Готовимся к контрольной работе. Спотлайт 11. Модуль 5
Оценка 4.9

Готовимся к контрольной работе. Спотлайт 11. Модуль 5

Оценка 4.9
Готовимся к контрольной работе. Спотлайт 11. Модуль 5

Модуль 5 Spotlight 11 класс

Вариант 1

1.       Выберите подходящее слово к каждому предложению

1)      industrial                           residential

a)       All the warehouses are in the …………… area near the port.

b)      This is a …………… area; you won’t find any office space to rent here.

2)      stable                                  shed

a)       The farmer had to put the horses back in the ………….., as it had started raining.

b)      If you need to borrow any tools, look in the little ………….. behind the house.

3)      filthy                                    run-down

a)    Your clothes are ..........! Have you been repairing your bike again.

b)    They will demolish the old, ......... school and build a new one in its place.


2.       Вставьте подходящее слово. Одно слово лишнее.

- descendants – commuters  – abandoned – exterior – do up


1)        Modern Mexicans are .......... of the Mayan civilization.

2)        Ethan wanted to paint the ........... of this house dark green.

3)        Many........ started complaining when they heard the 8:00 train would be delayed.

4)        Homeless people occasionally find shelter in the ............. warehouse down the street.


3.       Вставьте подходящее выражение.

- shouldn't - must - ought to - needn't have –


1)      She ………………. have trespassed on private property without getting permission first.

2)      Lily ............ have been terribly upset to find all that rubbish in her garden.

3)      Harry ............ have apologized to Mrs. Johnson for breaking her window; she'd have appreciated it.

4)      You ....... turned the music down; it wasn't bothering me at all.



4.       Выберите подходящий ответ.

1)    A: Can I have a word with you?
B: a) Sure, what is it?
     b) that's a fair point.


2)      A: The bus is late again.

B:  a) That’s annoying!

b)Sorry about that.


3)      A: I promise to pay for your broken window.

B: a) Er… I don’t know.

     b)I appreciate that.









5.       Чтение. Выберите подходящий вариант ответа.



Модуль 5 Spotlight 11 класс

Модуль 5 Spotlight 11 класс

Чтение. Выберите подходящий вариант ответа

Чтение. Выберите подходящий вариант ответа
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