The Canterville Ghost.
1. Give the English equivalents:
Искусствовед |
Пятно- |
Вниз- |
Читать лекции по искусству |
Разлить- |
Поскользнулся- |
Гордиться чем-либо |
Убить- |
Скорлупки орехов- |
Рискованное предприятие- |
Вспышка молнии- |
Раздражать- |
Уметь хранить секреты- |
Удар грома- |
Уморить голодом- |
Месть- |
Бряцание металла- |
Похороны |
Чувствительный- |
Кисть руки- |
Гроб- |
Терять сознание от страха- |
Локоть- |
Зажжённый факел- |
Дом с привидениями- |
Ужасно оскорблён- |
Медовый месяц- |
Предупреждать- |
Цепь- |
Глаза наполнились слезами- |
Шутить- |
Лиловый- |
Могила- |
Капли дождя- |
Метла- |
2. Answer the questions:
1. When and where was Oskar Wilde born?
2. What were his parents?
3. Where did Oskar study?
4. When did he write his first book? What was it?
5. What did he do for his living?
6. Who did he write fairy tales for?
7. What are his most famous books?
8. How can you characterize the ghost?
9. What makes him annoyed? Why is he sad?
10.What kind of person is Virginia?
11.What does she like to do?
12.What is she good at?
13.What kind of man is Mr. Otis?
14.Does he believe in ghosts?
15.Why doesn’t he want to upset the ghost?
16.When do the twins laugh a lot?
17.What can you say about Mrs. Otis?
18.When does Mrs. Umney faint?
19.What kind of man is Lord Canterville?
20.Why is the Duke of Cheshire so happy?
21.Whose brother is Washington Otis?
Answer the questions:
1. Who told Mr. Otis that it was a mistake to buy the house?
2. Was he afraid of the ghost?
3. Describe Lucretia.
4. How many children were in the Otis family?
5. What was Mrs. Umney?
6. What was there on the floor near the fire?
7. Whose blood was it?
8. When did Simon de Canterville murder his wife?
9. What did Mr. Otis remove the stain with?
10. Did the stain appear on the floor every night?
11. What kind of noise did the family hear every night?
12. Where did it come from?
13. What did the ghost look like?
14. What did Mr.Otis give the ghost to oil his chains?
15. Why was the ghost shocked?
16. What made him terribly insulted?
17. How old was he?
18. Did he frighten everyone who saw him?
19. How did the stain on the floor change?
20. Why did the armour fall on the floor?
21. Who was the ghost afraid of?
22. Did the Canterville ghost see a real ghost?
23. What kind of man was Sir Simon?
24. What kind of tricks did the twins play on the ghost?
25. Who loved the ghost?
26. What was the ghost’s story?
27. What did the ghost want?
28. Why were the Otis family worried one day?
29. What did Virginia show her family in a small room?
30. What was there four days later?
31. Did Lord Canterville come for the funeral?
32. Where did they bury Sir Simon?
33. Why didn’t Lord Canterville take the jewels?
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