyn Bridge Park

6.  The word vendor means

a)   a painter who draws in the street

b)  a person who sells things in the street

c)   a tourist who takes pictures in the street

3AAAHVIE 3. 3aKOHHVITe npeanoxeHL,1B  no CMblCny CJ10BaMv•1. 06BeAL,1Te rlPaBVIJ1bHblÿl OTBeT (a, b, C).

1. How many continents are there on our

a)  land         b) ground  c) planet

2. When we arriveSpain, we will go sightseeing as soon as possible.

a)  to    b) at  c) in

3. The little girl was looking at the rain  the kitchen window.

a)  through b) at c) out

4. All people want to be happy and  for the better.

                a) remember        b) hope             c) hunt

5. It's my dream to have a house on theof the Black Sea.

34            a) shore                b) bank             c) space

 6. I won't be able to come to your birthday party I get ready for my exam.

                a) as soon as        b) before           c) after

3AAAHL'1E 4. np0WITaVITe npeanoxeHÞIB. npe06pa3yVITe cnoBa, AaHHble B CK06KaX, TaK, HT06bl OHV•I rpaMMaTnqecKL,1 COOTBeTCTBOBaJIV1 COAepxaHVIK) TeKCTa. 3an0JIHv•1Te nponycKL'1 nonyqeHHblMv•1 CJIOBaMV1.

1.  Do you think we (have)  a test tomorrow? — I'm not sure.

2.  When the teacher (come) , the lesson will start.

3.  Until holidays begin, we (not go) to the sea.

4.  My family and I (move) to another city next month. My parents decided it long ago.

5.  It was my birthday yesterday and my friends (bring) me a cake and a lot of roses. I was very happy.

6.  The sailor said it was the (difficult) voyage in his life.

         nuCbMO                                              (MaKCVIMaJ1bHblV1 6ann

5. Hanuwv•1Te He60nbwoe cot-MI-lei-Ine 06 AMepVIKe. Anq 3Toro BaM HYXHO aaTb nonHble OTBeTb1 Ha BOnpocbl, rlPVIBeAëHHble HV•1Xe. Y Bac aonxeH nonyqv•1Tbcq nornqHblV1 paccKa3, COCTORLUV•IVI V13 He MeHee yetvl 6 cþpa3.


1. What is the full official name of the country that people call America?

2. How many states are there in the USA?

3. What is the capital city of the USA?

4. What are the highest mountains in the USA?

5. What is the longest river in the USA?

6. Would you like to visit the USA? Why/Why not?

                Говорение                               (максимальный балл

ЗАДАНИЕ 6. Составьте монологическое высказывание на предложенную тему. Ваш монолог должен содержать не менее 8 фраз.


Speak about the USA. 7'he questions will help уои.


     Main body

— Who discovered America? How did it happen?

— What do уои know about the geography of the USA? — Who were the native Americans?

— What is the largest city in the USA? What do уои know about it?


Социокультурные знания   (максимальный балл

Задание 7. Соотнесите слова в двух колонках.

1.  North America

2.  New York City

З. Broadway

4.   Texas

5.   Washington, D.C.

6.   Thanksgiving

1.          2.           з.

а) the US capital

Ь) а street

с) а continent

d) а holiday

е) а state

f) the US biggest city

Ваш итоговый балл


4.           5.           6.

Перевод баллов в отметки





27 24





Таблица для самооценивания

Какие из разделов

теста оказались самыми сложными? Как вы думаете, почему?

В каких грамматических

явлениях вы допустили ошибки?

Какая лексика требует дальнейшей отработки?

Окончание таблицы

Что могло бы помочь вам лучше справиться с заданиями по говорению и письму?

Насколько вы довольны вашими результатами?


             Аудирование                                  (максимальный балл

ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Послушайте разговор Адама и Бренды. Определите, какие из приведённых ниже утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True), а какие не соответствуют (False). Обведите выбранный вариант ответа. Вы услышите запись два раза, (5).

1. Brenda and Adam are classmates.

         TRUE          FALSE

2. Brenda doesn't like shopping.

         TRUE          FALSE

3. Brenda's parents often buy food.

                TRUE          FALSE

4. Brenda can easily get to the mall any time she wants.

                TRUE          FALSE

5. Brenda's parents buy her all the clothes she wants in the mall.

                TRUE          FALSE

6. Brenda gave her mother a fashionable sweater last month.

                TRUE          FALSE


(MaKCVIMaJ1bHblÿ1 6ann

3AAAHL'1E 2. npoqv•1Taÿ1Te TeKCT VI 3aKOHqVITe npeAnoxeHL.'1B nocne Hero. 06BeA"1Te 6YKBY (a, b, c), Bb16PaHHOMY BaMV1 Bapv•1aHTY OTBeTa.

The dance starts in thirty minutes, but Wendy isn't ready yet. She is still in her bedroom. She is looking at her new dress hanging on the wall.

Her new dress is black with lovely roses on it. It is very elegant and Wendy looks beautiful in it. When Wendy wears it, it seems to her she is a film star.

Still, Wendy isn't sure if she wants to wear the black dress to the dance. That's because she didn't buy it. She made it herself. Wendy loves to design and make her own clothes. She wants to be a clothes designer when she grows up. But at the moment she is uncomfortable. She doesn't want to be the only girl at the dance wearing a homemade dress.

