Итоговый урок-проект в 8 классе на тему «Добро пожаловать в Россию!» («Welcome to Russia!»)
Оценка 4.9

Итоговый урок-проект в 8 классе на тему «Добро пожаловать в Россию!» («Welcome to Russia!»)

Оценка 4.9
Разработки уроков
английский язык
8 кл
Итоговый урок-проект  в 8 классе на тему «Добро пожаловать в Россию!»  («Welcome to Russia!»)
Данный урок посвящен экскурсии по городу. Основная цель урока: знакомство с историей родного города, с ее достопримечательностями, традициями. Урок должен способствовать развитию творческого воображения, навыков связной устной речи и логического мышления, умения собирать, анализировать и обобщать информацию по теме. На уроке осуществляется развитие общеучебных умений и навыков учащихся в соответствии с их возрастными особенностями, развитие способностей учащихся к продуктивной самостоятельной деятельности, закрепление умений и навыков монологического высказывания по заданной теме.
Welcome to Russia.doc

«Добро пожаловать в Россию!»


Welcome to Russia!»)


Итоговый урок-проект – VIII класс.




Цели урока:

 - познавательный аспект – увеличение объема знаний об особенностях культуры родной страны; знакомство с достопримечательностями Мичуринска;

 - развивающий аспект – развитие творческих способностей учащихся, способности к сравнению и сопоставлению полученных знаний, способности логически излагать;

 - воспитательный аспект – осознание понятия «Родина», более глубокое осознание своей культуры;

 - учебный аспект – развитие речевых умений.


Задачи урока:

 - совершенствование речевых умений по теме;

 - совершенствование умений аудировать с целью извлечения необходимой информации;

 - совершенствование умений читать текст с детальным пониманием;

 - обобщение и систематизация полученных знаний.


Оборудование урока: ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ:  презентация с видами города, сборник по краеведению, карта Мичуринска, фотоматериалы, ТСО (компьютер, проектор, экран), стенд «Козлов – Мичуринск», текст для чтения.





























Ход урока


  I. Начало урока. Приветствие. Постановка цели.

     Teacher (T): Good morning, dear children and guests. We are glad to see you at our lesson «Welcome to Russia!»  What is the Moterland for you?


P:Motherland begins with family, street, school, village, environment, town, country

 For me my motherland begins in my own city, in which I have grown up. May be this place is usual and uninteresting for other people, but for us  it is the dearest place in the world.
P: “East or West, home is best”, ”There is no place like home”
T: Yes, you are right. ”What does Motherland begin with?”
P:Motherland begins with family, street, school, village, environment, town, country.

Now, let’s see a video about Tambov region.

Teacher (T): Today we have a lesson devoted to our town. As you know Michurinsk. It is one of the most beautiful town in our country. It has a lot of interesting historical and modern places to visit.  Every year a lot of people visit Russia. Our country is fantastic! There are many interesting places in Russia. Michurinsk is one of them. Imagine, that our guests have come from different foreign countries. Try to persuade them to visit our native town Michurinsk.

          There are many different reasons for traveling to Russia and to our town. Try to name some of them.

II. Peчевая подготовка. (Проводится в режиме T > P1 P2 P3 и т.д.)

     Учащиеся заполняют «Word Web».


     to meet people                 to practice speaking                  to see the beautiful

                                                  Russian                                  Russian countryside

      to walk                                                                                       

                                                                                                        to take part in a celebration/

                                                                                                         special occasion

why travel           to Russia


     to go boating  

     on a river


                                                        to learn  about the history         

     to buy souvenirs                                of  Russia                          to visit new places


Teacher: Let’s plan a tour first. Decide the following:

a)      What time of the year is best to visit our country?

Pupil 1:  I think the best time of the year is early autumn.

b)      What kind of clothing do you think they should bring?

Pupil 2: Why not bring a couple of sweaters in addition to their summer clothing.

c)      Where should they stay?

Pupil 3:What if they’ll stay with families from our class?

d)      How can they get to the country?

Pupil 4: They can get to Russia by air.

e)      How much is it going to cost?

Pupil 5: It’s going to cost 600$.


     III. Презентация проектов. Примеры индивидуальных проектов учащихся. (Проекты демонстрируются).

      Teacher: Russia is one of the biggest countries in the world. It has its own national symbols, emblems. It is a country of very old traditions. I think that before planning traveling to Russia foreign friends would probably like to get as much information as possible.

      Предлагается основная информация о России.


                                       Project “Russia’’

    P1: Russia is one of the biggest countries in the world. It is situated in Europe and Asia. Its total area is over 17 million square kilometers. The population of Russia is about 150 million people.

     Russia has a double-headed eagle as its symbol. It was introduced in Russia in 1497 by Tsar Ivan III.

