Как воспитывать духовность на уроках английского языка. Texts for additional readings
Оценка 4.6

Как воспитывать духовность на уроках английского языка. Texts for additional readings

Оценка 4.6
Как воспитывать духовность на уроках английского языка. Texts for additional readings
Как воспитывать духовность.docx

Как воспитывать духовность на уроках английского языка

Тема: Text for additional reading

Сегодняшнее современное общество ставит перед учителем определенную задачу – «воспитание, социально-педагогическая поддержка становления и развития высоконравственного, ответственного, творческого, инициативного, компетентного гражданина России. Духовно-нравственное воспитание обучающихся является первостепенной задачей современной образовательной системы.

К. Д. Ушинский  подчеркивал огромную роль воспитания в жизни ребенка и  требовал от педагога быть «всесторонне образованным христианином», отдавая ему приоритет по сравнению с «просто» учителем, т. е. человеком, который дает знания, не ставя перед собой воспитательных задач.

Климент Александрийский, богослов первых веков христианства, вывел образ Божественного Педагога, показав всю возможную высоту и полноту учительского служения.

Существует множество возможностей работы по духовно-нравственному воспитанию через уроки английского языка.

У истоков изучения иностранных языков в России всегда испокон веков стояла русская церковь, православие. Оно исторически было неотъемлемо от преподавания и изучения иностранного языка и играло ведущую роль в языковой культуре русского народа.

Предлагается небольшой материал для дополнительной работы на уроках английского языка в среднем звене.


The flag of the United Kingdom is known as the Union Jack. It is made up of three crosses. The upright Red Cross is the cross of Saint George who is a Patron Saint of England. The white diagonal cross is the cross of St. Andrew who is a Patron Saint of Scotland. St. Andrew was a fisherman and one of the 12 apostles who followed Jesus Christ. He was killed on an X-shaped cross. The red diagonal cross is the cross of St. Patrick, the Patron Saint of Ireland. He converted the Irish to Christianity. The patron saint of Wales is St. David who started a number of monasteries in the country. On the paintings he is usually shown with a dove on his shoulder.


 Though the U.K. does not have a de jure any official language, the predominant spoken language is English. There is a large number of borrowings from Old Norse and Norman. The English language has spread to all corners of the world (largely due to the British Empire). It has become the business language of the world. It is taught as a second language more than any other one. English developed from Anglo-Saxon but all the invading peoples influenced it. We can find words of Germanic origin, like shoe, clothes, house etc. Some words come from Latin – e.g. camp, street, etc. Christian missionaries who came to Britain in the 6th century and 7th century brought with them Latin religious terms which entered the English language: altar, apostle, candle, clerk, minister, monk, nun, pope, priest, school. A lot of French words came to English, e.g. government, parliament, crown, people.


ADAnno Domini – нашей эры

BC – Before Christ – до нашей эры

Borrowing – заимствование

Celts – кельты

Denmark – Дания

Iberians – иберийцы

Invade – захватывать

Invasion – захват

 Isles – острова

Origin – происхождение

 Peaceful – мирный

Tribe – племя



 Early in their history, the Americans rejected the concept of the established or government-favoured religion. Separation of church and state was declared by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which provides in part that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion". The Americans have separated church and state, religion and government.


The word "Orthodox" literally means right teaching or right worship. It is derived from two Greek words: orthos (right) and doxa (teaching or worship). The Orthodox Christian religion was founded in the year 33 by Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It has not changed since that time. And it is for this reason, that Orthodoxy, the Church of the Apostles and the Fathers is considered the true "one Holy" Catholic and Apostolic Church. The Church of Russia is one of the autocephalous Orthodox churches. It was founded by the Apostle Andrew the first-called and St. Vladimir of Kiev. The Russian Church is the second largest local church after 79 Rome. And it is the fifth after Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem. Boris Godunov had contacts with the Ecumenical Patriarch. He asked him to establish a Patriarch See in Moscow. The Russian Orthodox Church declared its autonomy in 1448 and became autocephalous in 1589. The four other patriarchs recognized Moscow Patriarchate as one of the five honourable Patriarchates. Metropolitan Job of Moscow became the first Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. The Russian Orthodox Church is organized in a hierarchical structure. Every church building and its congregation constitute a parish. All parishes in a definite geographical territory belong to an eparchy which is governed by a bishop or an archbishop or a metropolitan. Larger eparchies have one or more bishops to assist them. The top authority in the Church is represented by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Head of the Moscow Patriarchate. Since 2009 the Russian Church has been led by His Holiness Kirill Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, the 16th Patriarch in its history, who governs together with the Holy Synod.






Как воспитывать духовность на уроках английского языка

Как воспитывать духовность на уроках английского языка

Существует множество возможностей работы по духовно-нравственному воспитанию через уроки английского языка

Существует множество возможностей работы по духовно-нравственному воспитанию через уроки английского языка

Though the U.K. does not have a de jure any official language, the predominant spoken language is

Though the U.K. does not have a de jure any official language, the predominant spoken language is

Tribe – племя ·

Tribe – племя ·

Patriarch. He asked him to establish a

Patriarch. He asked him to establish a
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