Wendy opens her wardrobe. She takes out a big box 41 and looks into it. In it there is the dress her mother bought her for the dance. It is white. It is pretty, but not as elegant as the black dress. She hangs the white dress on the wall next to the black one and steps back.

She looks at both of the dresses and doesn't know what to do. After a while she decides that she likes the white dress, but she loves the black one.

"What will my classmates think if they find out that my dress is homemade?" she thinks. Wendy feels very nervous. Finally she takes the white dress and stands holding it in front of the mirror.

All of a sudden she throws the white dress on the bed.

Wendy decides to risk it. She puts the black dress on. She takes one more look at the mirror and heads to the door.

Wendy arrives at the dance and her friend Susan meets her there. She is also wearing a dress. It is red with grey flowers on it.

"You look great," Susan says to Wendy.

"Thanks," Wendy says. "You do too!"

1. Wendy is getting ready for

a)   school

b)  a dance

c)   a fashion show

2. In her new dress Wendy feels like a

a)   designer

b)  famous actress

c)   schoolgirl

3. Wendy is uncomfortable because her black dress is

a)   too fashionable

b)  not elegant

c)   handmade

42         4. Wendy's mother bought her

a)   a white dress

b)  a black dress

c)   a dress with roses on it

5. Wendy likes the black dress

a)  as much as the white one

b)  less than the white one

c)  more than the white one

6. Susan thinks that Wendy's dress is

a)   very nice

b)  cheap

c)   fashionable

3AAAHVIE 3. 3aKOHHVITe npeanoxeHv•1B  no CMblcny CJIOBaM¼. 06BeAVITe npaB¼J1bHblV1 OTBeT (a, b, C).

2. I enjoy downhill and cross-country

a)  ski  b) skis      c) skiing

3. It's getting cold and frosty, the temperature is 10 degreeszero already.

a)  above       b) below     c) under

4. All our students  neat and tidy clothes at school.

a)  wear         b) dress      c) put on

4.   I hope our team will  the next football match. We want to be in the finals.

a)  meet         b) forget    c) win

5.   People usually don't sleep in

a)  pyjamas b) slippers c) nighties


6.   I'm leavingBarcelona in two days.

a)  to   b) for       c) in

3AAAHL4E 4. npoqL.'1TaVITe npeanoxeHL.•1fi. npe06pa3yÿ1Te CJ10Ba B CK06KaX -raK, HT06bl OHM rpaMMaTV1qeCKV1 COOTBeTCTBOBar1V1  Tel<CTa. 3anom-lMTe nponycKL.•1 nonyqeHHblML,1 CTIOBaMV1.

1.                 Tom's clothes (be)  scruffy and dirty when he came home from the playground.

2.                 My friend (leave)  for Berlin in a week. He has already bought the tickets.

3.                 Look, what a beautiful shirt! I think I (buy)


— You should! It's very nice!

4.                 — The next train (arrive)  only at 5:30. Let's have coffee together. Sounds good to me!

5.                 If my friend (not come)  soon, we'll start the concert without him.

6.                 I don't know when the class (begin) tomorrow. You should ask the teacher.

                     nncbM0                                               (MaKCV1%J1bHblV1 6ann

3AAAHVIE 5. Harlþ1LIJL.1Te paccKa3 0 3V•1Me. Ann 3Toro Barvl HYXHO aaTb nom-Ibie OTBeTbl Ha BonPOCbl, rlPL'1BeAëHHble

HVIXe. Y Bac AOnxeH nonyqv.1Tbcq JlOrVIHHblV1 paccKa3, COCTOR 143 He MeHee qervl 6 (þpa3.

1. What's the weather like in Russia in winter?     2. Do you enjoy such weather?

          3. Do you spend much time outdoors in winter?

4.  What winter sports do you do?

5.  What clothes do you wear in winter?

6.  What is your favourite winter month? Why?

roBopeHne                                                                        (Mal<CVIMaJ1bHblÿ1 6ann

3AAAHVIE 6. COCTaBbTe M0HonorL'1qecKoe BblCKa3blBaHV1e npeanoxeHHYK) Terv1Y. Baw M0Honor AOJ1)KeH COAepxaTb Mel-lee 8 cþpa3.


clothes do you enjoy wearing? Why?

— Are your clothes usually neat or scruffy? Why?

— Where do you usually buy clothes? Why?

— Is it important for you to look fashionable? Why/  Why not?

 • Conclusion

7. Aori0JIHL,1Te npeanoxeHL,1B


Harrods, Regent, London, Scotland Yard, Celsius, Fahrenheit, the Louvre

1. In Britain the temperature is measured in

2. Most of London's fashionable shops are in and Oxford Streets.

З. Мапу people think that in this shop уои сап buy everything. It is

4.is а place where English detectives work.


Ваш итоговый балл


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27 24




Таблица для самооценивания

Какие из разделов теста оказались самыми сложными?

Как вы думаете, почему?

В каких грамматических явлениях вы допустили ошибки?

Окончание таблицы

Какая лексика требует дальнейшей отработки?

