Axmadaliyev Faxriddin Abduvohid o‘g‘li
Cadet of anti-aircraft missile forces
tactical command engineering faculty
Chirchik higher tank commanding engineering school
Abstract: The problem of assessing the educational environment of the school has now become one of the central ones in pedagogy. At the same time, although this concept itself is widely used by the authors, its content is far from unambiguous. In the modern world, it is becoming increasingly clear that the education of a person should not be identified with the development of special educational programs under the guidance of teachers. Education is the result of a wide range of heterogeneous factors. Nowadays, education is no longer associated only with the activities of special social institutions: kindergartens, schools, colleges or universities. The very concept of "educational environment" emphasizes the fact of multiple influences on the individual and embraces a wide range of factors that determine the upbringing, training and development of the individual.
Keywords: educational environment, environment-oriented approach, communicative-activity, motivational- stimulation, social-integrative-involves, event-based-effective interaction.
Annotatsiya: Hozirgi kunda maktabning ta’lim muhitini baholash muammosi pedagogikaning markaziy muammolaridan biriga aylandi. Shu bilan birga, ushbu tushunchaning o‘zi mualliflar tomonidan keng qo‘llanilsa-da, uning mazmuni bir ma’nodan uzoqdir. Zamonaviy dunyoda shaxsni tarbiyalash o‘qituvchilar rahbarligida maxsus ta’lim dasturlarini ishlab chiqish bilan aniqlanmasligi kerakligi tobora aniq bo‘lib bormoqda. Ta’lim turli xil omillarning keng doirasi natijasidir. Hozirgi vaqtda ta’lim nafaqat maxsus ijtimoiy institutlar: bo‘limlar, maktablar, kollejlar yoki universitetlar faoliyati bilan bog‘liq emas. “Ta’lim muhiti” tushunchasining o‘zi shaxsga ko‘p sonli ta’sir ko‘rsatish haqiqatini ta’kidlaydi va shaxsning tarbiyasi, o‘qitilishi va rivojlanishini belgilaydigan keng ko‘lamli omillarni o‘z ichiga oladi.
Kalit so‘zlar: ta’lim muhiti, atrof-muhitga yo‘naltirilgan yondashuv, kommunikativ-faollik, motivatsion-rag‘batlantirishga asoslangan yondashuv, ijtimoiy-integrativ yondashuv, hodisaga asoslangan-samarali o‘zaro ta’sir.
Аннотация: Проблема оценки образовательной среды учебных заведений в настоящее время стала одной из центральных в педагогике. В то же время, хотя само это понятие широко используется авторами, его содержание далеко не однозначно. В современном мире становится все более очевидным, что образование человека не следует отождествлять с разработкой специальных образовательных программ под руководством педагогов. Образование является результатом широкого спектра разнородных факторов. В наши дни образование уже не связывают только с деятельностью специальных социальных институтов: детских садов, школ, колледжей или университетов. Само понятие «образовательная среда» подчеркивает факт множественного воздействия на личность и охватывает широкий круг факторов, определяющих воспитание, обучение и развитие личности.
Ключевые слова: образовательная среда, средово-ориентированный подход, коммуникативно-деятельностный подход, мотивационно-стимулирующий подход, социально-интегративное-вовлекающий подход, событийно-эффективное взаимодействие.
The educational environment in didactics is understood as a set of elements that have a vital impact on schoolchildren in the process of education (V.V. Davydov, I.S. Yakimanskaya, V.V. Kraevsky, N.V. Kuzmina, B.S. Gershunsky , M .I.Makhmutov , V.A.Slastenin ).
A holistic consideration of the educational environment in the didactic sense includes, as its elements (significant for preserving the health of younger students), the organization of the learning and upbringing process, methods and forms of teaching, the psychological background of the lessons, the motor mode of students, their nutrition and health procedures during the day. The necessary data on the construction of the educational environment are offered in didactic and methodological studies that develop the theory of the environment or the environmental approach to learning.
