Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 6 классе по теме: “School subjects”.
Оценка 4.6

Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 6 классе по теме: “School subjects”.

Оценка 4.6
Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 6 классе  по теме: “School subjects”.
урок 2.docx

Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 6 классе

по теме: “School subjects”.


Цель урока: активизация и закрепление лексики по теме: «Мои школьные предметы»

Задачи урока:

1. Образовательные:

·         обобщить и систематизировать изученный материал по теме.

·         активизировать лексику по теме "Школьные предметы" в различных видах деятельности.

·         совершенствовать устную речь учащихся

2. Воспитательные:

·         воспитывать интерес к школе и изучению школьных предметов,

·         формировать умение работать в группе и в парах,

·         воспитывать культуру общения и уважительное отношение к собеседнику.

3. Развивающие:

·         развивать умение понимать речь на слух,

·         развивать способность к обобщению, память, внимание, мышление и языковую догадку при помощи средств родного и английского языков;



·         компьютер, презентация к уроку, иллюстрации, раздаточный материал (карточки)


Ход урока:

I. Приветствие.

T: Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you. Sit down and let’s start our lesson.

Please, answer my questions:

1.         How are you today?

2.         What date is it today?

3.         What day is it today?

4.         Who is absent today?

5.         What is the weather like today?

OK. Thank you

II. Определение целей и задач урока.

T: Let’s watch the video to guess the topic of our lesson. (This video contains four short extracts from different lessons).

You’re right. The topic of our lesson is “School subjects”. We are going to revise words and collocations in order to develop your vocabulary and listening skills and talk about your school subjects.

III. Фонетическая зарядка. Актуализация ранее изученного материала.

T: Let’s practise your English sounds to speak English well. Look at the screen and repeat after me.

·         [ I : ] teacher, teach, read

·         [ I ] strict, uniform, think

·         [ p ] pupil, problem, copybook

·         [ e ] pen, pencil, ready

·         [ w ] workbook, week, well

·         [ s ] subject, test, school

T: Now let’s sing the song, but first we are going to read it. Look at the screen and repeat after me.

School Subjects Song

What’s your favourite subject?

What’s your favourite subject?

What’s your favourite subject?

I like Maths and Science,

I like Art and Music,

I like Drama and English,

I like History and Social Science,

What’s your favourite subject?

What’s your favourite subject?

What’s your favourite subject?

I like Geography and PE,

I like Mechanics and Computers,

I like Philosophy and Religions,

I like Cooking and Creative Writing.

IV. Активизация в речи ЛЕ и РО.

T: I would like you to remember what exactly you do at each lesson. Your task is to match these activities to subjects.

1)      speak in pairs

2)      use a computer

3)      run and jump

4)      work with numbers

5)      sing

6)      read books

7)      draw or paint

8)      work with maps

9)      do experiments

10)  talk about society

11)  write stories











Social Science

T: Now we are going to work in pairs. Please, try not to look at your tables. Student A describes a subject from the previous exercise. For example: At this lesson you draw or paint. Student B should guess the name of the subject.

V. Физкультминутка.

VI. Работа в группах. Обсуждение предпочтений учащихся.

T: I think it’s time to discuss the subjects you like and dislike. On the blackboard you can see some phrases to help you develop your answers. I’ll give you two paper faces – a happy face and an unhappy face. In your group you should decide what subject or subjects you like and what subject or subjects you don’t like and why. Then one student of your group goes to the blackboard, pins faces and explains your choice.

We like … because (it is/they are interesting, easy; we like to…(read, run and jump, speak English, sing, count, draw, make things, learn about nature)

We don’t like … because (it is/they are difficult, boring; we don’t like to…(read, run and jump, speak English, sing, count, draw, make things, learn about nature)

VII. Работа в парах. Диалог о школьном расписании.

Т: I would like you to talk about your timetable. In pairs, ask and answer the questions, please.

1.      What lessons have you got on Monday?

2.      Who is your Art teacher?

3.      What days are your English lessons?

4.      Are you good at Maths?

5.      Have you got PE today?

6.      What is your favourite lesson?

T: Some students will act out their dialogs in front of the class.

  VIII. Timetable quiz.

T: I’ve prepared a short quiz about your timetable. Listen to me attentively and raise your hands if you know the answer.

1.      You’ve got this subject on Monday at 10 a.m.

2.      You’ve got this subject on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

3.      You haven’t got this subject on Wednesday or Thursday.

4.      You’ve got this subject in classroom 19 on Thursday.

5.      You’ve got this subject on Tuesday with Mrs. Leonova.

6.      You’ve got this subject only once a week.

7.      You’ve got this subject five times a week.


IX. Рефлексия.

T: Please, complete your self - assessment sheets and hand them in.

Open your diaries and write down your hometask. At home try to make up a short quiz about your timetable as we did at the lesson.

X. Подведение итогов урока.

T: So our lesson has come to an end. We have discussed your school subjects and you have done all exercises very well. Thank you!  Our lesson is over. Goodbye.






Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 6 классе по теме: “

Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 6 классе по теме: “

What is the weather like today?

What is the weather like today?

What’s your favourite subject?

What’s your favourite subject?

We like … because (it is/they are interesting, easy; we like to…(read, run and jump, speak

We like … because (it is/they are interesting, easy; we like to…(read, run and jump, speak

IX. Рефлексия . T: Please, complete your self - assessment sheets and hand them in

IX. Рефлексия . T: Please, complete your self - assessment sheets and hand them in
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