Конспект урока аглийского языка в 5 классе "Животные. Части тела" по УМК "Английский в фокусе"
Оценка 5

Конспект урока аглийского языка в 5 классе "Животные. Части тела" по УМК "Английский в фокусе"

Оценка 5
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Конспект урока аглийского языка в 5 классе "Животные. Части тела" по УМК "Английский в фокусе"
Конспект урока. Части тела. 5 класс .doc

Класс: 5

Тема: Parts of the body. Animals

Цели уроку:

практическая: активизировать лексику темы; развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;

развивающая: стимулировать коммуникативную компетенцию; активизировать мышление, навыки и умения вести беседу по теме урока, развивать умение работать в парах и группах;

воспитательная: достичь ситуации успеха каждого участника творческого процесса, его максимальной самореализации; воспитывать чувство любви к животным;


Оборудование: проектор, тематические рисунки, плакат, стикеры, дополнительный материал — карточки с заданиями


Тип уроку: урок развития навыка и умений


                                                                    Ход урока


I. Начало урока. Сообщение темы и целей урока

Good morning, children! Glad to see you! How are you today?                                                      The topic of today`s lesson is “Parts of the body. Animals. Pets”, so we are going to revise the vocabulary, to talk about animals and describe them, to speak about pets.

I suppose you will be active,  supportive and energetic at the lesson.


II. Языковая разминка. Warming up

So, let`s start with the poem about animals. Look at the board. Let`s recite this picture poem all together.

    I don`t like spiders, snakes or frogs.

   I don`t like birds. I don`t like dogs.
I don`t like foxes, flies or bats.

I don`t like fish. I don`t like cats.


Foxes, dogs and cats are hairy.

    Spiders, snakes and bats are scary.

  Fish and frogs are cold and wet.

Birds are not my favourite pet.

   I`ve got one animal in my house

 What is it?  Yes, it`s my mouse.


The poem says you don`t like many animals. But in fact, I`m sure you like cats, dogs, birds and other animals.

I wonder what animals you like and why.


Ps: I like… because they are clever (funny, kind, faithful, beautiful, nice, fluffy, amazing, fast, cute)



            III. Основная часть урока. Актуализация опорных знаний учащихся. Повторение лексики. Vocabulary Revision


Before we speak about animals let`s revise the vocabulary to the topic  “Parts of the body”.

Stand up, go to the blackboard. Your task is to label parts of the body of this funny  monkey.

Use stickers.                                                                                                                                    

Well done!


And now try your hand at writing. Unscramble the words. They are all parts of the body.


osen – nose                                                    rhia – hair         

are – ear                                                         hotot - toth

gonteu – tongue                                            cakb - back

deha – head                                                   cekn - neck

eto – toe                                                        café - face

mar - arm                                                      tohum – mouth


Stand up! Pair up with your deskmate. Face each other. Listen to me and do what I tell you. Touch your deskmate`s head (ear, nose, arm, back, hand, thumb…)                                     

Thank you. Well done!


IV. Физкультминутка. Song    

Stand up, pupils! Let`s sing one of your favourite songs “Head and Shoulders”  /Учні співають і виконують відповідні рухи.


       Head and shoulders,                  

Knees and toes,

Knees and toes.

And eyes and ears,

And mouth and nose,

Head and shoulders,

Knees and toes,

Knees and toes.


Arms and legs,

And feet and hands.

Feet and hands.

And eyes and ears,

And mouth and nose,

Head and shoulders,

Knees and toes,

             Knees and toes.           


Listening to the riddles about animals and guessing them.

Now guess the riddles about animals. Listen to me carefully.

It`s a big cat. It lives in the jungle in Asia. It eats small animals and it`s very dangerous.

What is it?                                                                                                                      (Tiger) 


This animal lives in the bamboo forests in China. It eats bamboo. What is it?            (Panda)


It can swim well. It can jump well too. It is green. What is it?                                     (Frog)


It is a big bird. It is black-and-white. It can swim well but it can`t fly. What is it?    (Penguin)


It`s the biggest animal. It has got a very long nose, small eyes and big ears. It has got a small

tail and fat legs.                                                                                                          (Elephant)


This animal is very dangerous. It has sharp teeth and lives in rivers in Africa.       (Crocodile)


                               Check on homework. Speaking. Pupil`s stories

Let`s go to the zoo. Today you`ll be zoo-guides. Tell us about the animals you see in the zoo.



