Endangered Species -вымершие животные (8 класс английский язык
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Endangered Species -вымершие животные (8 класс английский язык

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Endangered Species -вымершие животные (8 класс английский язык
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Endangered Species -вымершие животные (8 класс английский язык

Endangered Species -вымершие животные (8 класс английский язык
Extinct animals and birds A presentation was made Chechikov Daniel.

Endangered Species -вымершие животные (8 класс английский язык

Endangered Species -вымершие животные (8 класс английский язык
Steller cow • Marine (Steller) cow named after the Russian zoologist Steller, who first discovered and described this type of animal in 1741, The sea cow was a little more than a manate, swam at the surface of the water and ate seaweed (hence the name “sea”). The weight of cows was up to 10 tons and a length of 25 metres. The species was threatened with extinction from the very beginning, as the meat was very tasty and widely eaten by the indigenous population.

Endangered Species -вымершие животные (8 класс английский язык

Endangered Species -вымершие животные (8 класс английский язык
Rahonavis ostromi. • Carnivorous, eats insects, reptiles and other small animals. Many paleontologists believe that this bird was able to plan from branch to branch, as did some reptiles and mammals, but it truly active to fly like most birds, only worse.

Endangered Species -вымершие животные (8 класс английский язык

Endangered Species -вымершие животные (8 класс английский язык
Tarpan • These squat wild horses mouse-colored with a dark stripe on the back, thick mane and strong hooves, who did not know the horseshoes, completely disappeared from the face of the earth for only fifteen years — from 1875 to 1890. It was at the end of the 19th century, the attempt to catch him was killed the last living in the wild Tarpan. According to other sources, the last steppe Tarpan was not in 1918 and it happened

Endangered Species -вымершие животные (8 класс английский язык

Endangered Species -вымершие животные (8 класс английский язык
Тилацин — Tasmanian Wolf • Was the largest carnivorous marsupial animal of our time (in height he was about 60 cm and a length of about 180 cm including the tail). Thylacine once lived in mainland Australia and New Guinea, but as a result of human activity they're already almost extinct at the time of colonization by Europeans. However,

Endangered Species -вымершие животные (8 класс английский язык

Endangered Species -вымершие животные (8 класс английский язык
Passenger pigeon • The famous genus of extinct birds. The wandering dove was distributed in the deciduous forests of North America to the East of the Rocky mountains, from southern and Central Canada to North Carolina, wintered in the South of the United States. Until the XIX century it was one of the most common birds on Earth, the total number of which was estimated at 3-5 billion individuals. The last mass nesting was observed in 1883, the last wandering dove in the wild was discovered in 1900 in Ohio, USA.

Endangered Species -вымершие животные (8 класс английский язык

Endangered Species -вымершие животные (8 класс английский язык
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