Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа им. В.Г. Шухова» г.Грайворона
Грайворонского района Белгородской области
(МБОУ «СОШ им. В.Г. Шухова» г.Грайворона)
«Рассмотрено» ШМО социально-гуманитарного цикла МБОУ «СОШ им.В.Г.Шухова» г.Грайворона Протокол № 1от 26 августа 2020 г.
«Согласовано» Заместитель директора МБОУ «СОШ им.В.Г.Шухова» г.Грайворона __________ Т.М.Гапоненко 26 августа 2020 г.
«Утверждаю» Директор МБОУ «СОШ им.В.Г.Шухова» г.Грайворона ______________О.О.Устинова 27 августа 2020 г. № 254
Фонд оценочных средств
к рабочей программе
по предмету « Иностранный язык (английский)»
Класс 5-В
Учитель: Ситало Зинаида Васильевна
Пояснительная записка
Фонд оценочных средств по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык» разработан на основе Закона «Об образовании Российской Федерации» от 29.12.12 № 273-ФЗ, Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта основного общего образования от 17.12.10 №1897.
Согласно ФГОС предметные результаты освоения учащимися образовательной программы оцениваются по четырем видам речевой деятельности (говорении, чтении, аудировании и письменной речи), а также по уровню сформированности языковой компетенции ( владение языковыми средствами) и социокультурной компетенции.
Языковая компетенция включает в себя знание и правильное применение грамматических правил, адекватное произношение и различение на слух всех звуков иностранного языка, распознавание и употребление в речи основных значений изученных лексических единиц
( слов, словосочетаний, реплик-клишэ речевого этикета).
Социокультурная компетенция представляет собой представление об особенностях образа жизни, быта, культуры стран изучаемого языка.
В соответствии ИМП ОГАОУ ДПО «БелИРО» оценка индивидуальных достижений обучающихся по ИЯ реализуется в форме следующих видов контроля: текущий, периодический контроль.
Текущий контроль проводится на уровне речевых навыков (произносительных, лексических, грамматических, орфографических, техники чтения). В ходе текущего контроля оценивается любое, особенно успешное действие обучающегося, фиксируется отметкой. Преобладающей формой текущего контроля является самостоятельная работа (время проведения 5-20 минут). Данные виды работ оцениваются по пятибалльной системе.
Периодический (почетвертной) контроль проводится на уровне речевых умений (говорение, чтение, восприятие на слух, письмо). Для осуществления контроля умений чтения, восприятия на слух и письма отдельных уроков не проводится.
Поскольку периодический контроль носит комплексный характер и проверяет сформированность речевых умений в рамках нескольких тем, то проводится он не по определенной теме, а за четверть в целом. Контрольные работы носят комплексный характер и проводятся на базовом уровне по 4 видам речевой деятельности (говорение, чтение, аудирование, письмо).
Временной регламент проведения
Вид речевой деятельности |
Время проведения |
Аудирование |
10-20 минут |
Чтение |
10-20 минут |
Письмо |
10-20 минут |
Говорение |
40-45 минут |
Контрольно – измерительные материалы (КИМы) к урокам по английскому языку во 5 классе составлены по учебнику «Английский с удовольствием» «Enjoy English». Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанёва Н.Н. Учебник для 5 класса общеобразовательных учреждений - Москва: ДРОФА, 2019 г. и авторской программе Английский язык: 5-9 классы: рабочая программа / М. З. Биболетова, Н. Н. Трубанёва. - М: Дрофа, 2017. - 160 с. - (Enjoy English / «Английский с удовольствием»), а также книги для учителя: Английский язык. Книга для учителя с поурочным планированием к учебнику «Английский с удовольствием» «Enjoy English» для 5 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. - Москва: ДРОФА, 2019 г.
Содержание контрольно–измерительных материалов разработано по основным темам курса уроков по английскому языку. В курсе изучения английского языка 5 контрольных работ. Здесь представлены рубежные и итоговые контрольные работы. Работы включают различные задания по английскому языку. Данные задания позволяют определить качество знаний обучающихся по английскому языку, установить степень усвоения ими учебного материала в конце года, могут быть использованы для определения остаточных знаний в начале учебного года. Предлагаемые задания способствуют развитию познавательного интереса обучающихся, активизируют их внимание, расширяют кругозор, способствую формированию метапредметных связей.
Задания по темам составлялись учителем английского языка на основе контрольно-измерительных материалов к УМК учебнику «Английский с удовольствием» «Enjoy English». Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанёва Н.Н. Учебник для 5 класса общеобразовательных учреждений - Москва: ДРОФА, 2019 г.
В фонде оценочных средств представлены два-три варианта, но во время проведения контрольных работ учитель может применять как два, так и три, и четыре варианта в зависимости от количества обучающихся класса и уровня их обученности. Задания в контрольных работах разных лет могут отличаться, но при этом структура и тематика их сохраняется.
При разработки КИМов использовались материалы из следующих пособий:
Ø Учебник
«Английский с удовольствием» «Enjoy English». Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанёва Н.Н. Учебник для 5 класса общеобразовательных учреждений - Москва: ДРОФА, 2019 г.
Английский язык. Книга для учителя с поурочным планированием к учебнику «Английский с удовольствием» «Enjoy English» для 5 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. - Москва: ДРОФА, 2019 г.
Задания по чтению и аудированию, чтению в основном носят тестовый характер и позволяют определить качество знаний обучающихся, установить степень усвоения ими учебного материала в конце полугодия и года. Обучающиеся выполняют задания путем выбора правильного ответа и его записи. Предлагаемые задания способствуют развитию познавательного интереса обучающихся, активизируют их внимание на уроке, расширяют кругозор, способствую формированию метапредметных связей.
Оценивание результатов освоения образовательной программы по иностранному языку осуществляется в соответствии с Положением о нормах оценок по предметам (приказ от 23.01.2012 № 56).
Согласно рекомендациям ИМП ОГАОУ ДПО «БелИРО» отдельные виды речевой деятельности оцениваются учителем с помощью объема выполненной работа на основе таблицы критериев.
Виды работ |
Контрольные работы |
Самостоятельные работы, словарные диктанты |
Тестовые задания |
Оценка «2» |
Менее 50% |
Менее 50% |
Менее 50% |
Оценка «3» |
От 50% до 69% |
От 60% до 74% |
50 – 74 % |
Оценка «4» |
От 70% до 90% |
От 75% до 94% |
75 – 94 % |
Оценка «5» |
От 91% до 100% |
От 95% до 100% |
95 – 100 % |
Требования к уровню усвоения иностранного языка.
Оценка 5 ставится за вид речевой деятельности говорение в том случае, если:
· общение осуществилось, высказывания обучающихся соответствовали поставленной коммуникативной задаче, и при этом их устная речь полностью соответствовала нормам иностранного языка в пределах программных требований для данного класса.
Оценка 4 ставится в том случае, если:
· общение осуществилось, высказывания обучающихся соответствовали поставленной коммуникативной задаче, и при этом обучающиеся выразили свои мысли на иностранном языке с незначительными отклонениями от языковых норм, а в остальном их устная речь полностью соответствовала нормам иностранного языка в пределах программных требований для данного класса.
Оценка 3 ставится, если:
· общение осуществилось, высказывания обучающихся соответствовали поставленной коммуникативной задаче, и при этом обучающиеся выразили свои мысли на иностранном языке с отклонениями от языковых норм, не мешающими, однако, понять содержание сказанного.
Оценка 2 ставится, если:
· общение не осуществилось или высказывания обучающихся не соответствовали поставленной коммуникативной задаче, обучающиеся слабо усвоили языковой материал, выразили свои мысли на иностранном языке с такими отклонениями от языковых норм, которые не позволяют понять содержание большей части сказанного.
Оценка 5 ставится, если:
· коммуникативная задача решена, при этом учащиеся полностью поняли и осмыслили содержание текста в объеме, предусмотренном заданием, чтение соответствовало программным требованиям для каждого класса.
Оценка 4 ставится, если:
· коммуникативная задача решена, учащиеся поняли и осмыслили содержание прочитанного, в объеме, предусмотренном каждым классом.
