Name and surname__________________________________________ WWW. HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY.RU (LOVE + AI) PICTURES
THE BEST MUSIC ABOUT LOVE IS NUMBER____ SONG WORK 1. What is the main theme of the song? A. Building a snowman B. Christmas celebrations C. Love and companionship D. Going to the North Pole 2. According to the lyrics, who is the singer of the song? A. A snowman B. The listener C. Mrs. Snow D. The North Pole 3. What does the singer want the listener to know? A. That they will never leave B. That they are going to the North Pole C. That they love Christmas D. That they are building a snowman 4. Where does the singer suggest hiding from the sun? A. In a puddle of water B. In the North Pole C. Below zero D. In a snowman 5. What season does the singer mention in the lyrics? A. Winter B. Spring C. Summer D. Fall
LOVE DICTIONARY Love is in the air-
Fall in love-
Lovers –
Heart –
Home for all seasons-
My snowman and me-
Mrs Snowman-
Love forever –
I’ll never leaving –
Love is……
THE BEST MUSIC ABOUT LOVE IS NUMBER____ SONG WORK 1. What is the main theme of the song? A. Building a snowman B. Christmas celebrations C. Love and companionship D. Going to the North Pole 2. According to the lyrics, who is the singer of the song? A. A snowman B. The listener C. Mrs. Snow D. The North Pole 3. What does the singer want the listener to know? A. That they will never leave B. That they are going to the North Pole C. That they love Christmas D. That they are building a snowman 4. Where does the singer suggest hiding from the sun? A. In a puddle of water B. In the North Pole C. Below zero D. In a snowman 5. What season does the singer mention in the lyrics? A. Winter B. Spring C. Summer D. Fall
LOVE DICTIONARY Love is in the air-любовь витает в воздухе Couple-пара Date-свидание Fall in love- влюбиться Lovers – влюбленные Heart – сердце Home for all seasons- дом в любую погоду My snowman and me-мой снеговик и я Mrs Snowman-Миссис Сноумен Love forever – любить вечно I’ll never leaving – я тебя никогда не покину
Love is when you miss smb
Be my lover. I love you! XOXO |
План-конспект открытого урока на тему: «WWW. HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY.RU (LOVE + AI)»
Цель урока: развитие функциональной грамотности (цифровая компетенция, гибкие навыки)
Задачи урока: практика в переводе, произношении, письме, тренировка изученных грамматических конструкций, развитие фонематического слуха, развитие кругозора, внимательности, познавательных навыков, воспитание любви и уважения к близким.
Оборудование урока: презентация, аудио и видеоматериалы, раздаточный материал.
1. Приветствие гостей, коллег, детей.
Welcome, dear friends, guests. Glad to see you. My name is Irina Vladimirovna. How are you today? Are you feeling OK, super, great? Show me your emotions. Smiles, thumbs up. I’m in a loving mood today. Show me your hearts. Great.
2. Warm up
I have a question for you. Don’t you mind an AI teacher start our lesson?Work instead of me? I hope you will love her. Meet Monica, your new English teacher this day. I will have a rest.
Просмотр презентации с аватаром.
Unfortunately, our AI teacher can’t work any longer. Let me work with you. But she has managed to make a question. What is the theme of the lesson? Have an answer? Listen to the tune and guess. Моника давала подсказку.
Прослушивание музыки без слов.
What is the song about? Do you know the song? Have you heard it? If not watch the video and try to understand the words.
Просмотр видео песни со словами.
This is the song by John Paul Young Love is in the air.
3. Фонетическая разминка
Love is in the air
everywhere I look around
Love is in the air
Every sight and every sound
Дети с учителем читают и переводят слова из песни. T-class, T-P1P2
4. Определение темы урока
We will speak of love, emotions and feelings. Let us the words love is in the air be our motto. In the sheets of paper on your desks you have tasks. You are to make them. We have dictionary of love. Write down the translation. Тема урока не просто любовь и эмоции. Мы поговорим об искусственном интеллекте и о любви. Поэтому название звучит так:
What holiday will we celebrate tomorrow? The 14 th of February. The Day of lovers, The Day of love? Love day.
We have lesson challenge. Let’s see who is smarter, greater? More powerful? People or AI? You are to work hard, get hearts, make the tasks and the person with more hearts will be the winner? Get 5 and the certificate and the special prize. Ready? Steady? Go.
5. Работа с картинками
Искусственный интеллект создает фото и картины не хуже настоящих художников. Посмотри и напиши, а потом скажи, что создано AI а что человеком. На листочках ставим галочку там, где автор искусственный интеллект.
12 картинок 6 созданы искусственным разумом. Напиши свою любимую картину, независимо кто автор. Это тоже часть задания.
Поработаем с названиями. Give the name to the picture. Is It Done with AI? The author is Pascal Campion-illustrator and artist from the USA. Do you like his pictures? Старайтесь угадать реальное название, которое дал автор картины. The name is Happy Valentine’s day. Как нельзя лучше подходит название свидание, найдите слово в словаре и напишите перевод. Date- свидание.
