Контрольная работа по английскому языку по теме "Артикль. Существительное" для студентов 1 курса, 2 варианта

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  • 04.01.2020
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку

по теме «Артикль. Существительное».

1 вариант


Задание1: Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число. (Помните: глагол тоже будет изменяться.) Перепишите предложения, следуя модели.

Model: A train is much quicker than a bus. - Trains are much quicker than buses.


1.       A lion is a dangerous animal.

2.       A lawyer generally earns more than a teacher.

3.       A computer is an expensive piece of equipment.

4.       A student has to work hard.


Задание 2. Выберите правильные варианты глаголов и перепишите предложения.

1.      My hair is / are blond.

2.      Gymnastics is / are my favourite subject.

3.      My favourite TV series is / are “The X-Files”.

4.      My favourite clothes is / are expensive designer clothes.


Задание 3. Перепишите предложения, правильно употребляя притяжательный падеж существительных (Fill in (’s), (’), (s) or no ending (-).

1.      Mrs Fletcher.. …….dog always sleeps in the kitchen.

2.      Let’s ask Nina………..     friends …..to join the party.

3.      The teachers... ………computer room is on the right.

4.      The neighbour ……… new car was a bargain (выгодная покупка).

5.      The children... …schoolbags…..  are upstairs in their room.

6.      Someone stole one of the reporter ……cameras …....

7.      The tourists……. suitcases........... …are too heavy.

8.      The policeman...... …….. phone is ringing.

9.      The Mitchells. ……..want to buy a new car, too.

10.      All these passengers. …….are taking the same ferry.

Задание 4. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. Перепишите предложения, подчеркивая артикль.

1. Everyone in our country knows Lomonosov, ... founder of ... first Russian university. 2. Nekrasov, ... famous Russian poet, described ... life of ... Russian peasants. 3. I don’t want to miss ... concert which will take place at ... Philharmonic on ... 15th of ... April. 4. He graduated from ... university of ... London six years ago. Now he is ... scientist. And though he is ... young scientist, his name is well known. 5. My aunt is ... teacher of ... physic. 6. Yesterday I read ... book by Dickens, ... famous English writer. 7. I am sorry, I don’t know ... way to ... nearest cafe. I am ... stranger here myself. 8. ... town I was born in is on ... Volga.  9. Who is author of this book?  10. ... quarter of ... hour was left before ... beginning of ... concert. We entered ... hall and saw ... group of ... pupils of our school. We joined them.








Контрольная работа по английскому языку

по теме «Артикль. Существительное».

2 вариант


Задание1: Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число. (Помните: глагол тоже будет изменяться.) Перепишите предложения, следуя модели.

Model: A train is much quicker than a bus. - Trains are much quicker than buses.

1.      A policeman only does what he is told.

2.      A cat is supposed to have nine lives.

3.      A bus is the best way of getting into town.

4.      A woman tends to live longer than a man.


Задание 2. Выберите правильные варианты глаголов и перепишите предложения.

1.     Physics is / are a subject I don’t like very much.

2.     Economics is / are not interesting for me.

3.     My father’s wages is / are extremely high.

4.     The staff at our school is / are very strict when we forget our homework


Задание 3. Перепишите предложения, правильно употребляя притяжательный падеж существительных (Fill in (’s), (’), (s) or no ending (-).

The Miller …….(1) house is not very big, so they cannot have big pet……..(2), but they have got a white rabbit and a black cat. The rabbit……(3) name is Blacky. Blacky....... …..(4) favourite meal is carrot……(5). The Miller………(6) son……(7) name is Tom. Tom…….(8) favourite meal is sausage….(9) and chip……(10).Sally and Tina are Tom….(11) sister……(12). Tom…….(13) sister…..(14) favourite meal is salad and his parent..................................................................... ..….(15) favourite meal is roast beef and potatoe………(16).


Задание 4. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. Перепишите предложения, подчеркивая артикль.

