Problems in Learning English
For English learners have some difficulties and problems in learning English. They make mistakes in English. Firstly phonetic and pronunciation, secondly grammar and glossary usage.
For example: Modal verbs. Somehow they are too hard to understand for beginning learners . One of my student asked me a question: “You are supposed to be hitting me” and “You should be hitting me”. Could you explain me I’d like to know whether there is a difference between the two sentences and why?
To my mind If you were me, you knew the answer. In fact you know the difference is that the first sentence describes expectation – the speaker is, for example, surprised that the person is not hitting them. In the second sentence the speaker is giving advice – they think that hitting is necessary or required in some way.
Listening comprehension and speaking in English are the skills generally more frequently used than reading and writing in daily living in an English speaking country. Listening comprehension and speaking in English are more difficult and more important for learners to master than reading and writing. When reading and writing a text a learner has more time for thinking and pauses than when listening and speaking in English in daily living.
An ESL/EFL learner can also look up unknown vocabulary in English dictionaries and use other English reference books when reading and writing a text in English, which is impossible when listening and speaking in English. Therefore, listening comprehension and speaking in English are more difficult than reading and writing. English vocabulary for daily living requires more time and is more difficult to master by foreign learners than English grammar.
Vocabulary is one of the most comprehensive and difficult aspects of English for foreign learners to master thoroughly. They should first concentrate on learning the most frequently used and therefore most important English vocabulary for their practical real life needs.
Multiple sense English words and synonyms (words with a similar meaning) present special difficulty for foreign learners. Other difficulties in learning and using English vocabulary include fixed word collocations, phrasal verbs, idioms, proverbs and regional differences in vocabulary usage. There are differences in English usage in English-speaking countries in terms of spelling, pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.
English usage can also be formal and informal. Formal English is the language of the mass media, education, business, economy, commerce, technology, science, etc. Informal English includes colloquial, slang and dialect usage. It is harder for foreign learners to master informal than formal English vocabulary.
English synonym dictionaries combined with general English dictionaries are an excellent tool for intensively, comprehensively and logically mastering vocabulary for the needs of the learner in real life situations. Extensive reading on a variety of topics is another effective method for expanding English vocabulary knowledge by learners of English.
Written by Chicco
How to Overcome English Language Problems
In their writing, a number of members of the class have shown problems with the use and mastery of the English language. Obviously, every one of you speaks and reads English, but there is a difference between that and mastering the language at the university level. This can be a critical challenge for your future success at UTEP and in your professional careers, so if this applies to you, it is something you absolutely must urgently address now.
The bad news is that, unlike in high school, at UTEP many professors will not “cut you any slack” just because your first language is not English. At UTEP, everyone is held to the same high standards of performance. The good news is that, generally, the younger you are the easier it is to master a language at a scholarly or professional level.
Of course, the English language is no better than any other language, and I am certainly not trying to impose some kind of racist “English Only” approach on anyone! Be proud of your first language, and become or remain an expert in it.
However, UTEP is primarily an English-medium university, so for your own present purposes and goals (i.e., graduating), mastering (not just “knowing” or “speaking”) English is essential. And, most of the following advice is useful for learning ANY language. Even if your mother language is already English you can use much of the following to improve your grasp of the language at a scholarly level. And, in the future if you ever have to learn a second language, I guarantee that these ideas will help in that task as well.
Breaking the Language Barrier in College
1. Begin a personal campaign to master your target language: in this case, scholarly English. Set a goal—for instance, that by the end of the semester you will be able to write a paragraph in Academic English with no grammar errors. If you do not consciously and purposely resolve to do this, your English may take many years to improve, and by that time you will have long since flunked out. So, this task is serious and urgent.
2. To master a language such as English, read the language as much as possible. Here, I do not mean just textbooks and assigned readings! I mean, read things that you understand and enjoy, and that you would pick up to read even if it were in your mother language. If you like romance novels or science fiction, read romance novels or science fiction—in English! If you read the news, get the newspaper—in English. If you like sports, read sports reports in English. If you study Holy Scriptures try to do so in English.
3. To master any language, surround yourself with that language. For a semester or so, all your radio and TV, music, videos and entertainment should be in your target language. While you are mastering English, you should try as much as possible to wake up, work, study, play, relax, eat, drink, sleep, dream and make love in English.
4. Converse informally as much as possible in English with educated speakers of that language. Learn educated vocabulary, grammar and conversation patterns.
5. Do not try to translate from your mother language to your target language, or vice versa. Not even the world’s greatest genius can master a language by translating. Force yourself to think in the target language, and translating will come naturally.
6. Talk to yourself (silently, of course!) in your target language. Thus, when you are wondering what to have for lunch, or cussing silently about the traffic and parking problems, or composing poetry for your Significant Other, do so in your target language: English.
7. Get a paperback bilingual dictionary, and let it become your best friend.
8. Get an English grammar guide and a verb-book. But, use them only as references when you are stuck on what to write—do not expect to learn English from them, because you will not. I guarantee it.
9. Most importantly, get EVERYTHING you turn in for any class proofread and corrected first by someone whose mother language is English. Depending on your language aptitude and your age when you first began to learn English, you may study until you are 100 and still not get it perfect. But this is no dishonor! Even Prof. Albert Einstein still spoke English with a thick accent and made occasional English grammar errors until the day he died. Are you smarter than he was? Do what he did; get help!
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