Что могло бы помочь вам лучше справиться с заданиями по говорению и письму?

Насколько вы довольны вашими результатами?


ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Послушайте разговор Стивена и Джейн. Определите, какие из приведённых ниже утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True), а какие не соответствуют (False). Обведите выбранный вариант ответа. Вы услышите запись два раза, (б).

1. Steven needs to write ап article for his ехат.

                 TRUE          FALSE

2. Most girls in Jane's school prefer short hair.

                 TRUE          FALSE

З. Boys in Jane's class епјоу basketball.

                 TRUE          FALSE

4.  Jeans and T-shirts are Jane's favourite clothes.

       TRUE          FALSE

5.  The pretty girl from Jane's class has a lot of friends.

       TRUE          FALSE

6.  For Jane it is more important to be a good person 49 than to be pretty.

       TRUE          FALSE

qreHwe                                                        (MaKCVIMaJ1bHblV1 6ann

3AAAHb•1E 2. np0WITaÿ1Te Tel<CT VI 3aK0Hqn-re npeanoxeHv•1q nocne Hero. 06BeAVITe 6YKBY (a, b, c),  Bbl6PaHHOMY BaMV1 BapuaHTY OTBeTa.

David, a twelve-year-old boy and his mother, Linda like running. Sometimes David and Linda run together and they really enjoy it but for different reasons.

David is very good at running. He is very fast. In his school there are a lot of running competitions. David usually wins them. He is the best runner in his school. One day a new student came to David's class. Everyone

thought he was a very fast runner. But in the race David still came first and beat him.

Running makes David happy because he is fairly good at this sport. When he wins a running competion, he feels very proud.

50 His mother enjoys running too. But she likes running because it is good for her health. It makes her heart  strong and makes her feel well.

 David likes to sprint. He likes to run very fast. He thinks it's very exciting. He is good at starting at the right moment just when the starter says: "On your marks, get set, go!"

Linda enjoys running long distances. She doesn't try to run fast. She tries to run far. She usually runs more than 1 kilometer. Sometimes she runs 4 or 5 kilometers. She enjoys running slowly.

One Saturday the school held a race. It was a 3 km race. Students and parents were both invited to run. David really wanted to run with his mother. He boasted he would beat her, but Linda just smiled.

So they went to race. The starter yelled: "On your marks, get set, go!" David was ready, the race began. David started running fast. He ran the first kilometer. He looked back to see his mother. She was far behind. During the second kilometer David slowed down. His mother was catching up! "Come on!" she smiled when she was passing by. David tried to run very fast but he couldn't catch up with her. Soon Linda crossed the finish line. She looked back to see David. He was running very slowly. "You can do it!" she shouted. David heard her and smiled. Finally he crossed the finish line.

"Not too bad, for an old lady!" Linda said.

"Hey, mum! Will you teach me to run like you?" David answered.

Linda smiled at her son and said: "Of course!"

1. David sometimes runs with his

a)   classmate

b)  best friend

c)   parent

2. David's new classmate ran

a)   faster than David    51

b)  slower than David

c)   as fast as David

3. Linda likes running because

a)   it is healthy

b)  she likes competitions

c)   she wants to win a race

4. Linda doesn't like running

a)   fast  b) slowly    c) far

5. The school race was

a)   5 km         b) 4 km      c) 3 km

6. David crossed the finish line

a)   before his mother

b)  after his mother

c)   together with his mother

3AAAHL4E 3. 3aKOHqVITe npeanoxeHb1R rlOAXOA9LUVIMV1 no CMblCJIY CJIOBaML,1. 06BeAVITe npaBL•1J1bHblÿ1 OTBeT (a, b, C).

1.  Ballerinas can stand on theirfor hours.

a)  fingers   b) toes     c) socks

2.  When I saw Alice, she had a small elegant bag in her

a)  hands    b) arms    c) fingers

3.  People who do sports are usually

                  a) stout                 b) weak                c) fit

4.  Amanda, my best friend, is very. She always helps me in different situations.

                 a) selfish              b) reliable           c) greedy

52 5. The little girl looks very cute and funny because she has a smallnose.

                 a) curly                b) turned up       c) good-looking

6. You can't describe people's faces as

                 a) round               b) oval                 c) thick

3AAAHVIE 4. npoqv•1TaVITe npeanoxeHv•1B. npe06pa3yVITe cnoBa B CK06KaX TaK, HT06bl OHM rpaMrv1aTv•1qeCKV1 COOTBeTCTBOBanV1 coaepxawuo TeKCTa. 3anoJ11-MTe nponycKL,1 nonyqeHHblMV1 CT10BaMV1.

1. Yesterday I (be)  able to visit my grandparents because I didn't have much homework.

2. My younger sister is lucky because she (not have) to go to school on Saturdays.

3. When Ben (be)  six, he could read faster than his classmates.

4. I like it that my hair (be)curly and thick.

5. My elder brother (look)  like our father. They are both very good-looking men.

6. I hope in the future I will learn to play tennis. I (get) better every day.

Письмо                                                        (максимальный балл

ЗАДАНИЕ 5. Опишите вашего друга. Для этого нужно дать полные ответы на вопросы, приведённые ниже. У вас должно получиться логичное описание, состоящее из не менее чем 6 фраз.