When teaching a foreign language in artificial conditions, the effectiveness of the surrounding educational environment is crucial for achieving the goals and has a direct impact on the effectiveness of learning. By definition, I.L. Beam, a modern effective educational environment in teaching a foreign language is everything that surrounds the teacher and the student as subjects of the learning process and that is specifically involved in this environment. Despite the importance of an environment-oriented approach, the conscious and purposeful design of each school of its educational environment is still a rarity.
During the early school years, the educational environment must be especially mentally, physically and emotionally supportive in order to keep the younger student interested in learning a new language and to inspire interest in and respect for other cultures. Based on the fact that the strategic goal of primary education is to educate the personality of a younger student as a person of culture (E.V. Bondarevskaya , and the goal of teaching a foreign language in primary school is to form a linguistic personality of a younger student capable of intercultural communication at the most elementary level (Galskova N .D., Nikitenko ZN, the dominant characteristic of the educational environment in teaching a foreign language should be its cultural conformity, its educative and inspiring character. This system-forming characteristic of the educational environment allows us to call it a cultural environment.
Developing the productive ideas of I.L. this is his general development and the development of his ability to intercultural communication in a foreign language.
Our task is to consider the functions and characteristics of the cultural environment in teaching a foreign language in elementary school, as well as possible ways of organizing it.
To organize the cultural environment, it is necessary first to single out those of its characteristics that follow from the definition we have given above, and which are determined by the characteristics of the age of younger schoolchildren. The educational environment in teaching a foreign language in elementary school includes external and internal components. The internal component, which we call communicative-activity, is associated with the educational and educational process (our term), which is embodied in a foreign language lesson. This includes the selection of the content of education and the technology of its development and the forms of interaction between the teacher and students.
External components are related to what "surrounds" this educational process:
- subject design of the environment - an office (or classroom) in which foreign language classes are held;
- other primary school subjects, and first of all, the native language (learning to read and write in the native language);
The attitude of parents to a foreign language and the importance of learning it, which is passed on to children, and the conditions that are created for the successful learning of a new language at home. Based on the goals of the integrated system of teaching a foreign language in elementary school that we are developing and based on the results of the above studies, we single out the following main functions and characteristics of the educational environment as the most important component of this system. Obviously, all functions must coincide with the goals of the educational process: educational, upbringing and developing.
In accordance with the goals of primary language education, we single out the following specific functions of the cultural environment in primary school:
- value or moral - the formation of moral values among students necessary for interaction and mutual understanding with representatives of other cultures (patriotism, awareness of oneself as part of the national culture, a sense of pride in one’s culture, respect for other cultures, respect for elders, diligence, responsibility for the process and the results of their work on mastering a foreign language (education);
- motivational - stimulation of the subjective and creative nature of educational and cognitive activity of students in mastering a foreign language as a means of intercultural communication (development and education);
- social-integrative - involves helping a small student, as a subject of culture, in self-actualization , cultural awareness of himself as a part of national and regional culture, as well as creating his "image of the world" by introducing him to the culture of other countries and peoples; as a subject of educational activity in accepting the role of a student and oneself as part of a team of students (education);
- event-based - effective interaction of subjects with the environment and its other subjects in the context of a common cause, event, that is, joint educational, creative and leisure activities of younger students in the study of a foreign language; at the same time, it is important that each student feels himself and his activity as an important link in the common cause, part of the event (upbringing, development, education)
An effective and favorable environment for teaching foreign languages to younger students, aimed at educating and developing a small student as a subject of culture and as a subject of educational activity in learning a foreign language, should have at least the following four characteristics. She must be:
a) cultural or culture -like , educating and inspiring;
b) informative;
e ) aesthetic;
e) environmentally friendly
The educational environment is not an element of the psyche, but the development of the human psyche cannot be considered without connection with the environment. This position was defended by L.S. Vygotsky , who noted the important role of the social environment surrounding the child (the term "educational environment" was not yet used at that time). According to him, the social environment is the source of the emergence of all specifically human properties of the personality, gradually acquired by the child, or the source of the child’s social development, which takes place in the process of real interaction between ideal and existing forms. From the point of view of educational psychology, it is extremely important to study the educational environment; without this, many of the fundamental problems of the development of the psyche associated with the acquisition of new experience cannot be adequately understood.