Оценка 3 ставится, если:
· коммуникативная задача решена и при этом учащиеся поняли и осмыслили главную идею текста, в объеме, предусмотренном заданием, чтение в основном соответствует программным требованиям.
Оценка 2 ставится, если:
· коммуникативная задача не решена, учащиеся не поняли содержания прочитанного текста в объеме, предусмотренном заданием, и чтение не соответствует программным требованиям.
Оценка 5 ставится, если:
· коммуникативная задача решена, и при этом обучающиеся полностью поняли содержание иноязычной речи, соответствующей программным требованиям для каждого класса.
Оценка 4 ставится, если:
· коммуникативная задача решена, и при этом обучающиеся полностью поняли содержание иноязычной речи, соответствующей программным требованиям для каждого класса, за исключением отдельных подробностей, не влияющих на понимание содержания услышанного в целом.
Оценка 3 ставится, если:
· коммуникативная задача решена, и при этом обучающиеся полностью поняли только основной смысл иноязычной речи, соответствующей программным требованиям для каждого класса
Оценка 2 ставится, если:
· если обучающиеся не поняли смысла иноязычной речи, соответствующей программным требованиям для каждого класса.
- умение заполнять официальный бланк (анкету)
- умение написать короткое сообщение, связанное с повседневной жизнью обучающихся
Оценка 5 ставится, если:
· коммуникативная задача решена полно и точно, нет орфографических, грамматических и синтаксических ошибок; имеется обоснованность употребления лексики, её разнообразие, обеспеченность связности текста за счёт фразовых и межфразовых связей.
Оценка 4 ставится, если:
· обучающийся допустил некоторые орфографические, грамматические и синтаксические ошибки; коммуникативная задача решена полно и точно.
Оценка 3 ставится, если:
· если обучающийся допустил некоторые орфографические, грамматические и синтаксические ошибки; коммуникативная задача решена, но не полно и не точно.
Оценка 2 ставится, если:
· коммуникативная задача не решена, большое количество ошибок.
Оценка тестовых работ
Оценка 5 ставится, если:
· выполнил работу в полном объёме с соблюдением необходимой последовательности действий;
· допустил не более 2% неверных ответов.
Оценка 4 ставится, если:
· выполнены требования к оценке 5, но допущены ошибки(не более 20% от общего количества заданий).
Оценка 3 ставится, если:
· выполнил работу в полном объёме, неверные ответы составляют от 20% до 50% ответов от общего числа заданий;
· если работа выполнена не полностью, но объём выполненной части таков, что позволяет получить оценку.
Оценка 2 ставится, если:
· работа выполнена полностью, но количество правильных ответов не превышает 50% от общего числа заданий;
работа выполнена не полностью и объём выполненной работы не превышает 50% от общего числа заданий.
фонда оценочных средств
№ п/п |
Предмет |
Класс |
Контролируемые разделы (темы) предмета |
Наименование оценочного средства |
1 |
Английский язык |
5 |
«Welcome to Our School» – «Добро пожаловать в нашу школу» |
Контрольная работа №1 |
2 |
Английский язык |
5 |
« We Are Going to London» - «Мы собираемся в Лондон» |
Контрольная работа №2 |
3 |
Английский язык |
5 |
«Visiting London» - «Посещение Лондона» |
Контрольная работа №3 |
4 |
Английский язык |
5 |
«Family Talks» - «Семейные разговоры» |
Контрольная работа №4 |
5 |
Английский язык |
5 |
Итоговая контрольная работа |
ProgressCheck - 1
V – 1
1. Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.
1) a student
a) a form b) a uniform c) a pupil
2) to enjoy
a) to like b) to start c) to travel
3) silly
a) not clever b) not interesting c) not funny
2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.
1) – When does a school … start in Great Britain?
- It starts on the 1st of September.
a) uniform b) subject c) year
2) We can find out some facts about people and events of the past in … .
a) Literature b) History c) Science
3) Let’s … about the weather.
a) speak b) tell c) say
4) He had a funny … when he was studying at school.
a) rule b) timetable c) nickname
5) We … a lot of time outdoors and visited many interested places.
a) spent b) went c) took
3. Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.
1) I usually … my granny on Saturday.
a) visit b) visited c) will visit
2) There … 30 pupils in our class last year.
a) are b) were c) will be
3) He will not … his holidays in America?
a) spend b) spent c) spends
4) My sister … an English book next week.
a) read b) will read c) reads
5) … they buy two pencils yesterday?
a) Do b) Will c) Did
4. Выберите правильный вариант перевода.
1) girl’smarks
a) оценка девочки b) оценка девочек с) оценки девочки d) оценки девочек
2) children’stoys
a) игрушка ребенка b) игрушки ребенка с) игрушка детей d) игрушки детей
3) teachers’ room
a) комната учителя b) комнаты учителя с) комната учителей d) комнаты учителей
4) Where are you from?
a) Гдеты? b) Откудаты?
5) Did you help your mum yesterday?
a) Ты будешь помогать маме завтра? b) Ты помогал маме вчера?
Progress Check - 1
V – 2
1. Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.
1) a class
a) a student b) a form c) a subject
2) to learn by heart
a) to recite b) to study c) to talk
3) dull
a) not clever b) not interesting c) not bright
2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.
1) – At what … do students go to a secondary school in Russia?
- At 10 – 11.
a) age b) form c) party
2) We read stories about animals and birds in … .
a) History b) Literature c) Science
3) … me about your friends, please.
a) Tell b) Say c) Speak
4) Our teacher explained grammar … for us.
a) subject b) form c) rule
5) Did you … shopping yesterday?
a) spend b) go c) miss
3. Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.
1) I usually … to the country to visit my grandmother.
a) go b) went c) will go
2) My pencil … on the table yesterday.
a) is not b) was not c) are not
3) … they go to the zoo with us next week?
a) Will b) Do c) Did
4) He … to London with his friends in two months.
a) travels b) travelled c) will travel
5) They didn’t … the window two hours ago.
a) open b) opened c) opens
4. Выберите правильный вариант перевода.
1) pupil’stextbooks
a) учебник ученикаb) учебники ученика с) учебник учеников d) учебники учеников
2) men’spets
a) питомец мужчины b) питомцы мужчины с) питомец мужчин d) питомцы мужчин
3) boys’ disc
a) диск мальчика b) диски мальчиков с) диск мальчиков d) диски мальчиков
4) How old are you?
a) Какты? b) Сколькотебелет?
5) Will you do your homework tomorrow?
а) Ты делал домашнюю работу вчера?
b) Ты будешь делать домашнюю работу завтра?
Progress Check - 2
V – 1
I. Выберите слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.
1) to have a picnic
a) to stay b) to arrange c) to visit
2) trip
a) travel b) programme c) weekend
3) to stay
a) to kiss b) to go out c) to visit
II. Выберите и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу.
1) I’d like to invite a … of students to visit us.
a) invitation b) programme c) group d) form
2) Our … programme was very rich: we visited a lot of places.
a) local b) social c) foreign d) computer
3) Our school will be … for the costs of accommodation.
a) responsible b) glad c) interested d) going to
4) The students will … with British families.
a) stay b) invite c) miss d) arrange
5) Let’s … a picnic at the weekend.
a) arrange b) play c) propose d) have
III. Выберите правильное окончание вопроса.
1) She doesn’t like coffee, …?
a) does she b) isn’t she c) doesn’t she
2) My brother enjoys reading, …?
a) isn’t he b) does he c) doesn’t he
3) You can play the guitar, …?
a) don’t you b) can’t you c) can you
4) My parents travelled a lot last summer, …?
a) didn’t they b) don’t they c) didn’t we
5) Those women are doctors, …?
a) are we b) aren’t they c) don’t they
IV. Выберитеправильнуюформу.
1) Barbara Grey … going to visit Russia.
a) am b) is c) are
2) The English partners … going to be responsible for the costs of accommodation.
a) am b) is c) are
3) … am going to play football on weekend.
a) I b) You c) She
Progress Check - 2
V – 2
I. Выберите слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.
1) to have a good time
a) to stay b) to arrange c) to spend
2) weekend
a) group b) day out c) situation
3) to go out
a) to propose b) to invite c) to walk
II. Выберите и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу.
1) Polite people always come in … .
a) café b) theatre c) time d) cinema
2) The Head Teacher would like to … a group of 20 students.
a) invite b) propose c) take d) visit
3) Put on this dress for a … .
a) party b) change c) visit d) invitation
4) Our … hockey team won the game.
a) foreign b) social c) local d) school
5) You can … the tables.
a) stay b) arrange c) kiss d) invite
III. Выберите правильное окончание вопроса.
1) We can have a party on Sunday, …?
a) can we b) can’t we c) don’t we
2) The children are not at home, …?
a) aren’t they b) are they c) don’t they
3) Mrs Adams speaks German, …?
a) doesn’t she b) does he c) doesn’t he
4) Tom spent the holidays in France, …?
a) don’t he b) didn’t he c) doesn’t he
5) She will be twelve next month, …?
a) won’t she b) will she c) isn’t she
IV. Выберитеправильнуюформу.
1) They … going to visit London in April.
a) am b) is c) are
2) Stephen Wooding … going to invite Russian students to Britain.
a) am b) is c) are
3) … am going to watch TV in the evening.
a) I b) She c) You
Progress Check - 3
V – 1
1. Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.