     The national flag of Russia is made up of three stripes: white, blue and red. The white stripe symbolizes nobility and revelation. The blue stripe symbolizes courage, generosity and love and red stripe symbolizes loyalty and honesty. Besides, there are other national symbols, such as St. Andrew’s flag and St. George the Victorious.

    According to old traditions, a guest should always be welcomed with the symbol of lifegiving food – bread and salt.

    The beauty of the ancient towns, their historical and architectural monuments, the gilded domes of the cathedrals, and the autumnal gold of the forests attract tourists from all over the world. 

    The singing of chastushkas used to be an important part of Russian rural holidays and parties. In many places they are still popular.


    Teacher: To my mind we are ready to meet our guests and we can show them the beauty of our nature, the riches of our land and hospitality of our people. But first make a speech to welcome the group of foreign visitors.

   Pupil: Dear friends! You are welcome in our town. We are very pleased with your visit and hope that you will enjoy this trip. I would like to say that we’d do our best to help you in everything.

   Thank you.


  Teacher: The head of the administration  of our district has come to greet our guests but he can’t  speak English. Will  you help him?

 (Проводится диалог в режиме P1 – P2).

    P1: Дорогие друзья! Дамы и господа!

    P2: Dear friends! Ladies and gentlemen!

    P1: Ваш автобус только что прибыл в Мичуринск. 

    P2: Your bus has just arrived to Michurinsk.

    P1: Добро пожаловать в наш город.

   P2: Welcome to our town!

   P1: Мы надеемся, что ваше пребывание будет полезным и интересным.

   P2: We hope that your stay will be useful and interesting.

   P1: Для начала разрешите представиться. Я - глава администрации Мичуринского района. Меня зовут

   P2: To begin with let me introduce myself. My name is…

   P1: Это наш переводчик

   P2: This is our interpreter…

   P1: К сожалению я не говорю на английском, поэтому … поможет нам понять друг друга.

   P2: Unfortunately I can’t speak English and … will help us to understand each other.

   P1: Я хотел бы познакомить Вас с наиболее существенной информацией о нашем городе.

   P2: I’d like to give you the most essential information about our town. 

   P1: Как вы уже знаете, Мичуринск – город, в котором жил и работал знаменитый русский селекционер Иван Мичурин. 

   P2: As you know Michurinsk is the town where the famous Russian plant-breeder Ivan Michurin lived and worked.

   P1: Это один из важнейших экономических, научных и культурных центров Тамбовщины.

   P2: It is one of the most important economic, scientific and cultural centers in Tambov region.

   Р1: Это – промышленный центр, где развито машиностроение,  легкая промышленность, где работают заводы: локомотивно-ремонтный и станко - ремонтный.

   Р2: It is an industrial centre, where machine building, light industry, locomotive-repair, machine-tool repair enterprises are concentrated.

   P1: В настоящее время население Мичуринска составляет около 100000 человек.

    Р2: At the present moment about 100 thousand people live here.  

    P1: Мичуринск расположен на реке Лесной Воронеж.

    P2: Michurinsk is situated on the bank of the river Lesnoy Voronezh.

    Р1: Это – транспортный центр. В городе есть два транспорта: автобусы и такси. Здесь два железнодорожных вокзала и автовокзал.

    P2: It is a transport centre. It has two systems of city transport: buses and taxis. There are two railway stations and a bus station.


    Teacher: Michurinsk is a beautiful town. It has many sights. What sights in our town would you recommend to the foreigners?


                                   Project “My Favourite Place in Michurinsk”

    The museum of Regional Studies is one of the most famous buildings in  Michurinsk. It is one of my favourite places. I have known  it all my life. It is a place where very old things and very valuable and beautiful things are kept. I went there a lot when I was a little girl, and sometimes I brought friends from my school with me. There were not many people inside. There we could look at the exhibits and labels. The museum was a very quiet and serious place. Everybody spoke in a very quite voice. I like to visit our museum. It is not important that it is not very famous. It is old-fashioned, but it has interesting things in it.    


   Teacher: And now we are at the museum of Regional Studies. Tell us about the beginning of Michurinsk.


                                     Project “Kozlov”

   If compared with such big cities as Moscow and St.Petersburg, Michurinsk is small and modest town.

  The first settlers were impressed by the beautiful scenery of this land. They noticed forests, different animals (especially wild goats) and a deep river named the Lesnoy Voronezh. We can see a goat on the Michurinsk coat of arms. Such a combination of natural components attracted the people who settled on the banks of the Lesnoy Voronezh.

   The csar Michail Fyodorovich Romanov ordered to build a new town-fortress to defend Russian lands from Tatars raids. The town was built on the high green hill – Kozlovo Urochitsche. It was called Kozlov. It consisted from 15 wooden towers. Some of the towers were 44 - 46 meters high.

    The first settlers were not only brave solders, they were good farmers, hunters and skilful foremen.

    The town grew quickly and became one of the populated towns.

