Hydrodynamics. Fluid kinematics_LessonPlan
Оценка 4.8

Hydrodynamics. Fluid kinematics_LessonPlan

Оценка 4.8
Hydrodynamics. Fluid kinematics_LessonPlan
Hydrodynamics. Fluid kinematics_LessonPlan.docx

Lesson plan- Hydrodynamics. Laminar and turbulent flow of liquids and gases


Long-term plan unit: 1E Hydrodynamic



Teacher name:

Grade: 10

Number present:


Theme of the lesson

Kinematics of fluids

Learning objectives that are achieved at this lesson(Subject Programme reference) –to describe flow of liquids and gases;

Lesson objectives

Learners be able to:

·                     describe laminar and turbulent flow of liquids and gases;

·                     distinguish between laminar and turbulent flow characteristics;

·                     describe the behaviour of fluids in motion;

·                     define viscosity of a fluid.

Success criteria

Learners be able to:

·                     describe laminar and turbulent flow of liquids and gases;

·                     distinguish between laminar and turbulent flow characteristics;

·                     describe the behaviour of fluids in motion;

·                     define viscosity of a fluid.

·                     to do 80% of the questions in the worksheet

Language objectives

Learners be able to:

-give a definition of Hydrodynamics, Laminar and turbulent flow.

-describe viscosity of a fluid

Subject-specific vocabulary & terminology:

Learners will define and use the terms














Ағын /ағыс














Steady flow

Тұрақты ағыс

Постояный поток

Values instilled at the


Working in groups and discussion

Students develop a habit of creative attitude to the implementation of tasks, cooperation, ability to listen to classmates, openness, an academic honesty

Cross-curricular links

Mathematics ( use of formula)

English (lesson is conducted using English language)

ICT skills

Work with notebook and use Internet

Previous learning


Pascal’s law, Pressure and applied force

Course of the lesson

Planned stages of the lesson

Planned activities at the lesson



3 min





4 min

1. Brainstorming question

How does submarine work?

The teacher to lead in the discussion using  students ideas

Teacher gives to students oral feedback: like ‘Well done’, ‘excellent’ect

2. Using key words and questions teacher determines the lesson objectives and goals.

Teacher demonstrates the keyword and students state the objectives themselves.

PowerPoint presentation









5 min









10 min






















6 min









9 min

3. A Definition game

In order to interest students to the lesson, a starter activity ‘Definition game’ will be held.

Using active board teacher demonstrates the definition of ‘Hydrodynamics’. During the next minute students have to remember the definition. It is not necessarily write down. After students stand in a circle and each student word-by-word constructs whole definition. 

Students can copy the definition to their notebooks.


4. Students work in pairs:

Students search information about fluid characteristics:

·         laminar and turbulent flow;

·         viscous and non-viscous;

·         compressible and incompressible;

During students work, teacher may provide differentiated scaffolding to students

After finishing the activity students can read their properties of fluids

Teacher gives to students oral feedback: like ‘Well done’, ‘excellent’ect

Formative assessment:

·         Teacher gives feedback;

·         Students self-assess and pear assess;

Success criteria:

-able to define turbulent flow;

-able to define laminar flow;

-able to describe viscosity of a fluid;

-discuss usage of flows in everyday life;



5. Teacher lead to in the group discussion using students research  materials and power point presentation on the following:

·         Laminar and turbulent flow;

·         viscous and non-viscous fluid;

·         compressible and incompressible fluid;

·         application of fluids.

Teacher or able student can demonstrate turbulent and laminar flow in action.

6. Students work on worksheets

Learners to attempt questions on laminar and turbulent flow. In case difficulties teacher can provide differentiated feedback to students.

Formative assessment:

·         Teacher gives feedback;

·         Students self-assess and pear assess;

Success criteria:

-able to define turbulent flow;

-able to define laminar flow;

-Describe viscous and non-viscous fluid;

-distinguish compressible and incompressible fluid;

-apply new knowledge in action;


Printed copies of definition for students








Laptops connected to the internet






























Worksheet 1

For able students WS2



3 min

At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on their learning:

-               What do I know before?

-               What has been learned?

-               What remained unclear

-               What is necessary to work on

Students have to answer one of above questions in brief. If student prefers to write, they can use different stickers



Coloured stickers



Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check students’ learning?

Health and safety regulations

Values instilled at the lesson

Most learners should be able to recall the main aspects of the specified areas.

Some learners will not be able to attempt all the questions. In this case teacher gives a differentiated scaffolding.


Work in pairs.

A weak student can ask questions from their peers. A gifted student can answer to the questions

Learners who are able to finish worksheet 1, will be given extra worksheet 2.


In the beginning of the lesson:

Oral feedback

Differentiated feedback

Differentiated scaffolding


In the middle:

Teacher comments on students worksheet1,2 and gives feedback if someone needs a help teacher gives a differentiated scaffolding


At the end of the lesson:

Learners reflect on their learning: Students have to answer one of above questions in brief. If student prefers to write, they can use different stickers

Students to place their bags in designated areas to avoid minor accidents.


During the work with the different materials (pen, pencil, spring, sharp objects) students must follow SAFETY RULES in the physics lab.


During the break time the lab assistant have to ventilate a classroom.


Students develop a habit of creative attitude to the implementation of tasks, cooperation, ability to listen to classmates, openness, an academic honesty



Hydrodynamics. Fluid kinematics_LessonPlan

Hydrodynamics. Fluid kinematics_LessonPlan

Planned activities at the lessonResources

Planned activities at the lessonResources

Formative assessment: ·

Formative assessment: ·
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