1) to give an interview
a) to ask questions b) to answer questions c) to read and write questions
2) a close family
a) a noisy family b) a friendly family c) a serious family
3) intelligent
a) talkative b) stupid c) clever
4) vet
a) doctor b) driver c) lawyer
5) unreal
a) pleasant b) possible c) fantastic
2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.
1) Next year her school is going to arrange an English-Russian students' … .
a) change b) exchange c) characteristics
2) My father protects the famous family. He is a … .
a) lawyer b) businessman c) bodyguard
3) I think a teacher is a very … job.
a) responsible b) hospitable c) quiet
4) How would you … your family?
a) say b) understand c) describe
5) My little sister is a good pianist. Her hobby is … .
a) playing sports b) playing a musical instrument c) cooking
3. Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.
1) Listen! Mary … a new song.
a) is singing b) sings c) will sing
2) My friend … to be a dentist.
a) goes b) is going c) are going
3) Our teacher … us only good marks yesterday.
a) gives b) gave c) will give
4) We … a letter to our English pen-friend next Sunday.
a) will write b) write c) wrote
5) My parents discuss their problems every morning, … ?
a) aren’t they b) don’t they c) do they
4. Выбериправильныйвариантперевода.
1) Our teacher is telling us a funny story.
a) Наш учитель рассказывал нам смешную историю.
b) Наш учитель рассказывает нам смешную историю.
с) Наш учитель расскажет нам смешную историю.
2) Linda will arrange the students’ exchange.
а) Линда всегда организует обмен студентами.
b) Линда всегда организовывала обмен студентами.
с) Линда будет организовывать обмен студентами.
Progress Check - 3
V – 2
1. Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.
1) to take an interview
a) to ask questions b) to answer questions c) to arrange questions
2) an occupation
a) characteristics b) job c) hobby
3) rude
a) stupid b) responsible c) cruel
4) dentist
a) driver b) doctor c)nurse
5) unusual
a) original b) pleasant c) formal
2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.
1) I would like to … my plans for today.
a) exchange b) change c) do
2) My mum treats many kinds of animals. She is a … .
a) librarian b) housewife c) veterinarian
3) I think a bodyguard is a very … job.
a) conservative b) traditional c) dangerous
4) Would you … in a few words about your family?
a) describe b) read c) say
5) My brother likes music. His hobby is … .
a) watching TV b) listening to music c) playing the piano
3. Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.
1) Look! The children … to a funny story.
a) listen b) are listening c) will listen
2) Timothy … to be an engineer.
a) is going b) are going c) goes
3) Last weekend we … our Granny.
a) visit b) visited c) will visit
4) My parents … to the cinema tomorrow.
a) will go b) went c) go
5) Timothy goes to school by bus, … ?
a) isn’t he b) doesn’t he c) is he
4. Выбериправильныйвариантперевода.
1) We are not going to write her a letter.
a) Мы не пишем ей письмо.
b) Мы не собираемся писать ей письмо.
с) Мы не будем писать ей письмо.
2) My mum always helps sick people in hospital.
a) Моя мама всегда помогает больным людям в больнице.
b) Моя мама всегда помогала больным людям в больнице.
c) Моя мама сейчас помогает больным людям в больнице.
Progress Check – 4
V - 1
1. Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.
1) a visitor
a) a Londoner b) a monument c) a tourist
2) popular
a) famous b) beautiful c) favourite
3) next to
a) beside b) not to be far from c) across
2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.
1) London is the … of Great Britain.
a) country b) capital c) museum
2) How many … are there over the river Thames?
a) bridges b) stadiums c) squares
3) Jane must … of her old Granny.
a) take part in b) take place c) take care of
4) Moscow was … in 1147.
a) founded b) different c) like
5) Excuse me, I’m … Oxford Street. Can you tell me where it is?
a) getting to b) staying at c) looking for
6) I would like to meet a … Londoner.
a) cruel b) real c) symbol
3. Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.
1) She … chess now.
a) play b) plays c) is playing d) are playing
2) We … English at home.
a) speak b) speaks c) is speaking d) are speaking
3) I … to see Big Ben at the moment.
a) want b) am wanting c) wanted d) will want
4) The boy … a book now is my friend.
a) read b) reading
5) Tom found a … letter at home.
a) returnedb) returning
4. Выбери правильный вариант перевода.
1) Сейчасонзавтракает.
a) He is having breakfast now.
b) He has breakfast now.
2) Почему Вы ненавидите мою сестру?
а) Why are you hating my sister?
b) Why do you hate my sister?
3) Тише! Они слушают лекцию врача.
a) Keep silence! They listen to the doctor’s lecture.
b) Keep silence! They are listening to the doctor’s lecture.
Progress Check – 4
V - 2
1. Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.
1) town
a) palace b) country c) city
2) famous
a) favourite b) well-known c) beautiful
3) church
a) cathedral b) tower c) bridge
2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.
1) London is the biggest … in the United Kingdom.
a) capital b) country c) city
2) There is a … to Admiral Nelson in the middle of Trafalgar Square.
a) monument b) symbol c) voice
3) Did her children … in the concert?
a) take place b) take part c) take care
4) Yelets was … in 1146.
a) different b) founded c) like
5) Could you tell me how to … Westminster Abbey?
a) stay at b) look for c) get to
6) Mark Twain is one of the most … American writers.
a) popular b) probably c) cruel
3. Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.
1) Mike often … chess.
a) play b) plays c) is playing d) are playing
2) The children … a nice toy now.
a) draw b) draws c) is drawing d) are drawing
3) Look! I … a lot of people there.
a) see b) am seeing c) saw d) will see
4) She saw the … child at that moment.
a) cried b) crying
5) They will see the work … well.
a) doingb) done
4. Выбери правильный вариант перевода.
1) Cейчас у него урок математики.
a) He is having a Maths lesson now.
b) He has a Maths lesson now.
2) Вам нравится мое новое платье?
a) Are you liking my new dress?
b) Do you like my new dress?
3) Тише! Она учит стихотворение наизусть.
a) Keep silence! She learns the poem by heart.
b) Keep silence! She is learning the poem by heart.
1. Поставь существительное во множественное число.
2. a textbook-
3. a pencil-
4. a uniform-
5. a subject-
6. a dictionary-
7. a picture-
2. Поставь в притяжательном падеже ‘s или ‘. Переведи на русский язык.
1. my mother …. bag
2. these pupils … computers
3. the teachers … pens
4. the teacher … dictionary
5. these girls … timetable
6. this boy … nickname
7. children … flowers
8. Ann … and Sam … desk
3. Определи время в предложении, переведи на русский язык, построй вопросительное и отрицательное предложение.
1. They speak English every day.
2. We studied Art last year.
3. She will go abroad next month.
4. Расставь слова в нужном порядке, чтобы получились предложения.
1. classroom, is, a blackboard, in the, there.
2. flowers, there, on the, window, are.
3. is, a picture, there, wall, on the?
4. not, there, a workbook, is, on the, desk.
