Методическая разработка для студентов СПО
по специальности 39.02.02 Организация сурдокоммуникации
Тема: Профессиональная этика специалиста по сурдокоммуникации
Цель: развивать навыки просмотрового чтения
1. Прочитайте текст, переведите его устно и выполните задания
Professional ethics of a specialist in the field of sign communication
Every profession has its particular rules, regulations, or you could say principles.
Professional ethics is guidance for people working in a particular profession that tells them what they supposed to do and what they are not supposed to do while working there.
A particular profession has its specific behavior, and everyone must follow them.
To be ethical means to adhere to moral principles of decent human conduct, and that definition holds true in life as well as in the language service industry.
Sign language interpretation is a profession that helps people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing communicate with others. This profession requires knowledge of sign language as well as training in ethics and professionalism.
Sign language interpreters are professionals who must follow a code of ethics.
Sign language Interpreters deal honestly and fairly with consumers and colleagues while establishing and maintaining professional boundaries.
Interpreters shall keep all assignment-related information strictly confidential.
Interpreters shall render the message faithfully, always conveying the content and spirit of the speaker.
Interpreters shall not counsel, advise, or interject personal opinions.
Interpreters can work in medical, educational, business, or legal settings. Many interpreters are self-employed, while others hold positions at social services offices, hospitals, or large corporations. Sign language interpretation is also necessary for children, and many interpreters work in schools.
Interpreters may accompany the deaf person in their daily activities, help them communicate at the bank or doctor’s office, or translate programs such as church services or classes.
An interpreter who works in the medical field may help patients at a doctor’s office or interpret for patients visiting a counselor.
2. Найдите в тексте слова и выражения, запишите и выучите их
- профессиональная этика
- люди, работающие в определенной профессии
- следовать кодексу этики
- личное мнение
- давать рекомендации
- давать советы
- хранить информацию в строжайшей тайне.
- обучения этике и профессионализму.
- придерживаться моральных принципов достойного человеческого поведения
- честно и справедливо общаются с потребителями и коллегами
3.Ответьте на вопросы
1. What are Professional Ethics?
2. What are the fundamental tenants of Ethics in Language Services?
3. Why is it important to follow a code of ethics?
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