Lesson plan “What time is it”
Оценка 5

Lesson plan “What time is it”

Оценка 5
Lesson plan “What time is it”
Lesson plan.docx

Lesson plan “What time is it

Sodiqova Dilbar Tolibjonovna – Uzbekistan, Yangikurgan, school № 12

Subject: English

Class: 5 “A”, 5 “Б”, 5 “B”

Time: 45 min.

Theme: What time is it?

Main aims: teach children to correctly call time and answer the question "What time?", improve vocabulary skills in speaking and reading

Subsidiary aims: To development of memory and attention, develop children's communication skills polite

Teaching aids: book, cards, visual material, SD

Stages of the lesson

1. Organizing moment:

Т: Good morning. How are you?

Well, I’m glad to see you. What day is it today?

P. Today is…

2. Checking home work

3. Warm up:

Tick –tock. Tick – tock.

It can tell you all the day.

Time to sleep and time to play.

4. Introducing new material

Today we are going to travel to the land Tick-Tock.




Look at the picture. There you can see words which are necessary to speak about the time. Do you know them? Let’s translate them. 
When we speak how many minutes does the minute arrow after the beginning of the hour till it’s half, we use preposition past, when we speak how many minutes are left till it’s end we use the preposition to. 
To tell the time in the first part of the day from midnight till midday, we use A.M. (in the morning), to tell the time in the second part of the day from midday till midnight, we use P.M. (in the evening).
Ex: It’s 3 o’clock a.m. – 3.00
It’s half past 2 a.m. – 2.30
It’s a quarter to 6 p.m. – 17.45


Listen and repeat.

Colin: What time is it?

A woman: It’s 8 o’clock.

Colin: - Thank you.


Talk to your friend.

  • Excuse me
  • … .
  • It’s … .
  • … .

Warm up:

Stand up, please!

Hands up! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Hands down! Shake! Shake! Shake!

Hands on hips! Jump! Jump! Jump!

Hop! Hop! Hop! Stop! Stand still!

Interaction patens:

1. in pairs – 10

2. whole class – 15

3. in individually – 15

Home work:

Prepare your own examples on the material (5 offers).

7.20 -

8.00 -

15.30 -

22.40 -

5. 15 -


Lesson plan “What time is it”

Lesson plan “What time is it”

Lesson plan “What time is it”

Lesson plan “What time is it”

Lesson plan “What time is it”

Lesson plan “What time is it”
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