Данный конспект урока составлен для урока английского языка в 7 классе по линии УМК "Счастливый Английский" издательство Титул авторов учебника М.И. Кауфман и К.Ю. Кауфман. Тема данного урока "Как я могу помочь окружающей среде?". План урока соответствует требованиям к уроку английского языка.
Открытый урок английского языка в 7 классе.
Учитель: Трофимова Елена Андреевна
Планконспект урока
Тема (The Title) : Как я могу помочь окружающей среде?
How can I help the environment?
Задачи (The Goals): 1) развивать учебнопознавательные интересы,
инициативу и творческие способности учащихся;
2) прививать учащимся любовь и уважительное отношение
к природе, воспитывать чувство сопричастности к миру и его проблемам;
3) систематизировать и обобщить полученные знания по
разделу, развивать речевые умения, навыки аудирования и письма.
Оборудование: компьютер, интерактивная доска, магнитофон, плакат с
деревом, раздаточный материал.
Ход урока:
I. Оргмомент. Stand up, please. Good morning! How are you? I am fine, thank
you. Sit down, please. And let's begin our lesson.
Who is on duty today? Who is absent? Why? What date is it today? What day of
the week is today? Thank you, sit down, please.
You see that we have a lot of guests at our lesson. Let’s greet them.
A duty commander : Dear guests! We welcome you to Navlya. We welcome you
to our school №2 named after Tamara Stepanova. We are the students of the 7th b
grade and I’m a duty commander. We know that you’ve come to the lesson to test
our teacher and our knowledge of English. We are very excited and a bit frightened
but we’ll do our best. We ask you not to be so strict and help us to work. Thank
you and welcome!
1. Warming up.
Well, thank you. Yes, we know what our guests are going to do. And what are you
going to do at the lesson? What are your expectations of the lesson? P1P2P3….
I see that you are ready to work, so the goals of the lesson are:
to read, write and speak English
to act out dialogues
to discuss problems
to get new information
to develop speaking skills
to generalize the unit.And what is the theme of the lesson? To find it out look at the blackboard and
listen, please.
( под музыку на экране слайды красивой и загрязненной природы – 1мин.)
You see that the nature is beautiful, wonderful, charming….and suffering. And we
are the part of the environment which has some ecological problems. How do you
think what will be the theme of the lesson? It is the question “How…. ?”
( дети называют тему урока “How can I help the environment?”)
Well done!
The subtopics of the lesson are:
1. Camping in 2170.
2. Think globally – act locally!
3. The planet needs our leaves.
II. Основная часть.
1. Brainstorming.
To speak up these themes we must do some revision .
Answer my question: what does the word environment mean to you?
What does the word pollution mean? What and who can pollute the environment?
When we say “The Earth is in danger” what ecological problems do we mean?
Now look at the blackboard and complete the sentences:
1. Forests and animals are a part of …….
2. We can help animals if we don’t…….
3. We can help fish if we don’t……
4. If I reuse my old exercise books, I can save …..
5. If I always turn water off, I can……
2. Homework checkup.
Now it’s time to check your homework. A duty pupil what was your homework?
P: The homework was: to read and translate the text “The Bottle” once again and
do ex.11.
Before checking your homework some of our students have prepared a surprise for
you. They decided to act out the scene from the text. The role of a mother will
play….., a grandfather is…. , Jack is…… Let’s watch!
( Учащиеся разыгрывают сценку из текста. На экране мрачный фон и речка.)
Great! Now open your books and let’s check ex.11.
3. Listening.The next task is listening, so let’s proceed to it. You have the sheets with the task.
Take them please. You will listen to the text “Tigers”. You know that tigers are
beautiful wild animals and very few of them are left in the world. You are to listen
to the text twice and then do the task in your sheets: choose the right answer.
Ready? Listen please.
(Дается время на выполнение задания на листочках, затем вызвать ученика к
интерактивной доске и проверить правильность выполнения задания.)
4. Discussing.
Well, if you remember the last sentence of ex.11 was: Jack’s grandfather didn’t
use to think about the environment. And do you think about it? Do you know the
ecological problems of your native settlement Navlya? What are they?