Следующая картинка создана? Мной при помощи Кандинского. Give the name, try to be close to my name, the prompt in the Kandinsky program. По-русски мой промт или запрос звучит так: влюбленные мужчина и женщина отмечают день всех влюбленных на крыше небоскреба в стране всех влюбленных, где всё в сердечках и в цветах. Translate my prompt in a proper way. Слово влюбленные есть в словаре, найдите. Lovers
6. Музыкальная викторина.
Is music beyond AI? Can AI create music? Can it sing? Sing about love? Do you know the songs about love? Are you love singers? I am. Listen to the songs and put the mark where the song is about love. You will have 6 tunes? Melodies. Let’s have love song quiz.
1.W. Houston I will always love you
2.L. Fabian Je taime
3.D. Lawrence Arcade
4.Vanotek Love is gone
5.N Oreiro De tu amor
6.Christina Perri Thousand Years
Which song did you like best of all? Which one is the real hymn of love? A real love masterpiece?
Отметьте на листочках свою любимую песню. Не забывайте о заданиях. Победитель один, но оценки подучат все. Листочки я проверю и выставлю оценки.
7. Музыкальная загадка
Listen to the melodies and mark the ones made with AI. 5 tunes.
1. I love you like a love song Selena Gomez
2. Love is when you miss AI
3. All of Me John Legend
4. Passenger Let her go
5. N. Oreiro Cambio Dolor
Write down your best melody about love.
You re real specialists in love songs. Whether they are made with AI or not they are beautiful, full of emotions and open the beauty of the love world. Let us sing and love.
8. Физминутка
Let’s dance and sing. Be active? Try to get the hearts. The best dancer will get 2 hearts. Listen? Follow? Repeat and enjoy. Show me LOVE.
Hi 5 LOVE- video
9. Работа с песней
Мы выбрали самую лучшую зимнюю праздничную песню. Meet and guess the name and the singer.
Sia Snowman просмотр shorts, затем видео с мультфильмом.
Выполнение заданий, которые составил искусственный интеллект. A real magician is TWEE. AI helps me with the tasks. Do the tasks. Then we will check them up.
Задания на обсуждение также составил искусственный интеллект. Я лишь изменила праздник Рождество на День влюбленных. T-P1P2
Задания от учителя.
Let’s read line by line the chorus. T-Class.
want you to know that I'm never leaving
'Cause I'm Mrs. Snow, 'til death we'll be freezing
Yeah, you are my home, my home for all seasons
So come on, let's go
Let's go below zero and hide from the sun
I'll love you forever where we'll have some fun
Yes, let's hit the North Pole and live happily
Please don't cry no tears now, it's Christmas, baby
My snowman and me, eh
My snowman and me, Baby
Исполнение припева с учителем с видео и мелодией.
Работа с переводом
Перевод, который мы выбрали заранее, у вас на партах. Можно им пользоваться. Мы сравниваем русский и английский текст и выбираем точный, более правильный красивый перевод. Listen to my translation. Song by song translation.
Учитель исполняет песню Не плачь, снеговик. Найдите, что я изменила. Будьте внимательны.
Рождество на день любви в честь нашего праздника.
I hope you like the song. Let’s sing and dance. Cause this song is associated with the dancing in the snow in winter. Let’s stand up and sing and dance.
Танец и исполнение песни под видео from shorts.
ü Выполнение заданий на внимательность. На листочках, а затем вслух. Найди слова из песни Снеговик и отметь знаком.
10. Работа над письмом и говорением
We came to the main question what is love. The funny pictures will help you to write and say what love is. Ваше задание на листочке написать свое определение любви. Попробуем сначала понять готовые фразы, а потом напишем свои.
Love is having a day in the sun.
Love is when you see his tender side
Your variants?
11. Изготовление валентинки
Make a valentine in the tasks list. You have a heart and the variants. Choose the best and write it down.
But I suggest you do the snowman valentine. It shows the connection with the song snowman by Sia. I’ ve made the examples, use the as models for your homework. So you are to make a snowman valentine card at home. Use words from the song.
12. Награждение победителя, выставление оценок, подведение итогов урока. Прощание
Who was the most active? The fastest? The most attentive? Who gets the prize? The certificate and 5? It Is…
Who also deserves 5? I’ll put you the marks after checking up your works with tasks. Give your works to me, please. Hand in, please.
The conclusion is…
Tomorrow is the Valentine’s day. Happy Valentine’s day to everybody. We have spoken of the holiday with the help of AI, music, Art. I think the conclusion is: People+ love +AI=Power.
Let’s sing the words from the song Love is in the air OUR SONG-MOTTO
How are at the end of the lesson? Are you tired? Are you OK? Are in a loving mood? Show me LOVE.
Thank you for your coming and work. Happy Valentine’s Day and goodbye.
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