Тема занятия : Building materials\ Строительные материалы
Цели занятия:
Обучающая: совершенствование лексических навыков по теме:“Строительные материалы”, формирование навыков и умений чтения и перевода профессионально ориентированных текстов.
Развивающая: развитие коммуникативных навыков и использование знаний ранее полученных в процессе обучения.
Воспитательная: содействовать воспитанию всесторонне развитой личности, формирование мотивации к профессиональной деятельности.
План занятия
Дисциплина:“Английский язык”
Тема: Building materials\ Новые строительные материалы
Тип занятия: комбинированное (усвоение нового материала и закрепление изученного)
Вид занятия: практическое
Используемые методы: индивидуальные и фронтальные, работа с мультимедиа,
самостоятельная работа обучающихся.
Цели занятия:
Обучающая: совершенствование лексических навыков по теме:“Строительные
материалы”, формирование навыков и умений чтения и перевода профессионально
ориентированных текстов.
Развивающая: развитие коммуникативных навыков и использование знаний ранее
полученных в процессе обучения.
Воспитательная: содействовать воспитанию всесторонне развитой личности,
формирование мотивации к профессиональной деятельности.
План занятия.
1)Организационный момент – 5 мин.
1. Постановка целей и задач
2.) Актуализация и проверка знаний обучающихся – 10 мин.
3) Ознакомление с новым лексическим материалом – 20–25мин.
1. Введение НЛЕ
2. Отработка НЛЕ на основе текста Building Materials in Construction
4) Закрепление – 4045 мин.
1. Выполнение после текстовых упражнений (ответы на вопросы; дополнение
2. Просмотр фильма
3. Самостоятельная работа (работа по карточкам)
4) Подведение итогов урока – 10 мин.
1. Домашнее задание
2. Выставление оценок
Раздаточный материал (тексты, после текстовые упражнения)
Презентация по теме урока
Видео фильм EcoFriendly Building Materials
Рабочие тетради Литература:
1. А.И.Бурлак. Учебник английского языка. Для студентов архитектурных строительных
специальностей. Н.И. Ажищев. Профессия – строитель.
2. Н.И. Ажищев. Профессия – строитель.
3. www. EcoFriendly Building MaterialsBob Vila
Ход занятия
1. (Greeting): объявление темы, цели, плана занятия.
Hello, dear students. I hope you are all fine, aren’t you? So tell me please, who is absent today?
Are you ready to work? What was your home task? Have you done it?
2. So, your home task was answer the question, let’s check it.
1. Is it possible to put up modern structures without using concrete?
2. Do you know what the most important quality of concrete is?
3. What is the most essential material for making concrete?
4.Can you tell us what process is called concrete hardening?
5. Into what two classes can concrete be divided?
6. What is a reinforced concrete?
7. Does concrete increase its strength with age?
3. Warmup activity
Today we shall do some interesting work that refers to building industry
Tell me please, what is your profession?
Do you work with building materials?
Do you like it?
Can you lay a brick?
Did you built anything?
In order to build a house or road, you should know what building materials exist, so we must
learn types of building materials .
Could you tell me the topic of our lesson?
The topic of our lesson is Building Materials.
Let’s open your exbooks and write down the date and the topic of the lesson .
Very good. Now please look at the screen, read and translate the words.(Приложение1).
Go on our work with the text Building Materials in Construction. Let’s read thе text and try to
4. Let’s do the following exercises.
Ex.1. Answer the following questions:
1 What are the most commonly used building materials?
2 What requirements should building materials meet?
3 Do building materials differ from each other?
4 What can you say about the most ancient building materials?
7 What artificial building materials do you know?
8 What natural building materials do you know?
Is concrete an artificial or natural building materials?
Into what groups do we divide building materials?
Ex.2. Complete the following sentences using English equivalents instead of the Russian
words and wordcombinations.
1. Materials that are used for structural purposes should (отвечать нескольким
2. They all differ in hardness, durability, strength, weight,(огнестойкости,устойчивости
против гниения) and cost. 3. Wood is cheap, easy to work with but it has (определенные недостатки).
4. Stone is widely used for foundations, walls and steps of buildings and (для отделки и
декорирования) all sorts of structures.
5. Bricks are hard and easily fastened together (посредством строительного раствора).
6. Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand and crushed stone, (образующих с водою тесто).
7. Primary building materials are used (для несущих конструкций ).
8. Synthetic materials are made (в промышленных условиях) after some human manipulations.
9. The architect must be able (выбирать и приспосабливать) materials of construction.
10. In the choice of materials for any work of construction (инженер
гражданского строительства ) must consider many factors.
Ex.3.. Do you know something about EcoFriendly building materials?
What is EcoFriendly building material?
Any product that has been designed to the least possible damage to the environment. These
materials are created from renewable sources and can be reused or recycled.
Let’s watch the film about it. Be very attentive and try to understand it.
Was it interesting for you?
What EcoFriendly materials have you seen ?
What do they make from aspen tree? (strand board)
How long does an aspen tree growth? (12 years)
What glue do the use to manufacture? (nontoxic)
What materials do they use for insulation? (recycled paper)
What other EcoFriendly materials do you know? (Bamboo, brick sun dried, straw, cement paint,
green roof).
Ex.5.. Match a line in A with a line in B to define the words :
Builder a mixture of lime, sand, and water, used in building for joining bricks
Brick a person whose job is building things, esp. houses
Stone a building for people to live in
House wood for building
Timber a piece of rock, esp. not very large, either of natural shape or cut out
specially for building
Water a building material made by mixing sand, very small stones, cement, and watt
Concrete a grey powder, made from lime and clay, which becomes hard like stone
after being mixed with water and allowed to dry, used in building to join
bricks together and in making concrete.
Mortar to employ for a purpose
Steel loose material of very small fine grains, found in wide masses along seacoasts and in deserts
Cement a metal consisting of iron used in building materials
Sand a hard rectangular piece of baked clay used for building
To use the most common liquid, without colour, taste, or smell, which falls from the
sky as rain, forms rivers, lakes, and seas, and is drunk by people and animals
5.Summarizing . Shortly, what have we done at our lesson? What was new for you, St1, St2…
Home task. To learn all new words by heart. Do CROSSWORD PUZZLE "Building Materials"
Thank you for your work at the lesson. Your work today rather good. But some of you were very
active. I give you “a five”. Other students have made a lot of progress. I put them “a four”. You
need some more practice with…
Did you like the way we have worked today? Any comments? Have you questions? Goodbye.
Конспект занятия на тему "Строительные материалы"
Конспект занятия на тему "Строительные материалы"
Конспект занятия на тему "Строительные материалы"
Конспект занятия на тему "Строительные материалы"
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