The basis for creating an environment is interaction. Therefore, from the standpoint of a personality-oriented approach when considering the phenomena of reality, based on humanistic ideas, we believe that the environment is a voluntary, free education of participants united for joint problem solving and participation in activities, capable of realizing their capabilities, showing creative individuality in interaction.
Environmental design is the modeling of the environment and the environment-forming process, which is necessary to determine the goals, methods, means of achieving them and obtaining appropriate results.
Modeling (from the French "sample", "prototype") is a method of scientific research, which consists in building and studying a model of the object under study. The model is a system of elements that reproduces certain aspects, connections, functions of the subject of study, i.e. original.
Modeling of the educational environment is impossible without the person himself. A.V. Nepomniachtchi presents the "Man" system as a trinity of anatomical , physiological, energy and informational structures. He considers the main methods of management using the model "Man - Development", "Man - Environment". It seems to us that such an approach is quite legitimate when considering the problem of management, since a person (a social and biological being) is the most active living being capable of creating and organizing his own life activity.
In principle, the educational environment can be considered as developing if this environment provides opportunities, firstly, for the subject to meet and develop his needs at all hierarchical levels; secondly, for the assimilation of social values by the personality and their organic transformation into internal values. The whole complex of such opportunities provided by a specific educational environment constitutes its developing psychological and pedagogical potential. The quality of the educational environment can be assessed by analyzing the quality of the spatial-subject component of this environment, the quality of its social component and the quality of the links between the spatial-objective and social components of this environment. -- technological component of the educational environment.
The pedagogical organization of the developing educational environment is the optimal organization of the system of connections between all elements of the educational environment; organization of connections of such a nature that would provide a set of opportunities for personal self-development of all subjects of the educational process. An educational process organized in accordance with this criterion can be considered a developing educational process (or a process of developing education). VV Davydov notes that education, together with training, acquires a clear and direct developmental function, then we can now talk about developing education.
The technological component of the developing educational environment can be designed and organized in the local educational environment on the basis of the systems of developmental education developed today and being created, and the quality of the educational environment can be assessed by analyzing the quality of the spatial and subject component of this environment, the quality of its social component and the quality of links between spatial and subject and social components of this environment. Actually, the content of such connections, or, in other words, the pedagogical support of developing opportunities, is the third - the technological component of the educational environment.
The starting point for the development of developing educational systems was the hypothesis put forward by L.S. Vygotsky about the dynamic correlation of the processes of learning and development, which states that the most significant for the hypothesis put forward here is the position that the development processes do not coincide with the learning processes, that the first follow the second, creating zones of proximal development... Our Hypothesis establishes the unity, but not the identity of the learning process and internal development processes. It involves the transition from one to another. The second essential point of the hypothesis is the notion that, although learning is directly related to child development, they never go evenly and parallel to each other. Between the processes of development and learning, the most complex dynamic dependencies are established, which cannot be covered by a single, pre-given, a priori speculative formula.
According to this theory, the content of developing primary education is theoretical knowledge (in the modern philosophical and logical understanding), the method is the organization of joint educational activities of younger students (and, above all, the organization of their solution of educational problems), the product of development is the main psychological neoplasms inherent in younger school age. In this theory of developmental education, close attention is also paid to the problem of the formation of a student as a subject of educational activity.
Teaching a foreign language in elementary school is aimed at creating conditions for early communicative and psychological adaptation to the new language world; acquaintance with foreign song, poetic and fairy-tale folklore, the world of games and entertainment; the acquisition of social experience by children by expanding the range of playable communicative roles, etc. The successful start of learning a foreign language contributes to the creation of high motivation for learning foreign languages. Participation of children in dramatizations, traditional school events “Dedication to the English Family” (including with foreign guests of the school), “Christmas Carols”, the festival “ All different - all equal ”(“ We are all different - we are all equal ”, in musicals and others - contributes to the early familiarization of younger students with a new language space for them. This is all the more important because at this age children do not yet experience psychological barriers in using a foreign language as a means of communication; they develop a readiness to communicate in a foreign language and a positive attitude towards its further study, an interested and unbiased attitude to a foreign culture is brought up.