5. Составь словосочетания, переведи их на русский язык.
to spend |
a book |
to take |
shopping |
to miss |
pictures |
to go |
holidays |
to take |
parents |
1. Составь словосочетания из данных слов.
local |
programme |
group |
a picnic |
social |
music |
to stay |
school |
to arrange |
of students |
birthday |
in the hotel |
responsible for |
cake |
2. Подбери хвостики к разделительным вопросам.
can they? |
didn’t she? |
wasn’t he? |
do they? |
have you? |
isn’t he? |
3. Добавь хвостик разделительного вопроса.
4. Составь предложения с оборотом going to,переведи на русский язык, построй вопросительное и отрицательное предложение.
2. I ………………… visit America.
3. He ………………. meet his friends.
1. Fill in the missing words.
unfriendly |
athletic |
unhappy |
real |
non-stop |
impolite |
independent |
possible |
2.Guess what they are.
3.Make questions and negative sentences.
4. Make the sentences.
5. Add –ing to the verbs.
· Smile
· Have
· Put
· Run
· Cook
· Write
· go
1. Write the word combinations.
Big |
Abbey |
Westminster |
Square |
Trafalgar |
Ben |
The Tower |
of London |
The Houses |
Bridge |
Tower |
Palace |
The Bloody |
of Parliament |
Buckingham |
Tower |
The White |
Tower |
2. Put Present Simple or Present Continuous.
3. Choose the verbs that do not use in Present Continuous.
go |
want |
like |
need |
swim |
love |
play |
hate |
read |
see |
work |
have |
4. Use Present Simple or Present Continuous.
5. Ask questions and make negatives.
6. Choose the odd word.
· a city, a town, a capital, a radio
· possible, a stadium, real, well-known
· a tourist, a guide, blood, a queen
· legend, a museum, a gallery, a tower
Входная контрольная работа
II вариант
Задание № 1
Употребите правильные формы глагола to be в оборотах There is/ There are.
1) There …some chairs in the room. 3) There …three books and a pen .
2) There … an apple on the plate. 4) There … a book on the deck.
Задание № 2
Выберите правильный вариант
1) She … her friends tomorrow.
a) visits b) will visit c) visited
2) They … very much yesterday.
a) work b) will work c) worked
3) We … to the stadium every day.
a) go b) will go c) went
Задание № 3
Поставь глаголы в прошедшем времени (Past Simple)
1. Yesterday I……. to school. (go)
2. Last week I …….tennis. (play)
3. Yesterday my sister also …… to school. (go)
Задание № 4
Употребите нужный глагол am, is, are
1. He … a pupil. |
2. It … a cat. |
3. We … people. |
4. I … a girl. |
5. She … clown. |
Входная контрольная работа
I вариант
Задание № 1
Употребите правильные формы глагола to be в оборотах There is/ There are.
1) There … a pencil in the pencil box. 3) There …a carpet near the fireplace.
2) There … two chairs at the table. 4) There …an armchair in the bedroom.
Задание № 2
Выберите правильный вариант
1. She … a cake. She has a birthday yesterday.
a) bring b) will bring c) brought
2. She … the text next Saturday.
a) translate b) will translate c) translated
3. We … a teacher last night.
a) meet b) will meet c) met
Задание № 3
Поставь глаголы в прошедшем времени (Past Simple)
1. Yesterday I …….. to school.( go)
2. Last week I …..tennis. (play)
3. Yesterday my sister also ….. to school. (go)
Задание № 4
1. Употребите нужный глагол am, is, are
1. She … seller. |
2. They … doctors. |
3. It … a class. |
4. You … my sister |
5. He … your father. |
I variant Задание № 1 1. Is 2. Are 3. Is 4. Is Задание № 2 1.c 2.b 3.c Задание № 3 1. Went 2. Played 3. Went Задание № 4 1.is 2.are 3. is 4. are 5. is
II variant Задание № 1 1. are 2. is 3. are 4. Is Задание № 2 1.b 2.c 3.a Задание № 3 1. Went 2. Played 3. Went Задание № 4 1.is 2.is 3. are 4. am 5. is
Mark your score
14-15 |
13- 12 |
11 -9 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
1. Match the words to make phrases.
to get sightseeing to get marks
to borrow marks
to improve English
to spend holidays
to invite a dictionary
to go guests
2. Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter.
Example: Jess won’t... us her secret.
a) speak b) say c) (tell)
1. He ... very slowly, so the students understood him.
a) spoke b) said c) told
2.Do you…….German? – No, I don’t. I only speak Russian.
a) speak b) say c) tell
3.He didn’t ……anything about his trip to Russia
а) speak b) say c) tell
4.Do your friends ... French or Spanish? — French.
а) speak b) say c) tell
3. Complete the text.
Use: vegetables , sunbathe, takes part, artist, musician, at the seaside
Every summer I spend my holidays with my parents at the seaside. My dad is an…….
He paints pictures of nature and my mum is a talented ……….She ………….in musical concerts on TV. Every morning, we swim and ……….a lot. My parents and I like to eat……. because it is good for our health.
4. Complete the letter. Put the verbs in the Past Simple.
Dear Jane,
Thank you for your letter. It was so nice to hear from you! My summer holidays were also interesting. In June I went (go) to the country. I………(spend) a month at my
dacha. I rode my bike and played with my friends. It was warm but it often rained in June. So we _________(swim) in the lake. But we went fishing. Once I…….(catch) a very big
fish and we__________(have) a tasty dinner. Sometimes my granny and I…………(pick)
berries in the forest.
In July, my parents and I went to the sea side. We (do) a lot of sunbathing and enjoyed the sea. I (not / miss) my school friends. I just didn’t have time!
_________you____________ (take) any pictures at the camp? Will you send some of them to me?
Best wishes,
Mark your score
22 -20 |
19 - 16 |
15- 12 |
11 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
Test № 1 Sections 1-3 (unit 1) I variant
1. Match the words to make phrases.
to get sightseeing to get marks
to borrow marks
to improve English
to spend holidays
to invite a dictionary
to go guests
2. Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter.
Example: Jess won’t... us her secret.
a) speak b) say c) (tell)
1. He ... very slowly, so the students understood him.
a) spoke b) said c) told
1. Will you ... us about your school party? — Certainly.
a) speak b) say c) tell
1. She ... that she likes to read stories in English.
а)speaks b) says c) tells
1. Do your friends ... French or Spanish? — French.
а)speak b) say c) tell
3. Complete the letter.
Use: camp, sunny, outdoors, evenings, miss, spend
Dear Anton,
I haven’t heard from you for a long time. How are you? I’m at camp now. It’s fun to be here. The weather is fine. It’s____1_____ and hot. I spend a lot of time_____2____. We ride horses and walk in the fields. We have different sport competitions and outdoor games. We also make fires, play the guitar and sing songs in the___3_______.
I___4___my parents and friends a little, but I will be home in a week. Where do you___5___ your summer holidays?
Write back soon.
Best wishes,
4. Complete the letter. Put the verbs in the Past Simple.
Dear Jane,
Thank you for your letter. It was so nice to hear from you! My summer holidays were also
interesting. In June I went (go) to the country. I (spend) a month at my dacha. I
rode my bike and played with my friends. It was warm but it often rained in June. So we
_________(swim) in the lake. But we went fishing. Once I (catch) a very big
fish and we__________(have) a tasty dinner. Sometimes my granny and I…….(pick)
berries in the forest.
In July, my parents and I went to the sea side. We (do) a lot of sunbathing and
enjoyed the sea. I (not / miss) my school friends. I just didn’t have time!
_________you____________ (take) any pictures at the camp? Will you send some of them to me?
Best wishes,
Mark your score
22 -20 |
19 - 16 |
15- 12 |
11 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
I variant Task 1 Borrow a dictionary, improve English, spend holidays, invite guests, go sightseeing Task 2 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. a Task 3 1. sunny 2. outdoors 3. evenings 4. miss 5. spend Task 4 1. spent 2. swam 3. caught 4. had 5. picked 6. did 7. did not miss 8. did you take
II variant Task 1 Borrow a dictionary, improve English, spend holidays, invite guests, go sightseeing Task 2 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. a Task 3 1. artist 2. musician 3. takes part 4. sunbathe 5. vegetables Task 4 1. spent 2. swam 3. caught 4. had 5. picked 6. did 7. did not miss 8. did you take |
Mark your score
22 -20 |
19 - 16 |
15- 12 |
11 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
«5» «4» «3» «2»
Test yourself № 2 I variant
2. Complete the sentences. Make a new word using -er, -man, -ist, -or and fill in the blanks (пропуски).
Example: My brother plays different roles in School Theatre. He says he wants to become a famous .... (to act) — He says he wants to become a famous actor.
