Контрольная работа по английскому языку 6 класс УМК Афанасьева И.О , Михеева , И.В
Оценка 5

Контрольная работа по английскому языку 6 класс УМК Афанасьева И.О , Михеева , И.В

Оценка 5
Контрольная работа по английскому языку 6 класс  УМК Афанасьева  И.О , Михеева , И.В
контр 6 класс 3 ч.docx



Test paper (V-1) Quarter III

Form 6 -----------

I. Use the right verb forms to complete the sentences:

1. If you (not know) ________________anything about Little Italy, I (tell)_______________about it.

2. I hope we (go) _______________to Broadway as soon as we (arrive) in New York.

3. If Tom (discover) _____________ the truth, he (be)_______________really happy.

4. If he (stay) ______________ in Mexico for a long time, they (miss) ______________him.

5. As soon as winter (come), we (make) ___________________a snowman.


II. Complete the sentences with the words from the box:

gold, poor, nearly, land, seashore, through, voyage, space, round, skyscraper, still


1. Crocodiles can live both on _____________________ ____________and in water.

2. The Smith had a wonderful _______________ to Spain last year.

3. We sat at a __________________________ table.

4. The pirates wanted to find ___________________________ very much.

5. There are a lot of _________________________ people in this African country.

6. The road runs __________________________ a tunnel.

7. It is 9 p.m. . Are they _____________________________ playing tennis?

8. Bob ________________missed the train. He arrived at the station rather late.

9. There are a lot of _________________________ in New York. It is really the city of tall buildings.

10. There is little ______________________ in my room..

11. Len is fond of holidays on the _________________________ and always spends summer in Greece.


III. Write shore or bank to complete the sentences:

1. Our cottage stands on the _____________________ of a beautiful lake.

2. The other _________________ of the river is very high.

3. This __________________of Atlantic Ocean is very sandy.

4. It is fairly windy on the _______________s of the Baltic Sea.

5. There are a lot of people on the _____________________s of the Black Sea in summer.

IV. Write at or in where necessary to complete the sentences:

1. They arrived ________ the airport at midnight.

2. Mark arrived ________ Mexico by car.

3. I am certain Betty will arrive ___________ the hotel in the evening.

4. We arrived ______________ here quite late.

5. Mum arrived _______________ France in autumn.


V. Read the text and complete the sentences:

It was beautiful sunny day in New York City. It was a perfect day for walking and John decided to take a walk across Brooklyn Bridge.

There were a lot of people on the bridge. They were walking, riding their bikes and eating ice- cream. There were also a lot of tourists there. They were taking pictures. Soon he saw an old man who was sitting on the bench and drawing a picture. Next to the man there were about 30 drawings. There were drawings of bridges and buildings of New York. There were drawings of people , s faces. All of them were black and white.

These drawings are so beautiful,” John told the man.

Thank you,” the old man said.. “I am from Russia. My English is not very good”……”Sit down,” the man said.

Do you want to draw me?” John asked.

Yes,” the man answered.

He continued walking. Soon he stopped to look at the Statue of Liberty. There were many ships and boats on the East River. Some boats were full of tourists. They were going to the Statue of Liberty.

What a pleasant time he was having in New York!

1. John decided to take a walk because___________________________________

a) the weather was good b) he had some free time c) he loved bridges

2. On Brooklyn Bridge there were a lot of _________________________________

a) bicycles b) tourists c) pictures

3. On the old man , s drawings you could not see ___________________________

a) buildings b) bridges c) many colours

4. The old man wanted to _______________________

a) talk to John b) draw Johns portrait c) sell John a picture

5. The boats took tourists to __________________________

a) the Statue of Liberty b) the other bank of the East River c) Brooklyn Bridge Park




















































Test paper (V-2) Quarter III

Form 6 -----------

I. Use the right verb forms to complete the sentences:

1. After dad (buy) _______________meat, mum (prepare)______________soup.

2. I (go) ________________to the theatre after I (wash)_____________the plates.

3. They (fly) ________________to Spain before autumn (come)_____________________.

4. If it (not be)_____________________windy, they( sail )________________to the sea.

5. As soon as Mary (write)________________ her exercises, she (have) _________________free time.


II. Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box:

arrived, hung, remembered, hoped, left, hugged, worried, belonged, hunted, fought, discovered


1. Dad ________________ that Susan was fond of lemons.

2. This castle ______________________________ to his family many years ago.

3. Dick __________________ about the meeting too late and missed it.

4. Bob ___________________ his photo on the wall.

5. When they________________________ at the airport, there was nobody there.

6. Rick always _______________________for the best when he was young.

7. Russian people _________________________ for their country in 1941-1945.

8. My uncle _______________________________ for sport 5 years ago.

9. Simon ______________________ for Washington , D.C. last week.

10. When I met Lulu, we__________________________ each other.

11. My brother came home very late and our parents________________________ a lot.


III. Write shore or bank to complete the sentences:

1. We usually have our holidays on the _____________________s of the Oka River.

2. The _________________s of the Pacific Ocean are really icy in the north.

3. I would like to go fishing to the river _______________________ .

4. Ben likes to jump off the river ___________________________ .

5. Some lakes are so big that you can’t see the other ____________________ of them..


    IV. Write at or in where necessary to complete the sentences:

1. Susan arrived _______________ home last week.

2. The tourists arrived ________________ the museum in the afternoon.

3. Let’s meet at the cinema. I, ll arrive ________________ there at 6.30.

4. When Colin arrived __________________ the Far East, it was winter.

5. I am not sure when the boss will arrive _________________ the meeting.


V. Read the text and complete the sentences:

It was beautiful sunny day in New York City. It was a perfect day for walking and John decided to take a walk across Brooklyn Bridge.

There were a lot of people on the bridge. They were walking, riding their bikes and eating ice- cream. There were also a lot of tourists there. They were taking pictures. Soon he saw an old man who was sitting on the bench and drawing a picture. Next to the man there were about 30 drawings. There were drawings of bridges and buildings of New York. There were drawings of people , s faces. All of them were black and white.

These drawings are so beautiful,” John told the man.

Thank you,” the old man said.. “I am from Russia. My English is not very good”……”Sit down,” the man said.

Do you want to draw me?” John asked.

Yes,” the man answered.

He continued walking. Soon he stopped to look at the Statue of Liberty. There were many ships and boats on the East River. Some boats were full of tourists. They were going to the Statue of Liberty.

What a pleasant time he was having in New York!

1. John decided to take a walk because___________________________________

a) the weather was good b) he had some free time c) he loved bridges

2. On Brooklyn Bridge there were a lot of _________________________________

a) bicycles b) tourists c) pictures

3. On the old man , s drawings you could not see ___________________________

a) buildings b) bridges c) many colours

4. The old man wanted to _______________________

a) talk to John b) draw Johns portrait c) sell John a picture

5. The boats took tourists to __________________________

a) the Statue of Liberty b) the other bank of the East River c) Brooklyn Bridge Park




He continued walking. Soon he stopped to look at the

He continued walking. Soon he stopped to look at the



Thank you,” the old man said.. “I am from

Thank you,” the old man said.. “I am from
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