Конспект урока английского языка ВОВ
Оценка 4.7

Конспект урока английского языка ВОВ

Оценка 4.7
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Конспект урока английского языка ВОВ
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 Методическая разработка урока английского языка на тему: «Память, пронесенная через года. 900 дней ада. Блокада Ленинграда.»














Пояснительная записка.

       Данный урок разработан для учащихся 7 класса.

       Актуальность тематики урока: занятие с учащимися проводится в 2016 году, в год 71-й годовщины победы в Великой Отечественной Войне и несет в себе информацию о героизме, самопожертвовании и стойкости жителей Блокадного Ленинграда.

        Тема занятия воспитывает патриотизм, гордость за нашу страну и предков, которые стояли до конца в борьбе против вражеских войск.

        Цели урока:

·                   закрепление и обобщение ранее изученного материала;

·                   ввод и изучение новых лексических единиц;

·                   развитие навыков сотрудничества, работы в коллективе;

·                   развитие диалогической и монологической речи.

   Задачи урока:

·                   активизировать применение знаний по ранее изученному материалу;

·                   развить познавательную активность учащихся;

·                   закрепить навыки коллективной работы и работы в группах.

       Для решения поставленных задач использовались следующие методы: беседа, фронтальный опрос, педагогическое наблюдение.

       В ходе урока были использованы следующие педагогические технологии: игровые технологии, технологии коммуникативного обучения.

       Материально-техническая база: компьютер, проектор, раздаточный материал, военные фото.







The course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.
Teacher: Hello children. Sit down. I am very pleased to see you today at our lesson. The duty officer will notify about missing (duty reports if any are missing, if any).
Guys, who of you will say, what anniversaries are being celebrated this year in our country? (children's responses, this year we celebrate 71-th anniversary of Victory in the great Patriotic War)
You are absolutely right! 71 years have passed since the great Victory of Russian troops over the enemy troops in the battle for the Motherland.
And the theme of our lesson today will be dedicated to the heroism and fortitude of the Russian people during world war II.
2. Work on vocabulary.
Teacher: And now I suggest you to watch a short multimedia presentation, then we'll talk about what you learned from what you have seen.
Our presentation is called: "the Memory passed on through the years. 900 days of hell. The Siege Of Leningrad."
So, let's start the show, I want to set you on that in the presentation you will meet new words, be careful, after the video, we get to know them in more detail.

