Оценка 4.7


Оценка 4.7



Samadova Svetlana Jantashevna

Teacher of the department of Languages,

Chirchik higher tank command-engineering school


 One of the most important tasks in the development and improvement of effective methods of teaching English (and any other) language is the problem of a clear, intelligible and meaningful analysis of the English lesson. The solution to this problem will significantly increase the level of teaching the English language, especially in high school, where, as a rule, there is a study of the basics of English-speaking communication and laying the foundation for further improving students' knowledge of English. Consider the option of analyzing a language lesson that seems quite effective.

 In this case, the analysis is based on a typical lesson that contains all the standard steps: lesson objectives, organizational moment, homework control, repetitive and preparatory exercises, introduction of new teaching material, understanding control, training tasks, mastering control. Depending on the purpose of each given lesson, the number and order of its components may vary, therefore, the analysis of the lesson should begin with the establishment of goals that the teacher has set for himself.

Analyzing the course of the lesson, it is necessary to highlight the following elements:

1. Educational and methodical tasks of the lesson: introduction, consolidation, activation of English-language material, final control work.

2. The content of educational materials: text, oral topic, exercises, situations, teaching methods, language material.

3. Equipment of the lesson: TSO, visualization, didactic materials, including the components of the educational complex used.

4. The place of the lesson in the study of the topic (the lesson opens, continues, completes the study topic ...).

5. Target setting: orientation to the formation of the development of skills and abilities of English-language speech activity (listening, speaking - monologue, dialogical speech), reading, writing; orientation on mastering by students the aspects of the language (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar); complex objectives of the lesson (teaching communication in English, learning cognitive activities using the English language).

6. Educational goals of the lesson: moral, aesthetic, labor education, education of a civilized personality, a culture of thinking, communication, feelings and behavior.          

7. General educational objectives of the lesson: cognitive, regional, linguistic and regional, developing; development of linguistic thinking.

8. Correspondence of the objectives of the lesson to its place in the study of the educational topic, the requirements of the English language training program and the curriculum for this class.

9. Preparation of the training room (English office) for the lesson.

10. Preparing students for classes, equipping their jobs.

11. The educational atmosphere in the classroom (office): switching students on the subject of "English"; the use of materials telling about the countries of the language being studied (UK, USA, Australia etc.); reproduction during a break in the sound recording of foreign speech; the use of other means of creating a language environment; the design of the chalkboard accordingly; use of tables, visual visibility to the lesson, etc.

12. Organizational moment: the effectiveness of switching students to the subject of "English"; a teacher’s conversation with students in English; questions of the teacher about readiness for work; a message about the nature (plan) of work in this lesson; orientation of students to achieve practical (communicative, cognitive), educational, general educational goals; voice charging; establishing a teacher’s contact with students; the use of teacher micro-conversations with students; the use of other pedagogical and methodological techniques to create a creative, business, friendly atmosphere in the classroom; the use of materials on the educational topic of the lesson during the speech warm-up and orientation of the speech warm-up to achieving the objectives of the lesson.

13. Phonetic exercises: orientation to achieve the main practical goals of the lesson; preparing students for work with new language material; development of phonetic skills.

14. Homework: checking the assignment in the lesson, controlling it during work on new teaching material; quality of homework; fixing cases of non-fulfillment of a task before the start of its verification; teacher commenting on the assignment, using forms of his verification; ways to compensate for defects in the current (next) lesson; ensuring the formation of skills; taking into account the difficulties encountered by students in completing homework; generalization of common mistakes; an explanation of the causes of these errors; use of an effective way to overcome them; error correction; atmosphere of correctness and goodwill during the verification of homework.

15. Introduction of new material: form of introduction of new material; the use of inductive (deductive) method; the use of boards, TCO, textbook material; the use of objective, visual clarity, interpretation, definition, commentary, transfer, context, situation for the semantization of new material; correspondence of the level of training to the character of linguistic units, difficulties of input material, the purpose of its assimilation; providing students with mastery of the indicative basis for actions, assimilation of knowledge when explaining new language material; control understanding of new language units; students use language units in the context of sentences.

16. Ensuring the assimilation of new language material: the use of linguistic, conditional-speech and speech exercises for various types of speech activity; compliance with the rational ratio of different types of exercises (linguistic, conditionally speech and speech), oral and written, programmed and unprogrammed, problematic and unproblematic; application of TCO and visual clarity.

17. Learning to listen: techniques used by the teacher to achieve the goal; methodological validity of the stages of working with audio text; organization of preparation for the perception of the text (removal of language difficulties, teaching a language guess, anticipation; setting a target that stimulates interest in perception); use of a tape recorder (player); rational use of listening; the use of visual, visual, picture visualization and linguistic and semantic supports; result of work.

18. Learning to speak: selection of speech material, speech situations, dialogue sample, text (oral, written), use of visibility, TCO; organization of student assistance and management of the construction of dialogical (monologue) statements; the use of various types of supports (plan, logical-syntactic scheme, keywords, conception and ending, etc.); the effectiveness of game techniques and problem tasks used by the teacher.

