Послушай рассказ и определи о ком он. (1 балл)
1. Look, read and circle..
1. линейка а) ruler b) rubber
2. лошадь a) elephant b) horse
3. холодильник a) fridge b) cooker
4. овечка a) sheep b) fish
5. паук a) parrot b) spider
6. читать a) draw b) read
7. 38 a) twenty-eight b) thirty-eight
8. 12 а) two b) twelve
9. стул a) chair b) armchair
10. картофель а) carrots b) potatoes
11. сок a) tea b) juice
12. самолет a) train b) aeroplane
13. запускать воздушного змея a) ride a bike b) fly a kite
14. играть в футбол a) play basketball b) play soccer
15. обедать a) have lunch b) have breakfast
16. идти в школу a) go to bed b) go to school
№2 Прочитай текст и напиши Yes или No. (7 баллов)
Max likes to eat. His favourite food is pizza. He doesn’t like sou
· Grammar
2. Read, choose and underline.
1. I have got a/an train.
2. These is/are my cats.
3. This is my brother. Her/His name is Tom.
4. Rabbits have/has got big ears and a small tail.
5. My baby brother has two small tooth/teeth and brown eyes.
6. I like child/children. They are funny!
7. Dolphins can/can’t fly and crawl.
8. This/These is a big grey elephant.
9. I’ve got some/any vegetables in the fridge.
10. Can I have some/any water, please?
11. There is/ There are a glass on the table.
12. I have/having breakfast now.
13. I play /am playing soccer on Fridays.
14. He like/likes pizza.
15. What do you do on/in the evening?
3. Read, choose and circle.
· Reading and writing
4. Read and write yes or no.
Max is a nice Russian boy. He is nine. He doesn’t like to paint pictures, but he likes to play computer games. Max likes to go to school. His favourite subject is Maths. Max has got a ball. He likes to go to the park and play soccer there. Max likes to visit his grandpa. He visits his grandpa on Fridays. They play and read books. Max likes to eat. His favourite food is pizza. He doesn’t like soup.
1. Max is from Russia - yes
2. Max is 10. - ______
3. Max likes to paint pictures. - _______
4. Max visits his grandpa on Fridays. - ______
5. They fly a kite. -_____
6. Max likes to eat. - _____
7. His favourite food is sausages. -_______
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