P1The river Navlya is polluted.
P2People drop litter in the streets.
P3People cut down forests.
P4People wash their cars in the river.
P5People breathe polluted and dusty air.
P6There is a radiation after the Chernobyl catastrophe.
We’ve pointed out the local problems. And what are their solutions? What can
you, children, do to help our settlement? Can we put away the radiation? No, of
course. Maybe, not to breathe the air? It’s a funny suggestion because we can’t live
without breathing. So what can you do?
P1We can plant trees and flowers.
P2We can take care of animals.
P3We can make homes for birds.
P4We can leave food for birds in winter.
P5We can tell everybody not to wash cars in the river because they pollute it.
P6We shouldn’t pollute the river.
P7We mustn’t drop litter in the streets.
P8We mustn’t make campfires in the forest.
P9We mustn’t break trees.
P10We must turn water off to save rivers.
Good for you! Your ideas are real in fact and you can easily fulfill them and help
our settlement and the environment.
5. Musical pause.
Well, it’s high time for some rest, isn’t it? Let’s listen to the song “Save the
environment” and sing along.
(Дети поют песню, на экране слова на фоне природы)
6. Project work.Did you have a rest? In the song there were the words “The planet needs our
Look at the blackboard. You see the tree. But it has no leaves! What a pity! I think
we can help it. You have green leaves that you’ve prepared at home. Take them
please and answer the question of the lesson “How can I help the
environment?” We can give the leaves to our guests and ask them join us. Write
your sentences, read them aloud and stick them on the tree, please.
(Учащиеся и гости пишут, читают и приклеивают листья на дерево).
How beautiful the tree is now!
III. Заключение.
Rounding off.
To sum up the lesson let’s return to the goals of it. Have we……
( читаем по строчке и отмечаем галочкой что сделано на уроке)
Children, how do you feel at the end of the lesson? What are your emotions?
Show us please your smiles.
Дети показывают свои смайлики, отражающие их эмоциональное состояние в
конце урока).
Then open your diaries and write down your homework:
to get ready for the test and write a short composition “ Save the environment”.
Look through all the tasks at home. Do you have any questions?
Your marks for the lesson are:………..
At the end of the lesson I’d like to recite you a poem. In my opinion, it is
concerned with the theme of the lesson and shows my emotions.
I want to live
And not to die!
I want to laugh
And not to cry!
I want to feel
The summer sun
I want to sing
When life is fun.
I want to fly
Into the blue
I want to swim
As fish can do.
I want to laugh
And not to cry!I want to live
And not to die!
Now stand up, please. The lesson is over. Thank you. Goodbye!
Информационный проект
урока английского языка
1.Класс: 7б
Количество учащихся в группе: 17 учеников
Возможности группы: способности учащихся выше среднего, мотивация
высокая, есть сильное ядро учеников, за которым тянутся остальные.
2. Тема урока: Как я могу помочь окружающей среде?
Тип урока: обобщающий.
1) развивать учебнопознавательные интересы, инициативу и
творческие способности учащихся;
2) прививать учащимся любовь и уважительное отношение к
природе, воспитывать чувство сопричастности к миру и его проблемам;
3) систематизировать и обобщить полученные знания по разделу,
развивать речевые умения, навыки аудирования и письма.
Оборудование: компьютерная презентация, интерактивная доска,
магнитофон с аудиокассетой, плакат, раздаточный материал.Формы, методы и приемы работы на уроке:
прием «warming up» разогрев;
совместное целеполагание;
прием «brainstorming» мозговой штурм;
драматизация отрывка из текста домашнего задания;
аудирование текста с использованием возможностей интерактивной доски;
дискуссия: постановка и пути решения экологических проблем Навли
силами самих учащихся;
музыкальная пауза;
элемент проектной работы «Promise Tree» «Дерево обещания»;
рефлексия учебной деятельности и эмоционального состояния учащихся.
Учитель высшей категории Агабекова Анна Мурадовна