для 4-х классов
на 2024-2025 учебный год
Количество вариантов – 1
Количество заданий - 6
Система оценивания. Каждый правильный ответ оценивается 1 баллом.
Максимально возможный балл за всю работу – 38
Таблица перевода баллов в отметки по пятибалльной шкале
Отметка по пятибалльной шкале |
«2» |
«3» |
«4» |
«5» |
0-13 |
14-24 |
25-31 |
32-38 |
На выполнение контрольной работы отводится 45 минут.
Контроль по теме «Мир вокруг меня» 3-й раздел
1. Прочитай слова и найди их значение.
1) racer a)отдыхать
2) to laugh b)заяц
3) rest c) вдруг
4) winner d) бегун
5) suddenly e)далёкий
6) fast f)смеяться
7) far g) быстрый
8) hare h) победитель
2. Вставь Was или Were.
1. It ____________ Vicky’s birthday.
2. She __________ in the garden.
3. The trees __________ green.
4. The day ________ nice.
5. We _________ in the park.
6. I _________ at home.
3 Вставь пропущенные слова.
shy, strong, loud, pretty, kind
1. He is very _____________! He always helps me with my homework.
2. Little Anna is a very _________ baby! Everyone likes her!
3. He shouts all the time! He’s a very ___________ person!
4. Nick is very ___________! He can carry big boxes!
5. Ben is very ______________! He never says a word!
4 Напиши, что это не так.
Образец: Lida watched TV last night. --- Lida didn’t watch TV last night.
1) Ann walked the cat yesterday.
2) Kate visited her grandpa last week.
3) They lived in London last year.
5. Раскрой скобки, поставь глагол в прошедшее время.
1. Mum ____________________ (make) a cake yesterday.
2. Peter _____________________(write) an e-mail to his friend last night.
3. I ________________________(see) your sister at the theatre last week.
4. The girls _________________ (buy) new T-shirts last Saturday.
5. Harry ____________________(eat) a salad for lunch.
6. Прочитай и поставь «+», если предложение верно или «-», если предложение неверно.
Three Bears
Mary lived near a green forest. The girl wanted to go to the forest. Her mother said, “Don’t go to the forest! Big bears live there.”
“I am brave,“ thought Mary and ran into the forest. It was so nice! She watched the birds and rabbits, frogs and foxes. She danced and ran in the forest.
Then Mary saw a big house and came into it. In the kitchen she saw a big table. The girl was very hungry and the dinner was on the table… She sat down and had dinner. After dinner Mary wanted to sleep so much! She saw a bedroom with three beds in it. Mary got into the little bed and fell to sleep.
Who lived in the house? The Bear family. Every morning they went to the forest and came home to have dinner.
What did they see in their house? No dinner in the kitchen! Little girl in Baby Bear’s bed! “What a bad girl!” says Mother Bear. “How angry I am!” said Father Bear. “I am hungry!” said Baby Bear.
Mary opened her eyes. She saw three big bears near the bed. She jumped out of the window and ran home.
1. Mary’s mother wanted to go to the forest
2. Mary watched bears and wolves in the forest.
3. Three bears lived in a big house.
4. Mary had dinner in the Bears’ kitchen
5. There were three beds in the bedroom.
6. Mary fell asleep in Father Bear’s bed.
7. The Bears were not angry with Mary.
8. Mary liked three bears very much.
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