1. What's your friend's пате? 2. How old is he/she?

З. What does he/she look like?

4.   What clothes does he/she usually wear?

5.   What is he/she like?

6.   What does he/she do in his/her free time?

                  Говорение                               (максимальный балл

ЗАДАНИЕ б. Составьте монологическое высказывание на предложенную тему. Ваш монолог должен содержать не менее 8 фраз.


    What do уои look like? (Try to give as тапу details as possible.)

    What are уои like? Why do уои think so?

 • What do уои do in your free time?

Социокультурные знания  (максимальный балл

ЗАДАНИЕ 7. Напишите четыре прилагательных на англиЙском языке, которые, на ваш взгляд, лучше определяют русский и английский характер.

           Russian character                British character

1.        1.

2.        2.

з.        з. 4.   4.

Ваш итоговый балл


Перевод баллов в отметки

4 о 34









Таблица для самооценивания

Какие из разделов теста оказались самыми сложными?

Как вы думаете, почему?

В каких грамматических явлениях вы допустили ошибки?

Какая лексика требует дальнейшей отработки?

Что могло бы помочь вам лучше справиться с заданиями по говорению и письму?

Насколько вы довольны вашими результатами?

56       •recT 1

         3Anucb 1

Kevin: So, talking about holidays. Are there any  really, really good holidays that you remember, Tracy?

Tracy: Well, I think one of my most favourite holidays  were when I went to Spain with my family. It was two  years ago.

Kevin: Wow, Spain, I've never been there. But I'd love to!

o     Tracy: Oh, Spain is a wonderful country. The         architecture is great and the beaches are so good and s   beautiful. I loved them.

Kevin: So what did you do in Spain?

Tracy: Mainly I just relaxed in the swimming pool and on the beach. And in the evenings I went shopping with my mum. We often went to cafés and had some really nice traditional Spanish food too. My mum was very happy that she didn't have to cook.

Kevin: Oh, that sounds really interesting, like there perfect holidays. So you said you went with your family, right?

Tracy: Yes, I went with my mum and dad and my younger brother.

Kevin: And for how long did you go there?

Tracy: For ten days.

Kevin: That's quite a long time!

Tracy: And when we were in Spain, there was a big dancing competition in the city where we lived. And so everybody was happy and excited. I enjoyed watching how beautifully the dancers moved because I'm a very bad dancer myself. And at night times there was live music in the streets and everybody started dancing for pleasure.

Kevin: Great! It sounds really cool, like very nice holidays.      57 Tracy: Yes, the holidays were wonderful!

Tom: So, what are you going to do today?

Fiona: Actually, I have no idea. Yesterday I did shopping in Oxford Street. I bought very good clothes, some wonderful books and also beautiful souvenirs for o my family! Shopping was a lot of fun, but I got really tired. I would prefer something relaxing for today.

Tom: Why not visit Hyde Park then? It's one of the most beautiful places in London. If you feel tired, a day in the open air will do you a lot of good.

Fiona: Sounds great. I'm tired of crowded places. I think I heard the name Hyde Park, but I don't know anything about it... Is it a famous place?

Tom: Sure! London's Hyde Park is one of the greatest city parks in the world. It has over 4,000 trees, a large lake and wonderful flower gardens! There's a good chance you'll forget that you are right in the centre of London.

Fiona: That's just what I need now! What are we going to do in Hyde Park?

Tom: Well, Hyde Park has something for everyone. You can enjoy swimming, boating, cycling. There are tennis courts and even tracks for horse riding there. Fiona: Does the park have any sights?

Tom: Hyde Park is home to a number of fascinating buildings and monuments, such as the Serpentine Bridge, the Joy of Life fountain and the famous Archiles statue. And with so many open air concerts and other events there's always something to see and

58             do.

Fiona: I'm so excited! Let's have breakfast and go to Hyde Park!

Tom: Let's go!

Tecr 3

3AnVICb 3

Susan: I'm really excited about the party this weekend!

Paul: Yeah, me too!

Susan: I want everything to be perfect. It will be fun to have friends over to my house.

Paul: Of course. We just have to make sure we have the things we need. Every party needs food, music and some fun things to do. As long as we have all those, the party will be great!

Susan: Don't worry. I have all that!

Paul: Great! I can 't wait to eat your famous cheese and tomato pizza! It's so tasty!

Susan: Oh! But I'm not going to cook it this time! I have decided to try something new!

Paul: What are you going to cook?

Susan: I want something healthy. Vegetable sandwiches and meatballs.

Paul: That doesn't sound very tasty.

Susan: But it's healthy and I'm on a diet. I want to lose a few kilos.

Paul: Ok then. Actually if we have good dance music, nobody will care about what they eat.

Susan: Oh, I wanted to tell you! We are not going to listen to dance music.

Susan: I have invited a 10-year-old neighbour. He'll be playing for us. He has been practising a lot lately. And he is quite good.

Paul: I don't like this idea. I would prefer to have energetic dance music. But, you choose. Anyway, if we play a fun party game, everyone will still have a good time.

Susan: No, Paul. Party games are so boring. I have a better idea. You know my hobby is collecting stamps.