1. During ... vacation I attended some interesting lectures. I remember two of ... lectures best of all. They were about ... Russian music. 2. I am sure he won’t stay in ... town for ... vacation. 3. Two weeks are left before ... end of ... school year. ... examina­tions are coming. On ... first of ... June we shall take ... exam in ... literature. 4. Today is my day off. Iam going to spend ... day in ... country. 5. My brother brought ... new book yesterday. When I looked at ... title, I was very glad: it was ... book which I had wanted to get for ... long time. 6. My sister is ac­quainted with ... actor who played ... leading part in ... play you saw yesterday. 7. What... river is ... long­est in ... Europe? — Why, what ... strange question to ask! Any schoolboy can tell you that it is ... Volga.

8. I am afraid you will have ... lot of ... trouble with this business. 9. ... day was not bright yesterday. ... sky was covered with ... clouds. 10. What ... pity! I can’t come to ... party tonight.






Ключ к контрольной работе по английскому языку

по теме «Артикль. Существительное».

1 вариант


Задание 1. 1) Lions are dangerous animals. 2) Lawyers generally earn more than teachers. 3) Computers are expensive pieces of equipment. 4) Students have ...

Задание 2. 1) hair is ... 2) Gymnastics is ... 3) TV series is 4) clothes are

Задание 3.1) Mrs Fletcher’s dog 2) Nina’s friends, (-) 3) The teachers’ computer room 4) The neighbour’s new car 5) The children’s school bags, (-) 6) reporter’s cameras (-) 7) The tourists’ suitcases (-) 8) The policeman’s phone 9) The Mitchells (-) want ... 10) all these passengers (-) are taking ...

Задание 4.Everyone in our country knows Lomonosov, the founder of the first Russian university. 2. Nekrasov, a famous Russian poet, described the life of Russian peasants. 3. I don’t want to miss the concert which will take place at the Philharmonic on the 15th of April. 4, He graduated from the University of London six years ago. Now he is a scientist. And though he is a young scientist, his name is well known. 5. My aunt is a teacher of physics. 6. Yesterday I read a book by Dickens, a famous English writer. 7.1 am sorry, I don’t know the way to the nearest cafe. I am a stranger here myself. 8. The town I was born in is on the Volga. 9. Who is the author of this book? 10. A quarter of an hour was left before the beginning of the concert. We entered the hall and saw a group of pupils of our school. We joined them.




















Ключ к контрольной работе по английскому языку

по теме «Артикль. Существительное».

2 вариант


Задание 1. 1) Policemen only do 2) Cats are supposed ... 3) Buses are ... 4) Women tend ...

Задание 2. 1) Physics is 2) Economics is 3) wages are 4) The staff are (имеются ввиду все учителя в школе).

Задание 3.1) The Millers’ 2) pets 3) The rabbit’s name 4) Blacky’s 5) carrots 6-7) The Millers’ son’s name 8)Tom’s 9) (-) 10) chips 11) Tom’s 12) sisters 13) Tom’s 14) sisters’ 15) parents’ 16) potatoes

Задание 4. 1. During the vacation I attended some interesting lectures. I remember two of the lectures best of all. They were about Russian music. 2.1 am sure he won’t stay in town for the vacation. 3. Two weeks are left before the end of the school year. The examinations are coming. On the first of June we shall take an exam in literature. 4. Today is my day off. I am going to spend the day in the country. 3. My brother brought a new book yesterday. When I looked at the title, I was very glad: it was the book which I had wanted to get for along time. 6. My sister is acquainted with the actor who played the leading part in the play you saw yester­day. 7. What river is the longest in Europe? — Why, what a strange question to ask! Any schoolboy can tell you that it is the Volga. 8. I am afraid you will have a lot of trouble with this business. 9. The day was not bright yesterday. The sky was covered with clouds. 10. What a pityl I can’t come to the party tonight.