1. Our History always tells us very interesting stories! (to teach)
2. Who is your favourite ? (to write) — I like Joanne Rowling and her books
about Harry Potter.
1. What is this film about? — A well-known (sport)
2. Yesterday I was at the concert of a young (music). The music was wonderful!
3. Complete the questions with tag endings.
Example: Your parents were in Germany this summer, ...? — Your parents were in Germany this summer, weren’t they?
1. Ann can ski very well, ?
2. You didn’t visit Paris last year, ?
3. This boy is our new classmate, ?
4. Her classmates weren’t in the zoo last month, ?
4. Complete the sentences. Put the adjectives in the right form.
Example: Lets go to the Photography Club during the ... break I’ll show you my new photos.
(long) — Lets go to the Photography Club during the longest break. I’ll show you my new photos.
1. I can swim ____________this year after summer sports camp, (good)
2. What subject is for you? — Science, (interesting)
3. Our new classroom is than the old classroom, (big)
5. Put the words in the correct order.
Example: your / What / subject / favourite / is / ? — What is your favourite subject?
1. last / wear / Did / year/ school / uniform / you / ?
2. Science / have / do / not / We / year / this / .
3. have / autumn / When / you / will / holidays / your / ?
4. lessons / Do / often / miss / you / the / ?
Mark your score
19 -18 |
17 - 14 |
13 -9 |
9 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
Test yourself № 2 II variant
2. Complete the sentences. Make a new word using -er, -man, -ist, -or and fill in the blanks (пропуски).
Example: My brother plays different roles in School Theatre. He says he wants to become a famous .... (to act) — He says he wants to become a famous actor.
1. Yesterday I was at the concert of a young (music). The music was wonderful!
2. A famous lived in this house, (science) Now it’s a museum.
3. The Russian took part in the concert, (to sing)
4. My brother likes drawing. I think he will become an one day. (art)
3. Complete the questions with tag endings.
Example: Your parents were in Germany this summer, ...? — Your parents were in Germany this summer, weren’t they?
1. We won’t play tennis at the weekend, ?
2. Our class will go the museum tomorrow, ?
3. The film was great, ?
4. Her classmates weren’t in the zoo last month, ?
4. Complete the sentences. Put the adjectives in the right form.
Example: Lets go to the Photography Club during the ... break I’ll show you my new photos.
(long) — Lets go to the Photography Club during the longest break. I’ll show you my new photos.
1. The weather today is______than yesterday. It’s cold and windy. ( bad)
2. Our new classroom is than the old classroom, (big)
3. Yesterday we took a Maths test. It was the______Maths test in my life! ( difficult)
5. Put the words in the correct order.
Example: your / What / subject / favourite / is / ? — What is your favourite subject?
1. lessons / Do / often / miss / you / the / ?
2. reading / stories / holiday / I / detective / on / enjoy / .
3. know / school / What / your / do / about / you / ?
4. do / do / What / IT lessons / you / in / ?
Mark your score
19 -18 |
17 - 14 |
13 -9 |
9 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
I variant Listening 1 – C 2 – D 3 – A 4 - B Task 2 1. teacher 2. writer 3. sportsman 4. musician
Task 3 1. can’t she? 2. Did you? 3. Isn’t he? 4. Were they?
Task 4 1. better 2. most interesting 3. bigger
Task 5 1. Did you wear a school uniform last year? 2. We do not have Science this year. 3. When will you have your autumn holidays? 4. Do you often miss the lessons? |
II variant Listening 1 – C 2 – D 3 – A 4 - B
Task 2 1. musician 1. scientist 2. singer 3. artist
Task 3 1. will we? 2. Won’t it? 3. Wasn’t it? 4. Were they?
Task 4 1. worse 2. bigger 3. most difficult
Task 5 1. Do you often miss the lessons? 2. I enjoy reading detective stories on holidays. 3. What do you know about your school? 4. What do you do in IT lessons? |
Mark your score
19 -18 |
17 - 14 |
13 -9 |
9 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
Test yourself 3 Sections 1-2 I variant
1. a) Match the words to make phrases.
to enjoy guests
to take abroad
to invite place
to collect the date
to arrange badges
to go the film
b) Complete the sentences with the new word combinations.
Example: Did you yesterday? — Did you enjoy the film yesterday?
1. Sam is going to _______ _______to his birthday party.
2. Let’s _______ _______of the meeting.
3. Where will the party _______ _______ ? — In school.
2. Complete the questions with tag endings.
Example: Linda got an invitation letter yesterday, ...? — Linda got an invitation letter yesterday, didn’t she?
1.The friends were responsible for the project, ?
1. Tomorrow the students will arrange the date and time, ?
2. Jim didn’t take part in the project, ?
3. There were a lot of students in the hall, ?
3. Fill in: am, is, are.
Example: What ... you going to do? — What are you going to do?
1. I _____ going to visit Alice in the hospital. Will you go with me?
2. What William going to do? — I don’t know.
3. The students going to arrange a concert for their parents.
4. Why John going to see a doctor? — He has a sore throat.
5. We going to take part in the project.
4. Complete the sentences. Circle the right verb.
E xample: Tomorrow they ... sightseeing,
a) went b) go c) will go
1. ... she ... summer holidays in the country every
year? — Yes, she has many friends there,
a) Does ... spend b) Do ... spend c) Did ... spend
2. We stayed at home last weekend because my
brother ... ill.
a) was b) is c) will be
3. “Mum, I ... a sore throat. Could you make me
some lemon tea?” — Of course, dear,
a) had b) have c) will have
4. What ... you ... to do next weekend?
a) did ... go b) do ... go c) are ... going
Mark your score
22 -20 |
19 - 15 |
14 -11 |
11 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
Test yourself 3 Sections 1-2 II variant
1. a) Match the words to make phrases.
to enjoy guests
to take abroad
to invite place
to collect the date
to arrange badges
to go the film
b) Complete the sentences with the new word combinations.
Example: Did you yesterday? — Did you enjoy the film yesterday?
1. Where will the party _______ _______ ? — In school.
2. Have you got any hobbies? — Yes, I _______ _______.
3. The head teacher got an invitation letter yesterday. His students will _______ _______ next month.
2. Complete the questions with tag endings.
Example: Linda got an invitation letter yesterday, ...? — Linda got an invitation letter yesterday, didn’t she?
were a lot of students in the hall, ?
1. Marry is going to see the dentist,___________________?
2. It was sunny and warm yesterday,__________?
3. Chris likes taking photos,_______________?
3. Fill in: am, is, are.
Example: What ... you going to do? — What are you going to do?
1. I _____ going to visit Alice in the hospital. Will you go with me?
2. What William going to do? — I don’t know.
3. The students going to arrange a concert for their parents.
4. Why John going to see a doctor? — He has a sore throat.
5. We going to take part in the project.
4. Complete the sentences. Circle the right verb.
E xample: Tomorrow they ... sightseeing,
a) went b) go c) will go
1. When _____the friends______? –Two days ago.
a) did……meet b) do….meet c) will meet
1. My uncle began to collect stamps when he was 10.
Now he_____a big collection.
a) had b) has c) will have
2. How is Alice? – Thanks, she …….better today.
a) feel b) feels c) felt
1. ……..you …..after lessons and help me to decorate the hall? – Sure.
a) do……stay b) did…stay c) will …..stay
Mark your score
22 -20 |
19 - 15 |
14 -11 |
11 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
I variant Task 1 1. Enjoy the film, take place, invite guests, collect badges, arrange the date, go abroad. 2. 1. Invite guests 2. arrange the date 3. take place Task 2 1. Weren’t they? 2. Won’t they? 3. Did he? 4. Weren’t thre? Task 3 1. am 2. is 3. are 4. is 5. are
Task 4 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. c |
II variant Task 1 1. Enjoy the film, take place, invite guests, collect badges, arrange the date, go abroad. 2. 1. Take place 2. collect badges 3. go abroad Task 2 1. Weren’t there? 2. Isn’t she? 3. Wasn’t it? 4. Doesn’t he? Task 3 1. am 2. is 3. are 4. is 5. are
Task 5 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. c |
Mark your score
22 -20 |
19 - 15 |
14 -11 |
11 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
Test yourself № 4 I variant
2. Match the words.
to read sport
to send a newspaper
to do Christmas tree
to decorate postcards
to shake hands
3. Complete the sentences. Fill in: am, is, are.
Example: Could I phone you later? I ... doing my homework now. — I am doing my homework now.