Teaching a foreign language in primary school is aimed at learning a foreign language as a means of international communication through the formation and development of basic communication skills in the main types of speech activity; communicative and speech getting used to the foreign language environment of the countries of the studied language; sociocultural development of schoolchildren in the context of European and world culture with the help of country studies, cultural studies and linguo-cultural material; cultural and artistic and aesthetic development of schoolchildren; the formation of skills to represent the native culture and country in the conditions of foreign language intercultural communication.
The organization of educational and cognitive communicative activities is carried out through a system of pre-profile training courses and elective courses in the conditions of in-depth study of a foreign language in the mode of different modules:
- a module aimed at improving the skills of oral and mediated communication: (Clubs of interest, School of guides, interpersonal communication with representatives of the countries of the language being studied, School of translators (literary and technical translation)
- a module aimed at improving linguistic knowledge and skills (" Creative Writing", "Communicative Grammar");
- module with cultural studies socio -cultural orientation ("Country Studies", " Linguistic Studies ", " Cultural Studies of Britain", etc.)
Participation of teachers and students in international educational exchanges, international projects, etc. contributed to the creation of real conditions for the use of a foreign language as a means of intercultural communication. An important role in this is played by cultural and educational exchanges with educational institutions in Great Britain and the United States of America. In the process of exchanges, conditions are created for the use of a foreign language as a tool of knowledge and as a means of communication. Preparing to receive guests, schoolchildren read educational and reference literature, watch videos about the country of the language being studied, correspond with foreign schoolchildren, actively participate in lessons taught by foreign teachers: English language and literature, history, mathematics, music, etc. Conditions are created for a deeper acquaintance and comprehension by schoolchildren of a foreign language culture - “high” (literature, art, etc.) and behavioral, everyday. Thus, conditions are created for the further development of communicative skills in various types of speech activity: listening , speaking, reading, writing; sociocultural skills are being improved , etc. - that is, there is a formation of communicative competence in the unity of all its components (language, speech, socio -cultural , compensatory, educational and cognitive competence).
At the same time, students become propagandists of national culture as guides, translators, actors, etc., participating in a cultural program: excursions, holidays (including national Russians such as Maslenitsa), joint dramatizations, concerts, and also holding guests presentations on topics related to the history, geography, culture of Russia.
The world of childhood has its own language, its own ideas, its own way of expressing what it sees. Creating his own world, the child forms his image, his personality, lifestyle, unique, individual and different from an adult.
The formation of personality is an important task of pedagogy, as it allows each child to form ideas about the purpose of life. Therefore, we believe that recently the active role of pedagogy in the search for ways to improve the environment as a condition for the formation of personality has been growing.
During the early school years, the educational environment must be especially mentally, physically and emotionally supportive in order to keep the younger student interested in learning a new language and to inspire interest in and respect for other cultures.
The practical, thoughtful implementation of the developing function of the environment puts the teacher in front of the need to constantly improvise both in direct pedagogical activity and in indirect ones.
The main task of developmental education is the implementation of a personal approach to the development of the child.
When teaching younger students a foreign language as a means of intercultural communication, we bring to the fore the organization of a multinational cultural educational environment in which education, training takes place and the foundations of the cultural formation of the personality of a younger student are laid, and which has a direct impact on the educational process. To ensure a positive impact on the educational process, the cultural educational environment must be sustainable. This is possible if the individual characteristics, interests, inclinations of each student, his right to choose and responsibility in a given situation of teaching and learning are taken into account. This is possible if the student -centered approach is accepted by all teachers as the main strategy for the renewal of the primary school.
The child’s soul and children’s perception is open to everything new, and in particular, another language and another culture. They don’t have stereotypes or intolerance towards other cultures to overcome.
The cultural educational environment at all levels is designed to create conditions for the spiritual growth (development) of younger students and the development of their interest in a new language and in a “different”, not “like ours” and, on this basis, a better understanding of “one’s own”.
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