    The history of Kozlov is connected with the history of Russia. It played a very important role in the making of the state of Russia.


   Teacher: Later Kozlov was renamed into Michurinsk (1932). Our town is known for its churches. What do you know about them, about its historical section?


                                  Project “ Historical places of our town”

   Michurinsk is an old Russian town. The houses in its historical section still preserve their charm and beauty and make the town cosy.

   Some were survived in Michurinsk. The Church of Elija the Prophet was among them. It was built in 1781 on the central square of the town. The Church of Elija  the Prophet was designed by the architect D.Adamini. But the legend says that it was designed by the famous Italian architect Rastrelli. The height of the steeple of this church is 67,5 meters. The construction is characterized by laconic architectural lines and proportions. The beautiful decorations were done by skilful masters. After the October Revolution it was a major museum. Today it is the main service-holding churches in Michurinsk. This church is the main landmark and a visiting card of our town.

     The Bogolyubsky Cathedral was built in 1849-1873. It was designed by the Russian architect K.Ton. This cathedral is the diminished copy of the Cathedral of the Savoir in Moscow. It is a unique monument of Russian architecture. The cathedral is very large and really wonderful. Five thousand people may come here at the same time.

   The main street of the town is Sovetskaya Street. Before the revolution it was called Moskovskaya Street. The elite buildings were situated here. They belonged to famous merchants: Sushkov, Polyansky, Petrovsky. The complex of buildings in Sovetskaya Street (houses 296, 298, 337) is one of the most valuable monument of architecture in Michurinsk. It is a short piece of the central street. It is well preserved a model of ensemble decision of the town. It was typical for 19 century when Kozlov was being reconstructed in accordance with the regular plan.

   Lots of streets in Michurinsk are named after its renowned citizens, heroes of the World War II: Filippov Street, Stepan Razin Street, Gerasimov Street, Lavrov Street.


   Teacher: There are a lot of cities and towns in Russia. They have got their own coats of arms. And what about Michurinsk?


                                  Project “The Michurinsk Coat of Arms”

    In the town archives were found pictures of the Kozlov coat of arms. There were seven variants of the town coat of arms. Our town received the first one in March 1730. Then  there were different variants but on each of them there was a goat as an inevitable emblem.

    After the October Revolution some new designs of the Michurinsk coat of arms were passed and in 1999 the historical one was brought to our town. It was a heraldic shield: white goat on the green hill and the red field.

    In 2003 Michurinsk has got a status of scientific town. The new coat of arms was adopted. It is a heraldic shield, decorated with an oak branch. On this branch you can see the elements symbolizing Michurinsk as one of the largest railway stations in Russia. The open book and the branch is the symbol of science and education. The other elements of the coat of arms symbolize the scientific and industrial potential of the town.


   Teacher: There are three museums in Michurinsk. What are they?


                            Project “The Gerasimov Memorial Estate”

   The Gerasimov Memorial Estate is one of the famous museums in Michurinsk.

Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov is an outstanding person in Russian culture. He was born in 1881 in Kozlov (at present Michurinsk) in the family of merchant.

     In 1903 Gerasimov entered the Moscow Art School. The famous Russian painters A. Arkhipov, V. Serov, K. Korovin were his teachers. He took part in different school exhibitions. He had a great success. In 1915 Gerasimov graduated the Art School and got two diplomas: as a painter of the first class and architect.

   Then he served in the army.

    In 1918 he returned to Michurinsk and organized the Creative Commune of Painters. The members of the Commune took part in Mobile Art exhibitions.

   Then Gerasimov worked at the Drama theatre, he was a scene-painter.

   When he moved into Moscow in 1925 he was already famous for his artistic reproductions of scenery, still-life, genre painting.

   Gerasimov held a special place among the famous artists of the realistic school. in his best canvases he shoved the power and beauty  


  Fill in the gaps with suitable words.

1.     Michurinsk is a … town.

2.     Michurinsk is surrounded by … and ….

3.     My town is situated in the region of …..

4.     In 1635 Michurinsk was a ….

5.     You can see a … devoted to Michurin.


Домашнее задание: Your home task is to write a letter to a foreign friend who is going to visit you in your home town for a day.

Добро пожаловать в Россию!» («

Добро пожаловать в Россию!» («

Ход урока Начало урока

Ход урока Начало урока

Pupil 5: It’s going to cost 600$

Pupil 5: It’s going to cost 600$

P 1 : К сожалению я не говорю на английском, поэтому … поможет нам понять друг друга

P 1 : К сожалению я не говорю на английском, поэтому … поможет нам понять друг друга

The first settlers were not only brave solders, they were good farmers, hunters and skilful foremen

The first settlers were not only brave solders, they were good farmers, hunters and skilful foremen

Project “The Gerasimov Memorial

Project “The Gerasimov Memorial
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