I want to tell you about monkeys. They are very clever animals. They live in Africa. They sleep in trees and eat fruit. They like bananas very much. Monkeys are funny animals. They like to jump and climb trees. You can see monkeys in the zoos or in the circus.



I want to tell you about the elephant. It`s a very big animal. It lives in Africa and India. It has got a very long nose, called trunk and big ears. It  eats leaves, grass and fruit. It drinks 190 litres of water a day. It weighs 5 tons and it`s height is 2.5 metres. Elephants are clever and nice animals.



The lion is the king of animals. It is a big, powerful and beautiful animal. The lion lives in pride in Africa and India. It lives in the open plain with water and a lot of grass. It kills zebras and antelopes for food. The lion is a very nice animal!



Wolves have large, sharp teeth and a big bushy tail. Wolves can be grey or black. They live in forests. Wolves are very clever animals. They usually eat small animals and birds.                              Most people don`t like wolves because they can kill farm animals such as sheep, goats and cows.



The penguin is a big bird. It lives in Antarctica. It is black-an-white. It can`t fly but it can swim well. It eats fish. The penguin is a very nice bird.



Crocodiles are the biggest reptiles on the Earth. The biggest crocodiles are about 7 metres long and weigh more than 1,100 kilograms.

Crocodiles live near water and can swim very well. They have got very strong jaws. They eat fish, frogs, birds, turtles and small animals.

Crocodiles are protected. Today people can't kill them for their meat and skin.



The camel is a big animal which lives in the desert. There are two kinds of camels: with one hump and two humps. The camel can live without water and food for a long time because it keeps food resources in its humps.



The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world. It can be 5,5 metres tall. The giraffe lives in Africa. It eats the acacia leaves with the help of the tongue which is 50 centimetres long!



The hippo is a very big animal with thick skin. It lives in the lakes and rivers in Africa. It has got a big head, short legs and an enormous mouth. It is 3,5 metres long and it weighs 4 tons. It spends most of the time in the water. In the evening it leaves the water in search of food. It likes grass most of all.

Polar bear

The polar bear lives in the Arctic. It likes the cold! It's over 2,5 metres long and it weighs about 400 kilograms.

It's got a lot of white fur. It's got strong legs and it walks hundreds of kilometres. It spends a lot of time in the water and it's a very good swimmer. It kills fish for food.

The polar bear is protected. Today people can't kill it for its beautiful white fur. It isn't in danger now.



The tiger comes from the cat family. It lives in Asia. It's about a metre tall, 2,5 metres long and it weighs 300 kilograms.

It's very fast and it can jump and swim very well. It's got very strong teeth and it kills other animals for food.

The tiger is in danger. People kill it for it's beautiful striped fur.



 There are 40,000 kinds of spiders in the world. They live inside, in houses and buildings and outside in the trees and flowers. Spiders catch insects. Some spiders are really dangerous. The Black Widow Spider is very poisonous – it can kill you!


Group work

Thank you, pupils, for your interesting stories.

Gerald Durrel, a famous English zoologist said that “a zoo is a prison for animals”. Do you agree with him?

            Keeping animals in zoos has both some pros and cons. What are they? Work in groups and decide on the following.

Keeping animals in zoo



People feed animals.

People look after them. 

People take care of animals.

Animals are protected.



          Animals live in cages.

          Animals haven't got muck freedom.

          Their cages are usually small.

          They are sad, they are bored.


Let's sum up.

  • Animals should live in the wild.
  • Zoos help people understand how animals live.
  • Zoos breed and protect animals which are in danger.



People keep animals not only in zoos but in their homes as well. Look at the screen. Let's read the text “Pets in Great Britain”.