1. Where is Ann? — In the living room. She______arranging flowers in the vase.
2. Why _____ William crying? — He can’t find his ball.
3. What _____ you doing? — Sh-sh! It’s a surprise.
4. The children decorating the room for the New Year party. Will you help them?
5. Who _____ singing? — My sister.
4. Make up sentences.
Example: he / computer / is / games / playing / Where / ? — Where is he playing computer games?
1. the / doing / now / What / are / students / ? —
2. Kerry / cake / Christmas / making / is /.—
3. now / not / doing / They / are / homework / their /.—
5. Complete the dialogue. Use the Present Simple and the Present Continuous.
Betty: Oh, what a funny photo! When did you take it?
Ben: Last year, at my school’s New Year Eve party.
Betty: Who is playing the guitar? (play)
Ben: Duncan. He often the guitar at the parties, (play) He can play the guitar very well.
Betty: What the girls ? (do)
Ben: They an old English song, (sing) The girls perform in our School
Theatre. Look! Jim and Ann . (dance) They are good dancers.
They in our School Dancing Club, (dance)
Betty: I see. And what do you do after classes?
Ben: I like taking photos. Do you like my photo?
Betty: It’s great.
Mark your score
21 -19 |
18 - 15 |
14 -10 |
10 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
Test yourself № 4 II variant
2. Match the words.
to read sport
to shake a newspaper
to decorate Christmas tree
to send postcards
to do hands
3. Complete the sentences. Fill in: am, is, are.
Example: Could I phone you later? I ... doing my homework now. — I am doing my homework now.
1. Who…….singing?- My sister.
2. The children decorating the room for the New Year party. Will you help them?
3. What _____ you doing? — Sh-sh! It’s a surprise.
4. Where is Ann? — In the living room. She______arranging flowers in the vase.
5. Why _____ William crying? — He can’t find his ball.
4. Make up sentences.
Example: he / computer / is / games / playing / Where / ? — Where is he playing computer games?
1. now / not / doing / They / are / homework / their /.—
2. it / Is / snowing / now / ? —
3. he / Why / reading / is / book / that / ? —
5. Complete the dialogue. Use the Present Simple and the Present Continuous.
Betty: Oh, what a funny photo! When did you take it?
Ben: Last year, at my school’s New Year Eve party.
Betty: Who is playing the guitar? (play)
Ben: Duncan. He often the guitar at the parties, (play) He can play the guitar very well.
Betty: What the girls ? (do)
Ben: They an old English song, (sing) The girls perform in our School
Theatre. Look! Jim and Ann . (dance) They are good dancers.
They in our School Dancing Club, (dance)
Betty: I see. And what do you do after classes?
Ben: I like taking photos. Do you like my photo?
Betty: It’s great.
Mark your score
21 -19 |
18 - 15 |
14 -10 |
10 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
I variant Listening 1 – D 2 – C 3 – B 4 - A Task 2 Send postcards, do sport, decorate Christmas tree, shake hands. Task 3 1. is 2. is 3. are 4. are 5. is Task 4 1. What the students doing now? 2. Kerry is making a Christmas cake. 3. They are not doing their homework now. Task 5 1. plays 2. are doing 3. are singing 4. are dancing 5. dance |
II variant Listening 1 – D 2 – C 3 – B 4 - A Task 2 Send postcards, do sport, decorate Christmas tree, shake hands. Task 3 1. is 2. are 3. are 4. is 5. is Task 4 1. They are not doing their homework now. 2. Is it snowing now? 3. Why is he reading that book? Task 5 1. plays 2. are doing 3. are singing 4. are dancing 5. dance |
Mark your score
21 -19 |
18 - 15 |
14 -10 |
10 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
Test yourself 5 Sections 1-3 I variant
1.Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter.
Example: The students took ... in the festival.
a) part) b) place c) care
1. Is the museum ... visiting? — Yes, there is lots to see.
a) well b) worth c) need
1. ... me, could you tell me how to get to Tower Bridge?
a) Sorry b) Excuse c) Please
1. The old city is ... for its sights,
a) full b) rich c) famous
4. What is the ancient abbey famous ...?
a) of b) for c) at
5. Have you been ... Scotland? — No, but I’d like to visit it someday,
a) at b) in c) to
6. The small town is full ... sights, isn’t it?
a)of b) for c) in
2. Write down the dates.
Example: The ancient fortress was founded in ... . (eleven-thirteen) — The ancient fortress was
founded in 1113.
1. The Tower of London was founded in (ten sixty-six)
2. In__________Elizabeth II, Queen of Britain, visited Moscow and St Petersburg.
(nineteen ninety-four)
1. D. Defoe wrote his book about Robinson in (seventeen nineteen)
3. Complete the sentences. Use the Present Simple and the Present Continuous.
Example: I ... your cake. Could I have another piece? (like) — I like your cake.
1. What is the name of the fortress? — I don’t ______________. (know)
2. Look! The puppy_____________ with the frog, (play)
3. What are you doing? — I’m drawing a map. I ________________ the map for my project, (need)
4. Complete the text. Fill in the definite article the if necessary.
The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland. It is situated in the west of Europe. The capital of the country is
London. There are many museums, old cathedrals and monuments in the city. Tourists from
_____France, Italy, Russian Federation and other countries from all over the
world come to the British capital. They want to see Tower of London, Trafalgar
Square, and______ Houses of Parliament.
4. Why are the brothers crying? — They ___________________ ice cream, (want)
Mark your score
21 -19 |
18 - 15 |
14 -10 |
10 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
Test yourself 5 Sections 1-3 II variant
1.Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter.
Example: The students took ... in the festival.
a) part) b) place c) care
1. The boy opened the door and came ….the room.
a) into b) out c) for
1. ... me, could you tell me how to get to Tower Bridge?
a) Sorry b) Excuse c) Please
1. The old city is ... for its sights,
a) full b) rich c) famous
4. Excuse me, can you tell me, where the British museum is? – Turn left….the café.
a) on b) to c) at
5. Have you been ... Scotland? — No, but I’d like to visit it someday,
a) at b) in c) to
6. Where did you stay in London?
a) to b) in c) into
2. Write down the dates.
Example: The ancient fortress was founded in ... . (eleven-thirteen) — The ancient fortress was
founded in 1113.
1. When were you in London? – I was there in___________________. ( twenty eleven)
2. When was the Science Museum founded? – In_______________. ( eighteen fifty – seven)
3. D. Defoe wrote his book about Robinson in (seventeen nineteen)
3. Complete the sentences. Use the Present Simple and the Present Continuous.
Example: I ... your cake. Could I have another piece? (like) — I like your cake.
1. Where is Ann? – In the kitchen. She __________lemon tea for her mum. ( make)
2. I usually ___________ sandwiches and a cup of tea for breakfast. ( have)
3. What are you doing? — I’m drawing a map. I ________________ the map for my project, (need)
4. Why are the brothers crying? — They ___________________ ice cream, (want)
4. Complete the text. Fill in the definite article the if necessary.
The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland. It is situated in the west of Europe. The capital of the country is
London. There are many museums, old cathedrals and monuments in the city. Tourists from
_____France, Italy, Russian Federation and other countries from all over the
world come to the British capital. They want to see Tower of London, Trafalgar
Square, and______ Houses of Parliament.
