Конспект урока "William Shakespeare"
Оценка 4.7

Конспект урока "William Shakespeare"

Оценка 4.7
Конспект урока "William Shakespeare"
Конспект У. Шекспир.docx

Начало урока.

Вступительное слово учителя

Т (учитель): Our lesson is devoted to the memory of William Shakespeare, the greatest English poet and dramatist. Shakespeare `s Birthday Celebrations are annually held in England. They will celebrate the 450th anniversary of his birthday todау (April 23).The season of Shakespeare` s plays usually begins in April and ends in November.


Сообщение о жизни и творчестве Шекспира

T: Let` s remember some facts of his biography. -   W. Shakespeare (перевод 2-х учеников)


Демонстрация слайдов, посвященных местам, которые связаны с именем Шекспира. (Презентация)

Показ слайдов сопровождается рассказами


 Беседа о произведениях В. Шекспира.         Чтение сонетов Шекспира.

T (учитель): Shakespeare’s literary work is usually divided into three periods:

 the optimistic period (1590-1600),

 the pessimistic period (1601-1609)     and      the romantic period  (1609-1612)

 (учащиеся по очереди рассказывают о периодах творчества).


Т: His best comedies belong to the first period. His poems are also attributed to the first period. They are 154 sonnets.

T: I suppose you will enjoy listening to one of Shakespeare`s sonnets. Its number 118

(1. Слушаем, 2. Читает сонет 2ученицы, 3. Перевод учеников – Сонет Шекспира, Перевод:

         1. С. Цветкова

         2. К. Рожков

         3. Н. Леонов).


Т: The second period of Shakespeare’s literary work is famous for his tragedies. They are «Hamlet», «Othello», «King Lear», «Macbeth», «Timon of Atheus», and others.

In his tragedies Shakespeare shows great human problems, the social injustice. He believed in a better future for all people. The ideas of freedom and happiness for all people have made him the greatest humanist of the world.

(Монолог «Быть или не Быть».)


Работа с известными выражениями из произведений Шекспира.

Т: Who is the best in knowing Shakespeare’s quotations?


1.     To be, or not to be, that is the question.

2.     All’s well that ends well.

3.     All that glistens is not gold.

4.     All the world’s a stage.


Подведение итогов урока.

T: Dear friends, thank you for the lesson. You have learnt a lot of things about Shakespeare’s family, about his native town, about his place and his sonnets. I think it was very interesting you will remember our lesson for a long time. Shakespeare was a great poet. He was “for all time”.


Начало урока.

Вступительное слово учителя

Т (учитель): Our lesson is devoted to the memory of William Shakespeare, the greatest English poet and dramatist. Shakespeare `s Birthday Celebrations are annually held in England. They will celebrate the 450th anniversary of his birthday todау (April 23).The season of Shakespeare` s plays usually begins in April and ends in November.


Сообщение о жизни и творчестве Шекспира

T: Let` s remember some facts of his biography. -   W. Shakespeare (перевод 2-х учеников)


William Shakespeare is the greatest and the most famous English writer. On April 23, 1564 a son, William, was born to John and Mary Shakespeare in Stratford- upon- Avon. His mother was the daughter of a rich farmer in the village of Wilmcote. His father was a glove-maker. 

At age of six he was sent to school, but had to leave it of the age of 13.

We don’t know about Shakespeare’s life when he was from 14 to 18.


Демонстрация слайдов, посвященных местам, которые связаны с именем Шекспира. (Презентация)

Показ слайдов сопровождается рассказами


Чтение сонетов Шекспира.

Т: His best comedies belong to the first period. His poems are also attributed to the first period. They are 154 sonnets.

T: I suppose you will enjoy listening to one of Shakespeare`s sonnets. Its number 118

(1. Слушаем, 2. Читает сонет 2ученицы в современной обработке.


Т: А теперь слово Шекспиру и его переводчикам.  Перевод учеников

 Сонет Шекспира, Перевод:

         1. С. Цветкова

         2. К. Рожков

         3. Н. Леонов).


Работа с известными выражениями из произведений Шекспира.

Т: Who is the best in knowing Shakespeare’s quotations?


1.     To be, or not to be, that is the question.

2.     All’s well that ends well.

3.     All that glistens is not gold.

4.     All the worlds a stage.


(Монолог «Быть или не Быть».)



Начало урока . Вступительное слово учителя

Начало урока . Вступительное слово учителя

Начало урока . Вступительное слово учителя

Начало урока . Вступительное слово учителя
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