The content of the presentation:
Slide 1 - the Siege of Leningrad - this unprecedented test of man on humanity, dignity, love of neighbor, compassion, warmth. These trials are daily. Scary, because the famine is impossible to imagine without experiencing it...
Slide 2 - the Siege of Leningrad-a military blockade of German, Finnish and Spanish (Blue division) troops during the great Patriotic war of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Lasted from 8 September 1941 to 27 January 1944 (the blockade ring was broken January 18, 1943, but the people of Leningrad were forced to wait for the full release even more years)-900 days of hell, of death, of hunger and bombing.
Slide 3 – "Road of life on Ladoga lake.
Slide 4 - the first days of the siege his dangerous and heroic thing start the road of life — the pulse of the siege of Leningrad. The only way, besides inefficient aircraft, to evacuate people from the besieged Leningrad, as well as for delivery of supplies and military cargo back to the city in September-November 1941 was the Ladoga lake, on which daily plied the ships of the Ladoga flotilla. September 12, 1941 in the city along this path came the first boats with food, and to late autumn, until the storms have not made navigation impossible on the road of life were barges. Each flight was a feat — enemy aircraft have made their incessant attacks, weather conditions were often not good sailors, but barges continued their flights even in late autumn, before the appearance of ice when navigation is already in principle was impossible. However, it was obvious that before the cold German ring around the city will not be violated, and to avoid the possibility of a full blockade of Leningrad in the winter time, it was necessary to promptly find a solution. And such a solution was found is the idea of creating ice crossings across lake Ladoga, which later became known as the "ROAD of LIFE".
Slide 5 - the biggest problem was water, heat and hunger. Siege of bread. 125 grams per person. The flour in this bread was not baked he was from sawdust, cellulose, and bran. Form dish greased with diesel oil. Think about the meaning of these lines, and understand how people lived their first winter in the besieged Leningrad. During the siege died of starvation more than 640 thousand people. In these cold winter people were dying on the street. Starving and exhausted, on the go fell and died, was freezing.
Slide 6 – "rations of bread."
Slide 7 – the Young people of Leningrad, which received the award "For the defense of Leningrad.
Slide 8 - the Children, the wailing of the bread requested,
There is no worse torture like this.
Leningrad's gates did not open
And came to the wall of the city.
Children with adults were starving and freezing in the besieged Leningrad. They fought together with the soldiers of the Molotov cocktail and worked in factories on the level with adults. Children received medals "For valiant labor in the great Patriotic war, 1941-1944" and "For defense of Leningrad".
Slide 9 - during this difficult time for the country, no matter what a lot of work. Children in the blockade was starving, but still they had the courage and faith in the country, in people, brothers and fathers who fought with the enemy. These children of besieged Leningrad led notebook
about 900 of those bloody days.
Slide 10 - One of the most creepy children's diaries , was the diary of Tanya Savicheva, Schoolgirls, which from the beginning of the siege of Leningrad began its lead in the notebook sisters. Almost the whole family of Tanya Savicheva died in the period from December 1941 to may 1942. In her diary, nine pages, six of which the date of the death of loved ones — mothers, grandmothers, sisters, brother and two uncles. Tanya herself died in the evacuation. The siege survived only by her older sister Nina and brother Michael, thanks to which the diary Tanya has survived and has become one of the symbols of the great Patriotic war.
Slide 11 - To the great Victory, Tanya did not survive. Progressive degeneration, scurvy, nervous breakdown and bone tuberculosis, which Tanya had been ill in early childhood, finally undermined her health, and 1 July 1944 at the infectious diseases unit Shatkovsky hospital, where she nursed the last days caring nurse Anna M. Zhurkina, at the age of 14 and a half years old Tanya Savicheva died of tuberculosis of the intestine, (according to another version, it was encephalitis).
31 may 1981 in Shatkovskiy cemetery was a monument — a marble gravestone and stele with a bronze bas-relief (sculptor Lackeys, architects Gavrilov and Lackeys). Nearby is erected in 1972 a Stela with the bas-relief portrait of the girl and pages from her diary. In memory of Tanya Savicheva named a minor planet "2127 Tanya", discovered in 1971 by Soviet astronomer L. I. Chernykh. Name of Tanya Savicheva is called a mountain pass in Dzhungarskiy Alatau, Kazakhstan. In St.-Petersburg to the address 2nd line of Vasilievsky island, building 13 (apartment house VF Gromov) on the house and in the yard where there lived Tanya's family, memorial boards are established. At School № 35, where he studied Tanya, now there is a Museum named after her. Tanya Savicheva dedicated a song "the Ballad about Tanya Savicheva" (Muz. E. Doga, CL. Ginn V.), first performed by Edita. Yuri Yakovlev has devoted tan the story "the Girl with the Vasilyevsky island".
Slide 12 – a plaque in memory of Tanya Savicheva, a girl who wrote her diary of the siege.
Slide 13 - the Fall of 1941, immediately after the establishment of the blockade, the Soviet forces launched two operations to restore land communication of Leningrad with the rest of the country. the operation was done in the area of so-called "Sinyavino-Shlisselburg ledge", a Width along the southern coast of Ladoga lake was only 12 miles, But the German troops were able to create strong fortifications. The Soviet army suffered heavy losses, but were unable to move forward. The soldiers involved were severely depleted.
Slide 14 - 29 Mar 1942 in Leningrad, arrived from Pskov and Novgorod regions, the Guerrilla convoy with food for the residents of the city. The event was a huge inspirational value and demonstrated the inability of the opponent to control the rear of his troops, and the possibility of its liberation by the red Army. In the spring of 1942, due to the warming and nutrition, significantly reduced the number of sudden deaths in the streets. In March 1942, all able-bodied population came out to clear the city of garbage. In April—may 1942, was a further improvement in the living conditions of the population: began the restoration of utilities. Resumed the work of many companies. 8 March was first given voltage in the network. Began the restoration of the tram stops in the city, let a freight tram. On 15 April 1942 was given the voltage at the Central substation and had planned to put regular passenger tram. For the resumption of freight and passenger traffic, it took to restore about 150 km of contact network — about half of all currently operated on the network. The start of the trolley in the spring of 1942 the city authorities felt it inappropriate.
Slide 15 - In April — may the German command during operation aysshtoss" unsuccessfully tried to destroy standing on the Neva, the ships of the Baltic fleet. At this time Leningrad was turned into a powerful fortified area. It was created 110 major parts of the defense, equipped with many thousands of kilometers of trenches, railroads and other engineering structures.
Slide 16 - January 14, 1944 troops of the Leningrad, Volkhov and 2nd Baltic fronts crossed the Leningrad-Novgorod strategic offensive operation. On January 20, Soviet troops have made significant progress: connection of the Leningrad front defeated the krasnoselsko-Ropshinskaya grouping, and parts of the Volkhov front had liberated Novgorod. This has allowed 21 January Govorov and A. A. Zhdanov to appeal to Stalin: due to the complete liberation of Leningrad from the enemy blockade and bombardment of the enemy, please allow:
1. To inform our troops.
2. In honor of our victory in Leningrad on 27 January at 20.00 hours to fire a salute of twenty four artillery volleys from three hundred and twenty-four guns.
Stalin granted the request of the command of the Leningrad front and on the 27th of January in Leningrad, was made a salute in commemoration of the final liberation of the city from the blockade, which lasted 900 days. The order of the victorious troops of the Leningrad front was signed.
Slide 17 – "Day of lifting of the blockade of Leningrad, 1944".
Slide 18 – a mass grave of the citizens who died during the siege of Leningrad.
Slide 19 – the Final slide.