Mark your score
21 -19 |
18 - 15 |
14 -10 |
10 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
I variant Task 1 1. b 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. c 6. a Task 2 1. 1066 2. 1994 3. 1719 Task 3 1. know 2. is playing 3. need 4. want Task 4 Of Europe, London, France, Italy, the Russian Federation, the Tower of London, Trafalgar square, the houses of Parliament |
II variant Task 1 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. c 6. b Task 2 1. 2011 2. 1857 3. 1719 Task 3 1. Is making 2. have 3. need 4. want Task 4 Of Europe, London, France, Italy, the Russian Federation, the Tower of London, Trafalgar square, the houses of Parliament |
Mark your score
21 -19 |
18 - 15 |
14 -10 |
10 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
Test yourself 6 Sections 4-6 I variant
2. Write Participle II of the verbs (the third form):
Example: give — given
come —_____________ buy —____________
see — _____________ sing — ___________
decorate —___________ stop — ___________
write —_____________
3. Fill in: have or has.
Example: ... she chosen the book? — Has she chosen the book?
1. ________you watched the new film about Harry Potter? — Not yet.
2. Three of the students_________already finished the test.
3. Look at the players! I think they_______never played hockey.
4. Match the words.
to lay
to cut
to make to have to enjoy to do
a sweet tooth the washing up the table
a cake breakfast
a slice of bread
5. Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple and the Present Perfect.
1. a) He______lots of photos of different places. Now he can take part in the photo exhibition, (take)
b) Yesterday, he went sightseeing and_______lots of photos, (take)
2. a) _____you_______the novel yet? Is it worth reading? (read)
b) When_____you______the book? — Last summer, (read)
Mark your score
24 -21 |
20 - 15 |
13 -11 |
10 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
Test yourself 6 Sections 4-6 II variant
2. Write Participle II of the verbs (the third form):
Example: give — given
have —_____________ bet—____________
want — _____________ bring — ___________
live —___________ see — ___________
3. Fill in: have or has.
Example: ... she chosen the book? — Has she chosen the book?
1. . Look at the players! I think they_______never played hockey.
2. They ________ just arranged the date and time,
3. What __________ happened to the boy? — I don’t know.
4. Match the words.
to lay
to cut
to make to have to enjoy to do
a sweet tooth the washing up the table
a cake breakfast
a slice of bread
5. Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple and the Present Perfect.
1. a) _____you______to the new park? — Not yet. (be)
b) I________there 3 months ago. (be)
2. a) She_______her classmates to her birthday party. There will be lots of guests, won’t there? (invite)
b) Julia_______her friends to the park yesterday. They had a picnic, (invite)
Mark your score
24 -21 |
20 - 15 |
13 -11 |
10 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
I variant Listening 1 – D 2 – C 3 – B 4 – A Task 2 Come, seen, decorated, written, bought, sung, stopped Тask 3 1. have 2. have 3. have Task 4 Lay the table, cut a slice of bread, make a cake, have a sweet tooth, enjoy breakfast, do the washing up Task 5 1. a) has taken b) took 1. a) have read b) did read |
II variant Listening 1 – D 2 – C 3 – B 4 – A Task 2 had, wanted, lived, taken, bet, brought, seen Task 3 1. have 2. have 3. has Task 4 Lay the table, cut a slice of bread, make a cake, have a sweet tooth, enjoy breakfast, do the washing up Task 5 1. a) have been b) was 1. a) has invited b) invited |
Mark your score
24 -21 |
20 - 15 |
13 -11 |
10 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
Test yourself 7. Section 1-2 I variant
1 Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter.
Example: I’m spending my holidays at camp. It is great fun but I’ve been ... a little.
a) obedient b)homesick c) serious
1. Music is just a ... for her. She is going to be a doctor.
a) job b) profession c) hobby
2. Have you seen our Head Teacher’s ... in the youth magazine? It’s worth reading.
a) dialogue b) interview c) information
3. The little boy is very ... . He asks lots of questions about everything.
a) curious b) polite c) naughty
2. Make up the words with opposite meaning.
Use: un-, im-, in-, non-
Example: athletic — non-athletic
usual — polite —
pleasant — correct —
possible —
3. Complete the sentences. Put in the verbs in the right form. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
Example: Ken ... to a school club two times a week. (go) — Ken goes to a school club two times a week.
1. My sister______________German and Spanish. (speak)
2. The group of young scientists________________on the project now. (work)
3. Where is Tom? He________________the dog in the park. (walk)
4. Paul____________an unusual hobby for a boy. He likes cooking. (have)
5. Are you busy? — Yes, I _____________ my mother in the kitchen. I’ll phone you later, (help)
4. Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter.
Example: What are you responsible ... in School Theatre Club?
a) of b)for c) to
1. I think the boy has a good sense ... humour. Just read his story!
a) from b) of c) in
2. Do you get... well with your cousins? Not always.
a) on b) up c) in
3. Yesterday, Jess gave an interview ... a newspaper journalist, didn’t she?
a) at b) for c) to
4. Alice, we usually go to the park on Sundays. Let’s go to the zoo ... a change.
a) to b) for c) on
Mark your score
17 -16 |
15 - 13 |
12-10 |
9 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
Test yourself 7. Section 1-2 II variant
1 Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter.
Example: I’m spending my holidays at camp. It is great fun but I’ve been ... a little.
a) obedient b)homesick c) serious
1. I think this trip to England is a great ….to learn English.
a) opportunity b) time c) impression
2. Thank you, my dear friends! The party was .... I will surely remember it forever!
a) unpleasant b) unforgettable c) unhappy
3. Music is just a ... for her. She is going to be a doctor.
a) job b) profession c) hobby
2. Make up the words with opposite meaning.
Use: un-, im-, in-, non-
Example: athletic — non-athletic
friendly — lucky —
real — happy—
possible —
3. Complete the sentences. Put in the verbs in the right form. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
Example: Ken ... to a school club two times a week. (go) — Ken goes to a school club two times a week.
1. …..you …….my new shoes? – Yes, they are nice. ( like)
2. My older brother ……as a manager in a shop. He leaves home at 8 a.m. ( work)
3. Where is Tom? He________________the dog in the park. (walk)
4. My grandparents are interested in theatre. They……… to a theatre every month. ( go)
5. Hush! They……………a test! Let them work. ( take)
4. Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter.
Example: What are you responsible ... in School Theatre Club?
a) of b)for c) to
1. Our school team consists ……..10 students.
a) from b) in c) of
2. Do you get... well with your cousins? Not always.
a) on b) up c) in
3. Yesterday, Jess gave an interview ... a newspaper journalist, didn’t she?
a) at b) for c) to
4. Alice, we usually go to the park on Sundays. Let’s go to the zoo ... a change.
a) to b) for c) on
Mark your score
17 -16 |
15 - 13 |
12-10 |
9 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
I variant Task 1 1. c 2. b 3. a
Task 2 Unusual, unpleasant, impossible, impolite, incorrect Task 3 1. speaks 2. is working 3. is walking 4. has 5. am helping
Task 4 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b |
II variant Task 1 1. a 2. b 3. c
Task 2 Unfriendly, unreal, impossible, unlucky, unhappy
Task 3 1. do…like 2. works 3. is walking 4. go 5. are taking
Task 4 1.c 1. a 2. c 3. b
Mark your score
17 -16 |
15 - 13 |
12-10 |
9 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
Test yourself 9 Sections 3-5 I variant
1. Послушай рассказы детей и догадайся, кем они хотят стать.
Заполни таблицу: впиши соответствующий номер говорящего. Ты услышишь каждый рассказ дважды.
police officer |
computer programmer |
librarian |
doctor |
2. Match the words to make phrases.
t o protect ships
to play criminals
to repair computers
to catch sports
to treat animals
3. Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter.
Example: Willy can’t go for a walk. He ... ... his homework yet.
a) doesn’t finish b) hasn’t finished c) didn’t finish
1. My mum always ... ... care of all the members of our family.
a) will take b) is taking c) takes
2. When my granddad was younger, he was a police officer and ... criminals.
a) catches b) has caught c) caught
3. Who are these letters from? — I don’t know. The postman ... just ... them.
a) is bringing b) will bring c) has brought
4. When ... you ... to the library? — The day after tomorrow. I haven’t finished the book yet.
a) will ... go b) have ... gone c) did ... go
4. Put the words into the correct order.
Example: am /I / to / a / going / dentist / be /.— I am going to be a dentist.
