Конкурс чтецов
на английском языке для 3 класса
1) совершенствование навыков выразительного рассказывания стихотворений;
2) актуализация лексического и грамматического материала;
3) развитие интереса к поэтическим произведениям стран изучаемого языка.
Оборудование: дипломы для поощрения лучших чтецов.
Ход мероприятия
1) Организационный момент. Приветствие.
Учитель приветствует конкурсантов.
T: Good afternoon, boys and girls! Welcome to our competition “Poetry Day” where you will be able to listen to the poems.
2) Объявление целей мероприятия.
T: Today we'll speak about English, play many interesting games, sing songs and remember what we have learned at our lessons. We shall recite English poems and find out who can do it very well. The winners will receive diplomas.
First of all, let me introduce our jury. This is -----------------------------, a teacher of English.
Now let me introduce our participants. They are the students of the 3rd forms of our school.
Our competition is made up of two parts. The first is grammar contest “Enjoy English”. The second part is reciting poems. We have four teams. Are you ready to practice your knowledge?
У: «Мы будем рассказывать стихотворения на английском языке и выявим, кто лучше всех умеет их рассказывать. Победители получат дипломы».
3) Викторина. Let’s turn to the second part of our competition.
4) Чтение стихотворений.
It is time to start. Try to recite the poems artistically and in a natural manner. We shall clap our hands after each poem. I hope you will enjoy your English.
Thanks a lot. I see all of you are very talented.
Критерии конкурса:
- Выразительность (expressiveness)
- Произношение (pronunciation)
- Оригинальность (originality)
Конкурс оценивается по 5-бальной системе.
T: And now let’s begin our competition.
У: Давайте начнем! Постарайтесь рассказывать стихотворения артистично! Мы будем аплодировать после каждого стихотворения.
Дети рассказывают по очереди стихотворения.
5) Завершающий этап. Награждение победителей.
T: So I can see you can recite the poems very well. What poems do you like? Why do you like this poem?
But the best pupil is...
У: Я вижу, что вы все хорошо подготовились и умеете красиво рассказывать стихотворения. Какое стихотворение вам понравилось больше? Почему?
Но лучше всех сегодня рассказывали стихотворения …
Let’s learn the results of our contest and listen to our jury. Our congratulations to the winners!
T: Thank you for your work. Our contest is over. See you next year, my friends!
У: Спасибо за работу. Наш конкурс подошел к концу. До свидания! До новых встреч!
1. My dog Jack
I have a dog,
His name is Jack,
His coat is white
With spots of black.
I take him out
Every day,
Such fun we have,
We run and play.
Such clever tricks
My dog can do,
I love my dog,
He loves me, too.
2. The Monkeys and the Crocodile
Five little monkeys
Sitting in a tree,
Teasing Uncle Crocodile
Merry as can be
Jumping high, jumping low,
“Dear Uncle Crocodile,
Come and take a bite!”
Five little monkeys
Jumping in the air,
Heads up, tails up,
Little do they care.
Jumping far and near:
Poor Uncle Crocodile,
Aren’t you hungry, dear.
(Tom Robinson)
3. My Dog Jack
I have a dog, his name is Jack,
His coat is white with spots of black.
I take him out every day,
Such fun we have, we run and play.
Such clever tricks my dog can do,
I love my dog, he love me, too.
4. Mice
I think mice
Are rather nice.
Their tails are long,
Their faces are small,
They haven’t any
Chins at all.
Their ears are pink.
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