· What is a medical case report?
· What parts does it include?
· What is an abstract?
Read the abstract of the medical case report:
Vibrio parahemolyticus septicaemia in a liver transplant patient: a case report
Vibrio parahemolyticus is the leading cause of vibrio-associated gastroenteritis in the United States of America, usually related to poor food handling; only rarely has it been reported to cause serious infections including sepsis and soft tissue infections. In contrast, Vibrio vulnificus is a well-known cause of septicaemia, especially in patients with cirrhosis. We present a patient with V. parahemolyticus sepsis who had an orthotic liver transplant in 2007 and was on immunosuppression for chronic rejection. Clinical suspicion driven by patient presentation, travel to Gulf of Mexico and soft tissue infection resulted in early diagnosis and institution of appropriate antibiotic therapy.
Case presentation
A 48 year old Latin American man with a history of chronic kidney disease, orthotic liver transplant in 2007 secondary to alcoholic end stage liver disease on immunosuppressants, and chronic rejection presented to the emergency department with fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, left lower extremity swelling and fluid filled blisters after a fishing trip in the Gulf of Mexico. Samples from the blister and blood grew V. parahemolyticus. The patient was successfully treated with ceftriaxone and ciprofloxacin.
Febrile patients with underlying liver disease and/or immunosuppression should be interviewed regarding recent travel to a coastal area and seafood ingestion. If this history is obtained, appropriate empiric antibiotics must be chosen. Patients with liver disease and/or immunosuppresion should be counselled to avoid eating raw or undercooked molluscan shellfish. People can prevent Vibrio sepsis and wound infections by proper cooking of seafood and avoiding exposure of open wounds to seawater or raw shellfish products.
Find in the abstract:
· Background
· Why is it important
· Needs to be reported
Answer the questions:
1. Is this the first report of this kind in the literature?
2. What are brief details of what the patient(s) presented with?
3. What the reader should learn from the case report?
4. What the clinical impact will be?
5. Is it an original case report of interest to a particular clinical specialty of medicine?
6. Will it have a broader clinical impact across medicine?
7. Are any teaching points identified?
· Why abstract is the most important part for case published in electronic databases?
· What are basics of abstract writing?
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