1. are / What / you / going / be / to /?
2. speaking / with / students / her/ The / is / teacher /.
3. tell / us / you / Will / about / hobby / your /?
5. Complete the text. Put the verbs in the Past Simple or the Present Perfect.
It’s always a pleasure to read your letters! It was (be) great to know about your hobbies.
I_______(already / to finish) my homework and I can write you a letter about my hobbies.
I like reading, too. Last month I____(take) part in school competition for young readers.
I________(to win) the first prize. I like reading fantasy stories. I________(just / to finish)
a novel “The Hobbit” by J. Tolkien. ______you_______(to read) it?
Mark your score
20 -18 |
17 - 15 |
14 -10 |
10 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
Test yourself 9 Sections 3-5 II variant
1. Послушай рассказы детей и догадайся, кем они хотят стать.
Заполни таблицу: впиши соответствующий номер говорящего. Ты услышишь каждый рассказ дважды.
police officer |
computer programmer |
librarian |
doctor |
2. Match the words to make phrases.
t o protect ships
to repair criminals
to treat computers
to play sports
to catch animals
3. Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter.
Example: Willy can’t go for a walk. He ... ... his homework yet.
a) doesn’t finish b) hasn’t finished c) didn’t finish
1. What ….you……? – Stamps. It is my hobby.
a) do…. collect b) have….. collected c) will…..collect
2. Last year, my sister visited Moscow and ….a lot of photos.
a) takes b) took c) take
3. Look! They…..theirs bikes without using their hands!
a) have ridden b) will ride c) are ridding
4. Ben can go home now. He …….his test.
a) will ... do b) is…..doing c) has done
4. Put the words into the correct order.
Example: am /I / to / a / going / dentist / be /.— I am going to be a dentist.
1. protect / businessmen / Bodyguards / stars / and / ,
2. speaking / with / students / her/ The / is / teacher /.
3. tell / us / you / Will / about / hobby / your /?
5. Complete the text. Put the verbs in the Past Simple or the Present Perfect.
It’s always a pleasure to read your letters! It was (be) great to know about your hobbies.
I_______(already / to finish) my homework and I can write you a letter about my hobbies.
I like reading, too. Last month I____(take) part in school competition for young readers.
I________(to win) the first prize. I like reading fantasy stories. I________(just / to finish)
a novel “The Hobbit” by J. Tolkien. ______you_______(to read) it?
Mark your score
20 -18 |
17 - 15 |
14 -10 |
10 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
Keys – the 5th form- the last test
I variant Listening 1 – Librarian 2 – Doctor 3 – police officer 4 – Computer programmer Task 2 Play sports, repair ships, catch criminals, treat animals Task 3 1. c 2. c 3. c 4. a Task 4 1. What are you going to be? 2. The teacher is speaking with her students. 3. Will you tell us about your hobby? Task 5 1. Have already finished 2. took 3. won 4. have just finished 5. have ….read |
II variant Listening 1 – Librarian 2 – Doctor 3 – police officer 4 – Computer programmer Task 2 Play sports, repair ships, catch criminals, treat animals Task 3 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. c Task 4 1. Bodyguards protect stars and businessmen. 2.The teacher is speaking with her students. 1. Will you tell us about your hobby? Task 5 1. Have already finished 2. took 3. won 4. have just finished 5. have ….read |
Mark your score
20 -18 |
17 - 15 |
14 -10 |
10 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
Итоговая контрольная работа
I вариант
I. Прочитай письмо и отметь знаком + предложения, которые соответствуют содержанию текста, и знаком - которые не соответствуют.
Dear pen friend,
Thank you very much for your letter. I am sorry, I haven’t written because I was very busy. I will tell you about my family.
We are four in the family. There is a mum, a dad, my brother and me.
And I also have got grandparents. My dad is 40 years old and my mum is 38. I am 12. My birthday is on 26 April. We are a loving and close family.
And I have got a great grandmother ( прабабушка). She will be 90 next year. She is very old.
My father’s brother lives in the USA. He has got a farm. He has got a lot of cows and ducks. There are 132 cows and 1560 ducks. Besides he has got 12 dogs. I also love animals. I’ve got a cat and a fish. And what about you?
Best wishes,
Задание к тексту:
1. Pam lives in England.
2. Her family is a typical British family.
3. Pam’s great grandmother is 99 years old.
4. Her uncle lives in Great Britain.
5. Pam’s uncle has got a farm.
6. Pam’s uncle has got a lot of animals.
7. Pam has got 12 dogs and a cat.
II. Вставь глагол в нужной форме на место пропуска. sit, write, be, hate, want.
I…(1)…in the park and…(2)….my notes at the moment. It…(3)…hot.
I…(4)…hot weather. I ... not …(5)… to sit here.
III. Добавьте разделительные вопросы.
It is a lovely evening,….
Your parents aren’t from Britain,….
You will come here again,….
My students don’t need any help,….
She knows my family,….
IV. Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу.
1.The Tower Bridge is
one of the famous ….in London.
a) place of interest b)building c) bridges d) museum
2. The Queen of Britain lives in …
a) Westminster Abbey b) Tower of London c) Buckingham Palace
3. Children like to take …… of their pets
a) place b) care c) part d) off
4. This political meeting takes …near the Houses of Parliament.
a) place b) care c) part d) off
5. Our ….
school would like to invite a group of foreign students.
a) typical b) social c)sociable d) local
Mark your score
23 -21 |
20 - 16 |
15-12 |
11 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
Итоговая контрольная работа
II вариант
I. Прочитай письмо и отметь знаком + предложения, которые соответствуют содержанию текста, и знаком - которые не соответствуют.
Dear pen friend,
Thank you very much for your letter. I am sorry, I haven’t written because I was very busy. I will tell you about my family.
We are four in the family. There is a mum, a dad, my brother and me.
And I also have got grandparents. My dad is 40 years old and my mum is 38. I am 12. My birthday is on 26 April. We are a loving and close family.
And I have got a great grandmother ( прабабушка). She will be 90 next year. She is very old.
My father’s brother lives in the USA. He has got a farm. He has got a lot of cows and ducks. There are 132 cows and 1560 ducks. Besides he has got 12 dogs. I also love animals. I’ve got a cat and a fish. And what about you?
Best wishes,
Задание к тексту:
1. Pam lives in the USA.
2. Her family is a typical British family.
3. Pam’s great grandmother is 89 years old.
4. Her uncle lives in England.
5. Pam’s uncle has got a farm.
6. Pam’s uncle has got a cat and a fish.
7. Pam has got 10 dogs.
II. Вставь глагол в нужной форме на место пропуска. play, run, laugh, have, like
But Roger …(1)… tennis with his friend. They …(2)… and …(3)... . They …(4)… fun. They …(5)… this weather.
III. Добавьте разделительные вопросы.
My students don’t need any help,….
She knows my family,….
Your parents aren’t from Britain,….
It is a lovely evening,….
You will come here again,….
IV. Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу.
1. Children like to
take …… of their pets
a) care b) off c) part d) place
2. Our …. school would like to invite a group of foreign students.
a) local b) sociable c) typical d) social
3. The Tower Bridge is one of the famous ….in London.
a) bridges b) museum c) building d) place of interest
4. This political meeting takes …near the Houses of Parliament.
a) part b) place c) off d) care
5. The Queen of
Britain lives in …
a) Tower of London b) Buckingham Palace c) Westminster Abbey
Mark your score
23 -21 |
20 - 16 |
15-12 |
11 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
Keys /(ключи)-итоговая к/р -5 кл.
I variant Task 1 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. T
Task 2 1. Am sitting 2. writing 3. is 4. hate 5. do not want
Task 3 1. isn’t it? 2. Are they? 3. Won’t you? 4. Do they? 5. Doesn’t she?
Task 4 1. c 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. d |
II variant Task 1 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. F
Task 2 1. Is playing 2. Are running 3. laughing 4. have 5. like
Task 3 1. do they? 2. Doesn’t she? 3. Are they? 4. Isn’t it? 5. Won’t you?
Task 4 1. a 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. b |
Mark your score
23 -21 |
20 - 16 |
15-12 |
11 |
Very good! |
Good! |
Not bad! |
Try again |
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