Lots of families in Great Britain have got one or more pets. Dogs are the favourite pets and there are about 6 million of them in Britain. The second favourite are cats ( about 5 million) and the third favourite is a bird-budgie.

Some families don't keep cats or dogs. They keep other animals as pets in their homes. There are more than 12 million pets in Britain. The English take good care of their pets. They give them nice names: Rex, Misty, Chatterbox, Tom and Polly.

When they speak about their pets they say “He” or “She” ( not “It”). The English give their pets nice food to eat. Every year they spend 1,5 billion pounds on pet food. They buy food for their pets in pet shops.

The English are pet lovers. They support 380 charities which protect animals.


Reading Comprehension

Read the following statements and say if they are true or false. Correct the false ones.

1.      The are 10 million pets in Great Britain.

2.      Cats are the first favourite pets in Britain.

3.      The third favourite pet is a budgie.

4.      The English keep only dogs, cats or budgies as pets in their homes.

5.      The English never say “It” about their pets.

6.      Every year the English spend over 1,5 million pounds on pet food.

7.      The English love pets very much.

8.      They support 280 charities which protect animals.



           Talking on “Pets in Russia”

People in Russia keep pets in their homes too. Answer my questions, please.

  • Are Russians pet-lovers? (Yes, they are. Russians love pets very much).
  • What animals do Russians keep as pets? (They keep cats, dogs, rats, hamsters, guinea-pigs, chinchillas, parrots, fish, rabbits and others).
  • Do Russians keep exotic animals? (Yes, they do. Some people keep snakes or spiders).
  • Why do people keep pets? (Because they make people happy. Because pets are nice and friendly).


        Беседа в режиме Cl → T

Now, children, ask me questions about my pet.

Ø     Have you got a pet?

Ø    Is it he or she?

Ø    What is his(her) name?

Ø    How old is he(she)?

Ø    Is he big or small( fat or thin)?

Ø    What colour is he(she)?

Ø    What does he(she) eat?

Ø    Do you play with your cat(dog)?

Ø    How do you look after your pet?

Ø    Do you like your pet?



Make up dialogues using the similar questions.




And now, children, read three short texts about unusual pets. Read the texts about unusual pets. Read the texts quickly and then fill in the table using information from them.



Unusual Pets

by Oscar While


A lot of people have got pets.

But how many people have got unusual pets?

Well, I know at least three!


Kamal has got a pet iguana! He's called Iggy. Iggy has got a long green body, four short legs, a small head and a long tail. Iguanas are large lizards. They eat leaves and fruit. Iggy sometimes swims in Kamal's bath! “I keep Iggy in a glass cage,” Kamal says. “Iguanas don't like cold places!”


Maggie has got a pet hedgehog! She's called Harriet. Harriet has got a small round body with spikes on it. She has got white hair on her stomach. Harriet lives in the garden and eats worms and caterpillars. Hedgehogs can swim and run very fast, too! They look for food at night. Hedgehogs sleep from November to April. “Harriet sleeps in a big box in the garden,” Maggie says. “She can go out whenever she likes.”


Dana's pet is a tarantula! He's called Terry. Terry has got eight long hairy legs. Tarantulas have got eight eyes, but they can't see very well. They eat insects. “I keep Terry in a glass cage with sand in it,” Dana says. “My friends are afraid of Terry, but I love him!”


     Reading Comprehension



















V. Заключительный этап урока


Our lesson is coming to an end. Thank you very much for your active work. Let's sum up.

Was the lesson interesting?

What activity did you like most of all?

Who was the most active today?

Did you learn anything new from the lesson?


Your hometask for tomorrow is to write a letter to your friend about your pet. Good byе!

See you tomorrow.

Класс: 5 Тема: Parts of the body

Класс: 5 Тема: Parts of the body

III. Основная часть урока .

III. Основная часть урока .

It is a big bird. It is black-and-white

It is a big bird. It is black-and-white

The hippo is a very big animal with thick skin

The hippo is a very big animal with thick skin

Some families don't keep cats or dogs

Some families don't keep cats or dogs

Unusual Pets by Oscar While

Unusual Pets by Oscar While
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