Teacher: so guys tell me what new words you met in the presentation? (War, famine, the Siege of Leningrad, testing, bombing, death, suffering, relief, water, medal, courage, enemy, escape, creepy children's diary, symbol of the Great Patriotic War, German troops, the Soviet army, Road of life, fascism, destruction, front, defense, artillery, I REMEMBER, I'm PROUD.)
Teacher: well Done guys! So let's write these words in a notebook to record vocabulary words and memorize them.
3. A survey of students.
The teacher conducts a survey among students.
Teacher: Guys tell me, when did the Siege of Leningrad? (8th September 1944)
How long did the blockade? (900 days)
What were the main problems among the population during the siege? (hunger, cold, water, constant attacks by enemy aircraft)
What was the name of the path on the ice of lake Ladoga?
What was the symbol of the Siege of Leningrad?
What was the name of the girl who led the siege diary?
Now let's see a short video about the fate of Tanya Savicheva. (children watch the video)
Teacher: What emotions caused you this video. (Discussion of the video, everyone expresses their opinion in English)
4. Disminuci.

5. Working with text.
Teacher: Let's work with the text. For you, I have prepared the text. This text is about children Blockade. I suggest you to read it, to read, translate and identify the main idea of the text.
(children work with text, after the text and its main idea is discussed orally).
From the strong, just swept Bang Vic shuddered. He looked at Valery. He was calm. Like it knew that it should be, although the conditions of war game only ratchet could simulate shooting. Again swept the long, drawn-out roar, as it happens, when the explosions follow one another.
– Come on! – excitedly whispered Vic. – Maybe we went on the attack, and we're here with you all proseven!
– Quiet, you! – Valery hissed. Says: can we sit in watch.
Their task was simple: to follow the cross-cut, if you see the guys with the blue armband, one to run and inform the headquarters detachment.
In the watch they put on the dawn, hardly was possible to distinguish a man from a tree. A bit later, nothing to do, HART launched his package of rations issued to each participant of the game instead of Breakfast. A boiled egg, two waffles and two pecheninki enchanting look. But to eat all this was written not earlier than two hours.
– Do you think how long we sitting here? – Valery whispered.
Victor glanced at the Stacks spread out seductive supplies "combat situation". He, too, suddenly hungry, so he decided to play along to a friend.
– Yes, an hour and a half. – Then caught himself and added, " maybe two.
– So, shall we eat? – Valery Speechkin nodded at the packages.
– Come on. And then, if I have to run, so we have them to carry with them?
Ration was quickly "destroyed", the packages are covered with grass.
(excerpt of Chapter 1 from the book M.
Sukhacheva "Children of the Blockade")

6. The task on ingenuity.
Teacher: Guys pay attention to the Board. It is written in a numeric code. It is our task to decipher. And to read the inscription that lies behind these numbers.
"...Our cause is just! The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be ours!.."
Cipher: "... 16, 21,18         3,1,21,19,5       9,19 10,21,19,20!      20,8,5    5,14,5,13,25      23,9,12,12      4,5,6,5,1,20,5,4!       22,9,3,20,15,18,25     23,9,12,12     2,5     16,21,18,19!..." (children solve the cipher and read what happened)
Teacher: right guys, well done! And who's to say who said these lines? (the final phrase of the appeal to the Soviet people, which Deputy Chairman of the Council of people's Commissars of the USSR V. M. Molotov read out at 12 o'clock 22 June 1941 — the day of the great Patriotic war).
It is good that you know the history of our country.яч

A moment of silence. (Sounds metronome)

7. The final stage of the lesson. Reflection.
So, in conclusion of our today's lesson let's give the analysis of your work.
Students should summarize the lesson. What's new they learned. Is the phase of evaluation of the class.
Grades are given for work in class.
8. Homework.
To make a short story about  the veterans of the great Patriotic War.
Teacher: you Guys did a good job today! Thank you all for your hard work! See you at the next lesson!


Методическая разработка урока английского языка на тему: «Память, пронесенная через года

Методическая разработка урока английского языка на тему: «Память, пронесенная через года

Пояснительная записка.

Пояснительная записка.

The course of the lesson 1

The course of the lesson 1

Slide 3 – "Road of life on Ladoga lake

Slide 3 – "Road of life on Ladoga lake

And came to the wall of the city

And came to the wall of the city

St.-Petersburg to the address 2nd line of

St.-Petersburg to the address 2nd line of

Slide 15 - In April — may the

Slide 15 - In April — may the

The teacher conducts a survey among students

The teacher conducts a survey among students

Breakfast. A boiled egg, two waffles and two pecheninki enchanting look

Breakfast. A boiled egg, two waffles and two pecheninki enchanting look

Students should summarize the lesson

Students should summarize the lesson
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