19. Training in reading: the formation of reading technique skills and the ability to understand what is read the use of a variety of techniques, tasks and exercises at the pretext, text and post-text stages; the correctness of solving the problem of each stage of work on the text; the use of rational teaching methods to control understanding (tasks to find the right answer to a question from a series of data, reproduce the context based on keywords, heading paragraphs, etc.); the use of context as a basis for the development of oral speech, the appropriateness of such use of text at this stage of training; exercise effectiveness.

20. Training in writing: the correct use of techniques and tasks; in accordance with the purpose of training (written retelling, composing, expanding lines of dialogue, writing letters, annotations; translating, compiling a plan followed by abstracting, selecting the most significant sentences, compiling an abstract in the reading process based on the plan, theses, keywords and phrases) .

21. The use of forms of class work: the ratio of frontal and group work; work in pairs and individual; rationality of using various forms of tasks; forms of educational interaction (student - teacher, student - book, student - tape player, student - transparency or drawing, student - the realities of the country of the language being studied, student - student).

22. Means of accounting, control and evaluation: the degree of mastery by students of English-language material, skills and abilities of English-language speech; the effectiveness of the question-answer work, the implementation of exercises and tasks, testing, work with drawings, handouts.

23. Assignment for the next lesson: monitoring understanding of the assignment; recommendations for its implementation, partial implementation of it in the classroom with students; inclusion of different types of speech activity; the correct relationship between formal, receptive, reproductive and productive types of tasks; consolidation of the acquired material; preparing students for the next lesson.

24. The final stage of the lesson: the conversation of the teacher with the students; answers to questions not included in the lesson plan; detailed assessment of the work of each student; Grading

25. Observance of general didactic principles: consciousness, practical orientation, the transition from simple to complex, from known to unknown, from concrete to abstract. Implementation of methodological principles: the communicative orientation of teaching English-speaking, the oral basis (oral advancing), functionality, etc.

26. Individualization of teaching in the lesson: the use of several types of presentation of educational material at the same time, taking into account personal interests in the choice of tasks, different levels of training and different speeds of learning new material when choosing tasks for different groups of students; stimulation of discussion, discussion; the use of differentiated forms of encouragement and censure, depending on the personal characteristics of students.

27. Teacher and class: the general atmosphere of the lesson (optimistic, active, business, friendly); teacher contact with the class; level of teacher training, knowledge of English language teaching methods; personal qualities of a teacher as a teacher; expressiveness of the teacher’s speech, tone, stylistic correctness, absence (presence) of language errors, voice timbre.

28. A class (group) understanding of the objectives of the educational activities performed; students' initiative in communicating with the teacher, with fellow practitioners; spontaneous nature of questions; suggestions on the choice of educational activities; proposal of their decisions; expressing their opinions; desire to use English; lack of fear to make a mistake; student assessment of the teacher as a specialist, sympathy for the teacher; high appreciation of the teacher's opinion; willingness to complete training tasks.

29. Use of the native (Russian) language in the speech of the teacher and students: the teacher’s use of the mother tongue to explain to students the instructions when, in his opinion, the students do not know certain words and phrases, and their use is justified by the situation; duplication in the native language of their most difficult to understand statements; the constant use of English as a means of communicating with students; the use of the native language as the basis of students' mental activity in order to encourage students to speak only English; the use of the native language for the purpose of economical semantization, to clarify the most difficult material, interpret realities, illustrate and more easily understand the stylistic, phraseological features of the language, solve complex psychological and pedagogical problems, assist students in preparing independent statements, and compare the result of an error in English language, its influence on understanding in communication with a similar mistake in the native language; duplication of their statements in their native language in English; ways to promote students' preferred or continued use of English; the use of the mother tongue by students (constantly or only when they lack the necessary language tools).

30. Rational use of time in the lesson: the talk time of the teacher and students in minutes; time spent on the organizational moment, control of homework, presentation of new material, its correction, training tasks, final control, explanation of homework, the final part of the lesson; speaking time in native and English; correspondence of the distribution of time in the lesson to the lesson plan.

31. Overall grade of the lesson.




1.        Maslyko E.A. “Communicative English for Intensive Learning”. Minsk, 1989, 240p.

2.        Brumfit S., Johnson K. “The Communicative Approach to Language Teaching”. Oxford, 1981, 234p.

3.        Widdowson H.G. “Teaching Language as Communication” Oxford, 1979, 273p.




The place of the lesson in the study of the topic (the lesson opens, continues, completes the study topic

The place of the lesson in the study of the topic (the lesson opens, continues, completes the study topic

Phonetic exercises: orientation to achieve the main practical goals of the lesson; preparing students for work with new language material; development of phonetic skills

Phonetic exercises: orientation to achieve the main practical goals of the lesson; preparing students for work with new language material; development of phonetic skills

TCO and visual clarity. 17.

TCO and visual clarity. 17.

Means of accounting, control and evaluation: the degree of mastery by students of

Means of accounting, control and evaluation: the degree of mastery by students of

A class (group) understanding of the objectives of the educational activities performed; students' initiative in communicating with the teacher, with fellow practitioners; spontaneous nature of…

A class (group) understanding of the objectives of the educational activities performed; students' initiative in communicating with the teacher, with fellow practitioners; spontaneous nature of…

English; correspondence of the distribution of time in the lesson to the lesson plan

English; correspondence of the distribution of time in the lesson to the lesson plan
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