I have a big collection. And I'm going to show it to everyone.

Paul: Are you serious?


Paul: What? How are we going to have a party without dance music? What are we going to listen to?

Susan: Yeah! I have three new stamps and want my friends to see them.

Paul: Susan, this doesn't sound like a good party! Nobody will enjoy it!

Susan: They will. Let's try and see!

Tecr 4

3Anncb 4

Martin: Sandra, hi! How are you doing?

Sandra: Hi! I'm fine, thanks.

Martin: Do you like it here in New York? How is your language school?

Sandra: The city is great and the language school is wonderful. The teachers are very good and my English is getting better.

Martin: Great! It was a good decision to come to New York and learn English here! You can also have a lot of practice in everyday life. So, have you got any plans for tomorrow yet?

Sandra: Not yet. But I would like to see New York.

60 I have been here for two weeks already but I haven't done any sightseeing yet. Too much homework!

Martin: Oh, I see. Where would you like to go?

Sandra: Well, first I would like to go to Liberty Island  and see the famous Statue of Liberty.

Martin: Yeah, Lady Liberty is a popular attraction.         If you are in the mood, you can walk up the stairs to   the crown of the Statue of Liberty. It is hard work but you'll be able to enjoy a wonderful view of New York o        City.

Sandra: I'll definitely do that. It will be a good  morning exercise. Then I want to go to the Empire State Building.

Martin: Yeah, it's in the very heart of Manhattan, near Broadway and Fifth Avenue.

Sandra: I think in the afternoon I will walk along Fifth Avenue and have lunch in one of the cafés there. Because at around 4 1 want to go to the Metropolitan Museum.

Martin: Oh, it may be a bit late. I think the museum closes at 5:30.

Sandra: Not tomorrow. Two days a week on Fridays and Saturdays it's open till 9 p.m.

Martin: I see you 've planned everything.

Sandra: Almost.

Martin: Ok then. Have a wonderful day tomorrow and

I'll give you a call next week. Bye! Sandra: See you later.

Tect 5

3Anb•1Cb 5

Adam: Hi, my name is Adam and I am a reporter of our school newspaper. Now I'm interviewing my classmate Brenda about shopping. Hi, Brenda! 61 Brenda: Hi, Adam!

Adam: And my first question. Do you enjoy shopping, Brenda?

Brenda: I do. I love shopping. It's one of my favourite pastimes.

Adam: And how often do you go shopping?

Brenda: It depends. I buy bread and some other food for my family almost every day on the way home from school. It's because my parents come back home from work late and they don't have time to go to the supermarket.

Adam: And what about clothes? How often do you shop for them?

Brenda: Not very often. Unfortunately. Usually I buy clothes in big malls and I can't get there myself. So I need to ask my parents to drive me.

Adam: Oh, I see.

Brenda: And as I said my parents are very busy people, so I'm lucky if they take me to the mall, once a month.

Adam: I see.

Brenda: But when we go to the mall, it's a big shopping day. My parents usually buy me everything I ask for. I just show them the clothes I like and they buy all of them. And when we finish, we usually have lunch in some café and go to the cinema to see some new film.

Adam: Sounds great! And one last question. Do you prefer buying things for yourself or for other people?

Brenda: Of course, I prefer buying things for myself. I think everyone does. But, for example, last month, I had to buy a birthday present for my best friend. I tried really hard to find something nice. It took me about three hours.

62            Adam: What did you buy?

Brenda: I bought a very beautiful and fashionable sweater. And I'm so happy every time my friend wears it.

Adam: Thank you, Brenda. Next week the interview will be in the school newspaper.

Brenda: I'll read it with great pleasure!

Tecr 6

3Ar1¼Cb 6

Steven: Hi, Jane! How are you?

Jane: Hi, Steven! Fine, thanks. And you?

Steven: I'm fine. You know, I'm writing an article for our school newspaper. It's about modern teenagers. You know what they look like and what they are like. Is it ok if I ask you a few questions?

Jane: Sure, no problem. I have some time before my next class.

Steven: Great. Then my first question. What do modern teenagers do to be good-looking?

Jane: I think all girls want to be slim. So they do not eat much and some of them experiment with their hair. I think in our school it's fashionable to have long straight hair. That's why very few girls wear their hair short.

Steven: And what about boys?

Jane: I can't say that they worry about how good they look. It's more important for them to feel strong and active. That's why they do sports. For example, many boys in my class play basketball.

Steven: I see. And what about you?

Jane: Well, if I want to feel that I'm good-looking, I put on some beautiful clothes. Clothes are very important for me. When I'm wearing a new dress or a fashion- 63 able jacket, I feel that I'm beautiful. I like it.

Steven: And how do you feel when you are wearing old jeans and a scruffy T-shirt?

Jane: I feel ugly. I don't like such clothes.

Steven: I understand. What is more important for you: to be good-looking or to be a good person?

Jane: I think it's more important to be a good person. We have a girl in our class who is very beautiful. She has long fair hair, blue eyes and a very pretty face. But she doesn't have friends because she is greedy and selfish. Nobody likes her.

Steven: Yeah, such things happen very often.

Jane: You know, I feel that only a kind heart makes a person good-looking. Also it's important to be modest even if you are a top model.

