Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №10 поселок Степной
муниципального образования Кавказский район
Конспект урока
Класс: 5
Предмет: английский язык
УМК: “Spotlight 5”, авт. Ю. Е. Ваулина и др. – 3-е изд. - М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2013.
Продолжительность учебного занятия: 40 минут
Тип учебного занятия: урок
Тема урока: “London sights”
Место урока в учебно-тематическом плане – Modul 6 «Round the clock».
Форма урока: урок-экскурсия с использованием ИКТ
Тип урока: Урок изучения нового в форме экскурсии
Оснащение: персональный компьютер, проектор, мультимедийная доска, раздаточный материал
Учитель: Вежлюкова Инна Федоровна, учитель английского языка, высшая категория
Цель урока: познакомить учащихся с достопримечательностями Лондона.
Образовательные: Развитие языковой, коммуникативной компетенции и лингвострановедческой компетенции учащихся; закрепление навыков учащихся в употреблении лексики по теме достопримечательности Лондона.
Развивающие: способствовать развитию способностей к репродуктивной и продуктивной речевой деятельности, оперативной памяти, любознательности, воображения, объёма памяти через постепенное увеличение речевых единиц на аудитивной и зрительной основе.
Воспитательные: воспитание уважительного отношения к истории и культуре страны изучаемого языка, формирование устойчивого интереса к предмету.
План урока:
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.
Приветствие. (Greeting).
Teacher: Good morning, girls and boys, our guests and teachers! I’m your teacher for today. My name is Inna Fyodorovna. I’m glad to meet you! How are you?
2. Целеполагание.
Teacher: Well, let’s start our lesson. I want you to watch a short video. (учащиеся смотрят видео).
Teacher: What do you think what we are going to speak about? What is the theme of our lesson?
Students’ answers:
Teacher: Yes, you are right! Слайд 1 We are going to speak about London and its sights. And in the end of the lesson you’ll be able to tell about London sights.
Teacher: Have you ever been to London? Students’ answers:
Teacher: Would you like to go to London? Students’ answers:
Teacher: Today your dream comes true! I suggest you to make a tour around London. Imagine, we are sitting in the double decker. Do you know what it is? Students’ answers:
Teacher: слайд 2 It is a red bus, it usually goes in the UK. Look here!
Teacher: There are tickets to the double decker on your desks. But you have only one, it is free for you and other tickets you should win. In the end of the lesson we’ll count your tickets and find who is the winner?
3. Речевая зарядка и введение лексики:
Teacher: What sights in London do you know? Some of them you saw in the video! Students’ answers:
Teacher: I want you to learn some names of London sights. Слайд 3
Repeat them after me. (учащиеся повторяют названия достопримечательностей)
Teacher: Some of this names are difficult for pronunciation. Let’s train them. Слайд 4 My first task for you is: say this names in an angry voice!
Students’ answers:
Teacher: Well done! But the best was …. You get a ticket!
And now say this names in a merry voice!
Students’ answers:
Teacher: But the best was …. You get a ticket!
And the last task: say this names in a cunning voice!
Students’ answers:
Teacher: But the best was …. You get a ticket!
You are very good actors!
4. Аудирование.
Teacher: Now let’s listen to the sounds! Do you know this building? Students’ answers:
Teacher: So, the first stop in our tour is Big Ben! Слайд 5
Open your books on p. 8. You are going to listen to the text about Big Ben. Have you found it? You listen and read it.
Teacher: Do you know the word “huge”? “inside, tons, tourist attraction”
Students’ answers:
Teacher: Let’s do ex. 3, complete the sentences.
1. Big Ben is in London. You are well, you get the ticket!
2. Big Ben is the name of the bell. You are well, you get the ticket!
3. The tower is 98 metres high. You are well, you get the ticket!
4. Each hour hand is 3 metres long. You are well, you get the ticket!
5. Чтение.
Teacher: слайд 6 Look out of the window of the bus! What can you see? Trafalgar Square! Lets read the information about Trafalgar Square!
Students’ answers: You are well, you get the ticket!
Teacher: Now we are making our way to Buckingham Palace! Слайд 7
Lets read the information about Buckingham Palace!
Students’ answers: You are well, you get the ticket!
Teacher: Well, tourists, we have just visited 3 famous sights. Let’s answer my questions, please!
1. Where is the column of Admiral Nelson situated? (in the center of Trafalgar Square) Students’ answers:
Teacher: You get the ticket!
2. Who lives in Buckingham Palace? (the queen) Students’ answers:
Teacher: You get the ticket!
3. Who knows the name of the queen? (Elizabeth 2) Students’ answers:
Teacher: You get the ticket! Thank you for your answers! We go on our tour. слайд 8 Now we are crossing Tower Bridge over the river Thames. Here you can see the Tower of London! Слайд 9 Lets read the information about the Tower of London!
Students’ answers:
Teacher: You are well, you get the ticket! Слайд 10 Our next stop is the London Eye. Let’s read the information about the London Eye!
Students’ answers:
Teacher: You are well, you get the ticket!
5. Активизация лексики.
Teacher: You are so clever pupils! Let’s play a little! The game is called “Banana game” слайд 11 Let me explain the rules. You work in pairs. Every pupil gets 2 cards. There is a sentence in the card, one word is underlined. You read the sentence but don’t say the underlined word, instead of it you say “banana”. Your partner should guess the word, if he guessed it, you leave the card yourself and your partner reads you his sentence. If he didn’t guess the word you give him your card. Then you change the partners. The winner is the student who has no cards. (Учащиеся играют, затем обсуждение результатов игры, выдача билетов)
6. Физкультминутка.
Teacher: Let’s have a rest. Слайд 12 You see the poem, repeat it after me!
London Bridge is falling down
Falling down falling down
My fairy lady
Build it up with silver and gold,
silver and gold, silver and gold
My fairy lady
Teacher: Now our 4 boys are going to be London Bridge. Other pupils go through it and read the poem.
7. Тренировка навыков говорения.
Teacher: слайд 13 Well done! Today we have visited some sights of London. Our excursion is over. We are in Kropotkin again. Imagine, your relatives ask you to tell them about your trip. Who can do it? Look under your chairs! Can you see anything there? Who found the card? What sight do you have in the card? Tell us, please, what do you know about it?
Students’ answers:
Teacher: You are well, you get the ticket!
8. Рефлексия.
Teacher: I wonder was the tour interesting? Remember, please, what have you done? (We have made a trip around London, learnt some information about Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, The Tower of London, The London Eye, we have told the information to our relatives)
You have cards on your desks. Choose the appropriate card describing your mood best. Students show the cards.
9. Подведение итогов.
Teacher: You are well! You are excellent students! It’s time to count your tickets. How many tickets have you won? I congratulate you and I hope that one day you’ll be able to go to London, see the sights and enjoy them. I want to give you presents, this cards with London sights are for you. Don’t forget me and our lesson!
But I want to give you the homework. Слайд 14. Write it down. The lesson is over. Thank you. Good bye.
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