Steven: I agree. Thanks for your answers. We will publish them in our school newspaper next week. Jane: Great! Thanks.

Тест 1

ЗАДАНИЕ 1: 1. Г-, 2. Т, З. Е 4. Е, 5. Т, 6.

                ЗАДАНИЕ 2: 1. а,

                ЗАДАНИЕ З: 1. Ь,

ЗАДАНИЕ 4: 1. founded, 2. understood, з. knows,

4. built, 5. stood, б. will write


Для оценивания данных заданий используются критерии оценивания разделов «Письмо» и «Говорение», представГЕННЫе на С. 67.

ЗАДАНИЕ 7: Я Petersburg — 2, З, 5; Moscow

Тест 2

ЗАДАНИЕ 4: 1. was waiting, 2. travelled (Br)/traveled

(Дт), З. were, 4. means, 5. Ку, б. took


для оценивания данных заданий используются критерии оценивания разделов «Письмо» и «Говорение», представленные на с. 67.

ЗАДАНИЕ 7: 1. Т, 2. Р, З. Т, 4.

Тест З


4. to buy, 5. went, б. brings


Для оценивания данных заданий используются критерии оценивания разделов «Письмо» и «Говорение», представленные на с. 67.

ЗАДАНИЕ 7: 1. December, 31, 2. Halloween, З. December, 25, 4. Santa Clause

Тест 4

moving, 5. brought, 6. most difficult ЗАДАНИЯ

Для оценивания данных заданий используются критерии оценивания разделов «Письмо» и «Говорение», представленные на с. 67.

ЗАДАНИЕ 7: 1. с, 2. f, З. Ь, 4. е, 5. а, 6. d

Соотношение количества правильных ответов и баллов в данном задании следующее:

6 верных ответов

4 балла

5 верных ответов

З балла

Окончание таблицы

4 верных ответа

2 балла

З верных ответа

1 балл

2 и менее верных ответов

О баллов


Тест 5

4: 1. were, 2. is leaving, З. will buy, 4. arrives,

5. does not соте, б. will begin


Для оценивания даННЫХ заданий используются критерии оценивания разделов «Письмо» и «Говорение», представ-

ЗАДАНИЕ 7: 1. Celsius, 2. Regent, З. Harrods, 4. Scotland


Тест 6

ЗАДАНИЕ 4: 1. was able, 2. doesn't have, З. was, 4. is,

5. looks, б. ат getting


для оценивания данных заданий используются критерии оценивания разделов «Письмо» и «Говорение», представленные на с. 67.

ЗАДАНИЕ 7: проверяется учителем


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68KpVITe VIVI 014eHVIBaHVIRpa3AeJl0B «n bM0一一 「0B0peHVIe»

Тест                                                                   69


Метапредметные и личностные


Языковые средства и навыки оперирования ими


знание сочетаемости лексических единиц, способность выбирать подходящее слово на основе контекста, владение основными лексиче-

скими единицами в рамках изучаемой темы


грамматические навыки употребления нужной формы слова в соответствии с коммуникативно значимым контекстом, умение использовать изученные грам-

матические явления для оформления своих мыслей

    владение основами самоконтроля, самооценки

    умение осознанно использовать речевые средства в соответствии с задачей коммуникации для выражения своих чувств, мыслей и потребностей формирование ответственного отношения к учению, готовности и способности к саморазвитию



Коммуникативные умения

АуДирование способность понимать основное содержание прослушанных текстов

Окончание таблицы


Метапредметные и личностные


Чтение способность понимать основное содержание прочитанного текста

письмо способность написать краткий рассказ на основе перечня вопросов Говорение способность создавать краткие монологические высказывания на основе плана



Сопиокультурные знания

знания о достопримечательностях Москвы и СанктПетербурга


Тест 2

Проверяемые результаты


Метапредметные и личностные


Языковые средства и навыки оперирования ими


знание сочетаемости лексических единиц, способность выбирать подходящее слово на основе контекста, владение основными лексиче-

     владение основами самоконтроля, самООЦеНКИ

     умение осознанно использовать речевые средства в соответствии с задачей коммуникации

Окончание таблицы


Проверяемые результаты


Метапредметные и личностные


скими единицами в рамках изучаемой темы

Грамматика грамматические навыки употребления нужной формы слова в соответствии с коммуникативно значимым контекстом, умение использовать изученные грамматические явления для оформления своих мыслей

для выражения своих чувств, мыслей и потребностей

• формирование ответственного отношения к учению, готовности и способности к саморазвитию



Коммуникативные умения АуДирование способность понимать основное содержание прослушанных текстов

Чтение способность понимать основное содержание прочитанного текста Письмо способность написать краткий рассказ на основе перечня вопросов Говорение способность создавать краткие монологические высказывания на основе плана


Социокультурные знания знания о Лондоне и его достопримечательностях


Тест З


Метапредметные и личностные


Языковые средства и навыки оперирования ими

Лексика знание сочетаемости лексических единиц, способность выбирать подходящее слово на основе контекста, владение основными лексическими единицами в рамках изучаемой темы

Грамматика грамматические навыки употребления нужной формы слова в соответствии с коммуникативно значимым контекстом, умение использовать изученные грамматические явления для оформления своих мыслей

     владение основами самоконтроля, самооценки

     умение осознанно использовать речевые средства в соответствии с задачей коммуникации для выражения своих чувств, мыслей и потребностей формирование ответственного отношения к учению, готовности и способности к саморазвитию



Коммуникативные умения

Ау Дировањие способность понимать основное содержание прослушанных текстов

Чтение способность понимать основное содержание прочитанного текста


Окончание таблицы


Проверяемые результаты


Метапредметные и личностные


Письмо способность написать краткий рассказ на основе перечня вопросов Говорение способность создавать краткие монологические высказывания на основе плана



Социокультурные знания знания о британских праздниках


Тест 4                                                                   


Метапредметные и личностные


Языковые средства и навыки оперирования ими

Лексика знание сочетаемости лексических единиц, способность выбирать подходящее слово на основе контекста, владение основными лексическими единицами в рамках изучаемой темы

    владение основами самоконтроля, самооценки

    умение осознанно использовать речевые средства в соответствии с задачей коммуникации для выражения своих чувств, мыслей и потребностей

Окончание таблицы

Проверяемые результаты


Метапредметные и личностные


Грамматика грамматические навыки употребления нужной формы слова в соответствии с коммуникативно значимым контекстом, умение использовать изученные грамматические явления для оформления своих мыслей

формирование ответственного отношения к учению, готовности и способности к саморазвитико



Коммуникативные умения

Ау Дирование способность понимать основное содержание прослушанных текстов

Чтение способность понимать основное содержание прочитанного текста

ПИСЬМО способность написать краткий рассказ на основе перечня вопросов

Говорение способность создавать краткие монологические высказывания на основе плана


Социокультурные знания базовые страноведческие знания о США


Тест 5

Проверяемые результаты


Метапредметные и личностные


Языковые средства и навыки оперирования ими Лексика

знание сочетаемости лексических единиц, способность выбирать подходящее слово на основе контекста, владение основными лексическими единицами в рамках изучаемой темы


грамматические навыки употребления нужной формы слова в соответствии с коммуникативно значимым контекстом, умение использовать изученные грамматические явления для оформления своих мыслей

    владение основами самоконтроля, самооценки

    умение осознанно использовать речевые средства в соответствии с задачей коммуникации для выражения своих чувств, мыслей и потребностей


ответственного отношения к учению, готовности и способности к саморазвитию



Коммуникативные умения

АуДирование способность понимать основное содержание прослушанных текстов

Чтение способность понимать основное содержание прочитанного текста Письмо способность написать краткий рассказ на основе перечня вопросов


Окончание таблицы

                     Проверяемые результаты         


Метапредметные и личностные


Говорение способность создавать краткие монологические высказывания на основе плана



Социокультурные знания базовые страноведческие знания о Великобритании



                     Проверяемые результаты        


Метапредметные и личностные


Языковые средства и навыки оперирования ими Лексика

знание сочетаемости лексических единиц, способность выбирать подходящее слово на основе контекста, владение основными лексическими единицапли в рамках изучаемой темы


грамматические навыки употребления нужной формы слова в соответствии с коммуникативно значимым контекстом, умение использовать изученные грамматические явления для оформления своих мыслей

владение основами самоконтроля, самооценки

• умение осознанно использовать речевые средства в соответствии с задачей коммуникации для выражения своих чувств, мыслей и потребностей • формирование ответственного отношения к учению, готовности и способности к саморазвитию

        Тест 6

Окончание таблицы

                     Проверяемые результаты      


Метапредметные и личностные



Коммуникативные умения

А уДирование способность понимать основное содержание прослушанных текстов

Чтение способность понимать основное содержание прочитанного текста

Письмо способность написать краткий рассказ на основе перечня вопросов

Говорение способность создавать краткие монологические высказывания на основе плана



Социокультурные знания знания о русских и британцах



Тест 1

Тест 214

78     Тест З ....................... 22

Тест 4 . . . . .

Тест 5  39

Тест 6 . . . . .  48

            Тексты для аудирования . . 56

Ключи... . . . . . . . . .  64 Проверяемые результаты 69

Серия «Rainbow English»

Учебное изДание

Афанасьева Ольга Васильевна

Михеева Ирина Владимировна

Колесникова Екатерина Алексеевна


Диагностические работы

6 класс

Учебно-методическое пособие к учебнику

О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой, К. М. Барановой

Зав. редакцией Е. Ю. Шмакова

Редактор И. П. Гончарова

Художественный редактор Л. П. Копачева

Художественное оформление О. М. Войтенко

Технический редактор И. В. Грибкова

Компьютерная верстка С. Н. Терентьева

Корректор Г. Н. Кузьмина


Сертификат соответствия

№ РОСС RU .АГ99.НО19О1.

Подписано к печати 24.07.15. Формат 70 х 90 1 /16.

Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура «Школьная» . Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 8,2. Тираж 4000 экз. Заказ № 11442.

ООО «ДРОФА». 127254, Москва, Огородный проезд, д. 5, стр. 2.

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[1] Государственная итоговая аттестация выпускников 9 классов проводится в форме основного государственного экзамена (ОГЭ) с использованием материалов, представляющих собой комплексы заданий стандартизированной формы (контрольно-измерительных материалов).

О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева,

О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева,

О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева,

О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева,

ББК 81.2Англ-922 А94 Афанасьева,

ББК 81.2Англ-922 А94 Афанасьева,

ISBN 978-5-358-16291-4 000 «ДРОФА», 2015

ISBN 978-5-358-16291-4 000 «ДРОФА», 2015

З) насколько качественно проработан шестиклассниками материал учебника

З) насколько качественно проработан шестиклассниками материал учебника

ФГОС. Насколько важно использовать данный компонент

ФГОС. Насколько важно использовать данный компонент

Как лучше работать с диагностическими материалами (тестами)?

Как лучше работать с диагностическими материалами (тестами)?

True), а какие не соответствуют (False)

True), а какие не соответствуют (False)

AAAHb'1E 2. np0HHTaÿ1Te TeKCT VI 3aKOHHV•1Te npeanoxe-

AAAHb'1E 2. np0HHTaÿ1Te TeKCT VI 3aKOHHV•1Te npeanoxe-

There are no cricket fields in this new

There are no cricket fields in this new

You can buy a house in English

You can buy a house in English

MaKCV•1MaJ1bHblÿ1 6ann 3AAAH¼E 4

MaKCV•1MaJ1bHblÿ1 6ann 3AAAH¼E 4

VIHHblÿ1 pac«a3, COCTOBU-ÅV<L¥I

VIHHblÿ1 pac«a3, COCTOBU-ÅV<L¥I

AAAHVIE 6. COCTaBbTe M0Honorv1qecKoe

AAAHVIE 6. COCTaBbTe M0Honorv1qecKoe

St Petersburg 1. The Pushkin

St Petersburg 1. The Pushkin

Таблица для самооценивания

Таблица для самооценивания

Какие из разделов теста оказались самыми сложными?

Какие из разделов теста оказались самыми сложными?

ТЕЯ Unit 2 Visiting Britain 14 (максимальный балл — 40)

ТЕЯ Unit 2 Visiting Britain 14 (максимальный балл — 40)

There is а lake in Hyde Park.

There is а lake in Hyde Park.

As for me, I also like seeing new places and meeting new people

As for me, I also like seeing new places and meeting new people

When on holiday Sally's parents a) like to go to the park b) prefer to live in another country c) enjoy travelling 2

When on holiday Sally's parents a) like to go to the park b) prefer to live in another country c) enjoy travelling 2

There are a lot of beaches in

There are a lot of beaches in

What (be) the teachers like when you went to the school? 4

What (be) the teachers like when you went to the school? 4

AAAHVIE 6. COCTaBbTe M0HonornqecKoe

AAAHVIE 6. COCTaBbTe M0HonornqecKoe

What were your holidays like? —

What were your holidays like? —

33—28 4 з 23—0 2

33—28 4 з 23—0 2

Таблица для самооценивания

Таблица для самооценивания

Какие из разделов теста оказались самыми сложными?

Какие из разделов теста оказались самыми сложными?

Аудирование (максимальный балл

Аудирование (максимальный балл

Susan's neighbour won't perform at the party

Susan's neighbour won't perform at the party

Happy New Year". Some people let off fireworks to celebrate

Happy New Year". Some people let off fireworks to celebrate

At night they went to watch the fireworks display

At night they went to watch the fireworks display

AAAHb'1E 3. 3aKOHt-1VITe npeanoxeHnq nOAXOABU

AAAHb'1E 3. 3aKOHt-1VITe npeanoxeHnq nOAXOABU

When the clock (strike) ten,

When the clock (strike) ten,

MaKCVIMaJ1bHblÿ1 6ann 3AAAHL4E 6

MaKCVIMaJ1bHblÿ1 6ann 3AAAHL4E 6

Социокультурные знания ЗАДАНИЕ 7

Социокультурные знания ЗАДАНИЕ 7

Таблица для самооценивания

Таблица для самооценивания

Какие из разделов теста оказались самыми сложными?

Какие из разделов теста оказались самыми сложными?

AAAHL4E 1. nocr1Y1.uaÿ1Te pa3roBop

AAAHL4E 1. nocr1Y1.uaÿ1Te pa3roBop

Sandra doesn't want to walk the stairs to the top of

Sandra doesn't want to walk the stairs to the top of

There were a lot of people on the bridge

There were a lot of people on the bridge

He continued walking. Soon he stopped to look at the

He continued walking. Soon he stopped to look at the

The boats took tourists to a) the

The boats took tourists to a) the

I won't be able to come to your birthday party

I won't be able to come to your birthday party

Hanuwv•1Te He60nbwoe cot-MI-lei-Ine 06

Hanuwv•1Te He60nbwoe cot-MI-lei-Ine 06

Говорение (максимальный балл

Говорение (максимальный балл

Социокультурные знания (максимальный балл

Социокультурные знания (максимальный балл

Таблица для самооценивания

Таблица для самооценивания

Что могло бы помочь вам лучше справиться с заданиями по говорению и письму?

Что могло бы помочь вам лучше справиться с заданиями по говорению и письму?

Аудирование (максимальный балл

Аудирование (максимальный балл
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